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Monday, March 18, 2019

Tamaulipas: Former Governor Extradited to the United States

Throw Away for Borderland Beat  VXT

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SER) reported the extradition of former state governor of Tamaulipas, Eugenio Hernández, to the United States.

Hernández Flores will be tried before the Federal Court of the Southern District of Texas after being accused of money laundering with operations in banks of US territory of around 30 million dollars.

The same Federal Court claims the ex-governor and his brother-in-law Óscar Manuel Gómez are allegedly responsible for designing and executing various methods in order to steal money from the government of Tamaulipas between 2005 and May 2015.

The PRI politician had been transferred to the federal prison of the Altiplano, in the State of Mexico, in November of last  year.


  1. AMLO is gonna eliminate all the old Priistas who didn't fall in line. Good for him.

    1. 4:24 if it was about eliminating, they would be all dead.
      --Presidente Madero was proven WRONG when he made peace with the porfirista armies and disbanded the revolutionary armies that won the Mexican revolution for him, (FINANCED BY THE US) "in search of legitimacy"
      --Secretary of War Victoriano Huerta promptly organized the Pinochetazo in cahoots with US ambassador Henry Lane Wilson over teporochas huachicoleras loaded with tokes de grifa de la guena...
      --Repent AMLO!!!

  2. Ok. Now he can explain how he sold out to the Zetas. Was it worth it? T.M.

  3. Rot in prison asshole

  4. P.R.I. = Pinches Ratas Inútiles. 💥💥💥 - Sol Prendido

  5. My parents hometown mayor in Tamaulipas has been accused of stealing large sums of money, I could just imagine what this governor did!!

    1. 7:48 several US governments have driven The US debt into the 30 trillion dollars, better leave the Mexican corrupt governments alone for a while, before the Chinese come to evict us and send every American back to Guatemala and make US all pay for a REAL WALL from there, they won't be looking for legislation to go ahead

  6. Greedy bastard taking 30 million from the people. String his ass up and put him with chapoo

    1. Those are whites people crimes. He’s getting 5 years

    2. Agree 100 percent! A true enemy of the people!

    3. Vanguardia.Mx from El Universal,
      Bajo la Ley del Narco; Crimen Impuso al Gobernador Eugenio Hernandez
      After Yarrington and before viejidio cantu, a golfa, then a zeta.

  7. Awesome. Follow the money trail and get some to the Mexican people!!!

  8. Why does the United States always end up extraditing people for crimes they committed in other countries

    1. Money laundering in Texas is part of the US, therefore Mijo, he is in big trouble. Also he go the money with unclean hands.

    2. >Hernández Flores will be tried before the Federal Court of the Southern District of Texas after being accused of money laundering with operations in banks of US territory of around 30 million dollars.

      "in banks of US territory of around 30 million dollars."

    3. TajMahal Casino was fined 250 million dollars for money laundering and was promptly let fail and go bankrupt, the money laundered was not confiscated.
      Now the Russians are owed a few billion dollars and expenses, and nobody will pay them for the fraud and money laundering.
      Deutsche Bank, has been fined about a billion dollars already and the prom dance ain't even got started.

    4. My uncle got 25yrs fed time for money laundering in the rgv!

  9. Back when things started getting ugly and very deadly his infamous statement was as governor "no pasa nada in tamaulipas"

  10. Hey gobernador! Does the word FLORENCE make you sad? Does thinking NO SIRVE AMPAROS have you worried? No sirve montañas de dinero tampoco? Adios Cabron. Disfrute comida gringo

  11. Is the US the only place for real justice? Guess Mexico doesn't have confidence in its self.

    1. Yes US is the place for real justice.

    2. Wouldn't call US handing real justice to all. Look around; white collar criminals and lying to Congress gets you months in federal prison. With a possibility of a presidential pardon. Moreover, while othero are not looked upon.
      Bank executives receive fines with no prison terms.
      Police officers receive 6 years for killing an individual 16 times. While many recieve no sentences.
      America is still a long way to go before a fair and impartial jududiciary system is imposed upon all.

      We have much work to do here in America to be called the perfect state. Nevertheless, it's those freedom fighting citizens and organizations who continue their efforts to make a better society.

    3. Correction: 16 shots which was fired upon a Chicago offender.

    4. Will never be perfect cause humans still run this country but would rather be here than any other country.

    5. There are many big banks on the US that have been fined for laundering drug money, but no executives have been found guilty, unless they are latinos or other foreign associates... Check the list of banks that have been fined for money laundering, the fines don't amount to 10% of the money laundered, but this poor guy gets 250 million fine AND 280 million forfeiture plus 30 years in prison and 3 years supervised release... @dealosangeles/ leader of international drug money laundering organization sentenced to 30 years, (Jesus Rodriguez-Jimenez de monterrey)
      Mitt Romney kept on the US 250 million just to live off of, the big bulk of his investments hidden in China must be much bigger, some secrets on the Cayman Islands.
      --Ugenio and his 30 million dollars look like mud cakes.

  12. This pos like most PRI party members has more bodies buried than chapo ever did..yet these fools will do like phukin 7 years in federal and be released...these pos are more dangerous than Chapo or any drug lord...

    1. Convicted Russian Puppets are doing 3 or or 4 en cuatro patas,
      if they don't cooperate, but if they cooperate they get 2 or 3 months, some are gambling on presidential pardons, because if they cooperate the Russians will kill them for sure.
      They got their number good.

    2. This reffernce you speak of reflects many governments my friend.
      Wars are never justified nor condemned.

      Look around; the truths are perfectly hidden for a reason.

    3. 1:26 the practice of civility is practiced by the dupes,
      others stick it up your ass unabashedly
      and pass themselves for winners.
      Thank God for US rep Alejandria Ocasio Cortez and the other new US Congresswomen, those women have plans and will see them through.

    4. 12:14 history is a witness to how too often too many countries are run by animals instead of humans, Mohamed bin sultan, El Loco duterte, Hitler, mussolini, Ceaucescu, Argentinian junta, pinochett, and a few other unmentionables are examples...

  13. Don't mess with the States.

    El Ranchero de Juarez.

  14. Excellent. Dismantle from within.

  15. Where is the $$$$$$. 30 millions can't disappear. If i was Amlo i would keep him in mexico and get the $. Maybe amlo is part of the zeta CORRUPTION in Tamps. Is changing cartels. Gulf out Zetas in

    1. 4:52 AMLO doesn't seem to need a lot of money to travel commercial air 3rd class and to buy a torta pa llevar, blame Tamaulipas problems on their new Governor, Tejas born cabeza de cagadas de vacas and his Fuerza Tamaulipas, prolly bitching over the plasa with Mando Unico, the new Mexican style GESTAPO.

    2. Still Eugene is a Mexican citizen. Leave him there. No right For the US to brung him here.


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