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Sunday, October 13, 2019

CERESO Chetamul Q Roo: CJNG Hangs Message for Director + Dismembered Body found in Cancun

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: VPT y solqr

This morning a narcomanta was found hung on the “Armando Escobar Nava” secondary school wall, in the Proterritorio neighborhood, with a threat to the director of the Social Reintegration Center (Cereso) of Chetumal.

In the message the director of the prison is told that he has kept 100,000 pesos from the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) and is given a period of 24 hours to return the money and/or a slaughter of custodians will begin.

Yesterday at dawn an operation was carried out in the Cereso de Chetumal, in which the confiscation of various prohibited materials and artifacts was accomplished. The narcomanta was hung 24 hours later.

"Ángel Domínguez aka director of the Cereso de Chetumal, we give you 24 hours to return the 100 thousand pesos you grabbed from us," says part of the message on the blanket hanging in the school wall, on Chetumal Avenue.

The message was signed by the CJNG and after being discovered a police operation was implemented to find the one or those who hung it, but there have been no results thus far.

Cancun:  On Friday morning a human head and an alleged narcomanta were found in a park of the Infonavit subdivision, a few meters away from López Portillo Avenue in Region 103 of this city.

The finding was reported at 7:20 in the morning in front of the Cancun Infantry Battalion. The blanket was hanging on a tree and underneath the head was left. Later, the body was located in the Izamal subdivision, between Supermanzanas 317 and 320 of the same city.

Different police officers arrived at the site to cordon off the area and carry out the corresponding investigations. No report of who left the threatening manta.

Circulation on the stretch of López Portillo Avenue had to be closed from the entrance of region 103 towards the Battalion, which caused road chaos in the area.

Municipal and state police reinforced surveillance in the accesses of Cancun and began the search for those responsible in that area.


  1. Que es “La Famlia de Los Sureños”?

  2. 100,000 pesos is a little over 5k dollars. CJNG must be struggling if they are crying over 5k. Pablo would spend 1k a week for rubber bands. Lol @ cartels these days.

  3. All you here is cjng in this blog, I remember when cds was at its prime and there was nothing but stories of flashy sinaloa cap is.. The stories now is more ruthless sicarios and cap is without the flash.. No surprise cjng became the stronger cartel

    1. Until the government considers them terrorists.

    2. Cjng makes the s inaloas look like school girls taking selfies 😆

    3. 11:33 isnt that what sinaloas really are? They are more worried about their tight pants and their barba serrada than killing the competition, they dont want to get their fresh manicure dirty, what a bunch of pussies

    4. Funny but true 🤣 11:33

  4. Cjng are scum no one likes cjng here.

  5. Jaliscas always snitching on this mantas. Just kill the fucker if u got to but stop puting names on your gay ass little love messages.

  6. The Wars wax and wane, sadly.
    We go where they take us.

    1. Along with the miseries we create.


  7. The U.S government should teach these suckers a lesson! The Mexican government isn't a government at all, this is why they run around like they own this bitch. The U.S army should destroy the fuck out these wannabes, I'm Mexican I hate what have done to my country. I don't even feel like having children here because the insecurity is so bad.


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