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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

"El Lic", Dámaso López, Once Chapo's right hand man: "I want to save victims of the narco"

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  TY GUS   Milenio

The former right hand of 'El Chapo' Guzmán says he is "sorry" and apologizes to the people of Mexico.

Alexandria Virginia

Dámaso López speaks from prison. The compadre of Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán, the right hand  of the leader of the Sinaloa cartel for much of the last decade and a half and one of the central architects in the construction of the most powerful criminal empire that Mexico has seen, warns:

“I want to dedicate my heart to save victims of drug trafficking”. And he adds: "the most serious problem in the country is the increase in corruption.

Those are two of several messages sent to MILENIO from a state prison in Virginia where “El Lic” waits to finish his negotiations with the Department of Justice regarding the possible reduction of his life sentence for drug trafficking for having given testimony against Guzmán Loera in his trial.

This is López Núñez's first contact with a Mexican or foreign media outlet since his arrest in Mexico City in May 2017. At the end of last week, this newspaper sent him a questionnaire with about twenty questions on topics such as his criminal past, the future of the Sinaloa cartel, corruption of authorities and the future of drug trafficking in Mexico.

The list of questions was given personally by his family after the court hearing before the Eastern Court of Virginia, in which the Washington and Virginia prosecutors recommended Judge Thomas Ellis III substantially reduce his sentence for services rendered to Washington. López Núñez, who was close to inheriting the leadership of the Sinaloa cartel after the capture of Chapo, agreed to answer only part of the questionnaire; He declined to answer several questions so as not to hinder his negotiation with Washington.

Despite this, he agreed to talk about his personal future and at the same time, took the opportunity to send a message to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador: "You can be a hero."

In addition, he reflected on his passage through the world of organized crime and admitted having responsibility for drug violence that has shaken Mexico for years, with the Sinaloa cartel at ground zero.

About that, he made it clear: "I regret it." He added: "I apologize to the people of Mexico."

Here are some of the questions that “El Lic” agreed to answer.

Questions not answered remained for example; if there was protection from the government of Felipe Calderón to the Sinaloa cartel or if there were figures in the government of Enrique Peña Nieto who collaborated with organized crime.

 -Do you regret the past? Yes. I regret the decisions I made. I am paying for my mistakes and for the damage I did to my family. That (drug trafficking) was not for me. Unfortunately, I couldn't get out.

-Today, who is Dámaso López Núñez? Can the drug business dissociate itself from its most dire effects, such as violence? I am a person who has left behind the worst experience of my life.

-What would you like to happen for you personally? Recover my family, my friends. And I want with all my heart to contribute experiences to save new generations that could be victims of this problem (drug trafficking). On corruption and the role of drug trafficking in the country, he warned:

“The real problem of Mexico--- is the increase in corruption and because of it, there is no hope to govern and those who suffer the consequences are not only citizens of good, but people who have been trapped by drug trafficking actions. Mexico really needs to fight corruption with facts and not only with political speeches, because corruption is the mother of all the problems Mexico suffers.

”-Who would you like to apologize to? To the people of Mexico, I apologize for the damage I may have caused them, especially for my family.

President López Obrador sent the following message: “You have the opportunity to be the hero that Mexico was waiting for.

To achieve this you have to do it with actions that bother many and forget for a while the applause and change them for the firm hand in background strategies that help solve the country's problems. I think it is worth sowing the seed to build the Mexico we want for our families. ”

Dámaso López will return to the eastern court of Virginia towards autumn, to define the reduction of his sentence and if he collaborates in the trial against Genaro García Luna.


  1. Good article from VICE, which in general has excellent coverage of the WOD

  2. FUCK OFF!!! Fucking hypocrite.

    1. Yeah you know its complete lying bullshit he couldnt care less about mexican people,only getting leniency for his ugly ass.
      Legalese,must have been written by his rat lawyers..

  3. This is quite the redemption arc, but I believe sincere, Vicente's as well. The life and subsequent prison terms, clearly have taken a toll on these men. And how do you get out, once you are hunted by rivals, and under indictment in the US? Vicente tried to work out an "accord" with DEA, and we know how that went.

    His son is still in San Diego, I know Lic hopes his son gets a deal for under 10 years.

