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Friday, May 31, 2019

Children face greater danger in Mexico than in Syria

 In Latin America and the Caribbean, violence continues to be one of the leading causes of death for girls and boys, said the new global report by Save the Children.

The report entitled 'Building a better life with children' evaluated 176 countries using international indicators on infant mortality, access to education, nutrition, protection against harmful practices, such as child labor, child marriage, homicide and forced displacement.

In the 2019 edition, Mexico again falls three places in the ranking from 93 to 96, ranking below Latin American countries such as Cuba, Chile, Argentina or Peru.

"The death of this position is not accidental, for three consecutive years our country has maintained high rates in teenage pregnancies and there has been an increase in homicides in people under 18 years of age," said Nancy Ramirez, Director of Political Advocacy at Save the Children.

With regard to adolescent pregnancies, the organization described the phenomenon as a violation of the human rights of adolescents and a public health problem that must be adequately addressed through the effective implementation of public policies,

"For the past four years, Save the Children has called on the Mexican State to reinforce early pregnancy prevention and care strategies, however, each year more than 300,000 adolescents continue to give birth. Particularly worrying are pregnancies in children under 15 years of age; in the year 2017 alone, almost 10,000 cases were detected, which are a clear consequence of sexual abuse, "said Ramírez.

The escalation of violence that the country has suffered has disproportionately affected children and adolescents, the most extreme form of this violence are homicides; On average 4 girls, boys or teenagers are killed every day.

"The index reveals that the possibility of a child being murdered in Mexico is much greater than in countries in armed conflict such as Palestine or Syria, so we believe that a government plan that seeks to build peace must take into account the voices of girls and boys, and establish strategies specifically aimed at girls and boys because they are the ones who are living the worst consequences of violence in the country, "Ramírez emphasized.

Sol Prendido Borderland Beat LaOpinion 


  1. Thank you for this Sol-- The most disturbing thing I have seen in Mexico is is maltreatment of Impoverished, disabled and economic migrant children. It goes into the mindset of otherwise good and caring people who have shrouded themselves so not to emotionally be concerned of things happening outside there personal lives. It is self preservation.


    1. That’s Sol Prendido in that main picture. He has his head down thinking about how one day he would become the worlds greatest narco manta translator

    2. Big Change on the horizon. Watch.

    3. But AMLO said yesterday that it is the U.S. who has cruel immigrant policies. I'm sorry AMLO. If you can't even take care of your own people, you shouldn't be allowing others to walk freely into your country!

    4. That's a rude and unhelpful comment, 532
      Dr K

  2. This is so fucking sad 😔

  3. This report is deffinitly disturbing to hear. Many of us here on BB are of Mexican decent with roots / ties deeply embedded in its culture.
    A perfect example of Mexico's government's neglecting policies of responsibilities / obligations to its citizens. Moreover, with the lack of development direly needed to overcome its poverty rate.
    This transformation of increasing insecurity / instability created by those same political powers for beneficial reasons will be visible for many decades to come.
    Such a beautiful country where corruption and criminal organizations have become the root of the problem.
    I truly hope AMLO can bring peace and stability.


    1. Hope so but don't think so. He says the drug war over. Killing numbers up.

    2. 5:33 after 100 years of being friends with the big amigo Brothers del Norte, because they allow the Mexican government to be as corrupt as they can in exchange for support and succor, and after fighting their drug trafficking wars and their wars ON drugs, it is only natural that Mexican kids have been left out on the street or on the garbage dump... On the US is the same shit all over!!!

    3. Killing numbers may be up with the idea of bringing the war on drugs back again, AMLO refused the offer of More Money for More Murdering they call Mierda Initiative.

    4. I think that until the Mexican population decides that enough is enough, things will only continue to deteriorate. With no money or resources, it seems a futile effort to try. You are correct, the corruption and complicity is at the root. With sooooooo much money moving between the operators to authorities, I just don't see an end. The only way out I see, is to totally eradicate supply of drugs and precursors. To do that, much blood will need to flow. Not the blood of the low level.dealers, and users that flows daily, but the blood of the officials, and the top players. They must be attacked at all levels simultaneously, and with shoot to kill on the spot initiative. No arrests, no bribes, no escapes. Total eradication. Some Innocents will die. Collateral damage, sacrifice a few to save all. I don't see it happening, but the only way to save their failed State. JMO

  4. This all starts and ends with Felipe Calderon's " war vs. cartels " back when he rose to Mexico Presidency in 2006. Mexico has and will never recover from that horrible decision.

