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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

"La Garra", Bloodthirsty Head of CJNG in the US

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Infobae y laverdad y RadioFormula
        “La Garra”: the feared and bloodthirsty leader of the Jalisco Cartel in the United States

The DEA placed him in 2016 as one of the three heads of the CJNG along with "El Mencho" and Abigael González Valencia, "El Cuini". For more than a decade he has been part of the criminal group.

Little known, José Luis Mendoza Cárdenas, alias "La Garra", leader of the arm of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) in the United States is considered one of the two leaders who could be placed at the head of the criminal organization in case of that Nemesio Oseguera, "El Mencho", was killed or detained by the authorities.

"La Garra" appears in documents of the US authorities, the "National Drug Threat Assessment" report prepared by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), in which it is confirmed that he is responsible for operations in the US.

One of his hallmarks is that for more than a decade he has remained faithful to "El Mencho" and that it has been part of the CJNG since they were known as "Los Matazetas", an armed wing of the Sinaloa Cartel that had the task of preventing the entrance of Los Zetas to its territory.

He is known for his bloody methods. On July 25, 2008, he was suspected by the authorities of the state of Jalisco as responsible for a heinous crime in which three minors were killed : two 7 and 8 year old girls and a 17 year old boy as well as three others adults in the municipality of Zapotlán El Grande. All were stabbed or killed by suffocation.

The family was originally from Zacatecas and San Luis Potosí, and had bought their house from the former governor of Jalisco, Alberto Cárdenas Jiménez. They had moved to the new house two months before, after one of them was kidnapped and then released, after payment of a large sum of money.

On August 1 of that year, "La Garra" and six other men were arrested for their alleged involvement in the crime. They were also accused of stealing 400,000 pesos from the family. Authorities also seized two vehicles, multiple rounds of ammunition, two weapons and communication equipment.

On August 30, 2008, all detainees were formally charged with seven charges related to the crime, however, the name "La Garra" was not included in any of the charges and he was released.

The authorities alleged that the case was not related to drug trafficking and that it was strictly a kidnapping scheme carried out by a network of kidnappers in complicity with government agents.

Mendoza Cárdenas was released without explanation from the authorities. Years later, his influence within the CJNG grew and he positioned himself as one of the main members of the criminal group.

2016 DEA reports indicate that the CJNG bastion in the US is located in California and New York and from there distributes the drug from Jalisco throughout the country.

Like "El Mencho" he began in the criminal world working for the Sinaloa Cartel where he learned to traffic methamphetamine to American soil following the orders of Ignacio "Nacho" Colonel, who was in charge of Guadalajara Plaza and was killed in 2010.

In addition to methamphetamines, "La Garra" would also be responsible for trafficking cocaine and heroin.
Also Hugo Gonzalo Mendoza Gaytán ,''El Sapo'', is the other  of the most wanted members of the CJNG by the US drug authorities.

The control area of the control area of '​​'El Sapo'', according to the DEA is  Puerto Vallarta , Jalisco, a plaza of great importance for the CJNG, as it represents its financial bastion.

He is also appointed as the person in charge of recruiting new hit men for the criminal organization, whom he even recruits through Facebook ads.

He was born in Apatzingán, Michoacán, on October 2, 1988, that is, he is currently 30 years old.

At only 30 years of age, Hugo Mendoza recruits staff with deception, because he makes them believe that they will work as security guards, however, he moves his victims to uninhabited areas where he keeps them in inhumane conditions.

Their recruits have nothing left but to remain in the CJNG , because if they refuse or rebel, they kill and incinerate them. This is extremely common and in the remote mountain villages is common knowledge that few have spoken out about.
The wife of “El Sapo” is the commercial administrator and washes the money obtained from the profits of the drugs on behalf of the CJNG and her husband, the US government said

Hugo Mendoza is also appointed as the person in charge of recruiting new hit men for the criminal organization, whom he even recruits through Facebook ads .

"El Mencho" is one of the most wanted drug traffickers in Mexico and the United States , in case of being captured, the names of "La Garra" and "El Sapo" stand to take the reins of the criminal organization. 


  1. MOST WANTED. Yet he remains free!

    1. Yes why do you think he is on the most wanted list. Fiddle sticks.

    2. They are not their own men, all the Mexican capos have been like in charge of the plantations and respond to absent owners who mostly check the business through their bank account balances. Of. Course, the situation leads to many opportunities to freelance and do some money of your own on the side, but when caught that is your problem por chaquetero. It happened to Noriega and el Chapo, to Amado Carrillo Fuentes and the Beltran Leyvas, betrayed by their patrons and themselves, but before them it was Pedro Aviles and Pablo Acosta, and Rafael Aguilar Guajardo and Rafael. Caro Quintero, Don Neto Fonseca Carrillo and Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo all betrayed by their employers, CIA "ROGUE AGENTS" still protected by the real straight like a straight edge CIA, like Felix Ismael Rodriguez Mendigutia the Cuban refugee killer of El Che Guevara, Pablo Escobar and Kiki Camarena and partner of Juan Ramon Matta Ballesteros.
      In jalisco there is Sergio Kurt Schmidt, accused financial operator of the CJNG and king maker of Jalisco governors nobody ever sees in the news, until new governor from MC party Enrique Alfaro started facking CJNG in the ass to seal his independence from his former CJNG masters.

