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Monday, August 26, 2019

Sonora: Vamos'pa la guerra listos pa'l topon-- "let's go to war"

Sonora, Mexico - The images that say more than a thousand words, again contradict the easy discourse with which it is intended to govern. In fact there is a Mexican narco insurgency. And it’s being driven through the streets, roads and highways with total impunity. While parading firepower, armed aboard luxurious trucks, some with weaponized turrets capable of penetrating armor. 

Videos are flooding social networks as a faithful testimony of the failure of all levels of government. They also show the recklessness of groups of criminals who openly warn Vamos'pa la guerra listos pa'l topon (We’re on our way to war, ready for the battle)... a war that the president of all Mexicans continues to proclaim is long over.

ÁMLO assures everyone that war against narcos is no more. 

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat VXT


  1. Presidents before AMLO are the sell outs that made Mexico like that

  2. Puerto Penasco sta en Guerra. El Mencho ba a limpiar la plaza y matar a todos esos putos.

    1. 12:02 hahaha sure he is but wait he can't even clean Jalisco nor gto nor pos wow q c limpie El culo primero

  3. Replies
    1. go back to your room and finish your homework!

    2. 😂😂😂😂006 needs a job

    3. Lold at 8:49. Simple comment with no profanity and easy to understand while also shutting down 006. Bravo

      This isn't the original 006, right? The original had much more outlandish ideas and was obvious it was a joke. This 006 pretends to be a CDS cell sicario for real. from what chiva has said though he does post some insider stuff so he must have some access to information or rumours.

    4. I did not say that. In fact I don't think this 006 is the same person who began posting as 006. I have challenged some of his 'facts'.

      do not misrepresent what I have stated 😠

  4. AMLO is hostage to the vested interests that control Mexico. Those with big business interests in Mexico are doing well. With NAFTA they got richer.
    The members of the political class are earning billions by collecting bribes. Same goes for the military top brass and police commanders.

    The losers is the population in general and the poor fucks doing the actual fighting.

  5. they say they're going for "tolteca" ? is this in Sonora?

    1. Yes, Tolteca used to be in Agua Prieta Sonora

  6. so . . .how is this convoy different than when pena and calderon were in office?

    1. 1:07 this time AMLO is not misleading them or taking their money, but Guillermo Padres has been released to continue his struggle For Richess and impunity, bond paid for by El jefe Diego Fernandez de Ceballos, his son Guillermo junior has been released too, Manlio Fabio Beltrones, "Don Beltrone" and former secretaria of fernando Gutierrez Barrios known as "la Fabis" is free to pursue money and property and impunity, specially after all the work he and Tamaulipeco Manuel Cavazos Lerma did on the Reforma Energetica of EPN to give PEMEX AWAY FOR PEANUTS under EPN, AFTER THE US WITHDREW from investigations into drug trafficking and money laundering by both Cavazos Lerma and Beltrones, the new York Times also hid their reports, or did they?
      Plus there are photos of the Trumps and the Padres together. Combined with Arizona and Arpaio Nearby across the border, leaves little to the imagination...
      Stop blaming AMLO for this local shit where both governors and businessmen have greed but no intelligence or huevos.

  7. News to me... shit failure at all levels is an understatement. How does the government fail so many. What is it lacking. The war is no more that is correct, it has never been a war it is a choice of people who commit to do something that requires focus and discipline. If your not tuned to it then you are prone to your own demise. What a sticky situation for one person, but imagine a whole set of people poor and rich making those choices. For decades not yesterday. Who will change in an instant? No one because no one knows the instant change and the idea that it is. It is a simple one yet it's been pushed so far back in the mind that when one thinks it even man does not believe.

    1. The culture of corruption. Society will have to turn itself inside out in a tumult.

  8. Cjng is gonna take over sonora, sonora is perfect to have some big clashes just the way cjng likes it, If you compare man to man cds doesnt stand a chance against cjng

    1. Jajaja this dude. Sitch yo ass down

  9. What group do these tweakers belong to?

    1. Gjiermo Padres is fighting for freedom and impunity, also former governors like Jose Eduardo Robinson Bours Castelo, the arsonist governor who ordered the burning of the warehouse next to guarderia ABC, AMLO has no personal interest in Sonora like Padres, Beltrones, Bours, and reportedly, the Caro Quinteros, but misdirected Chayoteros keep slinging the facts they dig out of their rear end every day, l guess they get paid by the metro.

  10. The authorities are obviously corrupt. I've said it before, the only way you will defeat the cartels is if Mexico govt brings in outside help to defeat them. Bring in special forces from USA, UK, Germany, France etc as "advisers" along with drones, newest helicopters etc. Total war. The best in the world and who haven't been bribed or corrupted. But will they do that?

