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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Trump to designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorist groups

Armadillo-BorderlandBeat from AP

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump put the Mexican government on the defensive when he said he “absolutely” will move ahead with plans to designate Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations.

Trump said in a radio interview this week that tens of thousands of Americans are killed every year because of drug trafficking and other activity by the cartels. But Mexico is pushing back, worried that such a step would allow its neighbor to the north to violate its sovereignty by operating unilaterally inside Mexico.

"I’ve been working on that for the last 90 days,” Trump said in a radio interview with Bill O’Reilly, who asked whether such a designation would be forthcoming. O’Reilly had asked Trump if he would designate the cartels “and start hitting them with drones and things like that?” Trump replied: “I don’t want to say what I’m going to do, but they will be designated.” Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Wednesday that he did not want to enter a “political confrontation” with the U.S. government on the eve of its Thanksgiving holiday.

He said that he would leave it at “cooperation, yes; interventionism, no,” and that he had instructed Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard to explain Mexico’s position to Washington. 

Ebrard later tweeted that he’d already been in contact with the U.S. government and would use diplomacy to “defend sovereignty.” Trump offered no timetable for the designation. After the U.S. labels an individual or organization as a terrorist group, it then becomes illegal for anyone in the United States, including banks and other financial institutions, to knowingly provide them with support. 

Members of terrorist groups are also denied entry into the U.S. Authorities suspect Mexican drug cartel hit men in the shooting deaths of nine American women and children in northern Mexico earlier this month as they traveled in vehicles to visit relatives. After the attack, Trump tweeted: “This is the time for Mexico, with the help of the United States, to wage WAR on the drug cartels and wipe them off the face of the earth.”

Trump said in the radio interview that López Obrador had rejected his offer to “let us go in and clean it out” but that “at some point, something has to be done.” “Look, we’re losing 100,000 people a year to what’s happening and what’s coming through on Mexico,” Trump said, speaking of American lives. 

“And they have unlimited money, the people, the cartels, because they have a lot of money because it’s drug money and human trafficking money.” In rejecting Trump’s approach, López Obrador said previous Mexican administrations had declared war “and it didn’t work.” 

Ebrard’s office said Tuesday that he would get in touch with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to discuss the subject and seek a high-level meeting as soon as possible. The foreign minister noted Monday that a terrorist designation carries legal implications and that American law would then allow the U.S. government to act “in a direct way” against those groups. 

“That, of course, Mexico would never accept,” Ebrard said. While the U.S. and Mexico have a history of cooperation in combating the cartels, principally through sharing intelligence, Mexico’s concern would be that U.S. forces would potentially move against targets independently, violating Mexico’s sovereignty.

Mexico’s Senate president, Ricardo Monreal, a member of the president’s party, said via Twitter on Tuesday night that the designation would allow the U.S. government “to use legal and institutional means that would permit it to act unilaterally in our territory with the justification of pursuing those groups.”


  1. What’s next, invasion like Iraq?

    1. No need for that (invasion).
      Cutting them off financially with economic sanctions and cutting off trade agreements along with the closure of our borders will impact those elites.

    2. Interestingly, that provide a ray of hope.

    3. Sounds good to me

    4. From the halls of Montezuma...sing it!

    5. Absolutely will need to be done, sooner or later. I guarantee it. Obrador is clueless.

  2. All cartels of Mexico, new name lol Terrorist groups.

    1. Wouldn't call them choir boys.

  3. AMLO may not want a political confrontation? It's not (AMLO'S) decision for America to designate these people as such on American soil period.
    America needs to stop the drugs by all means necessary. Especially when Mexican government officials are in collaboration with them (cartels).

    However, America's judicial system also bears responsibility of applying the fullest sentencing guidelines for many of these individuals. Rather, not the slap on the wrist many high profile individuals have received recently.
    There's no point of being critical about this when the other shows otherwise.

    1. America needs to stop the drugs lol outlandish comment.

    2. 1:56 nobody gets a slap on the wrist for hard drugs. You moron. What you want them to be executed because they did a line of blow? What this corrupt government should invest is drug rehabilitation. Investing in the ghetto adding more opportunities for people who don't got sh!t! Making schools better! We can go on and on. Throwing people in cages is for nonviolent drug charges. Is just keeping the problem alive. Witch of course they want! The Government of course knows what to do if they really wanted change and cared about us its citizens. Were just dollar signs to them.... And yeah im drunk so what you wanna fight about it

    3. Ironically the "moron" is you. Your also emotionally compromised, which blurs your decision making skills. Rehab? And what about the next generation, more rehab? So a perpetual Bankrolling of Millions for rehab programs for people who make bad decisions, one of them being quitting( 80% failure rate) rehab? You are correct at least in saying no one get's a slap on the wrist in the US. Drugs will never be stopped, but they can be suppressed significantly. One simple solution is to place Navy destroyers between Mexico and China, the supplier of black market Fentanyl and Chemical precursors to the cartels. Removing the supply will choke off and shrink the cartels making them easer to group together and target their support system which will dissolve without lack of funding and assured worked like a charm in Medellin and Cali.

