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Monday, February 11, 2019

Video of the execution of Hugo Figueroa

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat- Thank You BB follower!  Twitter 

Circulated on social media, this video depicting the execution of Hugo Figueroa nephew of Joan Sebastian, by "La Gente del Cerro". The group has been identified as close to Los Viagras, aka "LNFM" or "Gente Nueva Michoacana” the armed wing of Viagras.

Video translation is as follows by Sol Prendido

Man #1 : de Juliantla (birthplace in Guerrero, Mexicans tend to call you out based on where you originated) Go fuck your mother, you hear.
Man #2: You don’t mess with the people of the mountain fucker. So that you fucking learn, so that you fucking learn.
Hugo: What did I do, stop fucking around, what did I do?
Man #1: Shut up you son of a bitch!
Man #2: Shut up you son of a bitch!

Graphic video Below


  1. Why was he a target? Was he involved in dirty biz or?

    I hope his family doesn’t see this video. I can’t even begin to imagine what went through his mind right before dying. Muy fuerte este vídeo 😭😕

    1. The figueroa family are shady af and deserve no sympathy. Joan sebastian was a dirty man like his entire clan is.

    2. A bullet went through his mind before dying literally

    3. Agree that joan sebadtian was as good as a mexican trash composer as was dirty. Heard he and his people reaped lots of people off their land in garrero.

    4. As Jack Nicholson says in The Departed. "(s)He fell funny"

    5. It was definitely justified.

    6. Definitely justified

    7. Are u guys from guerrero??that man Joan sebastian had employed over 800 people..stupid people like u shouldn't b talking what they dnt kno about

    8. Joan’s brother is a top dog in the cartel in guerrero heard he laundered money for him. I’m guessing his family is in the biss

    9. Thank you all for your answers

    10. I think Joan’s music was good

  2. I don’t want to click on it can someone describe plz

    1. Video is not bad just a lot of rat a tat tat tat tat tat tat tat tat tat tat tat tat... Movies are more bloody than this video... Still sad for sure...

  3. Lol the casual dive into the grass

  4. Very sad, But this is probably the nicest way of getting killed by a cartel. Beats getting dismembered piece by piece while alive

    1. That's what i thought i rather see this than a gruesome beheading

    2. Yeh he got the easy way out by comparison.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Man at least he didn’t die like those guys from Cd. Victoria
    Wondering what he did tho

    1. What guys? Is this a new story?

    2. I think he is referring to the comandante diablo videos in CD Victoria

  7. Poor horses in the background

    1. Horses disappeared themselves when they saw what the fuck what going down!

  8. Chapo only kills innocent

    1. Useless comment, at least post that crap on an article about chapo. And you're wrong btw lol he also occasionally killed his rivals not just innocent people

  9. The people from the Hills, wanted Rancho La Mision to
    Pay to hold an event there.
    Well Hugo didn’t pay

    1. Yes that's it, what u want a silver platter.

  10. His family is part of los rojos who are against la familia michoacana.

    1. His family is part of guerreros unidos afilliated with cjng..

    2. 6:12 your right, I get confused with those two

  11. That's fucked up, he still asks "what did I do?" Viagras/LFM have become the new Z in Mexico. Worthless ratas, secuestradores, extorcionadores.

    1. 7:00 PM They are cut from the same tree. The Viagras are LNFM they have nothing to do with LFM their are rumors that they formed an alliance a couple months ago. The Viagras still control about a 1/5th of the state of Michoacan. CTGM and the ex viagras that worked for El Boto have a truce or an alliance with CJNG they control 2/5th of the state while 2/5th of the state is controlled by Los Chilangos their members include Silvano the Governor, Leonel Godoy Rangel former governor, Adolfo Eloy Peralta PRI=PAN, PRD their enforcers are the Policia Michaocana, the army, Navy, Municipal police and the PF aswell as AFI some commanders not all. They tolerate and allow the Viagras to do as they please as long as they continue to pay.

  12. At least it was better then getting tortured or getting hit with picks or decapitated. But him asking what did I do and them saying that’s so they can see not to mess with us. He was involved or did something one will hope he was not just innocent to calm our thoughts.

  13. Looks like they were on someones ranch. At least it was a quick death not like the other grotesque forms that are featured on this site..

  14. Man that's fucked up..

  15. Pero ay andaba de caliente, esos parientes de joan sebastian son mas chuecos que la fayuca.

  16. At least he died fast not the beheading thing going on there. They sure wasted lots of bullets surely it was for the video show.

