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Monday, November 25, 2019

LeBarón asks Trump to designate the cartels as terrorist organizations

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  TYGus  ElFinanciero

This Sunday, a request was published to the United States government “We the People” portal, asking for the designation of Mexican drug cartels as official terrorist organizations.

The request was allegedly published by the LeBarón family, which on November 4 was the victim of an attack by a group of hitmen who killed three women and six minors while traveling in three vans on the Sonora and Chihuahua boundaries.

One of the family members, Alex LeBarón , spread the petition on Twitter through a 'retweet'.

Through the White House petition platform, the action was requested because as the request indicates, the cartels kidnap and extort with almost total impunity. He adds that the terror  has been almost impossible to stop him to date.

 "Their rampant acts of violence and murder have invaded our borders and created an international crisis," the request states.

He emphasizes that each year there are approximately 35 percent more murders committed in Mexico than all officially designated terrorist groups in the world.

"They are terrorists and it is time to recognize it," concludes the petition.

The goal of the request is 100 thousand signatures with a deadline of December 24 to obtain a response from the White House.

On November 4, the LeBarón family was the victim of an attack in the municipality of Bavispe, Sonora, in which three women and six minors were killed while traveling in three SUVs.

The aggressors, according to the federal government, are members of drug cartels that dispute that territory for drug transfer.

Since then the LeBarón, of Mexican and American nationality, initiated a campaign of denunciation against these organizations and announced a caravan to the United States in demand of justice.


  1. If they want change it needs to be brought to the worlds attention that the government is in collusion with the cartels.

    1. Which is no bueno for the Lebarons more of them will get clipped

    2. Then that makes mexico a terrorist country.

    3. How many countries or ethnic groups are actually being neglected worldwide? Despite alarming bells by UN officials?
      Palestine's occupation by Israel and their allies clearly display their injustices.
      Its political! Everything is political.

  2. Surprisely they the government of Mexico, secretary Durazo is afraid to name the cartel that killed mother's and kids. Shows you he has no ball$.

    1. If the president of Mexico applies such to these cartels. Expect him to be fully guarded than strolling around without a care of his surroundings.
      Hate to say but cartels rule Mexico. Why else would he be cuddling these fools.

  3. Good for him. I think is about time to see the cartels as terrorist.

    1. They all need to burn in hell blo cds Juarez Linea GN zetas cdn cjng all of them and the ones that operate in the us for these groups

    2. They should name you racists for wanting the cartels stopped by force rather than inaction as in stopping the consumption of drugs.
      Like force has ever helped in any other country the U.S. has ever labeled terrorists in it???

    3. Nothing wrong with naming the cartels terrorist. The bad thing is that the US conveniently passed a law that allows the US to violate the sovereignty of another country by simply saying that there are terrorist there. The US has misused this TERRORIST EXCUSE to steal oil from Iraq, Syria and it is currently trying it with Iran. Kind of like a dirty cop. Can you say Training Day? If the US really wanted to fight DRUGS it would stop the money laundering and treat drug addictions. No dopefiends equals no drug dealing!

    4. @ 4:22pm Your points 'stopping consumption' and 'like force has ever helped' are well taken but F*CK OFF with the air grasping wrong use of racist...snowflakes get offended at everything.

      Canadian girl

    5. 422 playing the race card is a bullshit move. These cartels are preying on innocent unarmed women and children . And these people were not the drug consumers and were still shot down in cold blood cabron.
      Some dumbass doing drugs doesn’t give another dumbass the right to murder in the name of consumption.

    6. Can you please quote one credible news account of the USA stealing oil from Iraq, Syria or any other country? Thank you in advance.

    7. 5:04....with that logic, why won't those countries (Irag, Iran, Syria) label the US as terrorists and violate their sovereignty and invade??? Some people on here need to understand that the term "narcos" refers to drug makers and dealers. The term "terrorists" refers to a group that uses threats, violence and terror to subdue those that they want to control. Some of these cartels are both.

    8. 4:22 racists????

    9. 9:02 pm your comment is totally wack. I have seen a lot of white people doing meth and heroine but ok. Think what you want.

  4. There is more to this story, than some sicarios killing a family.
    But then again I’ve travel for several years with my family in a convoy of 3 trucks in northern Mexico, till this day we’re still here.

