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Sunday, April 19, 2020

El 300 Executed in Morelos , new CJNG plaza boss in Aguascalientes

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  TY Gus   Source

Aguascalientes, Ags.-According to the Narco Blog, a site specialized in drug trafficking issues, the subject executed last Friday, April 17 at night in the Morelos subdivision was the new boss of the Jalisco Nueva Generación cartel plaza.

 “El 300" days ago  threatened members of the CDS through narcomantas.

The victim was 40 to 45 years of age, full name; LEONEL MARTINEZ MATA. Supposedly was the  lieutenant of Alejandro Acosta Cardona Alias ​​"el Tano", Detained on March 5 of this year.

Several suspected assassins approached him, at Sitio Cuatla street # 333 Morelos, as he arrived at his house with his wife, when he exited his vehicle and entered his home, they opened fired 8 or 10 times.

Unofficially, it is known that he was the intellectual Author of the narcomantas that appeared on the 8th of the current month, threatening CDS.


  1. Haha, el minus 300.

  2. Jejeje you reap what you sow. You will not be missed you scumbag. Rot in hell forever....good riddance. Another one bites the dust......continue the ‘Wheel of Elimination’

  3. Nice sheets, very gangsta!

    1. LOL living on a baby mattress on the floor in squalor. Big $$$ gangsta. Probably couldn’t afford a six pack so he kills people for one. LOSER!!!!!!!!! Wonder if he did the mantas with finger paints and crayons. Looks like he was a member of MENSA. NOT!!!!!

    2. Yeah, that's not a good look.

    3. What about those expensive looking glasses,
      un peso en la garra, free for the CJNG Commander.

  4. So this dude, being wanted by his enemigos, still had the bad sense to go to his known house with his known wife? What a dumbass!

    1. What a man
      Walk up to
      Home. It must really suck,you cant leave Mexico.all

  5. It just show everyone CDS still strong and are not losing no power

  6. Im pretty sure it was sicario 006 snd hid navy seals

  7. Lol that clown was boss?

    1. @ 8:58

      I agree. He definitely is a clown 🤡 can’t believe he was a plaza boss either. CJNG must not pay well, look at this guys bed sheets and bedroom wall, written on. Scum bag

  8. CDS wacked a plaza boss...haha CJNG could never wack a CDS plaza boss. Mayo and Guzman families still reign supreme in Mexico.

    1. Take out the pom poms cheerleader🧟‍♂️🦹‍♂️

    2. You should say that to la linea, or have you read what happened a couple weeks ago in madera

  9. Alot of haters here!
    CDS fanboys favorite line when people don't cheer for their cartel.

  10. A lieutenant???? BAAHAAHAAA What a loser. Looks like a local hood who hangs by a school yard and steals lunch money. This fuck has no balls that is why he was whacked for pretending to be a man.

  11. Animo CDS Sicarios
    One shot One Kill to all los contras.
    Las ordenes del Señor se cumplen

  12. Don’t mess with the Sinaloa cartel...bang bang foos!!!

  13. ONE plaza boss that gets KILLED and CDS GROUPIES think CDS is getting their plazas BACK 😆
    For all you know it was an inside job(at least that's what cds GROUPIES say each time a cds guy gets KILLED) 😆

    1. 4:09 exactly, as one 🐭lover likes to say "brave 🦁 against brave 🦁"

    2. u are really mad at cds...go drink another bud light and relax compa 🤣

    3. 4:09 hey fanboy put it like this what would happen if those alliances cjng has made with other cells like afo,CDG, CT etc brake???..that's right cjng would lose most of its power, influence, access to those plazas,I say that to say this mencho has NOT fought for most of those areas....🖕🤘 Have a good day lil🐁

    4. @6:15 Worshipper of the 🐭, why you copying my style? Without El Tres Lonjas switching sides in TJ the 🐭 don't make inroads, all that killing still to this day and the fanfarrones got to share the plaza. In Chihuahua all those pendejos flipped to GN y ahorita son Gente Muerta.
      In Sonora, BLO eran los buenos y también les jugaron chueco los traidores. Aprende BUEYOTE antes de que te tengan que enseñar

    5. 4:09 got the snitchaloas FURIOUS lol

    6. 7:06 ease there lil🐁 don't want you to get a heart attack for disagreeing,at least you didn't say ur favorite 🐀 mencho took over tj, now u saying he's sharing it, seems u coming down off ur hype 😂🤘🖕...BTW cjng is made of pure 🐁 n traitors yup just like mencha

    7. 10:11 KingRat™🐭 what fanfarrón state you be from? SNITCHaloas thought they had it locked down in TJ y les partieron la madre como El Canelo le tortio el hocico al Jr. Ese dedito que te gusta poner métetelo en el chicloso jediondo. Y no vayas de jotito a reportar, te gusta hablar cagada pero ya veo que no aguantas

    8. 10:52 callese el osico compa Puro Sinaloa y para boxeadores JCC SR cual pinche canela pinches jaliskillas

    9. 10:52 now I get it why a 🐁 like u gets so offended when someone talks about 🐁 MENCHA u must be from Michoacaca or Putisco🤦 BTW I'm not from Sinaloa... Actually cds had it on lock to some point until 🐁 flipped cjng never fought for it..✊🏼👍🤘👌....🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕😂😂

    10. 10:11 hit 10:52 in the soft spot..

