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Saturday, April 11, 2020

“Lobo” the Brother of “Jaguar” Dies in a Madera Confrontation along with a Nephew.

I wanted to give an update on the event that occurred during the afternoon of Friday, April 3, 2020, where a confrontation between two criminal groups against “Gente Nueva del Jaguar y sus Lobos,” resulted in the death of 19 sicarios and one detained in a breach of la Norteña to Chuhuichupa, municipality of Madera, Chih. The information has more pictures of the sicarios killed in full tactical gear, some in full military uniforms. This is an update to the series of what I been reporting of the recent fighting between cells of the CDS and La Linea in the Sonora/Chihuahua region.

This was reported by chivis on on April 4, 2020 and April 7, 2019.

After the armed confrontation that was registered in this rural road between the communities of Chuhuichupa and the Northern municipality of Madera, Uriel Arvizu, alias el "Morito", nephew of El Jaguar and Jose Luis Arvizu Márquez, alias el "Lobo", lost their lives in the firefight. El Lobo is the brother of the alleged criminal leader Francisco Javier Arvizu Márquez aka “El Jaguar”.

El Lobo had been arrested in February of this year in the Norteña community after an operation led by the State Attorney General's Office (FGE), the State Security Commission (CES) and the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena), where authorities seized a firearm, a vehicle and more than 3,500 rounds of ammunition, but was released for not having any direct accusations against him.

After the capture of El Lobo, the attorney general César Peniche Espejel, reported that “El Lobo” was identified as an important part of the criminal structure that his brother commands in the area of ​​Las Pomas and El Largo Maderal. Many were demanding answers on why he would be released from custody knowing that he is an active criminal cartel operative?

He added that although the Prosecutor's Office has an investigation folder that describes the entire criminal organization to which El “Lobo” belongs, there was no direct accusation against him for the commission of a specific crime for the reason he was released.

According to data provided by the detainee identified as 18-year-old Tomas EE, a member of the "Jaguar" criminal group, they were ambushed by members of "La Línea" criminal group, and lastly indicated that they were travelling in command of  José Luis Arvizu. Márquez, "Alias ​​el Lobo" and his son Ariel Arvizu "Alias ​​el Morito", who lost their lives in the confrontation.

Elements of the State Attorney General's Office, in coordination with personnel from the State Security Commission (CES) and Secretary of National Defense (Sedena), appeared at the scene after reports from emergency communications from the people in the region and did not have much information on the people responsible who possibly escaped to other communities in the Sierra Tarahumara.

With the objective of guaranteeing the safety of citizens, the presence of the Armed, State and Federal Forces will remain in the region, in addition to the fact that an air and land search operation is in effect in order to find those responsible for the armed confrontation registered on Friday, April 3, 2020 .

Some of the pictures of the scene after the bodies were removed.


  1. Doesn’t morito mean dead, as in past tense?

    1. You’re thinking of Muerto or Muertito

    2. "Muerto" means 'dead'.
      "Morito" = glossy
      But I think they probably mean "morrito", which means youngster.

      Just trying to help. I hope the comment critics are in a forgiving mood.


      Thanks, BB, for providing us with good journalism during quarantine.

    3. 4:00 morito is also purple and short, from morado,
      moro, moros= moor, moors from Mauritania
      Morrito is a young man...many times it depends on the context...
      Just trying to help too

    4. Pepito,your cool bro,no shade comin at ye,its always good to see a Mexican bro helping out specially with translations,it really does help,always welcome dude

    5. Morito got so fried,
      Now you can call him El Dorito...LOL

  2. So much for all the special opps training CDS gets lol they got annihilated. Damn. Tubutama 2.0

    1. 11:52 this shoot out alike the tubutama one was an AMBUSHED which means they basically have to attack from behind to get at them, u see the difference pendejo???

    2. Calm down even the most highly trained unit in the US military has had some losses.

    3. 11:52 are saying there are rules in war? Lol. I'm sure everyone plays by the rules.

    4. Hahahahaha triggered ^ Pues no que siempre listos pal topon?

    5. The tubutama massacre was an ambush to what's your point? Baboso.

    6. These guys got hit from every direction in their own turf. And they were ready. Camo uniforms and all the dead also have a long rifle. This was I highly strategic ambush to say the least. Lobo was on his way to set up shop to start attacks on La Linea. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jaguar gets whacked by higher CDS for making them look so damn stupid.

    7. These guys got hit from every direction in their own turf. And they were ready. Camo uniforms and all the dead also have a long rifle. This was I highly strategic ambush to say the least. Lobo was on his way to set up shop to start attacks on La Linea. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jaguar gets whacked by higher CDS for making them look so damn stupid.

    8. Jajaja a lot of people are getting mad cause cds lost a battle, come on guys you should be use to it by now i mean they loose every battle they are on

  3. Carrion for the birds and scavengers, leave them where they lie as a warning for all those who believe in their invincibility and as consequence to their insults of God's law.

  4. Thanks,Buggs. Great work!!!

    1. YES, thank you Buggs, I, for one am glad to see you back, in fine form, at that !

  5. I didn’t know the kid but saw people were posting RIP and what not on FB. My family is from AP and though no one said how he died I had a feeling that the fighting in Madera and his death were linked. Poor kid, might’ve just been along for the ride. Don’t think he was trained or prepared at all for this. His name is Uriel Ponce on FB.