    El Ranchero de Juarez

    1. Didn't work because he favored the CDS cartel.. now he's all scared for his life and wants the extra security AMLO took from ex presidents, he even wrote AMLO a letter to give him back his security smh
      Calderon is just onother Mexican president just taking money from Mexican people and can care less

    2. So what u are saying is; The fight against drug trafficking organizations led to Mexico's drug abuse epidemic along with the ever increasing homicides?
      The DTO'S along with government corruption is what led to Mexico's downfall. Seems like your perspective of allowing these criminals to continue to operate without interference would have changed what's transpiring now in Mexico.
      Drugs are what's killing many. Its effects are felt in many forms of living.
      Simply by giving FREE PASSES wouldn't of stop the greediness of Mexico's political system.


    3. 3:14 it started in 1947 when presidente Miguel Aleman formed the DFS and put army captain Fernando Gutierrez Barrios in charge, to please the US and the CIA, "OUR MAN IN MEXICO" Winn Scott was made the happiest man. And it did not end with FECAL, EPN had worse numbers on crime statistics, and it keeps going on under AMLO, like somebody is not happy that people elected a socialist Marxist Leninist communist sponsor of narcos and communism",
      I suspect military back stabbers like the Estado Mayor Presidencial booted out for corruption, like giniral diploma do de Estado mayor in charge of PEMEX SECURITY, general Eduardo Leon Trawitz. Huachicolero compa de EPN, arrested.

  5. Just another sad realization of Mexico.

  6. Historically the abuse of children has been baneful worldwide problem. The child abusive occupations range from herding animals, pearl diving, mining, agriculture, boosting=thieving, lookouts (halcones), B&E, entrapment, smuggling, street vending, garment sweatshops, weaving, embroidering, soldiering,...drug dealing, pick-pocketing, prostitution, and even torturing and murder. Child abuse via physical, mental, and immoral acts seems a very common human behavior "everywhere' across all time. The problem for Western Civilization is to control and minimize it.
    Youth "gangs" (various names abound) are often composed of "damaged" kids and kids raised in deviant and crime fertile social situations.
    Like other places in the world, Mexico is not alone by a long shot as it pertains to legitimate and illegitimate forms of child abuse.

    BTW, cultured and affluent families "do" variously abuse their kids... but, it often takes different forms.
    My point in this post is just to point out that children everywhere are currently being abused and that some of these kids will become socially and mentally messed up adults in just a few years as a natural outcome of these abuses.
    BTW: there are many great YouTube videos available on kids an violence/crime. I have met and interviewed score of adults who had bad childhoods of various sorts... and to me, this is why I have such a hopeless view that things will change for the better in Mexico and elsewhere.

    1. 12:25 you could help by just not criticizing AMLO WITHOUT THE FACTS, besides nothing else has worked for a loooong time.
      Some patience, plis.

  7. This is exactly what Chivis is saying..for self preservation their society just looks the other way...their society is embedded with corruption and sexual abuse of minors and women...incest is close to the United States but so far from God...

    1. 5:59 Mexicans do not come to the US for purposes of sexual tourism and pederasta, and have never been accused of being sex tourists in the PreCastro Cuba, where pederastia was a major tourist attraction like Cancun or Tijuana are right now, Mexicans are not the famous tourists that go to Thailand and other poor broke ass countries looking for some sexy relationship with local minors.
      And the quote goes:
      "Poor Mexico, so far from God, and so close to the, US"
      attributed to Don Porfirio Diaz, general del Ejercito Mexicano Presidente Vitalicio de Mexico fo' life Who fought and beat up the French Legionaires with General Ignacio Zaragoza some far away 5 De Mayo

  8. Sacrificing democracy for the sake of tranquility is from a respectable deal.


    1. 7:43 "He who sacrifices liberty for peace,
      deserves no liberty or peace... "
      Or something like that, said some old american revolutionary,
      and i wholeheartedly agree!


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