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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

CJNG Announce Their Arrival in San Luis Potosí

On social media the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación has recently announced their arrival to the state of San Luis Potosí. 

Video translation is as follows:
We are Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación. We are here to fight against the rats (thieves), extortionists, and kidnappers belonging to Los Zetas, Cartel Noreste, and Cartel del Golfo. Attention authorities: The fight is not against you. We’ve come to work for the well being of the citizens, those who have been affected by extortion, the land tariffs, and countless other abuses. 

The Director of the Ministerial Police José Guadalupe Celestino is the one who handles the sale of drugs in the state capital. Or did you forget, Mr. Governor, the operation last June 21, 2018? At the behest of the SEIDO against José Guadalupe, head of the Ministerial Police. An element for which you intervened preventing him from being detained. Anyone who supports Los Zetas, Cartel Noreste, Cartel del Golfo, and Guadalupe Castillo refrain now from participating in their ranks. We are Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación. We’ve arrived. And we are here to stay.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat   Source


  1. Video is safe for everyone to see.

    Se ve que son de huevos estos cabrones con eso que seguido andan sacando video tras video. Incluso se ve que les vale pura pinche riata quien ande detrás de ellos.

    1. Mencho is a bad dude,if they try catching him he will die shooting it out with government,mencho will swallow alive chapo!

    2. Yes sir Chema he seems to have had a meteoric rise everywhere. I also don’t believe he will allow himself to be captured alive.

  2. they have arrived to liberate the honest citizens of mexico

    1. They are brain washing the pheasants that they come to clean, with mops, trash bags, when really they come to extort, kidnap, rape and behead innocent hard working people.

  3. Lol I can't stop laughing the baby killer cartel comes to town to"rats, extortionist, kidnappers", and what the hell will they be doing threre same crimes, extorting, kidnapping. Oh brother and they tell the citizens they come to clean. Lol!

  4. Hopefully soon the USA marks the cartels as terrorists so their military can advance to summarily wipe them out.

    1. 12:40 its not gonna be like iraq or afghanistan where the us military will come in to “liberate” anybody. There won’t be air support for troops who the general population don’t want there. Last I heard the marines get their asses handed to them in mountain warfare ala afghnistan and urban warfare like baghdad. More american kids gunned down and heads cutoff cuz they’re gonna get hell left and right in mexico.

    2. LMFAO.....maybe if the US did something about their drug addicts this shit would stop.....

  5. I gl often and i will say that while it is not perfect slp is peaceful. I feel safe as always. Now im assuming things will change. Cjng in any state is bad news

  6. CJNG always look the part,these guys right here all look in shape and ready,this shit needs shutting down.What exactly has AMLO and his cronies done?Dont they see these videos?

    1. I agree, at his daily press conferences does anyone address these videos to their leader? You all can make fun of DJT, but the people in this video are terrorist destroying Mexico one “plaza” at a time.

  7. Its how they play nice with locals to get info on their family in the US then they make them set up shop wherever they are. It's an easy way to control by practically holding the family hostage. You get new fresh workers and grow your territory. Mencho ain't dumb.

  8. Legalize drugs,... And change the gun law in the USA.
    The Marinas and American special forces sweep all the Plazas clean.
    This is possible in 12 months,..
    Take the mothers, children, from the big Capos hostage,.. If they won't surrender.
    just sweap the country clean,.. Together with legalization!!

  9. CJNG has always been in SLP not in the same magnitude as CDG or Zetas but always been there in some form or fashion


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