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Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Sinaloa Cartel Retaliates Against Those Who Apprehended Chapo's son Ovidio Guzmán

The Sinaloa Cartel applied its first deadly retaliation against agents who participated in the capture and release of Ovidio Guzman on October 17.

Several gunmen riddled with more than 100 rounds a municipal agent who was shot dead aboard his car.

Everything indicates that the officer was summoned to the parking lot of a commercial plaza on Kumate Boulevard, where the thugs arrived to annihilate him in less than a minute

The drug pushers emptied their AK-47 and R15 rifles against the uniformed agent who was on his day off.

Officer Eduardo who lived in the Costa Rican union was aboard a 2010 Nissan Sentra car.

Translated and posted by Sol Prendido for Borderland Beat    Source


  1. Policia Municipal? Estas jugando?

  2. So disgusting. Lord what have we come to as a society😭 Have mercy on us Lord. May Your will be done with innocent. And may Your hand be heavy upon those who cause strife.

    1. If there was a god...this stuff would not happen. Stop praying...start actually doing something to help. SHEEP...just like the church as always wanted.

    2. God gave his children free reign.
      It ain’t his fault, many choose to do the devils bidding

    3. If God is real then so is the devil for where there is evil there is also good and this is the reason for all of the wickedness in the world which is a spiritual war against Gods people but do not forget that God created everything even evil to separate the sheep from the goats.

      Mathew 25:31-46
      When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, ...

    4. God has given us free will to do the good or the bad. We have the choice. God has never intervened on this Earth, he wants us to find the right path.

    5. Amen amen and amen ! Agree w all yalls except @7:59. Lord have mercy on @7:59 🙏🏻 For he/she knows not what he/she is saying. The reason there is good and bad is to give God glory. He wills for it to be so, so we can know whom He is and what He is capable of. He forces NO ONE to love and obey Him.

  3. Por Andar quieriendo hacerle los mandados a los gringos.

    Aqui esta las consequencias para que pongan atencion.

    1. No seas pendejo estan tratando de cambiar el paid y tu con tus babosadas. Ya crece guey ya son como Los tiempo de antes que era puro trabajar trankilo. Mira al mayo trankilo y Los que hacen ruido que muertos o encarcelados

    2. Exacto, pero ayi anda la gente "Pobresito es inocente y mamada y media" No ubiera aceptado el trabajo de colocar y aprender al hijo del chapo. pero por andar de caliente con los gringos.

    3. @7:51 & 8:49 estaba haciendo su trabajo pendejos, no fuera tu padre, tío o algún familiar porque ahí si no se la mamaban los chapos

  4. Amlo, eres responsable de su muerte y mas alrato va ver mas porque tu no quesistes cabar con la batalla. querias negociar con los criminale y dejastes ir a tu nuevo amigo.

  5. No creo.. este vato lo mataron x otro pedo..

    1. Simón tienes razón Tal vez se pasaba de verg* con los reclusos

  6. In reality AMLO killed him not CDS. This wouldn’t of happened if the outcome of Ovidio dint go south thanks to the help from AMLO.

    1. Yes jt would of happened. And worse. Cause they would be mad their bro is in prison

  7. Chapos alive but might as well
    Be dead if thats what you mean

  8. So its fair to say that these negotiations have been for nothing! This retaliation from the Sinaloa cartel was made perfectly clear who rules.
    All those whinny commentators who respect life for those criminals than one's country.

  9. Obrador time to sit with Chapos mom, tell her some poems, also tell her his young son was released, no need to retaliate, son was done no harm, please no henchmen.

  10. Stupid mentality of the Sinaloa Cartel, be happy the son is alive and free, and now you want to hurt the people, that temporary detained him...give me a break.

  11. To all you AMLO lovers....

    Let me get this straight.

    Your guy approved the release of the criminal, and now agents involved in the failed operation due to incompetence in planning, are going to get wacked?

    *The Criminal is set free and good legit officers are now going to die in vein.

    Nice job AMLO and all the idiots involved in planning. The message you are sending is that your Police is expendable and your county is unstable for business investment.


    1. This policeman's blood is on the hands not only of the assassins, but on teh sheep who elected and still support AMLO.

    2. Lol it’s funny how everyone blames AMLO for everything. You must be a white boy with no ties to Mexico if you had loved ones in Mexico you would understand why he did what he did. They were ready to start killing innocent people!!!!

    3. @11:53 PM

      I thought the sinaloenses didn’t mess with innocent people jajaja

    4. @11:53 Me white? Nope. You must be new.

      I do prefer white or light colored skin Latinas like those from Jalisco. And I’m not racist!

      Catch up and read more comments Signed by me. 🤣


  12. This feels like when BLO jefe de jefe was killed. BLO retaliated and then they moved on. It feels like Chapitos are going to kill all local police that they don't own.

  13. Right Crazy Bro, Damn Shame Now Innocent Cops bout to Die smh

  14. AMLO released Ovidio to avoid further killings. It's obvious killings will continue as a retaliation and AMLO turning a blind-eye because he is a corrupt president just like Pena-Neto.

  15. BB please inform yourself better this person was not part of ovidios capture..1

    1. But the clueless Americans will buy it.

  16. Excellent, the morons are playing there cards wrong. There’s a reaction for every action.

  17. They are drawing too much heat now

  18. The door is open have a nice day.

  19. FALSO! please don't listen to CERO Gomez leyva pseudo-journalist full of fake news

  20. Michael Miller: sinaloa dosent kill innocents! now back to playing my call of duty!

  21. Great job AMLO. Hug this young man! It will obviously work you corrupt mother fucker!

  22. I can't wait till AMLO starts using hellfire missles on these narcos cagados. Entonces si van estar llorando los inutiles de narco jediondos jajajaja.

    1. Did you not see, where he told the military to stand down, when they had Chapos son. He then offered poems. Hellfires he would never use, even if there was a convoy of 20 cars in the hills of CJNG. What effort has he shown regarding crime ....nada.

    2. LMAO, he offered poems to certified psycho's?

  23. Most newspapers in Mexico have their own website. Feel free to do some research on your own. If you can read Spanish of course. Google has a translate feature if you don't. Better yet, travel to these cartel hotspots and do some "boots on ground" reporting on your own. Start your own website and tell us all about it!

  24. I hate when crabby people like 1000 come in here and think they know more, than the people that contribute in here.

  25. So the leftist President says they don't want bloodshed and let little Chapo go. Then the cartel starts killing officers involved. Mexico is more screwed now than ever. You can't be weak against animals. This Presidents strategy is strengthening the cartels.

  26. Ala verga con El chapuzón, y sus crías los chapititos........... IVÁN ALA VERGA.......😁😁

  27. Makes you think if it's someone else trying to put heat on the chapos by doing that

  28. Mexico president taking cash. He said no to Trump to use U.S. Forces to clean Mexico up, since Mexico can't do it, Also he said he wants to talk to cartels with huggs instead of bullets. Either he's on the take or just anchor dumb Mexican president that caused the life of Military soldiers

  29. The United states has let chapo roam free. He's not locked up. He checks in ever so often. They letting him continue his business so he can pay them double of the 2 billion dollars. This information needs to go to the news


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