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Thursday, January 16, 2020

Dámaso López Núñez, "El Licenciado" set for a reduction of sentence hearing, requested by the government

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  TY Mica  Pacer and BB Archive

The U.S. Government has filed a motion for the reduction of sentence in the case of Damaso Lopez Nunez.

He was previously sentenced to natural life.  From my post at sentencing:

Life in prison “Dámaso López Núñez, "El Licenciado" the man who got El Chapo out of prison in his laundry cart escape has been sentenced today to life in the federal court of Alexandria, Virginia, after pleading guilty. 
López Núñez apologized to the people of the United States in his court statement. 
His pre-sentencing report recommending life was filed on Wednesday. 
In his previous plea agreement he was given a possible offer of a three level down grade.On its face the life sentence mean just that, that the 51 year old will leave prison in a pine box.”
I further stated in my post: 
Chapo Trial“This becomes relevant and interesting when connecting to the Chapo trial.  López Núñez  was expected to be a strong cooperative witness against his former boss. So now what?  If this is really the deal, then why expose him to harm in prison by testifying?  Well….what if this is a ploy?  He can now testify before jurors and declare that he was there for the right reasons.  That he didn’t get a free pass, he received a life sentence.  That would give great credibility to his testimony. Then after the trial his sentence could be adjusted.  Impossible?  Nope, it has happened before. 
The life without parole prison sentence, for AFO cartel leader Francisco Javier Arellano Félix, was reduced to 23 1/2 years because he’s provided crucial information to the government that has led to prosecutions in the U.S. and Mexico, according to federal court records.” 
“Judge Larry Burns, of San Diego District Court, said prosecutors had outlined Arellano’s “extensive post-sentencing cooperation,” providing information on both cartel figures and the public officials who worked with them on both sides of the border.
In the case of Dámaso López Núñez, who knows.  Possibly inside a document filed right after his sentencing hearing today, would provide some answers.
But that document, Docket 40, is sealed.”

So now there is this upcoming hearing on February 7th 2020 at 9AM in Alexandria courtroom for sentence reduction.  I can say that all docket documents since his original sentencing have been sealed.  Presumably as negotiations continued. 

Whatever he has given up must be substantial and provable.
Any guesses?

and the position sentencing from prior sentencing


  1. Sorry I will be gone today again---I will catch up later tonight!

  2. No problem 👍 Chivis your ok in my book.

  3. Very sad and disgusting if the worst case proves true. Head of and defender of the El Rosario Monarch Butterfly Reserve in Eastern Michoacán has been missing since Monday. Lots of illegal logging around there:

    1. It is disgusting

      BTW I have been meaning to send you good wishes for the New Year 2020 roaring twenties 2.0

  4. The US govt gives a rat ass about an apology, they care about is $$$

    1. Yes, the almighty dollar is all they care about, America is the most corrupt country in the world, only they are smart and its all legal corruption....

    2. 10:09 Peanuts for the USA.

    3. 109 Latin America is the most corrupt in this hemisphere and Somalia etc are on the other side of the world. And that is a fact. You don’t seriously think the usa is more corrupt than México do you????
      The whole police force in Mexico is known for corruption and all the way up to the presidente !!
      Dam millennials. Think before you speak.
      Legal corruption. Someone sounds bitter.

    4. 4:59 in debt over 30 trillion dollars, the US got there one peanut at a time, and does not have much to show for it other than billionaires with offshored billions of dollars and their hands extended in hope of a few billions more or at least some trillion dollar tax break...

  5. I think that it’s kind of wrong for the testimony of your enemies can be used against you they are winning 2x by doing so 1by getting revenge on ther going to say what ever they can to make you guilty don’t matter if it’s true or not 2 nd they get a reduced sentence for putting them away

    1. 1038. I agree it seems sense common and the enemy who the EU gob does not want to punish more is the enemy who makes less time in the prisons. It is like Mexico except which ever enemy has más money to gather they will prison longer hoping a deal is eventually made. EU gob must be frustrate by el Chapo patience and stubborn nature.