  17. at least corrupt mexican cops. have it easier to identify his murderers, but I doubt they´ll act whatsoever. It seem that this killers have better weapoapons that them. and finally, at least this cerreños (whatever that means)( and Im fully mejicano) didnt chopped him in pieces, as their "enemies" do
    Poor Mexico. full of mayhem, corruption,. idolatry.

  18. How do Mexican narcos get full autos?

    1. You new here? Same way they got RPGs and grenades probably.

    2. China Russia untied states who ever give the best price

    3. USA!! USA!! USA!! *Screaming while honking my car horn*

    4. Obama sent a boat load of military weapons ."Fast and Furious " not the movie the ATF operation.

    5. Fuckin pussys blaming the US for everything

    6. He is American!!!!!

    7. Anyone can turn a semi auto into a full auto by simply grinding down a metal piece associated with the trigger. I won't get into details though for safety reasons.

    8. From the Mexican armed forces who use full autos

    9. @ 9:23... It’s not blaming the US when it’s the truth. Americas desire for drugs fuels the exponential growth of the drug trade. Which in turn escalates violence... Guns are easy to come by in the states; did you think the border only let drugs head north and blocked everything headed south? Don’t be naive.

    10. 8:26 - If we lust for drugs here in the United States. You lust for blood and corruption down in Mexico!

  19. That is so sad but could've been a whole lot worst. Poor guy, like this shit really needs to stop. Praying for his family

  20. "Gente Nueva Michiocan" is not affiliated to Gente Nueva Special Forces of C.D.S.
    This name was created by el Señor Flaco Salguiero and approved by El Patron Chapo Guzman ! Only brave men highly trained operators get to wear the Gente Nueva patch on thier bullet proof vest !

    1. And just like that, he's back with even more piles of bull.

    2. 6:01 there cowboy. Hating is bad for your health.

    3. De sac006 back, wounded in action.

    4. Yeah,hilarious,yawn

    5. Relax, 6.01. Sicario 006 is fully welcomed here and has been missed a long time!!

    6. Really! Lol maybe you should check out the video
      Colocando narcomatas en chihuahua
      It’s la gente nueva, that kid with the taco doesn’t look like a highly trained mercenary

    7. You do know that gente nueva was created by José Antonio marrufo and el flaco and worked for CDJ first and then defected to CDS right?

    8. They don’t have a patch just m100

    9. Sicario006 might get taken seriously one day and really have to play the game he so wishes to be a part of..


  21. Almost feel sympathy for the guy...they told him “con la gente del Cerro no se mete” he replies “with who?” And he asks “what did I do?”

    1. Lol nigua straight had the last laugh. With who? Lol

  22. he got off pretty easy compared to other cartel killings. these guys didnt even know how to shoot their guns smh

  23. I know it’s not popular and pry won’t get posted, but this full auto shit is not coming from the states. They would be paying 20 to 50k for each piece and many people would be going on a federal vacation for losing track of registered machine guns, which all happen to be in great shape for being made prior to 1983.

    1. You really know little about guns. It take a $5 piece of sheet metal to covert a standard AR to FA.

  24. And you can’t just change one little part and have a functioning full auto rifle. Whoever says that is a dipshit. The gun would work for all of about -4 mags the way these guys love shooting into the air for no reason. You need heavier barrels, and on AK’s the trunyons are heavier duty. Also not like any person can magically make sure all these different styles and types of rifles are gassed properly so they don’t jam after two rounds. The cuerno de chivo that is so loved are coming from places like Venezuela, Central America, and I’m sure by the boatload from Asia. Why pay smuggler prices for semi’s from the states when some captain in Venezuela would sell his mom for dollars to buy black market food. What do you think he will sell failed socialist rifles given for free by the Soviet Union in the 80’s, $100?

    1. Either they are getting weapons from crooked officials in the Army/Navy or they are being smuggled from South America. I know for a fact both methods have been used by different players. & it's entirely possible they're also being smuggled from Russia/Asia/Middle East/Africa.. they could be coming in from anywhere basically.

    2. Ya it is that simple. Anyone with skill in machinery can turn a semi auto into a full auto Tonto

    3. That bull shit, a lot of the AK in the US are surplus AK's that where originally build to fire FA and where converted to semi for importation. Plenty of AR's that are FA in the US are standard modern AR's with a drop in registered sears.


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