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Tuesday, October 15, 2019

DEA arrested and US repatriated Mencho to Mexico 15 years ago; now he is the most wanted

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat TY Gus from RioDoce

After Joaquín el Chapo Guzmán fell off the search radar of the United States, and while intelligence methods were aggravated in finding the whereabouts of Rafael Caro Quintero, it is Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes “el Mencho”, who has become the main objective of the United States.

However, as recorded in the United States judicial archives, Mencho has already been in the hands of US authorities, having been arrested when he was a simple drug dealer, in 1994, in Sacramento California.

He was then arrested by DEA agents, who handed him over to a group of federal prosecutors, who after filing charges for drug trafficking, sentenced him to 5 years and 6 months in federal prison.

El Mencho did not finish his sentence, three years later he was released thanks to  good behavior, although immediately after he was repatriated to Mexico by Tijuana, shortly after returning to his native Aguililla, Michoacán.

Nobody has been able to specify what Oseguera Cervantes did during all those years, although it is possible that he has joined the groups of Abigail González Valencia Los Cuinis, who then did business with a faction of the Sinaloa Cartel that operated in that region, and that very he was possibly controlled by Ignacio Nacho Colonel.

During the following years the governments of both countries lost track of him, and it would not be until March 13, 2014 that the DEA relocated him, indicating him as one of the main operators trafficking drugs to the United States, which after the Cuini's arrest, and the death of Nacho Coronel in 2010, would have been at the head of the Cartel Jalisco New Generation  or (CJNG).

Oseguera Cervantes is accused of trafficking all types of drugs to the United States, including cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine and heroin, and that has a network that supplies distributors in the Chicago, New York, Georgia and Washington DC area, so that shortly after they pointed it out as one of the main objectives of the United States.

The DEA, ICE, the FBI, began looking for him, as explained in document 1: 14-cr-00051-2, based in a federal court of the District of Columbia, where he is accused of exporting hundreds of kilos of cocaine, resulting in the order of his apprehension.

Five years later, the search for Mencho continues to occur, although to date he has been very elusive, because there is no recent image that can specify what it looks like, and if not for a photo of him that circulated in 1994, there would be little.

The files that exist in the different courts of the United States are "classified," and no one can access them because it is an ongoing investigation.

"When it comes to investigations in progress, no information is revealed about the person, and we can only say that he is wanted like any other criminal," said Barbara Carreño of the DEA.

However, it is undeniable that the United States held one of the most wanted men in that country, and that today it is one of the most powerful drug traffickers in Mexico, since its networks operate from the West Coast of the United States to the eastern coast.

According to the National Security Commission, Oseguera Cervantes has several brothers who at the time participated with him in activities related to drug trafficking such as Abraham and Martin, who at the time were also arrested in Northern California, where they were also sentenced

The United States currently offers a $ 10 million reward for information that helps capture him.


  1. Do you think the people who processed him remember him? Or was he just quickly forgotten among all of the other people they arrest and prosecute? It must be surreal to hear that some two-bit dime dealer is now the most wanted man on the continent.

  2. There have been a lot of articles lately in the Mexican press about the rise of Mencho. He is making his presence known everywhere. The stronger he gets, the more brazen he becomes. The 14 police killed in his hometown the other day is a good example. It was done intentionally to send a message. He has a lot more in common with Pablo Escobar than with El Chapo. A true psychopath.

    He is smarter than Pablo though, Pablo sought the limelight. Pablo sought attention. Mencho also loves attention, but to his deeds not his person. He is in many ways like Pablo, but in important ways he is also like Mayo. Secretive, elusive. How long will survive?

    Like Pablo, I don't see Mencho being taken alive.

    1. Don't compare that b*tch to Pablo escobar he aint on his level and he already was taken alive so no he probably getting captured alive

    2. Fuck Pablo Mencho already surpassed that him like it or not

    3. @9:59 LOL. Ok. Mencho came up after Nacho was killed in 2010. Experts put his rise at 2014, which gives him approximately 5 years of running his own show, but I have a feeling you're going to cry at these facts so we'll put Mencho at 2010. That's only 9 years. From the time Chapo escaped the 1st time until 2014, Chapo already had a 13 year head start. That's not counting his time in the early 80's. Sorry to break it to you but Mencho has a looong way to go, if he even makes it that far. You see the difference between Chapo, Mencho and Pablo is that Chapo or atleast CDS know how to keep them palms greased so that the operation continues to run smooth. Mencho and Pablo declared war on the government. Big NO NO. Pablo did that and ended up dead, same goes for Mencho. "Like it or not!"

