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Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Union of Tepito: 'El Pozoles' arrested, alleged killer of a Venezuelan escort

Sol Prendido for Borderland Beat

She knew that her life was at risk and four months before her murder she recorded some videos in which she revealed the name of her killer.

The subject arrested by agents of the Federal Police in the municipality of Nezahualcóyotl would be leader of 'La Unión de Tepito'

Brayan Mauricio Gonzalez alias el pozole or 'El Brayan' was arrested in Nezahualcóyotl, State of Mexico by elements of the Investigation Division of the Federal Police designated as one of the alleged leaders of the criminal group ' The Union of Tepito 'and who allegedly murdered Kenny Finol, a Venezuelan woman last year.

The investigation and cabinet work managed to identify the 26-year-old. Who was stopped during an operation implemented in which no shot was fired, said the Secretariat of Citizen Security (SSC).

 The arrest resulted from lines of investigation related to drug dealing, extortion, land collection and sexual exploitation of foreign women, mainly of Venezuelan nationality committed by members of 'La Unión de Tepito'.

It will be the ministerial authorities who will define the legal status of Brayan Mauricio 'N'.

It should be remembered that Kenny Mireya Finol, 26, a Venezuelan woman who was allegedly murdered by this man in Ecatepec, had reported violence and even death threats.

Through social networks videos recorded by the woman who came to Mexico to work as an escort on the page of Zona Divas, were seen with blows to her face and extremities. Kenny explained that these would have been caused by his ex-boyfriend (Brian Mauricio 'N') when she asked him to leave the country.

On Sunday, February 25, 2018, the body of the escort was found in the neighborhood of Jardines de Santa Clara, Ecatepec with traces of torture and her face completely disfigured after being sprayed with acid on her face.

Brayan Mauricio "N", was handed over to SEIDO to continue with the corresponding investigations for being involved in various federal crimes.

The family of Kenny Mireya provided the data of 'El Pozoles' who from the beginning was responsible for the death of the woman.


  1. I remember this case. I felt a knot in my throat when I saw that video of her all beat up. She made poor decisions with her life and body. But Imagine she was your kid or sister. Pobre muchacha, tan bonita y tan joven.

    May she Rest In Peace.

    1. Poor decisions, yeah we all make mistakes. What a fkn asshole who did this to her, wether she was pretty or not. This really upsets me when we treat women like shit, they should be treated like queens especially when they're in need. This is just awful.

    2. Yeah, she was beautiful.


      El Cabrón De Tamaulipas

    3. Treat her like a queen and she will use you to chase the bad boy.
      Women like bad boys.

    4. 11:09 I agree. I’ve made plenty. It broke my heart to hear her ask for time to save up to move back to Venezuela. That’s when I read the article under the video and realized she was already gone. I have never felt so useless in my life. Even if she was a stranger.

    5. 11:09 I’m glad you think that way. That’s beautiful ❤️

      2:21 wish she would’ve had a second shot at life. Que dios la tenga en su santa gloria 🕊🕊

  2. That is a damn shame, cause she didn't want to be with him...SMH sad

    1. Do not who that pozole guy is but with a nickname like that, plus being from df well the girl is better of dead

  3. As pretty as she was, she could have chosen a different profesión as opposed to being a “hooker.” What business owner or Manager wouldn’t hire a hot chick to represent them? Further, what profesional or semi professional person wouldn’t want a nice arm piece like her?

    She didn’t deserve the Beatings and horrible death but chose a dangerous profesión.

    Let’s hope she repented before she died. RIP


    1. Idk if you keep up on the news but Venezuela has no food or anything.

    2. 12:06 is all fake news

    3. Doubtful. Mexico isn't exactly brimming over with good paying opportunities regardless of being cute or not and the guys with money are usually involved in bad activity who are dangerous. Many women simply have to go into this line of work to survive or are forced into it by some loser like the guy who killed this poor unfortunate.

    4. 4:10pm Fake News??? Are you F**king kidding me? Get your head out of your stupid As* before you speak

  4. Por andar de caliente

  5. High profile murder solved, hundreds of others turned "cold cases".

    -Black Stone

    1. High profile anything is what gets attention. Millions of poor and homeless in US and everyone is trying to save homless people around the world. Same with Mexico, we're always looking to help everyone else while our own people starve and are homeless.

  6. There's a video of him crying as he was being arrested.

  7. Narcos sure love women, but women will likely be the reason why they'll fall in a cage or 6 ft. True fact some disputes between narcos have been about a women; for expample with CDG and Z.

