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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

PDI accused of abduction abandons his job

After learning that he was recorded on video and that he is now being investigated for escorting a group of armed men who kidnapped a merchant in the Morelos neighborhood, the agent of the Procuraduría General de Justicia de la ciudad (PGJCDMX) city’s Attorney General's Office, Israel Acosta Hernández, didn’t show up to work.

On Wednesday and last Thursday he was absent from his office without giving any explanation, and on Friday, he sent a family member to present a medical exuse for the next 15 days.

Companions of the officer assured that the agent simply didn’t return to his work.

This, after last Monday ContraRéplica revealed a video in which a group of civilians is seen threatening with guns and kidnapping a merchant in the streets of the colony located in the city hall of Venustiano Carranza.

One can see how they take him by the neck, put a gun to his head and they put him in a white car, while a man with a rifle watches the action. Once the subjects leave, they are escorted by the Policía de Investigación (PDI) patrol.

They had demanded 350 thousand pesos to free him.
In the end, his family only managed to gather 40,000 and deliver it for his release. The person escorting him was an official patrol of the Attorney General's Office being guided by policeman Israel Acosta Hernández, with license plate number 826 and employee number 938678.

In his testimony the agent claimed that he was not escorting the kidnappers. According to him, he was only passing through the area when he saw the kidnapping, he "panicked" to such a degree that he couldn’t react, he didn’t follow the car of the assailants and didn’t even call for support on his radio.

However, after being called to formally make a statement to the Fuerza Antisecuestros (FAS) (Antikidnapping Force)detachment the officer escaped.
The FAS opened the file CI-FCH / CUH-2 / UI-1S / D / 3264 / 05-2019 for Illegal Deprivation of Liberty, and so far the only person officially identified is Agent Acosta Hernández.

Authorities suspect that at least three other agents of the same Investigative Police are involved in the case.

This week, it is expected that the abducted man will come forward to identify them in photographs.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat from contrareplica


  1. His identification will certainly seal this man's death.
    Its usually the case Sol. This fear of policemen or any political figure is very real.
    It's not like witness protection programs for accusers and family members are being implemented in Mexico.
    Expect a lack of memory by this individual.


    1. There IS witness protection program(s) in Mexico...

    2. This two way cop deserves to have his memory erased

  2. Ya te agarre, ora si ya te chingastes,
    Este pinche puto mierda de official nomas demuestra que Los Federales y Los anti-kidnapping son secuestradores, extkrsionistas y asesinos.
    --LA HERMANDAD POLICIACA will find another position for this brother Chota from where he can keep it up. Bet your ass.

  3. They can't fire him. he's gotten a note from Dr Cartel saying he's sick and can't work for the next three weeks.

    1. The Fraternal order of police got his back.

  4. Ora si le van a meter toda la riata por detras,
    por andar ahi de caliente por delante.

  5. Chivis Sol Armadillo Yaqui you guys been hard at work or working hard either one you choose so gracias muchas gracias. God bless you stay safe we need you.thanks.

    1. 5:50 a mi me las tienes que dar tambien guey, Orale mochese.

  6. And now Officer Israel Acosta Hernández will jump straight into full-time sicario/kidnapper work

  7. This is halarious, out of this world. An agent of anti kidnapping unit, was caught on video, assisting in the kidnapping of a merchant. And this claims it was not him. And then he has another version. It is no wonder, people don't trust the police in Mexico.

  8. Capture and kill the bastard.

  9. Anti kidnapping squad is kidnapping merchants. Talk about a new low.

    1. Its like gang task force planting evidence on gang members. Narcotics officers planting drugs. We all know this stuff never happens in USA haha

  10. Ora ya se desaparecio este guey, como que le saca a las metidas del cattle prod por atras y a la chicharra por todos lados,
    pinche puto barato... And to think "some BB commenters" complain about others denouncing the Mexican police and melitary crimes of state and against humanity which are more serious than the crimes of sicarios and narcos that do not always have Privileged State Sponsorship.

  11. Doesn't sound like he needs the job anyway. He's probably been part of this kidnapping crew for a long time. The difference will be the shirt he puts on in the morning.

    1. Longevity is probably the same as a police officers anyways.

  12. Anti-kidnapping death squads in Mexico do little other than kidnapping for ransom, disappearances and wholesale murder, drug trafficking too.
    Been telling you for a while, right here on BB, genarco garcia luna and his boyfriend Luis Cardenas palomino and all their policuicos.


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