    4. 10:47 alvaro uribe velez declared war on the colombian government, in the name of Pablo Escobar to steal everything from his patron, he got it...

  3. Didnt mencho snitch out all the other h dealers in the mission in sf??

    1. He did that and more cause he keep giving dea info on all his enemies

    2. But they didn't do nothing to him when in prison with a snitch jacket? Nobodys wanted to do the jale? Yeah Nobodys.

    3. That’s funny you say that cause back in the day i went to (ritmo Latino)you know that was on the corner of mission and I don’t rember but was like 15 st or 17 st not sure any way when I came out I seen this straight grimy look fool looked like he just got done working on a car anyway he was trying to break in to my car he look just like mencho he took off running and that blue sweater that’s the area that los sureños be around in SF like 15st -20st and it’s crazy cause a lot of them are from Michoacán (naranjo de chila)

    4. this in the 80s?

    5. Can you say with any confidence it was Mencho?

  4. That photo must be more than 15 years old. His hair due give it away.

  5. It will be interesting to see the comment section

  6. All this smells like the fucking U.S agencis like cia and dea know everything in order to keep this fucking war like middle east wars, is just a good fucking business selling drugs and guns! All this shit is real intention from those agencies, now their warrior is Mencho like a Chapo 2!

    1. My thought exactly ever since I read about the "good behavior " thing and him showing up in Mexico with power out of nowhere .

  7. Thats all they good at ambushing cops because abuelo Made his people surrender and its a small town and cjng can't take over what a joke

  8. El mayo Zambada is menchos daddy been trafficking for dedecades while this traidor and snitch was in California dropping the soap plus his son is on sonora under Mayo's balls getting spit on and beat up by cds and mencha can't do anything about it

    1. Mencho slaps mayo and the sinaloenses around keep thinking that mayo has any say

    2. Smells like jealously™ What's
      your fascination with spitting? You said the same thing when his wife was arrested, that she was being spit on and raped. You're probably the same person that accused El Caniento of traicionando his familia, gente y estado. Ever thought that the KingRat™ and Chapo were trying to keep him down. CDS no significa lo que tú piensas, ya estaba registrado ese nombre y ya están los hermanos libres. Agarrense

    3. Mayos been hiding behind his daddy chapo for years that’s why he’s losing plazas now, they taking them right from under his skirt. Also he’s an informant/traitor look at how he’s taught all of his sons Foh

  9. Is Mencho depicted in any shows/movies/documentaries like Chapo? Or is it too early for that

  10. 15 yrs? Mugshot says 1986? Article says 1994? In true narco fashion seems like no one knows the truth but those involved

  11. Mencho is a dead man. The CIA knows where he is

  12. The bounty is big, Mencho is running out of time. Dead or alive says the bounty.

  13. If nacho was alive this foo wouldn't be shit.. pura gente de la sierra Dgo!!

    1. Así es ... y puro Triángulo De Oro mi compa!

    2. Al huaraches de oro lo hacían fuerte la gente del sur y sus familiares. Antes que el llegará a Jalisco ya había gente movida que son de allí. Sus socios de las traiciones(CDS) le tuvieron miedo y lo mandaron bajar. Lo demás pienso que lo sabes y El de los Gallos es quien controla.

    3. Que sabes del huaraches de oro yo soy de colonia Juárez chihuahua

  14. I don’t think mencho is all that special like some say he is just one of those guys that marry the girl who’s family but you in a position of power as a favor to ther sister and mencho has always had to do extra to try and impress his brother in laws the real boss in my opinion is his wife she was born in the life so she was breed and groomed since little probably was a daddy’s girl the Valencia’s were a very intelligent family been moving work for a long time with out having to fighting others for awhile which was good for awhile (don’t have to spend money on fighting)the down side when you start having problems you can’t defend yourself like the more experienced fighters so you get your ass kicked like the Valencia’s then you got to aline yourself with others to survive

    1. Mencho makes chapo look like a sissy

    2. Yea? Well there’s what you THINK and facts. Mencho was groomed into this life as well. All cartel leaders look for this same balance, just like Mayo and chapo, one was a fighter and the other a money maker. There’s no way to downplay someone getting to the position that Mencho is in now, do you know how many narcos try to get to his position? Your name doesn’t get picked out of a hat.

  15. u.s is responsable for all this war between cartels and that sell out ex president calderon has a lot to do with it he signed the merida treaty

    1. How so? Why are not the cartels responsible for their own mess?


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