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Friday, March 6, 2020

San Diego: Half million dollars worth of cocaine and fent discovered in "Business Man's" vehicle seats

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  USBP

ESCONDIDO, Calif. — U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested a man who had a combined 46.7 pounds of cocaine and fentanyl in his car on Wednesday afternoon.

At approximately 1:30 p.m., an agent with his K9 partner initiated a vehicle stop on a 2007 Gray Toyota Camry on northbound interstate 15 in Escondido.

During the vehicle stop, the K9 team performed an exterior search of the sedan which resulted in an alert to the vehicle.  Pursuant to the alert, agents discovered aftermarket compartments inside the front and rear seats containing 18 foil wrapped packages. 

The 18 foil wrapped packages contained 41.4 pounds of cocaine and 5.3 pounds of fentanyl. That is equal to 1,200,000 lethal doses of fentanyl. In total, the illegal narcotics have an estimated street value of $558,000.

The man, a 49-year-old Mexican citizen with a B1/B2 Visa (Business Visas), was taken into custody and later turned over to the Drug Enforcement Administration.  The vehicle was seized by the U.S. Border Patrol.


  1. Gotta love the "random" traffic stops with a K9 unit being brought in.

    1. @643 Yeah exactly!

      Random = snitchedon

    2. Random no. Rather, tipped off by an informant.
      If random searches were conducted with the use of K9s in America today. The amount of drug arrests would skyrocket. Along with the supply of drugs as a mitigating factor here in the US.

      With an abundance of canines in the world today and Animal shelters at full capacity. Seizures and arrests will definitely have a positive impact towards the war on drugs.

      Just an opinion.

  2. That's a lot of drugs, serious felony serious years in the pokey.

  3. Andele güey, eso se saca por andar ahi de caliente...

  4. Heads will roll

  5. Fry him for the Fent. WHY ARE YOU KILLING YOUR CUSTIES! Get off your lazy asses Sinaloa and make good H. I hate all that shit but I’m a realist. Drogas will always be a thing. Fent salted up the game forever though. You sell fent, you’re a goof. I said that to a fent dealers face and he didn’t even make a move. Big roid head tough guy, didn’t even wanna box after I dropped the goof bomb. That’s how it is when you alone with a scumbag low enough to sell fent. Only with 1 or 2 of their ‘friends will they do shit when you call em out. I since found out he’s an informer. If I know, then have fun bud because I been out the game. You’re distro know fo sho. They choose the easiest route to make money, even though it’s short money. With traditional drugs like Coke and H, at least people have a clue as to how to use it. Make that LONG money, and quit selling a product that will only get you jacked up quick time. By the one time. For a long time

    Righteous paper

    1. You must be from western Canada to use goof

    2. Goof and bud=vancity

    3. @906: you clueless or what! As soon as there are OD:s the junkies flock to that area like flies flock to shit.

      Their dream of that super high is the only thing they care about. Hence, a pusher bringing in Fent and killing a few existing customers surely will be run over by new clients wanting a piece of that same action.

      That's how fucked the junkies are and you seem to ignore/oversee that. Well welcome to the real world.

    4. @9:06 is correct and@12:29 needs to stop watching fantasy movies.

    5. So 12:29 if a "junkie" wants to od on purpose,or if ANYONE wanted to commit suicide there should be a drug for that and ppl willing to sell it?

      I agree with 9:06 that if you sell that shit you are a fucked up human being,but i slso feel the same way about H

    6. Am I clueless? Hardly. 10 years of hard hustling and caught but 1 case by a Vic Mackey thieving mf, who Rodney kinged me in front of dozens, many gave statements on my behalf and I beat it. I digress. That was the 90’s. While a dealer with the deadliest product is certain to gain the kind of custies who are going to die any day, here is a simple fact for you. BODIES BRING COPS. Or maybe that’s a concept too difficult for you to comprehend. Certainly, for many asshole fent pushers it is. I have a degree in social work/counselling on top of my former life in the game

