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Monday, May 27, 2019

Video: Michoacan: Autodefensas Disarm And Detain Soldiers

El Armadillo For Borderland Beat From Zocalo
Michoacán.- Self-defense forces of La Huacana, Michoacán, subdue and disarm the military of the Secretariat of National Defense. A series of videos showing a group of soldiers at the moment they are subjected and disarmed by civilians outside the Regional Hospital in the Michoacan municipality of La Huacana circulated on social media.

According to local media, the incident occurred on Sunday afternoon when elements of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) ran into armed individuals, and a clash broke out in the town of San Pedro Jorullo. The soldiers managed to secure several weapons, including a .50-caliber Barrett rifle, but in the confrontation two civilians were hit by "stray bullets," including an 11-year-old boy, unleashing the wrath of people who demonstrated by blocking roads 

Then, a group of enraged people met with these soldiers and it was there when they took control, disarmed them and demanded that their superiors return the confiscated weapons to free them.

More elements of the Army had to arrive to negotiate with the citizens  and they finally achieved the liberation of the detained soldiers and the unblocking of the roads. Neither Sedena nor the government of Michoacán have commented on the incident.


  1. No pos wow then pinche gente starts crying for the insecurity,killings,etc but the ones paying the price are innocent people..

    1. 9:29 orders from above to not use deadly force against the people, if this had been EPN as commander in Chief there would have been at least one dozen innocent civilians killed to start the bidding for power, (during sunny hours), if the soldiers come back to exact revenge, it will be hell as in Tanhuato, Tlatlaya, Iguala, Allende, San Fernando...
      From 50 to 500 killed if at night, many just disappeared.

  2. The perfect display of citizens taking control. Now move on to your nearest public office and so on!

    Si se puede

    1. Pinche gente ignorantes . aluego los mantan . a don vergas tambien .. Jajaj

    2. si se puede hacer lo que les da su "gana" no pos guau.. pero bien saben donde "primo"...

    3. That's now how it works, the powers that be let plebs do their displays and as soon as it threatens their power they come down harder than pissed off marines

  3. Both should work together to fight the criminal hoodlums.

    1. 10:33 both should shit.
      The soldiers fucked up when they killed innocents,
      weapons can be replaced, life never.
      The "pinche gente" would rather chose the lambe culos keep doing what they do best, keep kissing ass, must taste like PRI.

  4. Ive always said this!....los michoacanos son cabrones!...met a few of them in hometown....arriva agua prieta sonora....

  5. Seems like “el pueblo” was more concerned with the guns than with the injured civilians.

  6. Michoacan is on fire! Can't wait until Dr Mireles becomes governor

    1. Dr Mireles might be a good governor if he is not in fact a drug trafficker . Sometimes it appears to me that trafficking and production were already going on in a more peaceful way . Then the violent gangs came in and upset the apple cart . I hope Mireles is clean , unlike so many others that claim to be .

    2. Because it's hell and full of sinners!


    4. If that is not insurrection i dont know what you may call it. Mexicans have so much to lose if civil war starts. Those so call auto defensas are nothing more than puppets of the cartels. Dr. Mireles and his movement did not progressed because they were the real deal. Dr. Mireles people never disrespected the heroic Mexican soldiers.

    5. Is that a real possibility?

    6. Chivis haa that won’t happen. We can have zapata and villa back but as long people don’t put there part there would be no change. Everyone has a price and mireles has one.

      But just so everyone see how easy it is for the common people to Unite and go against the government. If all Mexico would stop complaining and do something about it like Michoacán it would be a better mexico. Michoacan is trying to change


    7. Too much credit for a man who has yet not proven himself. Like AMLO.

  7. Say what you want but Michoacanos son de Huevos

    1. 11:42 and los huevos son:
      de gallina...

    2. @11:42, Id rather be of brains.

  8. In addition to the legions of corrupt politicians, the mountains of bodies rotting in morgues and buried in fossas or scattered about, this is just adds another bit of evidence that Mexico is a "failed State."
    I loved the woman in the purple blouse lecturing the soldier, and I am glad that there were no fatalities.
    IMO, Mexico is a "pretend" nation and a long way from being a "nation" in the modern sense of the concept. Deep , multi-generational systemic corruption cannot be fixed without a revolution toppling the oligarchs (including the overt criminals.)

    1. 100% said!


