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Saturday, September 7, 2019

Sonora: Menchito transferred to Hermosillo Prison

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  TY Gus from MVS

The Secretariat of Public Safety and Protection (SSPC) reported that on Friday Rubén Oseguera González, “El Menchito”, has been transferred.

He was transferred to the maximum security wing of the Federal Center for Social Readaptation ( Cefereso ) number 11, located in Hermosillo, Sonora.

Menchcito is Nemesio Oseguera's son aka “El Mencho ", and was being held at the Federal Center for Social Readaptation ( Cefereso ) number 15, located in Chiapas.

The agency explained that its transfer was due to the fact that it has special security measures. 

Related information: SSPC presumes progress in the consolidation of the National Guard He said that Oseguera González is accused of various crimes, in addition to the United States government requesting his extradition.


  1. He better have good friends in Sonora.

  2. Replies
    1. He might run it one day but as of now it's Salazar

    2. CAF is no longer. Only in memories.

    3. CAF? What are you even talking about?

    4. 8:55 Sonora has always been Caro Quintero land. Bought and paid for many years ago.

    5. Gente del piloto . CAF

    6. CAF became DECAF a while ago, bolas de gueyes.

  3. An opportunity here. Hold the son until the father makes concessions.
    Mencho knows all about kidnapping for ransom. The government has his kid and can extract whatever they want, if they want. That is if the cartel head really cares about his son. We can assume he does.

    1. Damasos, Cadete and maybe Mochomito were responsible for the Leche levantón. Damasos got captured, turned self's in or were killed. Cadete turned himself in, he is Emilio Quintero son, and is giving info to the ABC agencies on RCQ. Mochomito was "captured" in GDL shortly after the levantón. The CJNG crew that did the levantón were all killed. If Mencho had the Chapitos kidnapped and humiliated, why did the subsequent events play out the way they did? We know who had the last say so on if the Chapitos were to be killed, however many they were. Who is the other person that secured their safety and release and what was given in exchange? It's true that the government can negotiate/demand concessions but unless Menchito is home sick and acting like a weeny and can't assess and understand that the game is Chess, the negotiations will be more even. IDK his mother acted calmed when she was brought in and was later released. Maybe she visits him?

    2. Naw, el senor probably has plenty of bastards running around.

  4. What are the odds of him being handed over to the United States?

    1. LoL. Faster than you can say "free chapo" he is soon to be extradited.

  5. I thought he ordered to be released

  6. Animo Sicarios
    That prison belongs to Gente Nueva and Los Salazares . A move to keep the Rooster guy on check.

    1. You mean gente nueva de los Salazares

    2. I wish I could see it in the same light as do you. The wild card for me is how much power RCQ now has up there. If he's firmly in charge in Sonora Menchito may be okay. But I kind of am thinking you may be on to something.

    3. The ones that keep ending up dead left and right because of RCQ’s people? I’m sure they will keep Mencho on check 😂

    4. He who has the gold makes the rules. At his best ASZ was regional.

  7. Replies
    1. Ding ding ding! Winner winner chicken dinner!

  8. Dang right in the heart of Sinaloa territory in Sonora

    1. El cuini was in Durango y ahí le hacían los mandados

  9. Sinaloa putting in some good strategys

  10. Looks like he’s in the extradition process. Maybe the real reason why Mexico moved him to Sonora so they can turn him over to the US marshals

  11. And the negotiations begin with Menchito Mayo,RCQ,Chapitos.. Mayo said it in the mantas

    1. Is there a consensus as to whether those mantas were actually the work of Mencho? Doesn't seem like his style but I am still thinking it was him.

    2. Maybe it is a multifaceted strategy by Mayo, IDTS, but if he miscalculates the bloodshed will increase everywhere.

  12. Still not a. DEA informant ...

  13. 501- you keep saying RCQ, do you even understand what's going on here? This is the beginning of the end to Mencho and CJNG as you know it...

    1. A bold proclamation. I'm not sure anyone on this board really knows what's going on.

    2. I don’t think so but fuck Sinaloa that’s for sure

    3. It’s always the end according to you Michael. Ya no le heches tanto a el foco hijo

    4. You're absolutely right Michael. He's on his way to the U.S. now the question is, will the U.S cut a deal so he can give up some intel, will he accept the deal or will he go out like Mochomo to please the ding ding cheerleaders who look up to the guy who chooses death or life in prison.

    5. 11:30 Some men have honor. These are KILLERS, but when their time is up and escape, incarceration or death are the options their actions speak louder than all the corridos they approved. 10:38 I ask you the same question. As the events unfold time will show us. So who is once again in control of TJ and is the rightful owner of it as you say?

