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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

El Señor de Los Caballos leaves narco manta in Morelos

Emiliano Zapata, Morelos - In the San Francisco housing unit of the municipality of Emiliano Zapata, a warning appeared for state and federal authorities to stop supporting and even collaborating with kidnappers.

Signed by El Señor de Los Caballos, nicknamed Santiago Mazarí Hernández, also known as El Carrete, this alleged narco manta, announces a purge of criminals in the municipality, for which he’s even asking for support from the community.

Manta reads as follows:
Civil notice: 

Community of Zapata, a civil notice is hereby made asking the community for it’s support with the purge we bring. So that you can remain calm and your families continue to live in peace. 

All the kidnapping rats, and extortionists are on their way out of my state. We already have all you assholes located. Everyone like : Abel Maya Bandera aka Abelito, El Teo or El Mirris, Sergio Garifas Maya aka El Cheko, José Maria Porcayo Tolentino aka Temerario, all the Sotelo Adames aka Los Linos, Carlos Sotelo Adame aka Los Linos, Lino Sotelo Adame aka Los Linos, Crispín Gaspar Cortes aka Crispín, Obed Miranda Vásquez aka El Diablo.  

All the brave dicks who support this trash will end up in pieces like these dumbasses (Pakin, El Mane, and El Guapo). Just like it’s been done before bitches.  Here in my state you bastards will not move nor do anything without my consent. Independent distributors or whichever faggot that sells merchandise for these homos will be exterminated. 
To the federal and state command government: Stop supporting these scum because they will be exposed. I just want peace and tranquility for my state.  
Sincerely, El Señor de Los Caballos, El Carrete
Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from VXT


  1. 5 star banner *****

    I appreciate when they put the photos on the banners. When you see something like this and compare it do the poster board with the marker, it really provides me with assurance that this dude cares about his cartel.

    La Senor Bory Cooker

    1. It’s el senor not la dummy lololololllo

    2. Good comment Cory Booker

    3. Marketing services worth every penny.

    4. Don’t forget what I said about an A at the end of a title to identify who’s who. Or we just heard Miss Mann speak. - Sol Prendido

    5. It looks more professional, BUT unless typed on a typewriter they run the risk of it being used against them. Anything typed on any electronic device can be searched out and location found using USA's NSA level resources- even if the device never is "online."

  2. What happened to Chapito Isidro? Him and El Carrete were compadres.

    1. Chapo Isidro was compas con El Cadete.

    2. People on here were saying a while back he’s laying low in Monterrey.

    3. that was 6 yrs ago---he learned his lesson and got out of dodge quickly

    4. Isidro is one of the few old school bosses left. He lays super low and moves in the shadows. The Jale still keeps going strong tho.

  3. So El senor de cabbello is a new cartel, that wants to clean house, and tells the government to stop working, with the criminals. I figure they to want to crime the city, once the 1 st group leaves.

    1. Santiago Mazari Hernandez, El Carrete o El Senor de los Caballos recompensa $3 000 000.00 de pesos en 2016.
      Entregaron su Finca en 2017.

  4. Morelos is cjng plaza de el senor de los gallos no de el senor de los caballos

  5. Hahaha el señor de Los caballos??? Let me guess he smuggled drugs using horses hahaha what a moronic alias hahaha Cartels are losing credibility with names like that.

  6. Whats next el señor de los gatos de pelea

  7. El Carrete is not new,plaza boss of Morelos,isnt he the jefe of Los Rojos or something like that?The manta should read"i do the kidnapping in Morelos to make money,anyone else is a rat bastard and we goin to kill you..Atte Fuerzas Especiales Rojo Baboon Arses"..Warning others about "my state"Sounds like a good dude No?

  8. Las carreras de caballo siempre le an gustado...ay veces que El Carrete gana otras veces le han Ganado...tambien carga su buena pistola al lado de su cuerno de chivo y como es muy desconfiado siempre la carga al filo...

  9. Government is helping Bothell cjng and los rojos in morelos.. it was los rojos and familia michoacana that controlled that area until cjng stepped In. I think la familia michoacana is aligned with cjng.

    What happened to the capo ftom cjng that was set to be released for lack of eidence?

    1. I often question if these organizations are really revolutionary? A political means of revolting towards a failed government? A movement portrayed not by those many are accustomed to. Rather, by extremism and violence aimed at those powers that are in collaboration.
      Interesting theory?

    2. Bumping off the Elder Statesmen is always revolutionary,
      they always refuse to hand it over peacefully.
      So be it. Don Porfirik Diaz used to tell his friends who promoted social reforms "don't stir up the horses for me"
      No me alborotes la caballada.
      Then Pancho Villa arrived with La Division Del Norte.

  10. Politologo Gibran Ramirez,
    "Cartels just do not respect the Presidency"
    No matter who is in Los pinos, the army and polesias are not strong enough or have presence enough to take real control. It will have to be AutoDefensas, local and intransigent. The Guarida Nazional is not sharp enough, they are just a bunch of greedy motherfackers trying to clean somebody off their dineros before they get the boot.


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