  6. All that snitching and still getting life sentence lol wow then why even cooperate with the feds

    1. His son el mini lic is getting special treatment in exchange for the dad to testify against any top level capos in cds

    2. I believe, as Chivis outlined, that this is a bit of judicial trickery on the part of the government; when someone like Damaso (or Mini Lic) testifies against Chapo and other CDS operatives, the first question posed to them by the defense counsel would be “aren’t you testifying today in order to receive a reduced sentence?”, this immediately puts the thought in the minds of the jury that the witness is not very credible. So, (and this is only my theory) the US Attorney’s Office consults with the judge and the defense to enter into an agreement whereby the defendant is given a harsh (but standard) sentence, with an understanding that any valuable testimony will result in the sentence being reduced at a later date. As Chivis wrote, this arrangement allows the defendant to say that they have no ulterior motives for testifying besides to “tell the truth”.

    3. @10:49 if you read it says the government is going to reduced his time he was giving natural life now probably a few years and free to roam the great USA and live his life happy

    4. @10:49 if you read it says the government is going to reduced his time he was giving natural life now probably a few years and free to roam the great USA and live his life happy

    5. @10:49 dude you got a problem with reading comprehension!

  7. Went from rag's to riche's, then from riche's to snitche's.

    It's a joke guys, get it?

    1. i do....good one

    2. Then from snitches to stitches......Tag

    3. And from snitches to sonaloas thats tge lowest you can go

    4. And then from stitches to drink margaritas on the beaches...tag

    5. All the time with Ritchies
      Leaves no time to graduste jail bitches.

  8. Maybe he gave up Garcia Luna?

    1. The timing is certainly there.

    2. There's a deal between Mexico and Trump going on. All the guys they sent North last week probably don't have much to say in Us court in regards to Mexican Federal Corruption. They're trying to trade bad guys for Luna, and not Designating Cartels Terrorists. It's win win for both sides. See we got bad hombres, and Mexico is committed to clean up corruption. All a dog and pony show.

    3. Actually I think they said it was "el Rey Zambada"

    4. It was El Rey who testified about Garcia Luna, during the Chapo trial as I reported here on BB---also was noted by prosecutors when announcing the charges against Garcia Lujan

    5. I would the no Damaso must've had dealings with Luna. Wasn't Damaso's biggest strength was priming gov officials?

    6. All the elite capos captured in Hidalgo, guanajuato, Mexico City, morelos, were in cahoots with garcia Luna and co.

  9. What deterrent is there now for being in the business. If I get caught I just rat and get a green card and new life in the good old USA. The drugs keep coming and the money keeps going. Cops keep making busts and criminals are replaced asap. This is 2020 people 60 yrs the war on drugs has raged and we aren't any closer now than at it's inception . I do respect law enforcement and their efforts but this is futile as long as I've lived there has not been one drug shortage that I can remember. We got to find a better way

    1. I believe many of us here feel the same.
      This war on drugs is a costly one for taxpayers and a profitable business for those privatization companies.
      Nothing seems to revert this deadly cycle.


    2. This is the perfect system: some get rich from the war on drugs, other collect big time bribes, others make money on filled up prisons, poor people are busy chasing the next high AND the politicians have someone to put the blame on for everything that is wrong in our society.

      It's a perfect set-up!

    3. 1105 the bad guys breaking laws still gotta go to jail tho, rite?

    4. The police collect the money taken from those arrested, up front. Corruption is only a possibility. he he ! The system works for them, they are not going to change it.

    5. Good observación and there are many very bad Columbians and Mexicans that the peoples of EU did not know of (different el Chapo) that were arrested and pay USA gob money and very quiet they became free. When my father alive my father tells me many people we see or he know informally who he say has been in prison in EU for killing many peoples or were caught after many load of cocaina, mota, and heroina but became free after few years and many million dólar.

  10. He a real peice of work, this guy is..... he was glad to be extradited to the United States, because he was a dead man in Mexico

    El conejo loco

  11. With damaso snitching shouldn’t it be enough to hurt the cartel he knows to much he was a boss. He should be able to tell where the safe houses for other cartel members are ,where the money is and how the cartel works so why is Sinaloa cartel still around?

    1. His cell got dismantled by El Chore and former car thief in El Dorado

    2. So who controls el dorado now?

    3. His cell, it was not only one cell, he talked a lot and together with the ongoing indictments CDS is going down. They lost so much turf and politicians, jaliscas are on the rise.
      And in general I belive him more then the chapped kids.

    4. 6:04 jaliskas (plaza nueva) may be on the rise, but not forever,
      "La Queta" Alfaro will not get support again from CJNG...

  12. This is exactly what CDS needs brave men who are not afraid to do what’s right point fingers in the court rooms and tell on every body they know

    1. hahaha Take notes sicario006 if you haven't already

  13. I really wonder what the Lopez family shared with the DEA. I expected their cooperation with law enforcement to have major reprecussions for the Sinaloa Cartel. Instead, law enforcement seemed to ease off them from 2018 onward.