  14. Smart move, now they have him in rival cartels territory, sorry mencho ur not as strong as u percieved!!

    1. Nobody is strong throughout the whole country. De quién es Sonora? Tiene plieto con CJNG?

  15. He bout to get done in there cause that's RCQ territory

    1. RCQ and Mencho are cool. RCQ is old school and has enough respect to work with both Mayo and Mencho.

      Menchito is cool in RCQ territory.

  16. This is all thanks to RCQ’s political clout! He will be out!

  17. I thought he was to be "released" again?

  18. Let’s be honest they won’t put a finger on him. With everything heating up in Sonora I doubt anyone wants CJNG to join in the fight even if it is just to heat up the plaza

  19. Next prison

  20. He’s on his way to the US.

    1. Hopefully but doubtful. Would love to see this little !@#$ staring at concrete walls for the next 60 years

    2. ...the truth, cousin. whoops! there goes life as he knew it.

  21. That's strange to get moved so far away from were you dont have (cjng)presence with his dad being the all mighty mencho ja ja just to let everyone know that he aint as powerful as some think menchito got moved ther for a few reasons maybe 1.cause he's going to get extradite to los united.2maybe moved ther to use as a bargaining method against mencho if he dont comply they threaten to harm menchito.3 maybe he going to escape from ther nobody would ever expect that so far up north.but who knows

    1. You idiot CJNG just left mantas in Sonora this week Mencho sent 28 trucks to Sonora they are digging a tunnel as we speak

    2. 2:13 if you could count to ten,
      We'd have ten reasons... LOL.

    3. 2:13 las amistades valen más que el dinero, recuérdalo. El gobierno si quiere te manda al infierno o a EEUU, estás a su disposición.

  22. I thought he was released?

  23. That’s where he’ll escape from RCQ is doing good

  24. His dad Is working for the quinteros brothers so is ok, zambadas better not touch him because Rafael and miguel will get mad and mayo don't want to do that.

    1. Idk mayo still top dog no matter what u think or say , he has no reason to go after menchito anyway

    2. No digas mamadas

    3. Maybe he's working with CQs but DEFINITELY NOT for ANYBODY.

    4. 3:40 Mayo/CDS/DEA top dog? Not in Mexico. Does Mayo want the blood of more Zambadas on his hands, chess not checkers.

  25. If RCQ is in fact behind this, which I doubt it wouldn't be to help him escape, it's to have Mencho by the balls. Mencho is a loose cannon and the way to control that is by using his son as a bargaining chip. I actually believe this was purely government. By putting this guy in Sonora it will be harder for CJNG to penetrate the state much less the prison and attempt to break him out.

    1. If Sonora is really RCQ’s plaza then Mencho ain’t gonna try to get in out of respect. These guys are old school and have a mutual respect for eachother. What happened here is that RCQ is using his political connections to get Menchito out and had him transferred to Sonora for a better stay in prison in the meantime.

    2. Looks like this move was made to facilitate extradition to the U.S. now the question is, how much time is he facing, what's the plea deal and how much are you willing to give up?

    3. 11:34 at the very least, AMLO will not extradite anybody unless the US extradite some US citizens who have done crime in Mexico.

    4. 10:51 from my understanding Menchito is a U.S citizen.

  26. Government is laying a trap, to see new registered visitors. The visitors will lead a trace to Mencho.

    1. Ya right. Even if they had a map to Menchos doorstep the Mexican government wouldn't dare go after Mencho again. I believe they're genuinely afraid of him. Look at the last times they went after him...he shot down a helicopter, killed a bunch of troops, shut down the highways, and lit Guadalajara on fire. The Mexican government doesn't have the stoamch to go after him.

      Mencho threw a temper tantrum last time and Mexico being Mexico they will now let him have his way. He won't have to go to his room or stand in the corner now.

  27. That's what his lawyers wanted tontos, caro Quintero is not doing NADA

  28. Prisoners are usually transferred to hermosillo facing extradition requests by DOJ. Had two different friends doj extradited after being transferred to hermosillo

  29. Too many people on here give RCQ too much credit

  30. That’s a facility like the ones in the USA was designed as identical as those, I doubt he will be in any danger, I believe he was transferred as a “security” measurement, those guys are in lockdown there almost all day and security is tight compared to the 5 stars penal he came from where I’m sure he had servants and everything he wanted.

  31. Yes Menchito is an American citizen born in San Francisco


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