    2. Theexican low intensity conflict that has cost about one million lives ready is to receive a low intesity answer like AMLO, just rying to straighten up things, because a war would cost millions more lives and trillions of dollars in destruction.
      --The anxious for war "guerrillas del BB" would not want the waves of refugees on the US border or to witness the killing and destruction, so, shutthefackup.

  9. Give them their freaking weapons and let them be autodefensas, but make it clear that Military forces will NOT be responding to anything in that town and they are on their own.

    1. 11:54 the AutoDefensas need their weapons because when they need help, the melitary never shows up before somebody got killed already, same with the local cops or state police, and the Federales have been left to their luck by Aguacates acting in total complicity with the Templarios, more than 20 Polesias Federales got killed, the soldiers that abandoned the polesias to their luck while they got murdered in their presence were shamed by other soldiers when they returned to barracks, but their excuse was that "they were ordered to stand down"...
      there are recordings and videos... Enjoy

  10. Once again Michoacan sets the example. Balls in abundance around those parts of Mexico.....una y otra Vez, mi lindo Michoacan pone el ejemplo. En esos terrenos sobran huevos! Y bien lo saben.

    1. Pues speak for your self los michocanos aint setting no example for me its a joke in Michocan .They start groups to protect ther people .then that group is worse then the other .so all the pueblo crying for help then another group gets made and guess what that group start doing the same as the others then other groups from other states come and do what they want in Michocan y pues ya sabian they get together to protect them selfs and you guest it that group doing the same bullshit you would think by know los michocanos wouldnt fall for that but los autodefensas did all the work for cjng and fought los templiaros and look what happend know los autodefensas split up. Los viagras clicked up with others (LNF ,LCT,and others to fight cjng los jaliskos do what they want in Michocan. Aint nothing going to change cause they a bunch of envidiosos double carras,tontos indios que no agarran el rollo thers more to it then Huevos that can only get you so for la inteligencia y respecto de la gente tambien y no confundas el respecto con el miedo

    2. 8:40 hate is bad for your health bro lol

    3. Long as post for nothing. Stfu you should know by now that Jaliskas are told what to do by Michoacanos same for sinaloenses and Tamps. There are many people from Michoacán is these other states. Michoacanos always in charge behind the scenes deal with it stop being naive and in denial.

    4. Hook, line and sinker!...arriva Michoacan y sus verdes cerros!

    5. 2:54 a los Verdes cerros de Michuakan se los anda llevando la Mera Verga, Ahi estan todos pelones por los rapamontes ilegales.
      Muchos michukas quieren sacarse Aguacates hasta del jundillo.
      No pinchis mamen. Parecen Culifornianuses quemando sus cerros para sembrarlos de Mota como unos Monriales cualqueras. Bueno, a los Monriales se las sembraron pa dejarselas caer por el yoyo.

    6. 8:40…beautifully said. If it wasn't for AMLO's protocol of not hurting civilians, those s9ldiers could've and would've tore those folks up y todos esos segun huevos se hubieran convertido en huevos revueltos. Hay que no ser ignorantes. Que pendejada es eso de tener orgullo de desarmar elementos del ejercito (que estan abajo de orden de no dispararles a civiles) y humillarlos y hacerlos mirar debil enfrente de todo el mundo. Este es el ejercito que va defender la patria,el pais de Mexico(tu propio ejercito), que esta al mando y dedicados a defender la soveronia y libertad de Mexico. Que es su trabajo asegurarse que haiga quien defienda a Mexico, y se cometieron a eso con firma de sangre, pero la mayoria de gente andan aplaudiendo este pedo…a mi me da triste esta falta de respeto y la conducta de ambos lados…estos calzones cagados junto con la demas de la ropa sucia esta en pleno aire libre para que todo el mundo lo mire, y honestamente, a mi me da verguenza…nosotros mismos nos pusimos en rediculo y mucho de ustedes ni se dan cuenta…al contrario,andan aplaudiendo esta maldita humillacion estupida, y por eso pa mi ahora es un dia nublado y un poco mas obscuro…

    7. 11:48 your really in denial son Michoácan ain’t shit compared to Sinaloa or even Tamaulipas you wish you bums ever give them orders

  11. The marina are known to abuse their power and mess with the people. Killings and disappearances every time they show up, that's onother reason for autodefenza creation

    1. Not sure if there is a difference but this is the Mexican Army.

    2. these are SEDENA aka SOLDIERS not MARINES/SEMAR

    3. SEDENA is the Boss, the Marinas, who specialize in "looking clean" is just a thick branch of it with their own common generic problems, the ejersito and the 'fuerza aeria' form the other branch, both supply their retired with $$$ ambitions to the Polesia Federal and Estatal to form the Guarida National bent on replacing police organizations all over Mexico for the right pay, some cities call that pay EXCESSIVELY ONEROUS and say no thankiu before receiving a blood bath and a crime wave that hope to make them free and sovereign states and cities see the light and allow the GN to wet their beak.