  14. Back to javier arrellono there any article on who he told on...that would make some good reading

    1. His cooperation from 2007 or so forward, essentially destroyed the entire group. That was the end of the CAF as far as prosecutors were concerned, so much so they titled it the FSO, which was exposed in a RICO indictment in 2010.

      CAF lost most of their political contacts and loyalties, as they switched to Sinaloa. Javier gave them enough to essentially deal the coupe de grace to what remained of the Arellano's. He probably didn't just tell on one person, he gave detailed statements about trafficking methods, contacts, suppliers, and of course, his nephew, his brother, everyone. The Heredia brothers ties to Imperial Beach neighborhoods.

      Juan Rocha Sillas arrested in 2011
      Armando Villareal Heredia arrested in 2011
      Fernando Sanchez Arellano arrested in 2014

    2. New political parties come into play during elections. Money has no color. They still paying off new political contacts, they have the money for it. Now dropping o your connect is obviously unwise but then again nowadays the connects drop on the soldiers ask Joseph Massino.

      The game done changed. New Universe New Rules.

  15. He’s the one who gave up ovidio el Montana father was giving info to the damasos

  16. He was one of Sicario006's men find out he's also a snitch

  17. Replies
    1. All of them are rats,and many here admire rats


  19. Why did he turn on El Senor Chivis?

  20. Finish out a still lengthy sentence, live as a mole with an assumed identity as some ordinary joe-smoe under witness protection program, always looking over your shoulder, with the dubious distinctionof having been a rat....sounds like the life.

  21. "providing information on both cartel figures and the public officials who worked with them on both sides of the border" NOW WHY IS THAT INFORMATION NOT MADE PUBLIC? WHY IS THERE NOT A TRIAL SO THAT THOSE CORRUPT NAMES GET OUT?

    This practice of offering plea deals is nothing but protecting friendly corrupt officials on both sides of the border!

  22. It doesn't matter what cartel they are from all those damn cartel terrorists all of them should get life in prison. They destroy way too many lifes, they create lots of destruction every where they go. No body wants those evil animals free in the streets.

  23. I knew this man very well several years ago. He went to law school, lived in Eldorado, Sinaloa. Was trafficking meth for a time. He tells me he goes to Church on his property everyday. Not surprised he snitched. Most of them do nowadays. I know a lot more but for security reasons I won't say.

    1. It's the culture in that state!

    2. It's the culture in the country. From the lowest level criminal to the top. Every time a policeman bust someone, "ponme a alguien, y te dejo ir" tell on someone and I'll let you go. It's like that up the latter till they get a good amount of cash.

    3. It's a culture in many countries. " get rich or die trying" ha

  24. Must be talking about genaro luna.

  25. Wasn't he a cocaine addict? His nose looks horrible

  26. Chivis, that picture is almost art, so much emotions in his face. What his eyes must have seen, the secrets he knows, the storys he told in the states.
    He should write a book about this life and die on the chair for his crimes.

    1. I agree. I took the original foto and removed color and added shadowing. the eyes are piercing.

  27. Lesson to the young, that over glorified life of being a druglord is a proven path to jail or death!!!

  28. Go the doctor to get him removed then

  29. Hey keep your private intimate matters out of here.

  30. For all
    U Sinaloa vs Michoacan fan boys ,
    I gotta say is michoacan created LOS BUKIS
    .. check
    Mate BIT*ch

    1. 8:09 at no names Güey,
      Los Bukis son autodidactas, even their name is spanglish sound for "Boukeys" the Spanish sounding name of Bouquet, a handful of flowers arranged in a vase, took it while they were wet backs in califa...

    2. You forgetting about el que es el más Gallo qué a salido de Michoacán y es 100% michoacana que no lo escondia como los otros mariposas michoacanos muy rancheros con la música de brindis llorando pues el Juan garbriel es el único Gallo de michoacana por los que dicen ser gallo son puro gallinas con sus nuevos novios jaliskas ja ja

  31. I really hope he gets his sentence reduced so he could get out aquí te vamos esperar viejon para hacer te una fiesta con banda y todo y también no puede faltar el payaso 🤡 como el de la fiesta de el compa de los Arellanos cuando salió también y que no falta el mini lic tu hijo también para que le canten su corrido por la última vez pa que miran que no somos tan malos como dicen


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