    4. U didn't look into those sentences of Zambada and the twins. Along with others. So stop with your bullshit. And open ur eyes.

    5. I thought we were past the notion that drug use was possible to curtail. Evidently not.

      But either way, the violence needs to stop...

  4. I think they're going to embrace the label & continue operating, whoever doesn't adapt to the changing environment will be replaced by someone who is willing to do so & who has the brains to continue bringing in those billions of dollars.

  5. So what's next? Drone strikes?

  6. I think USA can easily find Mencho and kill him via drone strike, it just has to take guts for AMLO to say yes.

  7. Good news! Send in the Seals, Green Berets and the Marines to take out the cartels for a safer, better, prosperous Mexico. They have learnt how to deal with the Islamic State and Taliban, they can deal with CJNG, CDS etc.

  8. I wish to thank all the AMLO voters for voting for a man with no balls, because as a result, you will contribute to Trump’s re-election.

    1) AMLOS hugs and kisses strategy is a failure
    2) The release of “El Chapos” son and control taken by CDS demonstrated complete Mexican ineptitude
    3)Mexico allowing open Passage to Central
    Americans, to become a burden on America didn’t help.

    4) Cartels barbarism, drugs and cop killing along with other crimes will is a reflection on all of Mexico because you elect your government and your government Continues to be a failure.

    *An unstable Banana Republic next door is bad for not only Mexico, but for the US.

    *Trump was and is right.

    Too bad Univision and George Ramos do not report more on the Narco-Terrorism in Mexico on a daily basis.


    1. Wow - you hit the nail on the head - excellent points. Never thought I’d say this but yeah I agree, Trump was indeed right. My family came to the U.S. legally from Mexico. The truth is that Trump is actually completely fine with Latinos, what he hates is people entering illegally because of the negative economic impact it has on the U.S. he also has done more to help increase Hispanic and African American opportunities than any other U.S. president, which is evidenced by the lowest Hispanic and African American unemployment numbers in history. Hope others can think for themselves and see through the media’s bias, politicized spin. Just need to look at the numbers - numbers don’t lie.

  9. Not only will this allow for broader direct action to be taken against cartels but it also opens the door for seizing assets held in US institutions and incredibly harsh sentences for those running guns to the cartels.

    People see this and (rightfully so) see drone strikes as a possibility. I look at this and see an opportunity to more directly attack the cartels on multiple fronts without the beaurocracy of the judicial system.

  10. Between drugs and human smuggling endorsed by Mexico’s corrupt inept government the cartels have been chiseling away at our nation’s sovereignty so I’m for it. In fact Mexicans would be better off for it. Before I didn’t care but seeing the shear violence and power they have and the breakdown in rules I’m behind my president.

  11. The game is changing, when you read in 6 months about that first drone strike operation that takes out someone big, you will know. About time we step to them on their turf... people keep saying "invasion likw Iraq" "invasion". I would be willing to bet this operation will be way different and waay easier than Iraq, Syria and afganistan.. cartels and their methhead sicarios better fuckin head to the mountains or leave that Fetty alone

    1. Yes!! People who say it would be an invasion couldn’t be more wrong! An invasion takes an army - or other large military force that enters to confront an established government.

      What the U.S. is going to do is nothing like that - they are going to use only drones or ultralight, tactical strike teams such as the SEALS or Green Beret to confront cartels!!

      That is night and day different. The people posting on here about the U.S. making some grand invasion are either ignorant, high, or just trying to stroke fear.

  12. Just mexican carteles or all carteles?

  13. Finally..AMLO's opinion, at this point, really doesn't matter. He can't even detain a wanted narco on Mexican soil.. Atrocity after atrocity. So pathetic...

  14. These career criminals terrorize Mexicans and state officials everyday, yet the Mexican government is afraid to call them "terrorists" - acts shocked that the U.S. does. Mexico is in a death spiral from soul-less dope peddlers.

  15. Mexico do you care more about you're country being ivaded by american soilders or would you rather have to live in fear of youre car being stolen at gun point to be driven around by a cartel puntero the next day! Meth and fentayl drug smugglers not only effect the united states it also fuels every level of crime and injustice we live in Mexico day by day. President trump may be a living devil for the Mexican familys he has separated but he will also relieve Mexico from so much more by taking out all theese criminal groups that are considered terrorist

    1. The Separation rule was around long before Trump my friend. He didn't create it.

    2. I agree! Going the AMLO route it can and will only get worse. I hate seeing families separated but it’s not like they were abducted like so many Mexican citizens are every day - they chose to try and enter illegally or claim asylum and so it is a problem of their own doing.

