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Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Black Thursday in Sonora: Son of “El Señor de Cielos” Arrested for Feminicide

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Infobae y Televisa
Son of 'The Lord of the Skies', among three men accused of the horrific  feminicide of Amber Dolores, who was asphyxiated, stabbed, raped and partially cremated in Sonora on May 30, which is now remembered as Black Thursday ( Jueves Negro) in the State of Sonora.

Last June, Luis Fernando Carrillo was arrested in a vehicle with theft report and was held in custody for alleged carrying of firearms for the exclusive use of the Army , being linked to prosecution and interned in the Cereso de Hermosillo.
The Prosecutor General of Sonora reported that three people, including Luis Fernando “N-Luis Fernando Carrillo , son of the late Amado Carrillo, well known cartel capo known as “ The Lord of the Skies ” - were linked to the process of the feminicide of Amber Dolores , architecture student, model and athlete, who was raped and her body partially cremated, on May 30.

Luis Fernando "N" , originally from Cuernavaca, Morelos, was captured on June 15 in Lomas de Hermosillo, with the vehicle of the victim, a white Ford Figo, model 2018 and with personal objects belonging to Amber, such as two identifications, keys, cell phone, among other items.

In a statement, the agency explained that in the 1981/2019 criminal case, a Control judge decreed the connection for Luis Fernando “N -Carrillo Navarro-, 23 years old; Édgar Patricio “N, of 28, and Miguel“ N, of 29, in addition to giving them informal preventive detention, for the crimes of feminicide, aggravated rape and robbery with violence.

During the initial hearing, he added, test data were presented as comparisons of DNA, personal objects of the victim secured in the search, such as two IDs, keys, cell phone and his vehicle, among other items that were also secured in possession of the accused.
Amber Dolores was a student of Architecture, model and outstanding athlete in martial arts practices. 

He explained that the morning of May 30, 2019, the lifeless body of Amber Dolores “N”, 20 years old, was located inside an apartment located in Martyrs of Cananea, between General Piña and Hero of Nacozari, in Colonia Ley 57 between 01:30 and 02:30 am.
At that time a man arrived, presumed to be Luis Fernando "N", supposedly Amber's boyfriend. Moments later, the neighbors noticed that smoke started coming out of the building.

The young man was seen to running away from the building so he asked for help to the emergency number.  Inside one of the rooms, was the victim's body, who at first glance had a knife stuck in her chest and had burns.

The Judge pointed out that Amber was a student of the sixth semester of the career of Architecture, model and outstanding athlete in martial arts practices, originally from Santa Ana, Sonora, who, unfortunately, apparently related to inappropriate people.

According to the expert opinion, her body was partially incinerated and had wounds caused by blows and a sharp weapon. In addition, the forensic medical  opinion revealed that there also was violation, ie rape.

The cause of death was mechanical asphyxiation by strangulation with a constrictor element, and the auxiliary causes of death were massive bleeding, derived from 64 stabs that were given to the victim, 14 after death.

The crimes charged to the probable perpetrators are feminicide, aggravated rape, robbery with violence, by two or more persons, at night, in a house inhabited at the time  by the victim of their commission and in respect of a motor vehicle , granting six months for complementary research.

The judge obtained the test data presented by staff of the Sonora Prosecutor's Office, where the accused were linked to the events in the first hours of May 30, in Colonia Ley 57, in Hermosillo.
Two others linked to the process beside Luis Fernando “N -Carrillo Navarro-, originally from Cuernavaca, Morelos , are Édgar Patricio“ N and Miguel “N, from Hermosillo, are available to the Criminal Judge.

Last June, Luis Fernando Carrillo was arrested in a vehicle with theft report and was held in custody for alleged carrying of firearms for the exclusive use of the Army , being linked to prosecution and interned in the Cereso de Hermosillo.

Wrapped in pain, dozens of people said tearful goodbyes the young Amber Dolores Vázquez , on June 2, only two days after being stabbed and allegedly burned by her boyfriend.

At the time of the horrific crime, there were four more cases of extreme gender violence in the entity, so the date is now remembered in Sonora as "Black Thursday".

On May 30, the feminicide of Itzel Nohemí Quiroa, only 7 years old, who played near her home when she disappeared in the border city of San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora was also reported.

A day after her little lifeless body was discovered, the Prosecutor's Office managed to capture the perpetrator , who confessed that after observing the girl playing alone, he decided to attack her sexually and kill her.


