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Friday, October 11, 2019

Guaymas, Sonora: Armed Commando Opens Fire on Mayor's House

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Informador y Infobae

The house received more than 100 bullet impacts of heavy caliber.

The Mayor Sara Valle Dessens is accompanied by the commissioner and the municipal police and elements of the National and Marine Guard. 

The rain of bullets that have flooded the municipality of Guaymas, Sonora, with dead people during the last weeks, reached the house of the region's mayor , Sara Valle Dessens , located on Almagres Street, in the Paseo de Las Villas neighborhood.

The attack occurred on Thursday afternoon, around 5;00pm, when a group of hitmen opened fire on the property of the official repeatedly. In addition, an Aveo vehicle , allegedly owned by the son of the municipal president, received several bullet impacts.

The Attorney General's Office reported that the detonations of firearm projectiles, which damaged the body of the car are investigated by members of the Security Bureau for the Construction of Peace in Sonora.
At the time of the attack the property was unoccupied. According to the neighbors, Valle Dessens visits that house little because of the violence and death threats that exist in the town.

The mayor was accompanied by the general commissioner Humberto Cano Ahuiro toured the house to verify the damages.

After the attack, the authorities deployed a military police operation in the area, while experts from the State Attorney General's Office (FGJE) and the Ministerial Agency for Criminal Investigation (AMIC), initiated the placement of numerals on the percussed caps .

For her part, Mayor Sara Valle Dessens was accompanied by the commissioner of the municipal police, Humberto Cano Ahuir, as well as elements of the National and Marine Guard.

According to figures from the Sonora government, 94.1 percent of the crime incidence is concentrated in 13 municipalities of the entity. Hermosillo and Cajeme are the regions with the greatest intervention in criminal acts, with 36.94 and 24.58 percent, respectively.

In the analysis, which covers dates from January to August 2019 , the municipality of Guaymas only reported 1.89 percent of the crime incidence in the state.

In the border entity, criminal organizations are the main generators of violence. On September 4 , Infobae Mexico reported on the bloody events caused by the fierce fight between local criminal groups.

House fires and bursts of violence have become a systematized modus operandi of the Los Salazar cartel. The members of this cell are involved in the planting, production and transfer of drugs in Sonora to Arizona, United States, as well as the smuggling of migrants for the Sinaloa Cartel.
Check out our recent Posts on Los Salazars and their activities.


  1. El Curtis is the main guy in Arizona. It's unbelievable they try to kill the mayor of Guaymas. Is that lady governor of Sonora in on this too? Why doesnt the Fed govt help? Politically speaking. Guy named Beltrones is very powerful in Sonora. I live there.

    1. Main guy for who? If you know him he must be very known and on the radar. Curious in AZ. EL LP

    2. Right, I heard bout that guy. He's in Sonora also. Think he's affiliate with CDJNG, one of biggest drug dealers in USA. Moves a lot of weight all over world. White guy or half mexican

  2. This place used to have comments under the posts, where have people gone to? I used to follow all this in e past, it did me no good. It's like joining delincuents to witness their immoral acts without having any way to influence them towards a better life. Going to Diario del Narco para ver qué alli

    1. I am truly sorry.
      Comments will be resuming ASAP.
      I, personally, always try to put a story in perspective;
      BB is NOT just a crime blog. We do many human rights stories, corruption, human and species trafficking, environmental and land defenders issues, the war on the free press etcetc.
      Hope you come back, you are a longtime follower if I am not mistaken.

    2. None of us can influence them. Enjoy the coverage we get, or rather that we’re able to get some coverage of the happenings in MX.

    3. Maria sorry your not happy, this is a free service, that is done to keep everyone that wants to be informed of what's transpiring in Mexico. Should byou come back that will be fine, just don't your your real name. Have a great day.

    4. These people are all volunteers that dedicate numerous and often thankless hours to publishing, translating and moderating. If you're going to leave anyway without volunteering to help, why gripe about it? Buh bye.

  3. The media makes the Salazar or the cjng very powerfull,well guess what? they are nickels and quarters besides the real dollar$$$$$$$$$

  4. Protect the mayor

  5. Found the house on Gmaps, it would be really stupid for her to stay there, house is 30 ft from one of the main avenue. She would die for sure

  6. Why shoot the house or "the car"?
    --shit looks self inflicted to GET protection, real criminals would just have killed her and her son.
    Instead of putting numbers on the percuted caps, the motherfacking police could prevent some crime by having roadblocks on strategic points, or they could just stick the percuted caps up their jundillos.

  7. Thanks to all of you at BB for your time and effort in keeping us all informed. You all could really charge membership fees for the service you provide. What happens in Mexico is really happening all over the world now. Most Mexicans are great people just trying to survive and raise their families, very kind hearted people. Like Jesus said, the lust for money, greed, is the root of all evil, and we see this in the violence occurring everyday all over the world

    1. How you want to contribute to BB, how about $100 a month, debit card is accepted.

  8. The stupid ones become sicarios (hitmen), kill someone then lose their protection then wind up dead, chewed up and spit out. Very sad,
    its so true that we must choose our friends wisely. Some are very very young. They should have trusted that God loves them, and get a real job. Teaching english pays very well in southern Mexico.

  9. Esto paso por que la presidenta rompio acuerdos con los Salazar y le dio entrada a la gente de rcq de caborca


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