  16. Lets spend trillions and trillions of US money like we did in Colombia..where did that get us..

    1. So your saying let's continue to sit on our asses and do nothing like the last 20 years and it will get better??

    2. That’s false logic - it’s based on an apples to oranges comparison. What the U.S. would be doing in how they would go about dealing with the cartels here would be more like shock and awe - I for one would love to watch these cartel cowards run and hide like cockroaches while getting picked off by U.S. drone strikes or special forces

  17. Her come the air strikes

  18. Lo que los Americanos quieren es un presidente que se venda como los demas. Ojala y AMLO no les de el gusto.

  19. Im mexican and believe me if usa was to takeover mexico itd be a better life for everyone!! Only the naive and corrupt dnt want outside help from usa!!!


    1. I Highly doubt that other countries will jump to Mexico’s defense.

    2. And if they do, what will they do about it????? Lmaoooo

  21. Never thought in all my life I would agree with Trump, I need him in Mexico

  22. New president in town boys. Lock down the seniorita z and understand you will get in line....

  23. 🇪🇸 really gave up on Mexico

  24. So will they go to Guantanamo bay? Not a chance people. Not with Mexico protecting them. And no this isn't an invasion. This is mainstream opening it's eyes. Twenty twelve was a pretty dark year. And not one time did mainstream news notice. Funny how now that elections are here. Trump is acting like he gaf. Twenty eighteen was a messed up year. And yet not one peep out of trump. Mexico needs the right to bear arms. But that would mean Mexican citizens, could actually protect themselves from thugs. And may not want to pay their monthly tax. Which means less money for the bad guys. Which means less money for officials. Governors police captains presidents. Who clearly allow that stuff to take place. How else do bad guys upload videos, of the most barbaric acts of all time, not caring at all about the police. Because they know the police ain't coming. They got the local police bribed. Just like they do the president now. Duh....
    El Smarto
    P.s. stay up brothers.

  25. If they are designated as a terrorist group, he US will send in seal teams, Drone strikes and event GITMO for them. Remember how they killed Osama? Those are the kind of incursions this will lead to

  26. This was required long back. I don't like Trump but fully support this move of designating Narco cartels of Mexico as terrorist. Watch out Chapito al Sinalodadi.

  27. Clearly Mexico needs help and Trump is bringing it. I suggest it will come in the form of pinpoint satellite surveillance of capo strongholds in advance of coordinated assaults on movements by cartel associates.
    Rewards for information will be key. Even Mencho knows if the reward for his head is big enough he's toast. It's going to be fun watching the narco-rats scurry to dodge the coming judgment.

    1. 6:35 but aftet all the capos are caught where will your lame ass get drugs then?

    2. But if Obrador facilitates the U.S. involvement in Mexico he's toast too.

    3. Any candidate who opposes cartels have become toast. Look at the statistics of political assinations in Mexico! Along with any government / state officials.
      AMLO happened to walk that line in his career to not offend these individuals. Thus becoming where he's now ( President).

  28. Buen trabajo bola de pendejos diske "sinaloenses" la cagaron lindo y bonito Y digo "diske sinaloenses" por ke esos babosos de los "chapitos" no crecieron en Sinaloa llegaron ya de peluditos y aparentemente ningun sinaloense les enseno ke la mafia sinaloense no se mete con gente inocente! Son una mala representation a lo ke SOMOS los hombres de sinaloa. Rompieron codigos de honor ke existen en la mafia ahora se la van a ver con trump y con NATO. Nomas por andar de webudos, los huevos en la manana

    Atte: El sinaloense

  29. Presidents like AMLO are the problem start by lockinh his ass up first then wipe the fuckn cartels out so we can visit vacation and such without fear and not for ourselves but for the family we take. most of us have kids husbands and wives. Im all for it wipe them out it'll increase Mexico's economy secure businesses.I once had plans to retire and move to home Mx but the way things are now I've changed plans. I dont like Trump but its the only thing he's said thats made any sense to me .

  30. I wonder how all trafficking organizations and mex government feel about the Chapitos after this? How Can Mayo back them after taking innocents hostage? Their own people at that. Smh. Something tells me they won’t be free very long, they made their bed.

  31. Everything comes down to racism. Please enlighten us and provide details of the continuous “terrorism” perpetuated by KKK and Arian Brotherhood. Who have they been killing and kidnapping daily? Where? How many tons do they move? I assume you would know since you feel so unsafe in The US

  32. Because white supremacist don’t massacre troves of innocents on a daily basis. Yes they kill but not on the same level as Mexican dto. This coming from a Mexican American, I love my mex culture but this mid evil style slaughter has to stop. I say we send in the gunships blast these fuckers away in their little Sierra hideout

  33. Ah..and the cartels that butcher, the kidnapping victims that cannot pay thier ransom, what about the kids they kill at parties, businesses getting extorted, killing honest cops, that were not currupted, yes that is why we agree for the to be called lowlife terrorists.

  34. Can we also get some info on the unlawful road detains, and the impersonation of cops. please and thank you

  35. Nah. These organizations mentioned do not kill innocents on a faily basis. Neither do cartels idiots.
    These organizationa just feed lies and propaganda against other countries or races that even the President himself listens to and then bases his policies on that's all.
    You all dumbfucks believe Mexico is all anarchy when most have not even visited the country. You only read BV and base your opinions of the so called war on drugs off this site.


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