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Friday, April 26, 2019

Vincente Fox Announces that He will Plant Marijuana at his Ranch

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Televisa y Excelsior
Former President Vicente Fox announced that he will plant marijuana on his ranch in Guanajuato.

Vicente Fox, former president of Mexico, plans to plant marijuana and develop a cannabis research center at his ranch in San Cristobal , Guanajuato.

This announcement was made during the second edition of the ''Cannamexico World Summit 2019''.

"Right here on the grounds of the Fox Center we are going to install a greenhouse of the highest technology to produce the plant and at the same time do research on it, and go looking for new uses of this wonderful plant that today is in many places that are fulfilling a function with their products.

We will have a greenhouse to study it, to investigate it, to take it away from the criminal traffickers, to those who have used this wonderful plant to cause violence. Now we have to use it again."

However, this year, the Federal Commission for the Prevention of Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) denied authorization for the expo to show cannabis plants.Vicente Fox, is aware that he will not be able to realize his dream with the current legislation.

The ''Cannamexico World Summit 2019'' brings together exhibitors and foundations that seek to expand citizens knowledge about marijuana.

Therefore, Fox insisted that the legalization of cannabis will stop the wave of violence that is generated by the organized crime groups that are dedicated to drug dealing.

Fox said that the way to pacify the country is the legalization of marijuana and not the National Guard implemented by Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

By opening this door to the cannabis industry, an economy can be developed and jobs created.

"How is it possible that someone can continue thinking that the prohibition, the use of force, the use of the army is the way to solve the problem? Violence will not end violence, the issue needs more intelligence."

For the former president, says the legalization of marijuana would be a major blow to the finances of the criminal groups that are dedicated to trafficking it. Cannabis could also be used in different areas, such as medicine.

"I am sure that if Mexico quickly approves marijuana legalization, Mexico and Canada will be the two world leaders, as is Canada right now; Canada has approved everything at a national level and is receiving multimillion dollar investments, is generating jobs, all in a new industry."


  1. I really hope Mexico does legalize. Beyond the fact that it’s fucking absurd it’s illegal in the first place, Mexico legalizing will put more pressure on the US government to start looking towards legalization and regulation of cannabis in a responsible manor.


    1. You can make a an advocate by finding a test that ensures an intoxicated driver is found incompetent and responsible when there is an automobile accident. THAT would be regulation in responsible manner.

    2. That test just came out. It can test for weed and alcohol. Cops will have them soon. Dont ask me how it works though...

    3. Just like those pharmaceutical companies who lack regulatory oversight and control. Creating an opioid epidemic in America that has cost many lives.
      The people know better than to trust government oversight. Money is king.

    4. 10:47 - yeah I totally agree! You can’t be having people out there driving around high! Plus they need to make sure that it passes quality control and whatnot.


  2. clown world *face palm*

  3. Medicinal grifa OK,
    recreational grifa is all bullshit, people with perfectly good health just goes from good to wrong to bad, and the proof is in all the addicts that fork all that money to suoply their vice.
    --Then those that jump to other drugs seeking a better high or a better low don't give it much credibility, everybidy knows how low people have allowed themselves go in pursuit of their vice, money or drugs.
    Fox, no mames tanto pinche Chachalaca!

    1. Totally agree with your comment.
      One drug leads to another. Opening doors to crime along with victims like that of those DUI offenders.

    2. Everyone has some kind of vice, whether it be drugs, food, sex, whatever. The point is someone shouldn’t be allowed to control the state of consciousness one chooses to live there life by. I mean hell, do you think booze should be legal? Cause it’s a drug too, and far more harmful to society than cannabis.


    3. BS. Do you think alcohol should be illegal? It's far more harmful than cannabis.

  4. This guy is an idiot, can't stand his hypocrisy

    1. 11:07 focks is no hypocrite, he is too dumb for that, he a folk.
      But on you tube you can see he is a ginius when he mocks el tromp and his wall and defends the mexikins,
      sometimes I even think I Don't deserve el fox,
      pinche Chachalaca he good.

  5. This would be cool if it were someone else. Fox is an attention whore! The spotlight is dimming. He'll try anything to get that light back again!

    1. Chachalaca only wants his pension back
      and to keep up with the grifa and huachicol bizness,
      AMLO left him No Options chingadadre, If he goes asking for donations with a tin can EPN may disappear his ass, what a poor man to do? He got wife and children tu support.

