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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sheinbaum: “The release of "El Lunares" is inconceivable”: after judge orders releasing the leader of La Unión Tepito

Chivis Martinez  Borderland Beat  El Universal

After hearing that lasted for more than two and a half hours, a Control judge ordered  the release of Oscar Andrés Flores "El Lunares", leader of La Unión Tepito.

The capital's mayor, Claudia Sheinbaum, considered the move “inconceivable”, since there has to be a commitment, both in the capital government and in the Judicial Power of Mexico City.

“It is inconceivable, that a judge has released a criminal with minor arguments. Security and justice is only possible with the commitment of the three powers, so it is necessary to review this and other cases by the Judicial Branch of the CDMX, ”the president wrote in her Twitter account.


  1. This guy is going to set a record for arrests and releases.

    1. So Lunares is not the only one this judge has set free,?

  2. Mexico no longer has a functioning judicial system.
    She needs to stop pretending that she does and find some other way of regaining control over her criminals.
    The civil liberties of public jury trials and juries has passed Mexico by.

  3. It's perfectly conceivable considering the corruption.

  4. I guess Mexico has their own version of "catch and release",but it seems to only apply to criminal cartels.Que bien,en vez de ir para adelante vamos pa atras.AMLO has to be receiving money from the cartels,abrazos y besos is just the code name.

  5. Expect judicial reform a bit to actually work. Let's see what official report is given later by authorities.

  6. Shiembum just hug him, thata Amlo says

  7. Another mfuken judge currupted as hell, they get caught with high powered weapons and murders, only to be set free, and the name of the judge gets hidden.

  8. Question is, how much did it cost? Thus, how much dinero are these shitbirds pulling in from local sales, extortion, kidnapping, prostitution, and maybe some pirated and stolen goods? They are also doing it in pesos, so it’s not like they are getting dollars or Euros or kangaroo food back which converts to a pile of pesos. Imagine how much these parasites are screwing their own people! I get the blame the Norte sentiment for all the ills, not very nuanced, but I get it. This shit is just another level of scumbag. These guys can buy cdmx judges all day, cops, and political parasites, all with local sales and the rest of their scummy shit. These groups, out of all should be what Mexico stands up to and destroys. If they want to allow trafficking, cool, bc the demand worldwide will never stop. But these local assholes who destroy where they live, put two in lunares and then his lawyers and the judge. Bet they don’t bullshit with this stuff next time. It mystifies me that Mexico is cool with the occasional cleansing of some poor locals and go get too loud over crime or land theft or environmental destruction, but they balk at sending the same message to these parasites. Acosta and Amado never extorted in Chihuahua. But hey, pops played ball in the minor leagues for the Nuevo Laredo tecalotes for a season while the mariners built a farm system. In a country where even traffic laws are barely followed (drive in Mexico City) how can high level blatant corruption not infect every aspect. I assume the church isn’t involved, atleast not wholesale, but I’m f anyone knows of a good bit of info on that, it is an underreported aspect of what still plays a massive role in Mexican society. Gracias ahead of time.

    1. Finesse, La luz del Mundo and father Marcial Maciel are but two exploiters of religious faith, churches leave nothing to imagination after a few people start talking, the LDS and their many sects, heavens' gate, jimmy Jones, sung myung moon, and there are many still waiting for a messiah of their liking...
      I left religion after the betrayal of Al Bundy of Nomaam's Church.

  9. 6:09 naaaah, he will be killed on the streets like a rat, or he is a torcido working both sides or with all sides, there are as many cartels and crooked chilangos in Mexico City as crooked politicians.

  10. There are Jews in Mexico???

    1. 14th largest population of Jews in the world, mostly in CDMX

    2. Looked it up right after I commented. Was just surprised to be that name there. Looks like they're mostly centered in Mexico City from the map I saw online.

    3. A lot of Jews in Mexico City, Monterrey and Guadalajara. Some of the wealthiest families are Jews. Started with nothing too which again points to why I don't feel bad for all those poor Mexicans who can't pull it together. They don't get involved in politics, but they have influence and they even have their own emergency services and police protection through their community. They still flock to Acapulco as well on the weekends. They identify as Mexicans culturally as well. I was surprised when I first learned of it. Costa Rica also has a large Jewish population. Venezuela used to but they've all moved to Miami and Panama. Panama has the largest Jewish population in Lat Am, also highest standard of living in LatAm. There's even kosher taquerias in CDMX

    4. On a side note, My Jewish friends in CDMX hate their mayor who's Jewish.

    5. 12:30 don't feel bad for all those Mexicans that can't pull it together? What a dumb comment.. Most forgners that go to Mexico have MONEY, just like Carlos slim family, Carlos Salinas we gortari who monopolized 🇲🇽 most those CROOKS had an agenda.. Pendejo

  11. His altar to La Santa Muerte must be working

  12. Judges are as crooked as the criminals themselves.

  13. Damn crooks de judges of Mexico.

  14. Crooked mexican judges and politicians have made the US very happy since they instigated the mexican independence, to pay back Spain for refusing to help the american revolution for independence from the british, US Ambassador to Mexico Joel Poinsett even stole the Mexican Cuetlaxóchitl, Flor de Nochebuena and baptized it Poinsettia...
    The mexican system of justice and politics made many people happy for a long time, now in its throes of death, the inconform are unhappy and contribute nothing but cries for the past.
    --Grow the fack up instead.

  15. Amado didnt have to extort his community bcuz he was the FIRST dinosaur from jurrasic park. But i bet if he were young and alive today he'd be one of the thousands of gangsters we see killing their own people for playing for thw wrong team


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