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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Over 30 Thousand Children Forcibly Recruited By Organized Crime

Video translation is as follows:
Newscaster: In other news the figures of violence against minors in Mexico are alarming. This is a report that today was made known by the Network for the Rights of Children in Mexico (REDIM).

Religious Performer: That no boy or girl be beaten or live humiliation or abuse in their home or school. Boys and girls have the right to live with dignity.

Female Reporter: Violent death, recruitment by organized crime and feminicide are the main issues facing children in Mexico in 2019.

In Mexico, 3 children die a day due to violence. According to data from the childhood and adolescence report in Mexico between invisibility and violence. Guanajuato is the entity with the highest number of homicides for the population aged 0 to 17.

In 2019, between 30 and 3,500 minors were forcibly recruited for organized crime. According to REDIM from January 2015 to July 2019, 317 femicides occurred among minors.

In other words, 1 in 10 feminicides in Mexico was against girls or adolescents. Forced disappearances of minors have increased. Many of them linked to trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation.

Also from 2015 to 2019, 805 complaints for trafficking in children were documented. The State of Mexico accumulated 25 percent of all cases for the disappearance of adolescent women in this period.

Director Juan Martínez Pérez of REDIM: Until a national prevention strategy is created in response to armed violence, with chains of responsibility, and with specific goals. Up until then it will not work. They are only declarations of love.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat   Source


  1. Sinaloa, CDG/CDN, Zetas and Michoacanos or any other group farther south in Mexico are the cartels that recruit minors for the most part. TJ and Juarez along the border have not been known to do that.

    1. Juarez does that al the time.

    2. You ever heard of "el pollo" aka "el 24" from la linea cartel? He is in his mid 20's right now but when he joined la linea he was around 15-16 years old and by one year later he was leading a death squad of linieros

    3. 10:05 I, live in Juares and have yet to see a child sicario. Gang members perhaps in their late teens but never heard of child sicarios captured or killed anywhere.

    4. 9:29 This is a problem in the entire world. Kids work as lookouts most of the time. It's not exclusive to Mexico. This happens in Brazil, some hoods in the US, etc.

    5. That’s true I haven’t herd of TJ recruiting kids or deaths of kid Sicarios. Sinaloa is up there with them as well for the most part there was el mini6 but he was a bosses
      kid he wasn’t forced into it. Just wanted to be like his father as so often happens.

    6. 12:12 Ever heard of Pancho Lopez?
      He started all this killing shit!
      Here's a little backgroung:
      "Nació en Chihuahua en novecientos seis en un petate bajo un ciprés,
      a los dos años ya hablaba inglés,
      mató a dos hombres a la edad de tres.
      Pancho, Pancho López,
      chiquito, pero matón."
      A real badass from Chihuahua

  2. The way a society treats children and the dead is a reflection of what that society is.

    1. 9:32am...and let's not forget animals x

      Canadian girl

  3. Many of our children in the USA are fat, lazy, spoiled and disrespectful so what doess that say? And how to fix? Jose

    1. The issue is at MEXICO, it's not compare MEXICO to USA.

    2. Always got a guy that wants to compare the USA to Mexico in a weird way to make themselves feel better. Kids in Mexico ain’t fat too? Spoiled? What about chapós kids? Mexico is a really materialistic country especially near the border. Not all of it but a lot of it.

    3. 10:01 It all depends on how you raise your kids. Nothing to do with the country. There are brats/spoiled kids in every country in the world.

      It all depends on the parents. Raise your kids to be good persons. Don't treat them like dumbasses and teach them the value of work, money and the importance of both loyalty and respect.

      It's hard, no one has a magical guideline to raise kids and every children is different, but it's possible to raise good kids.

      You just need the right amount (find the sweet spot) between love and authority.

  4. Gente Nueva Special Forces only recruits male from the ages of 23 to 35 with prior military experience in Special Operations or Counterterrorism elite units.

    1. Wonderful make Mexico more dangerous. Amlo says crime are not bad. Every body is happy Happy

    2. foo stfu das lástima.
      im from Culiacán n ill i see are stupid 17 old kids with ak.

    3. I herd they play the best corridos in the locker room speakers for the cadets to get pumped up for training during hell week.

  5. An example of prime Alpha male is Gente Nueva founder Jose Antonio Torres Marrufo 'El Jaguar'...if looks alone could kill.

    Canadian girl

  6. This is the most tragic part of this whole thing. The children that we see, with the doomed looks on their faces ... forced to circulate in plazas and draw fire. Or have shootouts with the military. Torture and kill people. If they don't do these things, they are used as torture target practice, or their families are killed. They know they have no choice. So they ride around afraid. Afraid of their bosses. Afraid of the military. Afraid of shootouts. Afraid of being captured and tortured by another cartel. You can see all of this on their faces in the pictures and videos.

    This is the real tragedy. Children are precious.

  7. When these kids are killed, maimed and decapitated half the comments here at BB cheer 'good riddance' etc. for these 'pieces of shit' etc.

    Life is easy as key-board sheriffs!

    1. What's you talking about Willis, hardly any reports of kids killed make it to BB, perhaps your referring to another site.

    2. Cjng forces them to be sicarios/CDN puro nino loco they join for fun/ la linea bunch of cholo kids hooked on drugs and they get payed in drugs./CDS they don’t force los plebes to join they want to be apart of that life style and los chapitos have a bunch of they younger guys it’s a new breed of members that want to make a name for them selfs get money women etc when you have nothing to lose and think you have a chance to get to be someone important respected or whatever they want.ya many people who have never been in the situation like (kids in MX it’s easy to judge and talk shit about them and then you hear about a kid in the United States shooting up a school because they got picked on or they had a bad day so if kids that grow up with everything and they shot up schools imagen what kids that been threw way worse go threw


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