    11. 12:10 JCC es de Obregón Sonora buey, tu JR si es del mérito Culiacán jajaja!
      7:16 Simón I'm from Michoacán and I can tell your punk ass has been writing shit for a while since very few put Michoa...., what's funny is you're such a pendejo doofus that you get bothered by the SNITCHaloa label and are just a crash test wannabe to them, no mames BUEYOTE!
      8:10 You have the times switched up and I'm not 4:09, you must read backwards and not very well

    12. Jaja que putillos los de culoacan el ejemplo perfecto lo que esta pasando JCC era perro pero aora su hijo jr es un correlon asi como cds en estos tiempos, JCC jr le corrio a jacobs asi como cds le corre a todos los carteles rivales y cuando se le ponen al tu tu por tu al cjng salen igual de putiados como JCC Jr salio con el Canelo, aparte JCC Sr no es de sinaloa como dijo un compa arriva es de sonora ahi si les dieron en su ego de los sinalocas pero pues JCC Jr si es de culoacan asi que ese guey si representa perfectamente lo que es el cdsnitches en estos tiempos

    13. 11:21 u sound so tuff n get so offended when someone says something about 🐁 mencha that its obvious ur from MICHOACACA but just like most michoacanos u are pure bluff n at the end just like mencha end on their knees literally begging for his life...PS: "a mi el mencho y tu me la pelan"... 🖕 Sweet dreams lil🐁..😂

    14. JCC SR crecio en culiacan y siempre lo a dicho con mucho orgullo Puro Sinaloa Sonora y Durango gente fina no chingaderas

    15. 11:21 is very hurt, come on guys make that tacuache happy saying michoacanos are the tuffest

  14. My claim reigns true once again .. pinches michoacanos y jaliskas son una bola de indios desnutridos.. mira este pendejo ...pinche washi, cocho, mero migo pues ... not much difference between a Central American and a michoacaca... y puro Sinaloa, Chihuahua y Sonora putitos!

    1. My claim is that you've never been to any of the states you mentioned. I've been to all of the above and I love the diversity. I also claim you're very ignorant.


    2. No la pelan fresudo

    3. 5:28 you reak with ignorance boy
      We're are you FROM? You claim 4 states every time you post your stupidity 😆
      Like I keep telling your dumb A$$.. READ A BOOK and you will see MEXICANS have Indian blood including those states you mentioned.. Once again I will say that michoacan wins AGAIN in this conversation because it had the toughest tribe in 🇲🇽 and NOT even the Aztecs could conquer unlike those states you mentioned that got taxed by the Aztecs hahaha.. The hate is REAL but your ignorance is SAD
      NOT my fault a michoacanos took your girlfriend 😆

    4. 5:28 funny because sinaloenses sound like salvadoreños when they speak.🤣

    5. 8:14 so tuff that they are killing themselves gets no better than that the less Indios charrascos there's is the better

    6. Funny how EVER SINCE CJNG took CDS plazas and #1 SPOT, CDS GROUPIES have been acting like their are in their period and talking nonsense BLINDED by HATE.. Poor guys I feel sorry for them, only thing they know is sell drugs and they CAN'T even do that right..
      They can't brag how chapo is the #1 capo in the 🌎 or how they are from SINALOA where the big bad GN sicarios are from or anthrax or la barredora because a michoacanos CAPO (MENCHO) called their bluff and took their plazas.. And don't be in denial and say cjng has not taken a plaza from CDS because you know damn well they have taken more than a dozen hahahahaha hilarious...

  15. menchas lovers feel so powerful n untouchable that they will come to say it was an inside job...

    1. 6:08 No man thats what snitchloas say not menchas

  16. Looks like he is laying on some bed in a brothel in the barrio. Wad stains all over that blanket..

  17. Awesome. Keep piling them up.

  18. Judging from his sheets if that guy is a boss i must be bigger than Pablo Escobar and Al Capone combined.

    1. 7:55 lookihere ham ass, the bed sheets is not what matters or makes a gangster Gangster, imagine you carrying your mattress on your back to war, like El Pipila? With weighted sheets? Or Egyptian linen?
      Your wife has told you lies, boy.

    2. Believe it or not we had barracks with pretty comfy mattresses, air condition the two times I was overseas. Oh and can't forget the xbox. So no I've never kept a mattress on my back.

  19. But hey if you wanna smoke tweek and drag shit around all the power to you!


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