  11. Govt sponsored death squads

    1. I wish. That's what is needed.

    2. I don't any other way to win lasting peace, safety and prosperity for Mexico.

  12. ... Recording Their Last Words ... They Must Know Their On A 1 Way Mission To Hell ... El Gabo

  13. All presidents lie, no presidents have said the truth since truman

  14. I remember the last guy from Sonora gente nueva that did that video saying the same sh!t and was dead next week..


  15. In Mexico there are 50,000 mercenaries hired by Felipe Calderon, Fox, Peñanieto and corrupt business groups which are supported by the CIA and are generating violence in the country because they want to pressure AMLO to accept the conditions of the United States as was done with past governments , but all these people will be hunted one by one.


    2. I guess conspiracy theorists are no exception here for responding.

    3. You’re on to something 🤔👍🏿

    4. Do you really believe all that nonsense " because they want to pressure AMLO " Pressure him into doing what,for whom,why,some strange thoughts on here,or something nastier

  16. Coming to a city near you...

  17. What needs to happen.
    1. Generals take the reins in the Capital.
    2. Army/Marina recruit new warriors in numbers.
    3. Post sizable rewards for cartel figures.
    4. Search every home in every plaza.
    5. Install death penalty.
    6. Arrest family of cartel members and seize their property.
    7. Arm the community fighters, pay them to help.
    8. Seek funds from the INS or other International funds.
    9. Restore Pemex to full security, no more gas thefts.
    10. Begin a national advertising policy on television condemning organized crime.
    *Mexico needs to go to war door-to-door to shut this down.

    1. I would tend to concur. What's there to lose? I think its the only chance Mexico has at this point.

    2. And then the U.S will declare war on Mexico because they are not getting the drugs lol sad but true

  18. AMLO IS NOT AT WAR against anybody, not even the narcos. Institutions have a job to do, against the Iron will of the Movimiento Ciudadano that sponsors governor Enrique Alfaro in Jalisco, for example, and in a Sonora inveded by neoliberal narco capitalistas and mining impresario bent on poisoning rivers and seas like Carlos Larrea did recently with his failing "dam".
    Or Nuevo Lion de los Codos and their Grupo Monterrey sponsored by capitalist tool monterrey tech and former AMLO minister Carlos Urzua who soon lost his wrestling mask exhibited by his own incompetence in a system struggling to eradicate Public Corruption from its own blood and foreign pathogens that try to keep it down.
    Forming Guardia Nacional agents takes a while too, and using career military and polesias judiciales that have to be behaviour modified and lie detectored takes a while too, persecuting and prosecuting corruption from past regimes and recovering looted treasury and property is another area, just finding shit about PEMEX whose exploitation through kickbacks was one big operation that has been conducted by foreigners since before the expropriation by Lazaro Cardenas, who was financed in part by Rockefeller to kick the British out from Mexican oil business as did the whole Mexican revolution paid by the US government to kick out the Europeans from their own "backyard" where Don Porfirio Diaz said:
    "Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States"
    Because even then, he knew... And Don Pancho I Madero soon found out after his brother got murdered by getting all beat up after getting his one eye popped out with a knife, and getting himself shot to death by the likes of general Manuel Mondragon y Kalb who blamed a "mob of AMLO followers..."
    Beware what you wish for, ot for nothing AMLO was allowed to be inaugurated, it is like somebody is calibrating the final solution but trying to make it look self made... by anti AMLO populace and their cheap ass narco-Chayoteros who specialize in trafficking in extreme right Mexican alt news from unemployed Penabots.
    Somebody needs to Wake the Fack Up and smell the horse's ass, Sol.

  19. 5:16 Appreciate the history lesson. Oil and drogas, Mexicanos "control" the US drug market worth 10s possibly 100s of billions of dólares según alphabet agencies. Warlords,drug capos, lawmen and politicos enrich themselves with the peanut drug money. Businessmen and corrupt sellout politicos embezzle, graft and misuse public funds which are mainly derived from the countries oil reserves. AMLO is diminishing the wholesale theft of the petroleum by political appointees and businessmen, slowly drying up a lucrative revenue stream and exposing the sellouts. Where do these traicioneros try to fix their problemas when they flee when exposed? If not accused in trafficking drogas they pay a fine, do some time and receive the blessing of tío Sam. By enriching Mexíco and her citizens through her natural resources, AMLO is slowing bettering her citizens future. Not even a year in office, no esperen milagros también debemos trabajar todos para nuestro propio desarrollo y mejoramiento. Paz y viva Mexíco cabrones.����


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