  6. Cannabis birthplace was in Kazakstan

    1. @ 5:49 actually it was China pendejo

    2. No it wasn’t either of those places. It’s birth place is in the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan/Pakistan/India.

  7. USA is more worried about legalizing cannabis than legalizing inmigrants.

    1. Because there's a lot of money involved in the legalization of cannabis. Not with immigrants.

    2. 11:58 tas mas guey vali, Mexicans work their ass off forever,
      --grifa dealers take from the system with every addict for life.
      The rainfall of money makes legal grifa unaffordable after a while and reserved for snobs, politicians just have some extra spending cash in their pockets, moreover they have already spent the programmed collections and have racked up billion dollar debts all over the US to help put the pressure on the Federales, some police officers got crazy racking up overtime licking their lips from joy over all the money they were going tog et from taxing grifa, hoping to make up for their loses with the casinos where they invested their pension funds... CHECK CHECK CHEK, FACTS.
      fack grifa and the animals it feeds.

    3. @3:57
      The cost underscores what experts say is a growing cost to taxpayers from the surge of immigrants.
      Where talking about billions of dollars in taxpayer benefits. The payout for the taxpayer is enormous &the income to the treasury is minicule.
      A fair study in 2017 found illegal immigrants are at net consumer of taxpayer benefits worth than 100 billion a year. Not including the cost of enforcing the border.
      While federal benefits are supposed to be off limits in practice are not.
      More than 25000 undocumented workers receive subsidized housing and urban development children receive free education. Added with the qualifying for free English lessons, free school breakfast & lunch.

      Suggest getting your facts straight.

    4. Continued response to 11:58 & 12:19

      I am not disputing that immigrants are hard working people. Many good people from many countries have contributed positively in the US. However, America is facing a crisis at the border. Each day growing in numbers.
      Nevertheless, Laws need to be respected despite its unfairness. Added to a fix by a bipartisan agreement for an agreement.
      Mexico has undertaken a serious political crisis for allowing these migrants from countries to walk into their country despite their immigration policies. A housing crisis for Mexico to accommodate these immigrants in a humanitarian way.
      The Vatican among other countries like the US have financially supported Mexico to help.

      If wondering I am Hispanic with roots in Mexico. Added with many relatives who reside there to this day.

      It's a sensitive and controversial topic with the immigration policy which I agree with.
      Neverthess, wishing everyone a peaceful resolution and solution for the many who continue to suffer.


  8. So his true colors come to light. The manufacturing of drugs which Mexico is well known for. First marijuana then meth like all those drug pushers.
    Legalization of marijuana will not stop violence. Rather, an incentive to get involved with rigourous efforts for other controlled substances for money. This implementation if approved will only be monopolized by those elite. Leaving those little people with little to eat.

    Just saying

  9. The new mariguana plantation employees will still not make minimum Mexican wages of 2 usd dollars a day, but boooy, they can smoke the grifa they want, and their grifa addicted born children can have a job for life there too, isn't thet great?
    Pinche Chachalaca vales madres, pa essol me gustabas.
    Say NO to drugs, or have a drug addicted family,
    beleeme it is not funny.

    1. So true man... been around them all my life. Its sad.

    2. Not all drugs are the same so to throw them all in the same bucket is irresponsible and wrong. Teaching a kid that marijuana is as bad as heroin is what sets kids up to fail because it’s NOT as bad. Yet that kids gonna think hey they said “this weed is really bad and makes you go crazy(reefer madness) and it wasn’t anything like that. If they lied to me about this then they are probably lying about this “insert drug” too.


    3. LOL. Look at places like Colorado. After they legalized weed, use of other drugs (including use by minors) dropped.

  10. What was his position on it while he was president? He's asking AMLO to legalize but why didn't he during his time in office?


  11. Well I don't blame Fox, for starting a plantation.. people, pheasants will have a job. AMLO took away his secret service agents, therefore he needs to make income to pay them.

  12. The rise of Vincente Fox Cartel.

  13. Fox tries so hard to be controversial, but news coverage about him only last a few days max.

  14. Fox started this War in Mexico. I can’t believe he is still alive. He has a lot of blood on his hands.

  15. Who cares.. Fox is old news


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