      I run a group for at risk youth now, and am on the front lines of addictions work. You have a valid point, but it’s such a simple one that it bears no mention when talking about the long game. OG’s know better than to touch that filthy purple trash. Multiple OD’s traces back to a dealer and he is done. The LONG GAME is what I was talking about. I just lost a close friend who Turned into a fiend of the type you described. ‘Cluelessness’ is not one of my many short comings. 30+ victims of this scourge, I knew from work or former acquaintances whose addictions progressed have died in the past two years so I have more knowledge than most on this subject. I contribute to the forum regularly, and with as much knowledge on this subject as anyone else here. ‘Welcome to the real world’. Give you’re head a shake simpleton


    7. 12:29 I apologize for being a dick, my friend. The fact is, I have experienced the game, addiction, recovery and now see so much death that I get a little emotional on the subject. My original post was a one of hope that dealers will see the intelligence of sticking to coke, or Mota, or Steroids even (‘clean’) H. All of which can make one rich as fuck without causing the harm of fentanyl. And those drugs don’t bring heat if one is capable of playing chess not checkers, meaning keeping a low profile .I work in Harm Reduction, after going back to school and getting a degree. In reality I only volunteer in HR right now, and have separate work. For,many years though, I counseled drug abusers as a profession. These kids who come in now, homeless, exactly the type of custie you were referring to in your reply, it is beyond sad. They talk about sitting there, with an all one kit, taking turns with their partner bringing themselves back to life when they OD. Sharing my experience, strength and hope with them is very empowering and feeds the good wolf in me, so that the evil one starves and God willing I continue on the righteous path.

      Everyone deserves a chance to get clean. After losing at the game I went to rehab, got on welfare and 6 months later after taking time for aftercare

    8. @9:06am You have some good points but overall sound like a total bozo. Listen to yourself.

    9. Sure you did big tough guy ,very entertaining story tho .

    10. And its not just junkies on the street anymore either. It's the soccer moms and their kids who used to get an endless supply of vicodin and oxy's when it was way easier to get a script before the "opioid crisis" crackdown.

    11. @1:03 you get wifi under your bridge, troll? 😂

      ... for the record I live in Toronto, not Van but have travelled there many times. I may have ranted some, but just today we held a memorial for those who have lost loved ones to overdose. It was sad yet cathartic and beautiful.

    12. @9:06 okkkk I’m From LA. Wthhhh did u say at the end 😂 oh hell no to all those words combined at the end. I don’t understanddddf 😭 and who says righteous but a surfer from Huntington Beach or a dude from Hawaii 😆

  6. What happens when narcotic nabs like these go down and it wasnt the driver's fault? Does said organization go after him to foot the bill or do they consider the loss a charge to the game?

    1. Depends on a lot of variables, who is involved and what connections they have, what the true role of the driver was/is, etc. Too much unknown to say for this one but I have seen what turned out to be well known leaders detained and released back to MX same day and the car and contents seized, and I have seen cases where it was proven the driver had no knowledge and were targets as they cross daily and their car was broken into and packed over night without driver even knowing and were detained for some time and released and are ok, and I have seen very sad cases where people with clean records or dual citizenship or travel docs forced to do these things or else...or else also meant if they don't succeed, they have all the info they need to make sure you pay it back and then some for as long as they need you to, or worse. Once again, depending on who is involved, money at play, local personal connections, etc anything can heppen and does.
      Don't people wonder why there are so many stories of busts,but not much follow up on the stories, no closure as to what heppened with the people, the cargo, etc. A lot is for their protection, but a lot seems like it just disappears like magic...HHHmmmmm???

    2. Look for the snitch that ratted or a wire tap on one of there phones. Either way change everything up new drivers phones and handlers.

  7. Why not mix the fent with 3 to 4 times even 10x cutting agents and make it little weaker... instead of sellin straight which will kill.. more $ for dealers if u cut it alot 🙄 lol dumbasses

    1. They do that once it gets to its destination... These are wholesalers not petty dealers...they sell in bulk and vast amounts...

    2. Yeah lets fill a car up with cut down merch to cross over into the US where the same cut can be found without having to illegally import it. I'm sure they make more $ that way. You sir are clueless about the game.

  8. 11:30
    I also would like to know ..
    Funny how the story says Business man
    Ha ha Drug Dealing Mule hauling bad driver Deliver of death is not a businesman in my mind..

    I think when they say Heads will roll they really man it ! literally ?

  9. Probably depends if he knows anything. If he's just a clueless mule they may not bother. In any case he'll do 8-10 unless he can rat someone out.


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