    4. Al gobernador de Morelos Cuauhtemoc Blando and since he was mayor of Cuernavaca le andan queriendo meter toda la riata con la gendarmeria, oh, I mean La Guarida Nazional, that used to be "Mando Unico" whose prophet in Morelos with murdering motherfacker PRD governor Graco Ramirez, Jesus Alberto Capella "el rambo de tijuana" keeps preaching the art of murdering, extorting and robbing the poolice departments wherever he goes, now practicing in Cancun and the whole state of Quintana Roo...
      Felipe Carrillo Puerto the assassinated governor of Yucatan would die again if he saw the bullshit, his beloved Alma Reed a New York Times reporter made a widower would die again too, Yucatan peninsula loved both of them, still does.
      --Peregrina, YouTube/ a song composed to Alma Reed

  12. Can you confirm the legitimacy of this group being Autodefensas?

    1. Like the others who in the end are the antichrist.

    2. 1:10 They are bitching face to face with the army, they even arrested the soldiers for murdering their people, what more proof do you want? Chingadamadre, are you a robot?
      Sorry I asked, it is evident you just have your head full of shet.

  13. Bottom line is it better with or without these guys ?
    Whatever one thinks,generally speaking these are not the cartels,they are not kidnapping,raping,robbing,killing indiscriminately(with exceptions)would you rather be without them at all ? Another sad episode in a tragic drama of Mexico's own making,anyone without agendas can plainly see the failings from the president to the people and the admiration and glorification of criminal anti-heroes? Oh well,the recriminations will persist against anyone which itself is an agenda

    1. 1:23 after 6 months at the helm, AMLO perseveres, against the hurt butt feelings of the Fifi chayote loving press he refused to apea$$$e and the Fifi society that want the old days back again.
      Not kissing their ass after 6 months but still being busy trying to do the people's work.

  14. quisiera ver otros estados aser esto...en michoacan no se juega

    1. 2:07 what you get to see is other estafadores blaming the president or the AutoDefensas for the treachery of EPN and his then chief of the Polesia Federal Enrique Francisco Galindo ceos who arrived to pacify Michuakan after Dr Mireles accident and then left it in the hands of the "virrey" Alfredo "el Castillos de kagada", La Quica Galindo then went on to murder about 50 innocents in the rancho Tanhuato they later bragged got caught like pollitos at sleep with fire and helicopters and torture and death for the survivors their own mothers could not recognize. "Tanhuato, un Crimen de Estado" many sources including you tube testimony from surviving family of the victims.
      --La quica Galindo was forced to resign "quietly" he could not even allege the health reasons...

  15. Replies
    1. 2:08 Zacuaco le dijo a Botas,
      "Ven, juegame las pelotas..."
      y ahi va el guey de caliente.

  16. Those are not autodefensas, they are people of migueladas, how the hell will they get money for a barret 50 cal?

  17. Citizens aligned with cartels, should be treated as criminals. A 50 possession of a townie!?

  18. Garbage,citizens demanding the return of weapons for soldiers. Innocent people? They are organized and paid by the same people who got their weapons taken. Glad they showed their faces and came back after fighting with the Sedena.Green light for Thor to come back into town. Dr. Mireles becoming governor and making a difference. NOPE,he will conform as other governors have with the local cartels or become riddled with bullets.1 cant be an honest politician in Mexico.

    1. Hate to speculate. But sure looks that way for him. Those vested interests will not allow this to happen without a fight.