    1. I forgot what Colombian narco said it but he said anytime a deal goes bad a bitch was involved

  8. High profile murder solved, hundreds of others turned "cold cases".

    -Black Stone

  9. There's a lot of those cases were prostitutes from other countries get killed in Mexico. Sicarios fall for them and kill them for whatever reason

  10. human trafficking of south american women is a huge issue in mx. they are enticed with high paying modeling etc jobs but when arrive they are forced into prostitution

  11. Exactly, Chivis. Nothing is as easy as she chose to be a prostitute. These needy girls are enticed by promises of jobs, such as modeling, They are unaware that they will become prisoners of gang members. Sometimes they are simply kidnapped and drugged then forced into prostitution. They are under constant surveillance with no opportunity to escape.

  12. Shes human and shes from a country with 0 opportunity. Prostution was her only option

  13. Reminds of that Chucky movie. Chucky is always telling little Andy that they’re gonna be friends till the end. And at the end Andy’s just tired of his shit so he tells him “This is the end”. That’s how I see these savage relationships.

    Obnoxiously funny clip about Chucky. The weird shit that you laugh about at 3 in the morning while most of the world is asleep. Chucky Grosero
    - Sol Prendido

    1. I saw a graffitti photo of Chucky with an AK47 on some ghetto wall in brazil it's interesting how people reimagine popculture makes me wonder who the guy was and his relationship to the movie. On another one there was Bin Laden smoking a blunt lol that was awesome.

    2. Those must’ve been some interesting pictures. I’ve noticed that the further south you travel the weirder it all gets. - Sol Prendido

  14. Is there any way to avoid working with trafficking victims? I think prostitution should be legal but only if the women is making the choice to work in the industry personally. I have gone to strip clubs and gotten lap dances from sober professional girls and it was great. I also once got a lap dance from a girl that was high as a kite, it felt dirty and uncomfortable.

    1. Try having a relationship, a friend with benefits even a dating app. If you use lap dancers or strip clubs it’s inevitable that at some point you’ll meet girls like this working through no choice of her own.

    2. Prostitution means one is a whore just saying

    3. You really think you are gonna find a stripper to pass a urine drug screen test?

  15. WOWWW! Still a human being who was senselessly beaten and murdered.

  16. She could have used a bit more sun time. That kind of color is leached of all warmth.

    1. Damn James!!!!! That is cold and irrelevant-shame on you. And FYI Mexico is a very color conscious nation. dark brown or black skin are racially prejudice against.

      The state with the most black-mexicans is gro. and gro is the most ignored state in the union.

    2. Chivis. On one hand you chide me for biased comments,on the other hand you tell me the razas are prejudiced against my skin color. I'm black American. How do you think i got this way? Not all of us hold hands and sing We Shall Overcome.

    3. I would think Veracruz and Oaxaca have more black Mexicans than Guerrero but hard to say. All 3 states have blacks, I have a little black according to anssestory test I took and I'm from michoacan.. just saying

    4. 12:27 I agree and I also think people that do it regardless of their color have low esteem themselves and are low in education.

      I am a light skinned mexican but I have never shamed on other people's skins.

    5. if we are speaking of true Afro-Mexicans the gro has the largest percentage

      Costa Chica of Guerrero, Costa Chica of Oaxaca, then Veracruz

      In Coahuila there are afro mexicans and the amazing Black Indians aka Black Seminoles

    6. Chivis funny u mention that. My cousin did one of those DNA test. Turns out he's 10% African Nigerian to be exact. His dad is actually from Guerrero.

    7. you 100 percent correct chivis. the oppressed people of mexico are those with dark skin.

    8. My girl from guerrero she black black not even light skin or the mix look.

    9. James; I just assumed you were black. which has ZERO to do with my comment to you. I just was amazed that of all the elements of this story-human trafficking-murder forced servitude-a woman foreseeing her murder...etc etc...YOU focused on the appearance and skin color of a victim horribly tortured and murdered.

    10. 8:19 Chivis. I was at last years Dias de los Muertos in Seattle Center. Lots of happy Mexican families. The only people giving me the fish-eye were white people. Tell me again why I should give a damn about them? Paz

    11. @10:19 - I’m confident white people (or any other people since we’re painting with a broad brush) couldn’t care less if you give a damn about them or not. Why didn’t you address these “fish eye” giving white people at the time of the incident? Perhaps that would have been more productive than writing a whiny comment to Chivis about it months later.

    12. Chivis black Seminoles are from Florida not Mexico

    13. 1:01 OK! ....they were from fla and okl but to avoid enslavement fled to mexico incl my state of coahuila KNOW your history before commenting

      Migration to Mexico
      Facing the threat of enslavement, the Black Seminole leader John Horse and about 180 Black Seminoles staged a mass escape in 1849 to northern Mexico, where slavery had been abolished twenty years earlier. The black fugitives crossed to freedom in July 1850.[3] They rode with a faction of traditionalist Seminole under the Indian chief Coacochee, who led the expedition. The Mexican government welcomed the Seminole allies as border guards on the frontier, and they settled at Nacimiento, Coahuila.

