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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Loses Last Hope for Amparo: Zetas founder, El Hummer'; will be extradited to the United States

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat; TY GUS  Zocalo

'El Hummer': the alleged intellectual author of the murder of singer Valentín Elizalde.  His extradition represents highest level member of Los Zetas to be extradited.....

Mexico City.- Jaime González Durán, "El Hummer", one of the founders of the Los Zetas criminal group , will be extradited to the United States.

A federal court put an end to González Durán’s legal battle to avoid its delivery to US justice, by once and for all denying it the amparo against the order to be extradited and will tried for drug trafficking in the United States.

The Tenth Criminal Collegiate Court in Mexico City concluded that all the arguments presented by the alleged criminal leader against his extradition were unfounded and inoperative, says the amparo ruling under review.

"The claimed act in which the Secretary of Foreign Affairs granted the extradition of the complainant is a sovereign act, the discretionary power of the Federal Executive, which in no way is exercised arbitrarily, but is conditioned on the compliance with the procedure the constitutional, legal and conventional requirements, "reads the ruling.

"Therefore, if as stated in this resolution, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs (SRE) complied with the formalities of the procedure and also founded and duly motivated the claimed act, it is evident that the Executive was in a position to access the formal request to extradite the revisionist to the requesting country.”

"El Hummer" will be tried in the Federal Court of the District of Columbia , based in Washington, for criminal association,  manufacturing and distributing 5 kilos or more of cocaine and one thousand kilos or more of marijuana for importation into the United States.

This represents  the most important that has been brought before a US Court against Los Zetas and includes arrest warrants against other former leaders such as brothers Miguel and Omar Treviño Morales, nicknamed "El 40" and "El 42".

The defense of the former military accused that the extradition request lacked sufficient evidence to justify the prosecution, however, the court established that in extradition processes the Mexican authorities cannot assess the evidence of the requesting country.

He also stated that the accusation for which they intended to judge him had prescribed; however, the collegiate body also ruled that this argument was unfounded.

"El Hummer" was born on January 22, 1976 in the Municipality of Aquismón, San Luis Potosí, and in his youth he entered the ranks of the Army, from which he defected when he was commissioned as an agent of the Federal Judicial Police in Tamaulipas.

On November 7, 2008 he was captured in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, with $ 150,000 in cash and a firearm for the exclusive use of the Armed Forces.

To date, González Durán is imprisoned in the Federal Criminal Court of Hermosillo, Sonora.

Although now his extradition is judged, it is not clear what the position of the federal government will execute his delivery,  or  if it will proceed to its immediate delivery or to defer it until it verifies the sentences it has pending for crimes committed in Mexico.

In the country, he has been sentenced in three different proceedings to penalties that together add up to 73 years in prison.

In one, he was sentenced to 35 years in prison for organized crime and illegal deprivation of liberty; in another, at 16 years and six months for money laundering; and in the last case at 21 years, nine months, for violation of the Law of Firearms and Explosives.


  1. These extraditions of main cartel individuals have become generously awarded lately by Mexican authorities.
    Wondering if certain political agendas are being displayed for some unknown reasons.
    1: The serious commitment in the war on drugs by Mexican authorities.
    2; A higher hidden agenda to monopolize the market by unknown participants.

    In the end drug consumption and manufacturing are a global economic factors. Employing thousands of people in many sectors of society.

    1. Maybe the Mexican president doing his job? Change is coming...its been 100+ years of corruption and impunity buy change has will
      Come slowly but surely

    2. Good and interesting questions really worth thinking about.

      I think the best way to find answers is to look at what is really happening 'out there' (which actors are doing what and what the consequences are).

    3. Mexico only sends the worst people rapist ect . ... Sound familiar ...

    4. @ 1:45
      Question remains? Who are the real actors?

  2. Excelent another one goes to the slammer, see what happens to those, take drugs into US, you pay the Piper.

    1. This pinche paisa was one violent abusive motherfacker, as a soldier, as a GAFE, as a federal police officer fighting the drug trafficking, and as a member of the zeta cartel, now his ass will be gone and the US will give him 5 years minus time served, witness protection and US citizenship for cooperating, he may get to work Hummer Ads when released.

    2. Your wright as much as I would like this man to recive a lifetime sentence.he will not because DOJ needs him as witness for bigger fish that are in custody in Mexico that are awaiting to be extradited to the United States

  3. I don't think us can use him. El hummer been in prison for so many years and not having any connections with the current cartel players.

    1. They're going after the Trevinos. He's gonna be offered witness protection to give up people that will eventually lead up to the Trevinos.

    2. Duh why u think almo sending him and not z40

    3. They are building a case against z40

    4. The have tons of people in the u.s. that can get the treviños to the united states but what if there are politicians in the u.s. that dont want them there

    5. @4:47 let’s hope so

    6. No such thing as having been in prison for too many years if the statute of limitations is still running on the crimes they want him to testify to.