    1. Count your blessing the CDS terrorist organization is very big on hurting innocents

    2. Narcos are terrorist.

    3. CDS killing innocents tying them up to dynamite since before there was social media! CJNG did it too but now there is social media. Both should be labeled as terrorists

    4. 5:45 totally agree, i just find it funny how some people really think cds are good guys, they are monsters just like cjng the only difference is one actually takes care of business and the other blames shit that they do on others

  5. The American government will never do that. They want the Mexicans narcos to continue getting money so that later they can go in an collect what they can.

    1. designating them as terrorists won’t stop the drug trade

    2. Trump just announced he would designate Mexican Cartels as terrorist...

      "Once a particular group is designated as a terrorist organization, under U.S. law it is illegal for people in the United States to knowingly offer support and its members cannot enter the country and may be deported.

      Financial institutions that become aware they have funds connected to the group must block the money and alert the U.S. Treasury Department."

  6. The Lebaron family just put a huge x on there back

    1. If they didn’t have enough heat when this happened , they’ll sure as hell have it now.

    2. Well with that "x" now. If one of them die now from "cartel looking action" then they'll get their wish I guess

  7. There is a commenter who sends in a comment about the lebarons being part of a sex cult on every post of the lebarons. . If you research the story as I have you will see that the cult leader [U.S.] recruited a couple of the young women to work as nannies at a time when it was unknown where this cult was heading. One of the women is in fact one of those killed in the massacre. Secondly, We have reported only the event. Not caring to research into the hundreds of mormons of these two groups to determine the good and bad members. that is for someone else if they care to, out interest is in how the event relates to Mexico organized crime.

    Thirdly, by your assertion, and your insistence, it would appear that you think the mothers and children deserved to be terrorized and murdered.


    1. The cartels have to go all if them they've done enough to our people in mexico

    2. 3:19 sure Rambo go n exterminate them

  8. This should have been done ages ago. Classifying them as terrorists will allow the US to exert a broader approach to dealing with the cartels. This also could hold extra repercussions for those running guns across the border. Aiding terrorists carries a much harsher sentence than aiding a criminal organization.

  9. i understand this family's horrible tragedy but seriously to all gringos: think mexico is violent and risky? then leave just dont come here and nothing will ever happen to you, just because your a gringo living abroad doesnt give you the right to make demands about what should narcos be labeled as, so go back straight where you came from y no pasa nada, way too many inocent mexican families slaughtered by the cartels since this mess started back in 2006 and nobody making much noise about that, so what makes the lebarons special? because they're gringos? BS nomas eso faltaba.

    1. Double edged sword here. Just because Mexicans want a better life and illegally cross the border doesn’t give them the right to demand that they get stay. Maybe gringos should stay on their side and mexi’s stay on the other side.

    2. @ 1:52 Very true and well said

    3. 152 most gringos don’t know what’s going on in Mexico because Mexico is too fucked up to report it. The Mexican government doesn’t care about its citizens the way USA does.

    4. Funny that coming from a Mexican...if only foreigners would stay out and keep their opinions to themselves

    5. The Lebarons are also Mexican citizens so they have all the right to

    6. Most Mexicans forget there is a HUGE population of Mexican Americans who have family in Mexico. We want a safe environment for grandparents and family members that live in Mexico. But that don’t matter because we are just gringos pendejos in your eyes. The saying isn’t wrong. Mexicans are Mexicans own worst enemy.

  10. The terrorist label will impact alot of us Americans of Mex decent. My parents are Mex. I will be called names and bullied by patriots. The narco culture is very much accepted in chicano lifestyle. We will be targeted. Just like muslims.

    1. Maybe it’s time to STOP accepting the narco culture???

    2. @obvious guy that’s a scary reality actually

    3. Sleep with dogs wake with fleas

    4. Mexicans like many ethnic groups have been targeted in the US. Its called racism.

    5. 159 Mijo they want to label the cartels terrorist,(which they are) not your family, take it easy have a churro con atole.

    6. 8:02 while listening to paisa radio which promotes terrorist corridos.

