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Sunday, May 26, 2019

Sinaloa Prosecutors Office will summon persons who broadcast crime videos

Videos went viral of the execution of two young people in a parking lot in the commercial plaza Tres Rios in Culiacan Sinaloa, and then a third video was leaked where two men are firing rifles. The Prosecutor's Office and the Secretary of Public Security of Sinaloa sends a statement aimed at the oddballs. They would rather not make public what happens in the State of Sinaloa.

The Office of the Prosecutor will call the oddballs to declare that they not record videos of scenes of crime.

The oddballs who gather to record crime scene videos from their phones could be summoned by the authorities.

Graphic images below
The Secretary of Public Security of Sinaloa, Cristóbal Castañeda Camarillo, informed that the Public Ministry will be in charge of giving the orders to locate the citizens with the purpose of questioning them about what they observed and found in the place.

In some videos the voices are heard and the faces of the people are seen, the ministerial authority will be the one who determines to give these orders to investigate the people, "he said.

Castañeda Camarillo said they do not know if the citizens who come to these sites are sent by criminal groups to contaminate the crime scene or collect objects that may reveal the identity of those responsible. He urged the population to immediately call 911 in any probable violent event. Instead of producing videos and broadcasting them live through their cell phones as happened in the recent double murder registered in the Tres Ríos sector.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from MexicoCodigoRojo


  1. Are the guys shooting at the party the same guys that got killed?

    1. Good question. I'm trying to figure out if it's the same silver car in both videos.

    2. Yea looks like the same car

    3. The guys and their car got hit from the rear, the hits on the car show it clearly, probably by partyprivate security guards.
      That the governor and the prostiturer AG protest the video producers could be their cover-up move.

    4. Por andar de pendejos.con sus canciones de walt disney.

    5. Ora ya tan ahi bien Frios
      por andar ahi de calientes.

    6. It was cjng that smoked them. There's onother article about it here

    7. el video disparando es de diciembre.

  2. Sol what are the women chanting?

    1. The song is Los Lujos del R (The Luxuries of R) by Enigma Norteña. The lyrics are an anthem to José Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa (El Chino Anthrax)

      🎶Son mis vacaciones tengo varias atracciones
      Los lujos son mi fuerte y los antros me divierten

      It's my vacation, I have several attractions
      The luxuries are my stronghold and the nightclubs entertain me🎶

      - Sol Prendido

    2. They r singing a narco song

    3. Ah, pinchi Chole, pos te sabes todas las canciones,
      Y probablemente sigues a todos Los grupos como una groupie.
      Congratulations and thanks.

    4. Old ass song

    5. Thanks Sol...

    6. @7:27, are you mad bro? 😂

  3. So now going after these supposedly innocent civilians who like journalists who report these crimes will be punished I assume?
    Its well known journalists who take pictures and report often are threatened or killed by those who prefer to have these matters hidden.
    A possible clamp down by government to forbid Freedom of speech, expression and writing.

    1. That reminds me of that fool in Venezuela, what's all video cencersored so no one in the world sees, the inhumane stuff, that goes on.

    2. The prostiturer can nail the crooks that post unauthorized videos, but if they have evidence of police or melitary abuses they ain't can't do shit, like when hundreds of tapes and videos from C4 or C++++ that recorded the abductions of the 43 AYOTZINAPOS...
      Now C5 and C6 or C+++++ and C++++++
      nos va a acabar de llevar la V+++++++++

  4. Who are these dumb women singing celebrating this crap?

    1. That was an older video. I dont know why its in there the people shooting in the first video must be the people dead.

    2. They r signing a narco song looks like it was the night before the event u can clearly see that same Honda truck

  5. Yeah, because cartels are worried about evidence when there’s what, a 2% conviction rate?

    Recording to document these events is exactly what “oddballs” should do. Only politicians on cartel payroll would oppose this and want them ID’ed so they can join the corpses.

  6. Corrupt gobierno censorship at its finest

  7. Super soaked the pair of them,perforated,it looks like similar car where the screaching bitches are performing ?

    1. The party was just an excuse, motherfackers fell into the trap, they were expected and did not miss their appointment, nice job and nice message, next time the kills will think about a double double trap using triple agent turncoats. The video exhibits the executioners in a their glory. Killing without attempt to arrest or reading the perps their Mirandas, even had their leathers on, unless they were performing some sick and kinky jobs in their cars as some Polesias are known to do, there are tapes on YouTube:
      "Despiden a Policias grabados teniendo relaciones en la patrulla"

    2. 742
      You be cool now,you know who it is

  8. It never ceases to amaze me when some dumb ass fires an automatic weapon into the air and empties the clip...Those bullets come down eventually somewhere… And many people across the world have been killed because some dumbass and his inflated ego feel like shooting the sky. Suggestion next time if they could put the barrel to their head before they pull the trigger it would be better for all of us

    1. Absolutely true,apparently some of them rounds depending on velocity,angle,etc can indeed kill ?

  9. Public secutary Carrillo, give me a break, those videos help capture the criminals, nevermind going after the people taking videos. Get off the chair and procecute criminals.

    1. Those words are offensive for some here.

  10. These guys were cds, same ones 5gat got killed by cjng.


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