    1. El Morrito was along for the ride he paid the price. This narco shit ain't no game and unfortunately for him he learned this the hard way.

    2. 1:39 The kid was with his father. Pretty sure seeing his dad with an assault rifle and and his uncle as a leader of a cartel crew he was probably not as innocent as you make it seem even if he was "not prepared" for this in your mind.

    3. Really? Poor kid? What was he specting riding with guys with aks and ars? He knew very well what he was getting into, hes hole family is in deep so no condolences to this foo! If you gave this guy another two year he who know how many people he would of killed or how many girls he would of rape

    4. 1:39 ...😕😅 you most probably right...the poor kid might have just been there for the ride...

    5. It's been a while since we heard from Sicario 006 he still breathing...with mejico u never know..can't wait to hear what he has to say boutique dis. .

    6. 1137
      Lmao.I get the feeling your being a little bit funny,could be wrong like?

    7. Giving dude hell for speaking a medical this would be insane.this ain't america and he's probably been watching groups of guys with guns since he was old enough to sure he was prolly involved tho

  6. In all seriousness I wouldn’t be surprised if a new narco gang pops up named “los Corona”

    1. There used to be a group called la corona, they were nacho coronel people after he died.

    2. There was already a group named like that after Nachos coronels death and Cjng formed in jalisco cds made a group called cartel de la corona to keep Mencho from taking over but cjng took them apart

    3. There's a corona CARTEL in jalisco fighting against CJNG

    4. La corona were the first Nueva plaza, CJNG already made them disappeared

    5. Los corona fled Jalisco a long time ago, el 85 had beef with them in northern Jalisco around the tequila area, they fled to Zacatecas and others to Sinaloa. That cartel is extinct, the few remaining players are no longer active, wouldn’t doubt if there’s less than a dozen of those people left.

  7. Hahahah. Jaguars, Lobos. Fucking losers.

    1. Lobos, dying like hungry flea bitten dogs

  8. Ncdj taking back all of northwestern Chihuahua

    1. Must be doing so quietly. Haven’t seen those letras in a while now. Is Linea at this point NCDJ?

    2. Linea and NCDJ and Juares are all the same. Depending on who you talk to they can be described as any one of the three. Although Linea used to be only the cops that were under the Juarez cartel payroll they no longer are only cops calle that.

  9. Military gear looks more like flea market garbage bin,
    also no kneepads, a necessity when you get caught and you get to work your mamadora for your freedom, the kevlar helmets sure got stolen by the rivals, next time wear Caballeros Templarios chinese plastic helmets.
    Bullet proof vests are missing too, why, did they spend all those billion dollars in Maruchan?

    1. This is the shit the mighty CDS has for its sicarios. Go figure.

    2. Maybe they got too comfortable

    3. Jajaja you hit it right on the head.

  10. Pinche Lobo pendejo se hubiera quedado en la carcel. Solo salio para que lo tumbaran a el yyyy a su hijo. Que chinga les metieron en madera a CDS!

  11. Anyone have the link to his fb if he has one?

  12. Why blur the faces?? They weren’t innocent men that just happened to get killed. They should have been stacked, had gas poured on them and burned like the trash that they are.

    1. That's how MEXICO wants it. Faces of criminals get covered, while faces of innocent people get shown.

  13. I am Waiting on a corrido about this shooting

  14. People ain’t kidding when they say that CDS sicario are only good in corridos

  15. Only see the damage from the vehicles from the front but it looks like it was an L Shaped ambush. Good spot for one too. With fire coming from the treeline, they bail out of the trucks and have no place to go due to the barb wire fence. Only choices are to put down enough return fire to suppress the ambush or die in place as they try for cover. And as we can see, that didn't happen in this case.

  16. excellent keep it in the family

  17. Were the dead not armed? 🧐

    1. Yes they were, but they were from cds so they didnt know how to use them

  18. Excelent I don't think they will let Lobo free anytime soon, as he is finally dead.

  19. Poor Lobo, he is now a ghost with a lot of free time.

    1. No more long live Lobo. But not to worry another lobo will come to take his spot.

  20. ive seen post from ppl in the game in AP saying that they are going to avenge Lobos death, we'll see how they end up. I honestly dont even know why people from AP are fighting and supporting to fight in Chihuahua. Loss of life and money and for what? is the land there really worth it? Why not just stick to your own plaza and chill and protect yourself instead of invading else where. Con razon el Chupon g3 y los toltecas se les voltearon. Ya no saben ni porque chingados estan peleando esa plaza

    1. Fuckin greed and pride is what is causing this shit. Agua Prieta putos should stay in their own fuckin turf if not Linea will strike at them hard there as well.
      They then can go ahead and kill more innicents like the Lebarons and frame La Linea again. Something CDS is well known to do.

    2. Both of you should stay out of it talking like you are cartel members instead of saying hope there is peace and no innocents get killed you two not intelligent humans are talking smack like you know or are in the game. Go watch more tv and stay out of it.

    3. 1:32 I am not in the game but I have relatives in it. I hear shit!
      I do hope there is peace but until everyone stays in their fuckin turf and greed is eliminated that's not going to happen. Learn something

    4. 1:32 I used to be in the game, I hope innocents won’t die but I know that won’t happen. I’m the OP.

  21. You know what I might be tripping but I think amado is alive somewheee


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