  1. This guy has been arrested before or fake news arrested before for the murder of his own grandmother. But for him to be arrested in Sonora where there’s a new war breaking out between La línea or Juarez cartel VS Gente Nueva de Sonora is kinda odd.

    1. Actually this guy is not associated with his family cartel

  2. he's and idea don't date a cartel member

    1. He has nothing to do with his father's or brothers cartel

  3. A striking familial and spiritual connection to his father's rule over Juarez during the 90's femicides, in which various informal groups linked to the Juarez Cartel, state authorities and affluent young men participated in the killing and torture of women.

    1. Vicente Carrillo Leyva is the son of Amado Carrillo Fuentes and his wife, was arrested in Mexico City a few years ago and was about to be released recently, this Luis Fernando Carrillo must be a son with another woman, he also killed this model with whom he had a relationship, make it a crime of passion different from the serial crimes that included women kidnapped in Cd Juarez for parties in Chihuahua for the State's Illuminati that ended in their killing and disposal, also 30 years ago this Luis Fernando may have been a baby. Let's not get confused.
      Former governor Cesar "El Capulina" Duarte was about starting "his career", and he should be investigated about many crimes.
      Amado Carrillo Fuentes had many children out of wedlock but his money was almost all stolen by government and partners.

  4. What a shame such a beautiful woman, girls stay away from men like this.

    1. Who said she is an angle?

    2. Unfortunately, statistics indicate that Bad Boy characteristics intrigue a lot of women.

  5. 25 mil millones and he’s doing this type of shit...his dad must be rolling in his grave.

    1. 2:30 all stolen by government, rivals and associates.
      No money left for the juniors...

    2. He learned it from his dad that whole organization was doing this to women

  6. these shitheels should never ever be arrested but executed on sight. judge, jury and executioner. you live by the sword then by god you shall die by the sword. street justice....end these remorseless serial killing fucks lives as soon as they are apprehended.

  7. This makes me sick!

  8. Woman killing and children being rape is a thing of every day in my beloved michoacan so when I see one of this animals get arrested I get so happy

    1. No entiendo porque no los capan y descuartizan. Un violin en ningún lado es bienvenido.

    2. My family’s home state of Sinaloa is the capital of femicides and rape. Mexico has gotten worse

    3. There is but not every day, dont overexaggerate martita

    4. I guess the constant killing of men isnt enough to keep you up at night.

    5. 3:40 hey Martita, come her you pa' ca'.

  9. Once again thier names are protected and masking thier faces.

  10. Tal Palo tal estia. Amado Carrillo Fuentes was no different. Having killed or ordered the killing and disappearance of many if not hundreds of female in the Juarez Valley. The big reason was so that they never said where they went and who they saw. Puro Sinaloa

    1. Y todavía lo dices con orgullo.

    2. Solo pa eso son buenos los de Sinaloa para matar a mujeres?

    3. A guess a random deserted place was out of the question. If mass graves were buried from public view. I'm sure an air mattress in the back of pick up would have saved her life.

    4. That was done by the cdg to heat up the Juarez plaza

    5. Meanwhile Sinaloa kills kids and babies family members of rival cartel members and uses 9 year olds as cannon fodder.
      Puro Chihuahua

  11. No mamen

    Señor de los cielos solo hay uno”
    Y no es un pinche sarnoso cartelario jediondo.

  12. Shows how quick that narco money runs out. From growing up as the son of a near-billionaire, to getting arrested driving a $15k stolen car. Some of these children of elite Mexicans grow up with no rules and no consequences to their actions. If the charges are true, I’d bet this guy has been abusing women for a long time. On a side note, it’s interesting that this son of Juarez royalty was arrested for rape and feminicide, given the huge number of young women that went missing in Juarez when the Carrillo Fuentes family was on top.

    1. Good point,always said it was la linea etc,not some mystical gringos or foreigners,bogus shit..Police,and many authorities on the payroll,husbands,lovers,relations,all added to the sad tally of femicides never to be solved,a truly sad indictment of women and their place in mexico

    2. In the nineties, FECAL had not sent the Mexican army to control women disappearances and cartel wars and murdering and the Juarenses had not forced him to take the military out of Cd Juarez yet, I think there is some confusion about when the feminicides in Juarez were the real big problem that made Cd Juarez famous, but it started when the egiptian chemist was deported to Cd Juarez by the US with him abusing "the help" after doing the same on the US.

