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Saturday, January 4, 2020

Chapo had as much power as the president"...says Mexican President AMLO

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  TY GUS Infobae

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, said that the evidence reveals that drug trafficking had representatives in the highest levels of government is the case of Genaro García Luna, secretary of security in the government of former president Felipe Calderón.

López Obrador said that in past administrations, the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán Loera, imprisoned in the United States, had as much power as the president of the Republic.

“Just in that one example, the one in charge of security, the right hand (of Calderón). He was with Fox, with Salinas and yes, he comes from way back and  he is accused of protecting a criminal organization, it's yet to be proven, but the indicators are there.” said López Obrador from the National Palace.

“Then what is evident is that, as usually happens in these cases, all these characters are enriched overnight, as my late countryman Chico Che said, “Que Pompo?” [meaning what pageantry or display]  Where do houses and apartments come from?”

"And that it all looked normal, so that's what I meant, that we can't allow crime to govern, it's not that Guzmán Loera was here at Palacio, in Los Pinos, but he had representatives in the government, that it's very serious, " he added

AMLO wants an apology

López Obrador criticized that in the face of events such as García Luna, the opposition continues to take "purity baths", and said that he still hopes that those who asked him to face violence with more violence will apologize after knowing the collusion of the former secretary Security with organized crime.

“I said here, and it's true, I'm still waiting for some to apologize, that when this Mr. García Luna was at his peak he took journalists to the operation centers, they had screens and they left the García Luna operation center talking about wonders Oooh! Oooh, what a breakthrough! What a technological advance! " he said.

He acknowledged that he should simplify his comments; however, López Obrador explained that he prefers to be direct and “shake up” his detractors because for him honesty is more important than experience.

Genaro García Luna, Secretary of State during the six-year term of Felipe Calderón, was arrested last December in the United States, accused of receiving millionaire bribes from the Sinaloa Cartel, as well as using security forces to provide protection to the criminal group commanded by El Chapo Guzmán.

In Mexico, the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Ministry of Finance identified a network of companies, as well as the government of Mexico City and federal agencies of past administrations, from which they allegedly triangulated money to García Luna's accounts.

In recent days, in a video that López Obrador recorded in the ruins of Palenque, he said that: “There came a time when Guzmán Loera had the same power or the same influence that the president had. At that time having the highest position in the Government of the Republic because there was a censure and that prevented those who committed the crimes from being punished,” said the president in a video through which he transmitted his New Year message.

In the video he listed various achievements of his administration, such as separating crime from authority, "Drawing the line very clearly so that what happened in previous governments does not happen."

[He did not mention how his "separating crime from authority" comports with his recent bowing down to the sons of El Chapo when Ovidio Guzmán López was captured. ]


  1. We all know that they are corrupt; the challenge is now to prove it.

  2. This guy is a hypocrite lol whole the whole tome going to sinaloa to a special nearing with chapo mom to give her a visa to go see chapo in New York.. now chapitos have his father's power, cds has been known to work with government.. THE WAR ON DTUGS IS A JOKE!!!

    1. The WoD is not a joke for those who benefit from it. Politicians (bribes), military & police commanders (bribes), lawyers (clients), judges (bribes), security companies (sales), arms producers (sales), prison industry (inmates), real estate developers (investments).

      The big losers from the WoD are the honest, the poor and the weak, basically the masses, the 99%

    2. 721 the Mexican government is a joke

  3. AMLO is an idiot. Every time he opens his mouth, he proves it.

    1. LoL. How well do you think you would do as Mexican president. Can you do better? Although you may not agree with AMLO he is the best president so far since Lazzaro Cardenas.

  4. Funny how they are STILL using chapo name and fame, he's done for..
    What about the other cds guys like mayo and chapitos for example the guys calling the shots NOW?? What a JOKE

    1. Wellllllllllllll
      The thing is that non of them ( Chapitos or Mayo ) escaped from jail a few times. And that last time.......
      Mannnn a tunnel with a rail bike in it.......


    2. Well just saying. Everyone knows how corrupt this war on drugs is. How would people like us know he isn't calling shots still?

  5. "Quien pompo zapatitos? Quien pompo"
    - Chico Che (Lmao!!)
    "Who bought you those shoes? Who bought them for you?" Thats a classic

    1. That’s not the translation.

    2. For the song it is buddy
      Ill bet my last dollar on that

  6. Chapo has MORE Power than mencho even tho he in prison LMAO

    1. To think Mayo was Chapos boss is absurd. The writing is on the wall. One example is Chapos kids having complete impunity in Sinaloa while Mayos kids were hog tied and extradited.

    2. Yes but his son was killed like a dog in the street @12:34 none of mayos have been

    3. @ 10:12 I'd rather be killed in the streets then be a rat who snitches on his friends in order to save his own skin.

  7. Quen pompo? means quien compró?
    That is what you playfully ask your woman when she is using the new shoes you bought her.

  8. Maybe he did but for some time now that power has belonged to El Mayo.

  9. Chapo was bigger than Mayo and Mencho. The DOJ and Mexican Intelligence say he was more powerful than EPN.

    1. Silly you believe everything they say stop the bull...if he had that much power he wouldn't be where he is at noway....

  10. Mexican sovereignity LOLOLOLOLOL

  11. I did not know El Chapo was that powerful, that is mind blowing. He must have been a very cunning criminal.

    1. More like cunning snitch/gov informant. These are things that weren’t allowed before, he was willing to break all rules and betray even his own people to get where he got smh. Look where he’s at now. Has less power than a homeless on the street. Can’t even get fresh air

  12. Chapo had the government in his pocket but he was just to flashy and got caught 3 TIMES and escaped 2 but there is no way he could build a tunnel thought the metal plate in ADX..
    Too much corridos, he tried making a movie with Kate de Castillo and that 2as his last corrido.. Why don't they make a corrido of how he messed up and got himself in that mess? Sinaloa STYLE corridos = flasy, fake, exaggerated music
    A corrido originally told a story about A honor and bravery.. Now in days IT'S about DRUGS, guns, easy WOMEN and 💰.. IT'S 🗑
    Just saying..

  13. not as powerful as extradition


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