  19. In that case, so glad they (templarios) didnt "lynched" them.. what a joke, lawless third world country. but "commander and chief" MALO would say, la gente siempre tiene la razon"....
    lets see if "human rights" say something about those poor soldierns rights.. HAHA ..
    ATT: TeRRor_watcher_

    1. 5:29 "Commanders in Chief" Pena nieto and FECAL DID WORSE, after all they and Fox After Salinas and zedillo surrendered the state to worse criminals than the AutoDefensas and Mireles for about 40 years...epn still left some shit behind, Silvano Aureolas PRD as governor. La gente siempre tiene la razon, but some babosos do not think so, and they force their alt-reality with the power of their melitary that left about 20 Polesias Federales at the mercy of their confederated Templarios who killed them without mercy, yelling on their cell phones to not to shoot at the army aguacates because they were their comrades and to only shoot at "the negros" who were the Policia Federal in black uniforms.

  20. Michoacanos are some tuff dudes,i like the way they handled that situation

    1. Brooms and sticks are no match for what was to come in the end.

  21. Try to obtain en espanol one of the many books of history of the famed "rurales" of Michoacan. As my tio Lalo said to me, "read the book then decide which reality you are living in".

    A long rifle .50 calibre is only good for very long distance shooting. Yes it is a weapon of prestige. It is also a weapon that whose projectile can pass in and out of 3 houses and even more people. I have much more confidence when there are marinas not ejercitados.

    Self defense fuerzas do not have the training to use heavy weapons of the military. In one balacera near apatzingzan I heard hundreds of discharges in less than one hour of duration. The day after it was rumored that not one person was herrido. Tiendas and casitas had hundreds of bullet marks and one burra and more than one perro was dead. The people said there was no militar. What am I to think?

  22. Its time for a revolution,,it should start with these first class citizens willing to stand up for the rights of fellow mexicanos….VIVA ZAPATA

    1. These 20 individuals will be slaughtered like the rest. Despite their popularity of 15 minutes of fame.
      The rest will sit behind closed doors and cheer from within their homes.
      Movement for change in Mexico has been checked a long time ago.

  23. As a mivhoacano this is embarrassing. Wtf are we celebrating exactly. This is the maña asking for their guns back. Tell me a regular citizen is asking for Barrets and heavy powered weapons... The people sell themselves for a couple of pesos then complain when Los Viagra's or cjng or anyone else comes charge those pesos ten fold. Me agüitas

    1. Hey pendejo, if you read some old dr. Mirales post you will see that the autodefenzas took the firepower from cartels when they caught them or kilked them.
      The marina , sedena, are both on capos payrolls and thats the reason the community took their guns back.

    2. el pendejo eres tu compa. No saves Como esta el Rollo. Autodefensas no Eran mas que narcos tryna break off from CT. Ahi esta LA pruebra el Americano con CJNG y el gordo Omar de cupuancillo con Viagra's. Take a trip down to Nueva Italia si quieres ver o Los olivos y cupuancillo

    3. The melitary embedded some CJNG with the AutoDefensas, then adopted the miagras and then aligned the H3 and then Castillo de kagadas and his Cuban Sexotherapist chose the Fuerzas Brutales,
      I mean Rurales, with EPN authority. EPN had just got the presidency when CJNG got all that power, with military helping.
      Real AD got arrested, se t away to prison in Veracruz. Mireles to Sinaloa el pitufo sold out Gordo Valencia got murdered, and El Pollo al carbon, (he owed La Familia Michoacana) the real AD keep getting it up the ass.

    4. 4:02' bien dicho camarada.

  24. Barret 50 cal,used: very used- 100,000 pesos. 60 pesos per round. That's a lot of money for one firearm!

    1. 1:22 army surplus is very cheap, dealers get their corners to keep supporting themselves while having a decent life in retirement from a grateful US country full of grateful US pooliticians that made billions and billions of dollars from their servicemen fighting their chickenhawk wars for profit.

  25. I hope it all ends well , but I can already see it on the soulders face , that they are not happy , I hope they don't start kidnapping and torturing , for the sake of peace

  26. Can someone translate the conversation that took place on the soldier’s cell phone?

  27. Bottom line, the armed citizen group is anti-cartel which is a very good thing. Cops and military is suspect due to cartel infiltration.
    Dirty cops are worse than cartel members because they are actually double agents, spies.
    Weakling AMLO should applaud the citizen cops.

    1. 12:26 "weakling AMLO" has ordered the soldiers to check their fire while EPN who was a "strong man" to your eyes had about 10 protestors murdered by judiciales in Apatzingan, and there were other massacres, even staged to give protesters a lesson...
      Check your facts pendejo.
      Apologize, show some respect to the Bigger Man, AMLO, and stop eating the propaganda FIFI, it is not even bread crumbs.

  28. Puro Michoacán valor de oro


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