    7. U r rite! They have waited for so long that he has now no dangerous information that he can reveal

    8. Building a case against Z-40?! Like they don't already have a case against him?! Like the Feds, DEA and ICE didn't have him tracked during the last few years of his freedom & Sat back while he ordered and participated in Mass murders of so many innocent people. If they wanted his ass, they would have made sure he was extradited to the US... Since July 15, 2013 he's been chilling in a Mexico Prison, El Hummer wasn't around in those last years of Z-40's freedom, What info can he offer to help build an already strong case against him?

  4. El hummer will die in prison. He can bribe his way out of an American prison.

    1. 4:19 You meant he can't! Right? Just making sure, not been a dick!

  5. halcon in a ford figo blanco WZK-704-A in nuevo laredo tamaulipas

  6. Hummer wanted to order hits on the U.S side, and attacks on Border patrol, that's what got him hot, and that's why their going to slam him.

  7. How isn’t el Z-40 not in the US is what I want to know

    1. Money & political reasons. Rather, who he can give up on the Mexican government side.

    2. Because of who he is! If you notice when they captured him, He wasn't handcuffed... He was walking freely like he owned the damn place! They have so much evidence against Z-40, Not to mention the Feds, DEA & ICE all had information about his constant whereabouts during the last few years of his freedom. Even during one of the San Fernando Massacres... But he's still in Mexico and Not here in the US! I'm trying to find a source, But Z-40 is living it up in prison just not as good as Chapo was but yeah. He holds concerts and parties in there.

  8. What they need to do is stop these scumbags from continuing to make connections and orchestrate drug trafficking from inside US prisons.

    1. Hate to burst that bubble. Prisons are not monasteries. Nor a YMCA.

  9. Pinche guey can't even grow a mustache.

  10. Where's Queso? He's been quiet lately, I guess AMLO isn't giving him much to talk about.

  11. Whatever came of El Lucky Raúl Lucio Hernández Lechuga, Z-16? He's been in jail in Mexico for 10 years but never heard of a sentence, disposition of his case, etc..

  12. Leave him there. We don't need the Coronavirus

  13. Now he will regret all those killings while wasting away in prison.

    1. Doubt any remorse for killings. Only those thoughts of the freedoms he had in the Mexican prison.

  14. What really amazes me is
    Mexican Lawyers try everything to fight to keep these horriable murders in Mexico Mexican Judges try their best to fight The USA from getting these guys to put them in prison. Why ??
    These same Judges dont Protect the regular people or the poor innocents from being killed by these Gang Members

    You Good Citizens in Mexico dont do shit about it
    Being Afraid everyday of your life is Not NORMAL !

    Well maybe it is now Its your children your country Your Life
    I shouldnt really care if that is the way you want to live
    If I was there (most likey be dead) because I would Fight tooth and Nail before it got to this point.

    I just dont know how you dont fight back for your freedoms and lives of your children Your culture

    How Mexican/Americans have turned their back on you. It comes down to really one thing
    Your Goverments sucks at running your country
    Someone said in a old post
    It must be in some gene in Mentality
    That you allow this

    And you the American hater .. you dont see Americans running away from living America
    You dont see Mexico extrading bad guys tin your country Matter of fact
    They allow bad guys to stay there
    The more I read about your history and laws I realize that nothing has changed
    ALMO staged a protest when he wasnt elected President he did the same as El Chapo son did closed off streets
    Stopped traffic and interupted busines
    Why cant you for your rights
    Dont think he wants blood on his hands Copy what he did when he thought elections were unfair?
    Sick of these Cartels period

    1. Wowsers @ 7:53, just make sure you're not reading history books that poison the mind with the anti Mexico narrative.

    2. As if no American citizen were suppressed or incarcerated for speaking against the injustices committed by their government.
      They are called political prisoners. And No I'm not referring to former Illinois Rod Blagojevich.

    3. You make it seem like the good citizens of Mexico want that type of life? Like they enable it! They want to live, They want their family to live! The government is fucking corrupt down there, They aren't protected for shyt! They stand up for themselves and They'll be another casualty of the drug war! It's easier said than done when you aren't living there, In the midst of all the hell! Some citizens do gather together and Fight for themselves since the bitch ass policias are on the Narcos payroll, They have taken control of there towns and Acted as the police to help keep the narco scum out. But it takes more than one! United, They can make a difference... Divided, They will quickly end up dead! How can you pass judgement on the innocent citizens of Mexico who want to live? They want to live, They don't want to die! But that fear is there, Maybe not for themselves but for their children.

  15. Digame liencincado.

  16. 10:56 I am great full, that you stand up to this keyboard warrior, that would be afraid to step foot into MEXICO, blaming all the Carnage on our citizens, that are trying to make a living, with criminals killing innocents along the way. For the key board warrior it's easier to say than do.


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