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Saturday, June 29, 2019

Kidnappings are happening in bulk

Parral, Chihuahua - Kidnapping and murder are a thriving culture in the State.

As of the last 10 days 3 young people have been missing from Barrio El Conejo, where the three boys were "picked up” by organized crime and so far nothing is known about them.

The first two disappeared at dawn on June 16, Armando Misael Rivas García, 17 years old, and Alejandro Gutiérrez Payan.

The next day his family began to publish his photographs for their location.

Armando was accompanied by Alejandro, a neighbor of the same street, and both were last seen at the corner of Boulevard Ortiz Mena and Privada Honduras.

The third missing Juan Carlos Acosta is a friend of the first two, so far it hasn’t been not ruled out that the three were kidnapped together.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from lapolaka  


  1. Good detective work would have this sewn up in one day. Look to who was offended by the kids. Likely some relative of a connected individual, sicario or plaza boss. Poor kids, but then you could say every child in modern day Mexico should be pitied.

  2. All these dudes missing play the part if working for CDS that they are not involved in any wrong doing. They dress casual, do not get in trouble, get along well with everyone and perhaps even attend mass on Sunday mornings with family. They can be hiding the fact that they DO work for CDS and that they might have been some of the same guys in a video where they are covering their faces and are armed to the teeth along with 600 other CDS members bragging about their cartel?
    I, mean the cartels have to get their manpower from somewhere and not everyone that fills their ranks are people from out of state.
    Sucks if they are random targets but more than likely it is the former story I, just told.

    1. U do make a point. Most of the killings and missing are related to to organizations. Whether by association or by affiliations.
      No different than those that get caught up in a gun fight for association.

  3. Parral is the Gn bastion in chihuahua

  4. La tía Andrea se lo explicó a mis nietos niñas. Pasar un examen de orina y recibir un billete de 500 pesos. Ninguno rechazó las pruebas son aleatorias. El laboratorio cobra 600 pesos. Vale la pena.

  5. And mostly connected individual Lupe, post it right franky or dont at all

  6. I thought cds didn't kidnap and extort, damn cartels are destroying Mexico smh

  7. Gone for good ...

  8. Killing your own damn people!

    1. Welcome to Mexico.

    2. Typically, most crime is done against your own people. Black on Black crime for example. Not to mention, most of those mass school shootings are done by white people and mostly kill white people.


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