  11. Those women and children didn't deserve to die, but these people went to Mexico WHY???? So they could continue to practice polygamy and to get away from the long arm of the law.....they aren't Mexicans , I don't care what anyone says ....maybe all Americans should get the hell out of mexico

  12. Naming them terrorists organizations is one step closer to an invasion of the U.S. into Mexico. It is a complete violation of international sovereignty laws. The U.S. should stop consumption if it really wants to stop the cartels. Educate everyone one the drugs as well as the deaths it causes between the cartels not just consumers.

    1. I said this once and I'll say it again... It's not the consumption in the US... There has always been drug use. Just the last dozen years or so the violence has gotten extremely sick... It's the greed from the Mexican cartels that they are the ones that "own" towns, roads, "plazas" and think that no one else can use them. To the point that they kill their fellow citizens and in gruesome ways... Ways that drug dealers in other countries do not use... Then there is kidnapping, extrosion and other ways Mexicans hurt fellow Mexicans. All while bitching that gringos are racist while killing off thier own population. Ridiculous to blame the US

      A Mexican citizen

    2. Labeling them terrorists (as they are) does not mean the US would invade. And even if the US consumption demand went down or away all together, the cartels have already found other ways the generate money by taking advantage of farmers and as of lately, tourism. Take away consumption, take away trade of products, take away tourism...what’s México left with??? Good luck with that scenario.

    3. Consumption isnt gonna stop and dealers won’t stop promoting their products because of greed and immoral values.

    4. The United States has conducted operations in Mexico since the late 80s when they murdered Pablo Acosta. I’m not saying that the guy didn’t deserve it but the Mexican federal agent who murdered him Guillermo Calderoni was one of the biggest drug traffickers in Mexico and was assassinated in South Texas very recently because, take your pick the Mexican government or CIA, was afraid he would talk. The operation to kill Acosta used American military helicopters and flew over US territory into Mexico. So let’s put this in context and understand that the CIA has a vested interest in allowing drug trafficking to continue. They make a lot of money off of it—it’s well-documented. That being said there is a good argument for designating the cartels as terrorist and these days they are certainly as well armed as terrorist and use terrorist tactics. If it would stop or even slow down drug trafficking that would be great, But that will never happen until you take the money out of it through decriminalization or legalization. Just look at the example of cannabis prohibition and subsequent legalization of cannabis in the US and what that has done to the cartels ultimate cash cow.

    5. 4:18, you are blind.

    6. 418 you need to read more BB to be better educated.Just because they may be called terrorists, which they are, does not mean US will invade. Furthermore, if US was to stop consumption of drugs or avacados, the cartels would still run rampant, by kidnappings, extortion, fuel theft, read more Charlie Brown.

    7. The Reagan campaign didn't prevent consumption. So what makes this any different?
      Everything starts from home. Not our educators, politicians nor our police.
      Yet I do agree with more treatment programs that need to be implemented. However, insurance companies are so eager to make sure that government doesn't interfere with their profits.
      Thus resulting with what he have today.
      Cartels run Mexico like US lobbyists and special interests groups run Washington.


    8. The US has never invaded Mexico nor does it care to invade Mexico. The traffickers are criminals by nature, no matter what they will never stop the violence. If nobody buys drugs they will find the next market and continue to kill each other and whoever stands in their way

    9. @6:39 I completely agree. I have personally seen the change in . the past 10-15 years.....Mexico now has a Mexican drug problem......all this super charged crystal and now Fent added into the mix.....UNHEARD of some years ago.....sure some mota, but before the older bosses were doing business , keeping a low profile, most of them ,, the whole situation is hideous......I had a teenage kid come up to me at a Quinci and offer me some "crystal", a kid I had seen as an infant in his mother's arms.....I nearly fell over and pretended I didn't understand him. This is an extremely rural community with all his extended family and most of the village present. It has only gone downhill since.

    10. Slippery slope for sure......rather frightening. terrorism designation by the US, ie. Altho, they have become terrorists theoretically. wow.

    11. @ 12:37 : How can you say the U.S. has never invaded Mexico? It most certainly has invaded Mexico during the Mexican American war and marched all the way to Mexico City, before retreating as the treaties were signed and the purchases of annexed Mexican territories were made by the U S. government. ...?

