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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

5 Dead in Guanajuato Bar Shootout, University Student and Twelve-Year-Old Among the Dead

"Morogris" for Borderland Beat
Bar "La Tipica", where the attack took place
On Saturday, 5 people were killed and 21 were wounded after a shootout at a bar in Salamanca, Guanajuato. Authorities confirmed that among the victims were a university student and a twelve-year-old. Witnesses stated that the armed assailants arrived at the bar in two vehicles. They then entered the bar and began shooting at the attendees.

It is not the first time that gunmen attack establishments in Salamanca. In March 2019, a group of hit men entered a nightclub and shot at several attendees. Over a dozen were killed, as reported by Borderland Beat. This nightclub was a few blocks away from the one attacked over the weekend.

These attacks occurred in the midst of a dispute between the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) and the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel (SRLC), who compete for control of Guanajuato.

Shootout details
Preliminary reports stated that the attack originated after two people argued inside the bar and got in a fist fight. One of them reportedly drew his weapon and shot at several of the attendees before fleeing.

However, it was later established by eye-witnesses that the attack originated from outside when a group of approximately 15 gunmen arrived in two vehicles and attacked those inside. The incident occurred at around 9:40 p.m. on Saturday March 14, 2020. The first to arrive were municipal police, who secured the area and then allowed paramedics to enter. 

Leonardo Ortiz (age 12), killed in the crossfire
One of the victims was Jorge Iván Méndez Leyva, a Computer Science student of the University of Guanajuato (UG). He worked at the bar to pay for his studies. The UG condemned the violence in Salamanca and expressed its solidarity to Jorge Iván's family, friends and colleagues. Moreover, twelve-year-old boy Leonardo Ortiz, who was killed at the scene, was not at the bar when the attack occurred. He was caught in the crossfire while he walked with his mother down the street.

Salamanca mayor Beatriz Hernández Cruz pointed out that the 21 injured received treatment in various hospitals in this city. The State Attorney General's Office did not include this information in the official investigation folder because several of the victims went to private health institutions on their own means.

Background and suggested motives
Authorities stated that the attack is part of the violent saga unfolding in Guanajuato between the CJNG and the SRLC, headed by José Antonio Yépez Ortiz ("El Marro"). No official motives have been established, but rumors on social media suggested that the attack was linked to SRLC.

A post uploaded online hours before the attack stated that the SRLC had a list of establishments owned or who they believed supported the CJNG. The post suggested that those establishments were not paying protection money to the SRLC. Multiple bars closed down that evening under fears of a new attack.
One of the victims who died outside of the bar
Mexican journalist Humberto Padgett highlighted the growing homicides in Salamanca as a problem requiring special attention. "Salamanca has 102.5 homicides for every 100,000 inhabitants, making it the fifth most violent city during 2019. If Salamanca were a country of its own, it would be the most violent in the world", Padgett said in an interview.

Source(s): Milenio; Excelsior; Televisa; Noticias Vespertinas; El Heraldo de Mexico; La Tarde; Salmantino; Radio Formula; Voz de Michoacan


  1. CJNG, CSRL.. How about GTFO ?!!

    How many civilians and their children before _somebody_ steps in?

    And when I say steps in, I mean CHANGES THE CURRENT TRAJECTORY.

    I never understood how any of these “bosses” could rest knowing how many children have died in ugly ways, due to the actions of their very own organization. They pride themselves as leaders in control, yet the animals they have barely restrained are always raping and murdering civilians whilst on drugs.

    1. No one is going to step in while ALMO is in office, as sad as some events are, they do very little.
      As long as bribes keep coming in to the government, they are happy. Would be nice for all citizens to arm themselves and not be afraid to fight the cancer that keeps growing.

    2. 7:36 AMLO could be taking billion dollar "bribes" from the transnationals that have always paid to stick it to Mexico and the Mexicans,
      --that would be worth your ignorant criticism...
      --How much money can a rag tag band of failed huachicoleros turned secret agent kidnapping/extorting warrior gorillas can spare to buy AMLO?
      --these local politics of narco-criminality are also helped by weapons trafficking and local political corruption from PAN PARTY governor Sinhue, but I understand you couldn't even spell his name if you knew it.
      If you review his "speeches" you can even smell the BS from his hate for not getting more, more and more federal money to fight crime his way, by privatizing it on his favorite bank.

  2. Kid never had a chance to live life.
    Like many cut short due to violence and drug abuse.
    Totally madness what is transpiring.

    1. It makes me particularly sad when kids/teenagers like the one mentioned above are involved in incidents like these. I don't generally enjoy reading into their personal stories and finding pictures of them when they were alive, but the story has to be told. Thanks for reading.

  3. Marro is SUPER desperate.. He would have been good if he DIDN'T go AGAINST el señor de Los ROOSTERS.. He would have at least have his PLAZA while MENCHO would take a TAX but his dad would no be licked up and his sister wouldn't have gotten KILLED last month.. Marro has no 💰, no connects, no plaza, no more places to hide and his LUCK is running out..

    1. I saw yesterday an article that said hes gotten into the coke game. I guess his gas operations were crippled and he had to diversify. If i had an account i would of shared it on the message board

  4. Whenever a child or elderly person is involved you can bet CJNG is in the story somehow. They kill children and innocent people. CJNG are terrorists of mexico.

    1. All the cartels are terrorists

    2. Are you stipulating biased statements are only projected to CJNG when children are involved?
      Casualties are evident everywhere by cartels. The atrocities committed to the mormon family recently were not committed by CJNG.
      The battle for trafficking routes and sales are the priority of all cartels. If not the case, things wouldn't of escalated with violence in most states.

      Fact check

    3. That is why people call them manta Nino's cartel.

    4. 7:31 "Mata niños cartel" CJNG has never carpet bombed any city in the world, killing niños in their homes, hospitals, schools streets,
      Casualties of the war on restaurant bar owners for not paying their taxes could have been avoided by setting a trap on the extorters or talking to the federales about it, not by keeping their business open and praying to the heavens that extorters disappear by a miracle.
      Local municipal and state police never heard of roadblocks but the IRISH REPUBLICAN ARMY was heavily diminished by some, while in Guanajuato criminals are free to come and go in their stolen troques and cars and to escape arrest attempts, why?
      Accomplices in high places.

  5. Low life scumbags...

  6. Marros(Guanajuatense) people attacked the business but I know you hate Michoacános. Órale pues MDH jediondo@12:52

  7. Too you michoacan haters please read the article before you post, you look dumb just posting nonsense like 3:01 12:52
    IT WASNT CJNG pendejos .. 😆

    1. 6:20 its just one dude (3:01-12:52) hes just trolling cause cjng are bitting cds every plaza they fight each other for

    2. CJNG could present themselves to protest their innocence and stop sending their mommy with the message that it wasn't them.

  8. These cartels and their pendejadas are nothing but Malinches & desmadres! They give Mexicans a bad name and are no better than Hitler! They want power and control just like Hitler's bitch ass!!! They are literally the scum of this Earth, Doesn't matter how much money they acquire or how many lives they take or what plazas they gain control of for a little a bit... It'll never take away from the fact that they are pieces of shit and trash! They are too coked up or methed out or money hungry to see that they are doing what Trump's want, Getting rid of all the Mexicans. Creating a fucking genocide amongst their own for power, money and drugs! Stupid ass muthafuckers. I get so angry every time I hear of another child or innocent citizen being murdered by these pigs.

    1. 8:45 babies getting killed with weapons made by Xochimilco Arms Co. for the Tlaxcaltecas...but blame the mariposonas

  9. 12:52 is "La Llorona",
    you killed your own babies didn't you?


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