    1. Someone took their naive pill today...

    2. It must've been a placebo. He's free as a bird.

  4. Sentence reduction?

  5. Have to admit his speech is better than Popeye's philosophical solution to Mexico's problem.
    A fact of Mexico's political corruption combined with criminal organizations as the issue.
    In the end; playing the game necessary for a lighter sentence.

    1. 1:18 the bigger fact of much bigger corruption from the US seems to be as lost as your virginity...
      a meen, are you biased, sugar?

    2. How is @ 1:15.
      What makes this commentary biased?

  6. Sinaloas are freaking pathetic, the best snitches and now this, fake AF narcos, who run w their tails between their legs.. “I want to save victims of narco trafficking” hahah hahahah these scumbags will rat on their own moms if it would help them...

    1. All the top narcos are give information nation to the authorities. It's one of the ways they survive.

    2. sounds like you just hate Sinaloa...10

  7. Chivis you should look into that engineer who got killed in Rio Bravo by the Police...

    1. No problem i seen a video on YouTube of the aftermath and the mom crying and it hit me really bad...

  8. "corruption is the mother of all the problems Mexico suffers" huh!

    I think he should have added 'corruption is the golden goose filling the pockets of the powerful and keeping them in power'.

    Only a people revolt can change corruption in Mex and the mexican elite nor the US government would tolerate anything like that.

    Just look at what happened to the Zapatistas

    1. A revolt might make things worse and is a knee jerk reaction to the problem.

    2. Now the Zapatistas are mouthing against AMLO,

  9. Well, he’s right about the corruption

  10. Actions are louder than words and only time will tell if he is in truly remorseful. He got a good deal and will be under the witness protection program. Had he not received a sweet deal, he would not be talking all this crap today. I'd say to send this loser back to Mexico where he belong.

  11. Damasshole must really think Americans are dim witted and easy to manipulate. His failed coup to take over CDS pushed him and his spoiled brat into the arms of US government. Now, Damasshole is the moral compass of what is wrong with Mexico when he is a huge part of what ruined it. Simply a coward along with his idiotic son.

    1. Yup...Chapo swept up the Damasos with an iron broom. Damasos move to take control of CDS was the dumbest thing imaginable. He knew Chapo had thousands of gunmen working for him who were very loyal, Chapo was still in Mexico when he attempted the coup and he never got blessings from Mayo. He gave himself and his families death sentences by being a greedy idiot.

  12. He only represents what cds is all about

  13. Dámaso López? Yeah he's the poster boy for rehabilitation. It might be the #1 military haircut. High and tight.

  14. Hes saying all the right things.. who knows if he's sincere or not. I hope he is. If so I hope he can do some good somehow some way.

    1. 7:37 since when have snake tongued lawyers not said the right thing?
      That is why lawyers have been sentenced to be the first to be killed in case of Revolution.

  15. Until they see themselves alone and done, thats when they suddenly want to apologize, all of a sudden they see the damage they caused. Why couldnt they see it when they lived it first hand? Surrounded by sicarios, ordering murders, the murders and other cartel operations where happening right in front of their eyes, they are involved they gave orders and didnt think of anything else, they didnt stopped and think about how their actions are wrong instead they would say "no pasa nada" all of a sudden once theyre done in a cell all of a sudden they see what they where doing bad.

  16. This fucker talks big about corruption and his hearings are all behind closed doors: what a coincidence!

    1. 11:34 the people el Lic denounces better deliver their operation, the war for the drug trafficking business is being won by the new drug trafficking lords, you deliver easy or make it hard on yourself, but you are going to deliver, Obama made war on drugs and now others are getting the spoils,
      Very edifficant...

  17. 5:36 el lic tried to represent the heir of the boss, el Chapo, just because he was available, and in like Flynn with the mexican chotas and government associates in Mexico City where he was caught...
    Well, CDS spoke true and explained how it ain't so until the fat lady sings,

  18. I love it when people get caught and go to jail and find Jesus. Never came clean when they were in the business. But when they are in prison they ask forgiveness. No mercy.

  19. Off topic - but belongs somewhere in the "massive corruption in Mexico" file. Former director of Pemex busted in Spain:


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