  13. So if this is feminicide, what is it called when men are the victims? So far BB has been good about staying out of this 3rd wave feminist horse$hit. Let's keep it that way.

    P.S. this comment won't get published
    -Black Stone

    1. They havent stayed away from it though... there are loads of articles written by them that imply that it's worse when a woman is killed than a man. awful thing to believe

    2. 6:52 I hope Some buddy mocharte los que trais de adorno,
      AL Cabo con el puro pinchi pedorro te defiendes muy bien.

  14. Entonces lo que quieres desir es que los sinaloas son violadores pedofilos y asesinos de mujeres? Xk amado carrillo era de sinaloa asi como este guey que es su hijo y el chapo ni se diga un pedofilo y violador de mujeres, pues asi si puro sinaloa!

  15. “Sinaloas don’t kill women and children, only CJNG blah blah blah.. “ALL CARTEL MEMBERS ARE SCUM
    -el vale

    1. We then stop buying and using their drugs if you are so angry at them.

  16. What a disgusting piece of shit. He'll be out in 2 years

  17. So her family reports that she was a BLACK belt in Tae Kwon Do. Howwwww on earth did that happen to her then? Something is so off about this.

    1. Black belts don't work against multiple attackers with guns and knives mcfly

    2. really? you think giving a a tiny weak person a false sense of security is going to save them against animals?

  18. Pinches Carrillos son lacras, sad to say, every family has bad apples, but the younger generation in this family is notorious, the other Carrillo kidnapped his own grandpa

  19. 4:07 tas mas guey bato,
    Amado Carrillo Fuentes never needed to get violent to get a woman or to kick her from his side, they all volunteered and took what was theirs for free, and if his son fucked up like this, well, no problem, see that some justice gets done.

  20. That’s what happens when you don’t give the time of day to a humble hard working man, you decide to pursue riches and live like an object and in return this is what you ge. Mija te daria frijolitos de la olla pero honrado.

    1. 5:17 tas mas guey!
      Frijoles de l'olla?
      ni los Perros Muertos de hambre los quieren.

  21. So what do they call it when they kill a man? I think the femicide name is stupid.

    1. Homicide from the latin root Hombre ... duh

    2. Ohh shit,mens rights on deck now

    3. women in many cultures believe men are disposable compared to them. Like somehow women's live's matter a thousand times more. many men believe this, too, since they were raised by these women. They are to be nothing more than selfless providers.

  22. this guys gonna be free on 3 months

    1. 3 months is too much now a days ya son mas descarados and it’s 2 weeks sometimes 3 days.

  23. Androcide – the systematic killing of men, or gendercide too. Then there are terms for killing of an uncle, a nephew, a father, a male spouse, a male friend; well, I think you are getting the point now.

  24. Oh yeah, femicide (also gynecide, gynaecide, or gynocide) – the systematic killing of women. Now you know more than being stupid about it all.

    1. Guys, you are starting to look like the Black Widows...

  25. is there a difference between murder and femicide?

    1. Yes Dr. Quack , Mexico came up with the word femicide, they use it to distinguish ladies being murdered.

  26. The US financed Pancho Villa's War in support of Madero,. Not. Out of love for Villa or Madero but to topple Europeanized Europe lover Don Porfirio Diaz, who had been ruling Mexico for more than 30 years, independent of the US he considered too close to Mexico which was too far from God.
    After Madero became President, the US ambassador dedicated his drinking and mariguana smoking with traitor general Victoriano Huerta to conspiring against Madero who he got betrayed, murdered and replaced with 'La Cucaracha' Victoriano Huerta, an Indian from Oaxaca like Benito Juarez and Porfirio Diaz the cavalry man who kicked the French butt in the battle for PUEBLA,

  27. 5:04 yeah! There are photos of general John Pershing alias Black jack kissing Pancho Villa's ass in front of a bunch of US generals like Patton, Doug out Doug MacArthur, and other "heros"
    --Pancho Villa had better photos like the one with his Indian Motorcycle, do.

  28. Try insecticide for the Black Widows--pesticide to all BB pests--kidding all, chill. Now back to the show, let's not forget, it's all about killing, maiming, imprisoning (where their asses can be used often by other cartel jotos) all cartel scum baby killers.


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