  13. Hey Chivis what’s wrong can’t take a little critique? Just shows how bias your site is....

    1. What the hell you talking about Willis!

    2. The door is open, sorry you do not like our platform, your subscription will be refunded.

  14. We already have sol saying retarded shit we don't need u.

  15. The fact of the matter is we do not know who killed these women and children.

    1. Mexico top brass know who did it, but since they receive hefty bribes, it's best to keep quite and look the other way. There was a time Durazno, mentioned (to look good in public), they arrested the criminals, which were never shown, and failed to name the criminal group, talk about being in collusion.
      El Perin de Tamp.

  16. You could say that I mean the cartels start just like any other terrorist group by getting all their weapons from the US government...what a joke if the lebaron cant stand what's happening why do the go back to america, its bullshit their grandfather did the same thing in his days now his grandsons a rd e paying for ir

  17. The legitimate land owners got tired of these people trampelling over the less fortunate.Dont blame it on the Cartels.According to locals these people went as far as killing land owners who got in their way.They really thought of themselves as untouchable.

  18. The U.S Government doesn’t give a flying FK, about the cartels. All they do is help the cartels bring in the drugs to the US they collect a nice percentage of the drugs. Then they sell guns and ammo to the cartels. Now with all that money that’s un accounted for. they fund their own wars that the US doesn’t suppose to be funding. That’s my 2 cents. El Pelon de Los Angeles!

  19. Mexico needs to declare gunstore owners terrorist for sending weapons to cartels.

    1. No Mijo it is not the gun store owners, it's the mfkers that buy them and take them over the border.
      Common sense 101

    2. 9:13 true but the US is who needs to declare war not only gun store owners but also go after private owners passing the weapons to cartels,this would be a much more efficient strategy to lower the killings n fight those "bad hombres"

    3. Who says the gun store owners send them? They just sell them, which is their right and it is our right to carry as stated in the bill of rights. So your comment makes no sense as no crime is being committed on this side lmaooooo

    4. 12:35 please stop it it's not like store owners are all abiding citizens, there's some crooked ones that sell guns to certain people they shouldn't with the intention to ship them to Mexico so there is a crime committed on this side

    5. I think the government should implement a tracking system on guns sold, were people buying firearms would have to bring their weapons and check in and make sure people are still in possession of weapons. And if a crime is committed in mexico with a USA weapon they should charge the person who originally bought the weapon.

  20. Agreed, Americans when convenient, let Mejico deal with it.

  21. Its so stupid to hear my fellow mexicans scream "if you dnt like it get the hell out!!! " Truth is the cartels and the corruption has to go, even if takes an outside country to help mexico!! There is nothing wrong with getting outside help but my mexican people are so patriotic that they want to blame everyone but their corrupt leaders. Ya dejense de pendejadas y dejen que nos ayude los estados unidos because obviously nothings working and shits getting worse!!!

    1. Unfortunately the President doesn’t want the help. Nothing can be done

  22. All those mother fuckers are just as bad as the narcs they act like they havnt killed any Mexican citizens gtfo pinches mamones digo mormones

  23. If the U.S. didn't have such a high demand for drugs then the cartels would never exist... How about human trafficking, how about the extortion of avocado farmers, how about the stealing of gas, how about the black market of certain endangered species just to name a few??? Mexico has been corrupt since it began as a country. How come Mexico is so fucked up that when a drug lords son gets captured then he gets let go the same day. Everyone always talks shit about the USA until they need the USA. Its funny how that works!

  24. Your serious? MX govt is the cartel...better to speak to the more powerful US govt for support. They can bring in the GCC to turn up the terror volume on the cartels..

  25. Hahaha 😆 What a show!

  26. Myself I am not sure if to support this as I need to study it further. anyone having a good source of pros vs con send it in

    here is the petition

  27. The most biggest, richest, immortal and invicible cartel that can destroy this make bonus money from any other one is CDG

    Yeah I mean the cartel de gobierno that's located in Mex city

    1. Scattered elements from past ties, that’s why is do or die....

  28. Of course the US can't wait for a reason to invade México. Qué asco.

  29. This is crazy to call mormons in mexico gringo. They are born in mexico. They are mexican citizens.. 100% many with 200 years of history. Many helped in mexican wars of 1800s .. calling them gringo and telling them to leave? You sound like the people you wish you were.. but also ironic


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