    3. Yeah lol in order to be "most wanted" you have to be free by very definition

  2. El Mencho can be seen alot in El Grulo jal, also other ranches in that area i have family there and he has the towns scared straight. he also visit towns around there like the limon, the cienega, and also a town juan de amula.

    1. If what you say is true than I hope someone listens and go after him. I try not to wish death on people but their are exceptions and Mencho is one of them. The world and Mexico in particular would be a much safer place with guys like that out of the picture.

    2. lol Holy Shit Mencho goes outside haha They said hes a Ghost He gone be hard to Catch, MF has Thousands of Bad Guys working for him, Sheesh

    3. I have family in El Grullo & El Limon Jalisco. Rumors do circle about him being around but nobody feels personally attacked. It’s business as usual in those towns.

  3. So is la garra in the United States?? That is a risky job Boeing in control of the operation here in the US

    1. Im pretty sure i read about hin like a year ago on here- said hes in central california

  4. There is an APB for "La Garra" in the U.S. he will be caught

  5. I thought Sapo was in jail and why isn't EL3 menchos step son on that list to be in charge if something happens to mencho?maybe because of who his dad is mencho dont trust him💯.and El Garra is in northern California at times .

    1. 8:36 real men understand it is bad enough they themselves are wanted criminals, and the last thing they want for their family is to become wanted criminals too.
      Even a dumb brick understands that, try it.

  6. Be careful too much info you giving out

  7. Didn't he get killed?

    1. Yea but they have so much power they come back to life lol

  8. El Sapo is a little spoiled brat...narco royalty who has never done anything in his life yet demands people kill for him. Loser kid deserves a cell in ADX.

    1. I think your talking about el chino antrax who only wasted cartel money but has no credibility for any battles fought


  9. And they said templarios were bad atleast if you fave money they left you alone but these cjng baby killers not even with money will they leave you alone

    1. Well, former jalisca governor Alberto Cardenas Jimenez wanted his property back, and all the money his house buyers had left...
      Wonder if he was involved in the birth of CJNG and the death of Nacho Coronel? I would bet your ass it was so.

  10. What a surprise, a child killer and filthy kidnapper has a top position in the cartel..

    1. What kids has he killed?
      Any recent cases?
      Or you just another idiot with no proof?

    2. Read the story again Einstein.

    3. Did u read the article m8? He was arrested for killing 3 kids; 7 year old, 8 years old and a 17 year old.

    4. 11:42 arrested after killing the family that bought their house from the former governor, La Garra was "mysteriously released", which in jalisco means he got his bones made... The murders included the minor children with the family.


    "Their recruits have nothing left but to remain in the CJNG , because if they refuse or rebel, they kill and incinerate them. This is extremely common and in the remote mountain villages is common knowledge that few have spoken out about."

    Everybody in a cartel is a 'bad hombre' who wants to get rich quick! This must be true because the government and mainstream media says so!

    1. 10:59 why don't you volunteer and find out what is real and what is not on the CJNG training camps for yourself?
      Then report back to us, I swear we will appreciate it.

  12. They just give inside information. This guy will be in Mexico to hide. Thanks for leaking sensitive info.

    1. 1106 you're welcome, he will be serving time in a US prison. You can call me the leaker.

  13. This guy use to own a house near the Centro of Cuidad Guzman, when the cultivation of berries blew up in the area he used the city as a point of distribution since the college of CdG blew up in the number of new students.

  14. He even looks evil....

    1. @11:50 AM

      If you go to Acapulco, for example, most people you’ll see look like the lowest form of life. Let’s be clear, don’t go there, i and to go there because of my work but i wouldn’t advice any civilian to go there.

      El Cabrón de Tamaulipas

  15. I think it's time the children of these cartel leaders start dying too. They need to become chess pieces in thus thing. Someone should kill Menchos wife and daughter.

  16. I’d like to see them run around the US with those lame CJNG trucks bullying civilians and authorities. Just to see what would happen to them. But they don’t do it, they only do it in Mexico where there is a joke of a government.

    El Cabrón de Tamaulipas

  17. Mencho never workee with Sinaloa cartel he was with LA Familia Michoacana cartel .

  18. Plaster images of this crook all over the USA. Put up a $5mil reward and hopefully he is arrested with the people who are shielding him.

  19. Kill Mencho's wife and daughter. Either he shows up at the funeral and you can kill him there. Or he goes crazy and kills himself directly or otherwise. Its a triple win

  20. I saw in a video on YouTube that el sapo is a satanic person and sacrifices people to a demon, these lacras are not real narcos they are sinaloa cartel rejects pieces of shit low life drug addicts. No la asen para ser narcos que asen sus mamadas de robar ala gente

  21. Is this Garra the guy that el Potro de sinaloa has a corrido for?


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