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Friday, September 27, 2019

Los Metros: M300 leaves a manta for Los Escorpiones

Reynosa, Tampauilpias - Today the body of a man with head wounds was located. And a message addressed to Los Scorpiones was found.

Said message signed by El M300 and the body were found in Colonia Vamos Tamaulipas, Brecha E99 along the bank of the canal.

Unofficially it is said that the victim is identified as José María Garza "N", who apparently resides in the city of Galveston, Texas.

Manta reads as follows:
This will be the fate of all the bodyguards from Los Escorpiones.

Graphic images below no further text

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat Source


  1. Chivis there was a shoot out in uruapan , any word or news on this? I know a poor waiter got killed...

    1. Sol posted the story. The video depicted a brutal shooting of unarmed victims. First
      using long weapons then methodically backtracking and finishing them off with a handgun

      The waiter was killed

      I could not find an update as of today.

    2. They were viagras

    3. To the BB follower sending in the links and great info pls send the Yucatan link again specifically to the exact story

      I am making a post

    4. Their is a video in his possession of some people from Chiapas who are speaking a Native dialect or native language and spanish combined who are burned alive you can't make out what they are saying just a few words.

      Mexico is truly screwed with AMLO at the head innocent people are now the ones being targeted in Michaocan, Guerrero, Chiapas who knows what other areas in Mexico. From videos of innocent people being beaten by a large pole in Guerrero to the Viagras in Aguillila killing old men because his sons stupidly joined the Narcodefensas 4 or 5 years ago.

    5. 10:26 the victim on this report with his head blown and his brain matter on his pants, was killed with the signature shot of the seal six shooters, canoeing they call it, his hands tied behind his back, and no state police death squad around to arrest.
      The Tejas born governor of Tamaulipas cabeza de cagadas de vacas, a dollars multimillionaire wants no Guardia Nacional, affirming "the state has to get to work", doing more, extrajudiciary murdering... Why are you still chewing AMLO's Chorizo?
      You also can't say who got whose's videos, and from Tamaulipas to Yucatan to Michuakan or to the guys who got killed with a branch that was all a Steel bar, there is a lot of Crime, but it was inherited from the war on drugs of Felipe Calderon and EPN, and that war has eaten state fiscal generals on several states for their, complicity with local criminals in cahoots with their state governors and police corporations and melitary, of which AMLO just became commander in Chief this year.
      You are putting the blame in the wrong basket, like fox, FECAL, zedillo, Salinas and EPN, the criminals who unleashed all this crime and corruption over the last 36 years when they had all the power and stole all the money, some of which they used as blinders for your one eyed behind to see nothing, hear nothing, and say nothing about them, but thanks for your propaganda Chayotero.

  2. Los Metros, La Empresa, La Barredora para pinche nombrecitos sin son buenos. Pero para camellar no valen para pura verga #*×\!!!

    1. Quick question Brodie who and where are the Empresa from

  3. Puro mamachiles del toro-m42.
    Traicion por traicion entre los metros

    1. Las traiciones empezaron antes del toro. En el 2011 el M3 fue traicionado por su gente.

    2. That’s what I’m saying all the so called bosses were toros disciples.

    3. El negrito - metro3 brother is coming for reynosa and frontera chica
      Por betraying M3

  4. The targets in uruapan were viagras, unfortunately the innocent waiter got killed.

  5. Isnt there rumors that m300 Primito clicked up with CJNG thats why we see Jalisco rollin round in that Camargo vid if remember right?
    They really did blow dudes roof off

    1. 6:20 death did not let the poor guy erase the fear from his face, surely he saw the gun and his shooter.

  6. Tamaulipas hit the fan when El toro died or is just me

    1. No when M3 was killed and betrayed by his own people

  7. Los metros will get rid of zetas now that the cjng is backing them up

    1. Como siempre de panochas pidiendo apoyo a putos que los van a tracionar. Nimodo a final de cuentas, miguel aleman, camargo,comales, toda la frontera chica va ser de los cdn. Ni con su apoyo van a pode pinches jotos llorones.

    2. Maruchaneros will never go high class, they are all too busy getting a peso or two for their crack or meth for their focos, and washing reluctant customers windshields or selling paletas or tamales for tips will never let them save anythin', no wages.

  8. they kill inocents and claim they are contras
    aint no galveston resident being no lookout
    fake news
    must of been wrong place wrong time

  9. I went to Mexico a few year ago, not now this new President scares me. He has no control of the cartels

  10. Dude this person wasn't in that bullshit


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