      After 1861, the Black Seminoles in Mexico and Texas had little contact with those in Oklahoma. For the next 20 years, Black Seminoles served as militiamen and Indian fighters in Mexico, where they became known as mascogos, derived from the tribal name of the Creek – Muskogee.[37] Slave raiders from Texas continued to threaten the community but arms and reinforcements from the Mexican Army enabled the black warriors to defend their community.[38] By the 1940s, descendants of the Mascogos numbered 400-500 in Nacimiento de los Negros, Coahuila, inhabiting lands adjacent to the Kickapoo tribe. They had a thriving agricultural community. By the 1990s, most of the descendants had moved into Texas.

    14. So now they are all in texas? Didn't know that, thx

    15. some remain in Coahuila-

    16. Wow! I just learned history that I hadn’t been taught in college nor come across.


  17. Every time a pretty girl dies on here everyone goes nuts wishing they could have saved her. Pathetic lonely losers.

  18. Se pasa pinche pozoles

  19. 12:07 you reap what you sow. Society is getting too soft. 12:04 👍🏻.

  20. Ok...and where do they rank on your long list of "bad" people who should be forsaken. I can think of 50 or more illegal professions and or crimes that are way more sickening and unforgivable..If you had no choice and you had to feed kids and a lovely woman said she would pay you to have sex with her im sure you would

  21. She was a prostitute that knew who was el pozoles and what he did and gave 0 fucks about it. 12:04 for reals

  22. @12:22pm te digo chivis we need a like button

  23. Her murderer should be treated like the animal he is. A slow death, piece by piece.

  24. Lol pinche puerko is lucky he had money and that she was from Venezuela a girl like her would never find his ugly skinnyfat grasoso ads attractive if she wasn't in so much need.... ugghhhhbb castrate him che sangre sucia que tiene

  25. So the lowlife narco who does something like this to a girl thinks he's now some bad ass or something? Pfft he's nothing but a coward. Glad he was caught for a change and with a bit of luck will spend decades behind bars hopefully constantly staring over his shoulder for fear of a similar demise that ended this girl's life.

  26. And the dude will get away with this abuse. Such a shame women in mexico get abused like this and have no protective rights. Fucken coward should be straight up laced and butchered with a hacksaw. No woman should be touched...

  27. All because she white nice looking whore. Had it being the opposite?

  28. What a pity, but once this criminal flashes bribe money,he will be out again killing women, his perverted specialty.

  29. @10:14

    Better that than a narco

    El Cabrón De Tamaulipas

  30. Prostitution the oldest trade in the book.

  31. @12:39, you're right... You real what you sow, but how exactly did she sow torture and murder? She may have been a prostitute, but that only makes her a victim twice over. She's been used as a commodity - the legalities of prostitution aside, her self worth is as a human were being exploited. You need to put yourself in her and other women's shoes. YouvrY left a country with no opportunities and are in a foreign country without any financial support and nothing but your body. The men who use them and worse abuse them are the ones that should truly reap what they sow. Let them be tortured and murdered... then you can hear their families cry about what a great son, brother or father they were.

  32. I feel less and less sympathy for your country with each passing day. The bodies of the innocent keep stacking up while your corrupt judicial institutions continue to build upon them as their foundation. You people continue to do nothing because you are cowards. You people have no respect for your nation or your people and you either run away to bring your issues to us up north, or you sit back and get drunk and high while these criminals continue to rape and pillage without restraint throughout. You people need serious help, you have clearly shown that you cannot run a country, go figure. I wish my people didn't use drugs by the billions of dollars, that is a big part of the problem, I get it, and so is my corrupt government. But beating her, throwing acid on her, presumably raping then murdering her is a direct reflection of your culture's barbaric nature. No where else in the world do people get wrapped up in duct tape and stabbed with 2 dozen knives, no where else in the world do men melt down people's bodies in acid vats in large volumes, no where else in the world do people behead people with chainsaws on video tape. You are like Muslims without Allah. If you are still wondering why women like her meet the terrible fate that they do just look in the mirror. They are dead because of YOU.

    1. In that case, you're to blame for all the school and theater mass shootings. You're to blame for all the drugs you consume. Cry some more. Quit being an ignorant moron.

    2. @5.53pm it’s sad you actually believe that...there’s plenty of good and bad in all countries, religions and cultures. I suggest you get out and meet more people and build up a better knowledge of the world. As for Muslims, I know plenty and they’re lovely people. Very kind, caring and giving. They don’t like the extremists either, why do you think they’ve had to leave their homeland? They’re victims of Isis aswell.


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