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Tuesday, July 2, 2019

CJNG Leader Escapes Hospital in Oaxaca

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Vanguardia
He went to the bathroom, and a dangerous leader of the Jalisco Cartel New Generation escapes from the hospital in Oaxaca, Adalberto Soto Segura.

The government of Oaxaca issued an alert to inform the population about the facts:

On Monday, Adalberto Soto, alleged leader of the New Generation Jalisco Cartel (CJNG), fled the General Hospital of San Juan Bautista Tuxtepec , confirmed the Secretariat of Public Security of Oaxaca (SSPO).

According to information from The Basin Informer, the events occurred around 1:30 am on Monday morning at the hospital where the subject was receiving medical attention and asked to go to the bathroom.

The government of Oaxaca issued an alert to inform the population about the events. The file shows an image of Adalberto Soto with information about his admission to the regional prison of Tuxtepec on February 26, 2019.
Adalberto Soto was prosecuted for his crimes of attempted homicide and possession of firearm loaders and a fragmentation grenade.

Also, an investigation has been initiated by the Attorney General's Office against the elements of the State Police that was in charge of their custody in the hospital.

The fugitive, 21 years old and originally from Playa Vicente, Veracruz, has special sign tattoos on both arms.
Due to his danger , in the same alert it suggests to the security bodies of the three levels of government to warn the operating personnel and citizens not to try to stop him, but to call the numbers 911 or 089 to inform anonymously of their whereabouts .


  1. No pos mira no más. Con esa jeta de tranquis que tiene ese wey. De seguro le dio hambre y por eso decidió escapar se. Para llenar se la tripa por hay. Ya se imaginan como a de ver dejado los platos temblando.

  2. Thanks Yaqui. The term "Escapes" in Mexico means let go by cops.

  3. Shoot him in the head next time

  4. Criminals escape from prison in Mexico. I doubt it’s very hard to escape from a hospital in Mexico. I suppose this why even criminals from other countries all over the world run to Mexico to hide and disappear after commuting murders and felonies. I think the USA should send troops to Mexico.

    1. And I think you should keep your troops where they belong...USA has a good take on the drug trade, open your eyes.

    2. The US sent cops to Mexico before,
      and they stole half of our territory,
      something all our Mexican crooks would not have attempted.
      Now we are sending over criminals and rapists to steal all of the US, Canada And even Alaska to teach you a lesson, from there to the North Pole And Russia is only a trip by chalupa, some renowned famous people have seen Russia from their porch.

    3. @ 9:22
      The lesson is clear and simple. America has the balls to back anything. Unlike Mexico.

  5. Playa Vicente is nothing but wanna be narcos and prostitutes. Literally every bar from Tierra Blanca, Veracruz hasta Loma Bonita has a 'cantinera' from Playa.

  6. Give another round of applause to the joke called Mexican government!Gods is going to turn you all away from the gates of heaven for all your lack of intensity to use technology to convict and prosecute this animals who cut peoples bodies up throw in street ride off in sunset to do it again tomorrow!Hope the USA puts them all on terrorist list so then USA military can enter Mexico and crush them all from top to bottom because AMLO and his band of merry idiots will never get it done!

    1. 3:22 if you are the ambassador of all your congenerate lobby,
      you are hopeless, and lost before the first shot gets fired.
      No wars on Mexico, and no US military either, unless they come to visit.

  7. He was let go to the bathroom but he did not escape through the toilet,
    his cheeks would not allow the flush, or it could be the toilet is an outhouse to make escape easy for select prisoners.

  8. Inside job, and it was the State Police, that let him go. He could have went with leg handcuffs. They must have gotten a good bribe. I am sure after this news cools down, those involved will get a slap on the wrist. And crime will continue.

  9. cjng plaza bosses look like wonder they are largest cartel they put kids in charge of plazas and wonder why whole families are being slaughtered wherever cjng goes...hmm. I hope Rosalinda and her daughters are real proud of Mencho and all his butchers.

    1. Agreed. It's a disaster putting people like them in charge who have zero discipline or have no problem brutally executing opponents families. Anyway, they will suffer the same fate sooner rather than later.

  10. Fake news !!! O is Like medical service and special drugs is not tha easy to scape from cops in México

  11. The fact that the hospital director is on vacation in Madrid and the two cops on duty at the time are now driving new camionetas Ford Lobos has absolutely nothing to do with this.

  12. He was picked up on a limousine in behalf of the Mexican president.


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