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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Interesting Interview with Ioan Grillo on Mexican Drug War

El Jesse James for Borderland Beat from YouTube Joe Rogan Experience

Great find!  A Joe Rogan interview with one of my most trusted and favorite journalists, Ioan Grillo.  An interesting point in the interview, is the possibility that hash or marijuana may trigger psychotic episodes or Schizophrenia.  I personally know of two people, brothers, who began heavy use of marijuana in high school and both experienced an onset of schizophrenia with severe paranoia. The brothers have different fathers but share a genetic predisposition from their mother. Now one could say that that may have experienced the onset without marijuana use, and I can’t argue against that notion but I hope there are studies and conclusion on the subject.  

View interview below


  1. Despite the findings. FDA will approve like all opioids usage.
    All thanks to lobbyists for pharmaceutical companies. Changing labels for financial gain despite studies.

    That's American interest for u.

  2. I’ll definitely be giving it a listen.

  3. Another dude on joe Rogan podcast was talking about the marisela lady getting killed story just recently

    1. video if anyone is curious

  4. There is definitely a connection between cannabis use and schizophrenia/psychotic breaks, etc.; if you already have those conditions but haven’t experienced the symptoms yet, cannabis use can trigger those conditions to present earlier than they normally would for a very small percentage of the population. It happened to one of my pledge brothers—guy had been regularly using cannabis for several years until he experienced a psychotic break at 22 years old. Then he got diagnosed as schizophrenic. The thing was, he hadn’t smoked on the day of his psychotic break as it happened early in the morning. Everyone tried to connect it to drug usage, but I still believe the cannabis use only caused him to have a psychotic break earlier than he would have otherwise.

    1. Yeah... I had a buddy that went crazy after smoking some weed. But pretty sure it was laced...

    2. These brothers had different fathers and lived apart so did not use together, and you are correct there is a genetic predisposition---thank you for making the distinction. I was not saying if you smoke pot you will go psychotic from that alone. What I was suggesting SOME with a predisposition may be triggered by usage. Pot is an extremely safe drug to use.

    3. I’m a pot smoker. I’ve noticed if I smoke daily for more that 2 weeks I’ll start coming up with some crazy thoughts in my head. I’ll start thinking everyone is out to get me. I realize it’s the pot making me paranoid so I can control it. Once I thoght my wife was cheating on me with my co worker. They don’t even know each other and have never had contact. I realized I was tripping and chilled. For a second I really believe it. Be careful out there this isint are grandparents weed any more.

    4. From an occasional use standpoint, yes pot is much safer than any other illicit substance (occasional use, not smoking it like many cigarette addicts). "Safer" being the important word, doesn't mean it will have no effect on you. It still messes with your brain chemistry, is a known psychoactive, and stays in your system much longer than alcohol. Heavy usage of alcohol isn't safe, and neither is heavy usage of pot. Also, no matter how you look at it, you're still taking burning material into your lungs as well, and whatever chemicals were used in its growth.

      Even Amsterdam capped it's legal sale at 15% THC, but the US and Canada keep trying to push the smoked stuff over 30%. The hash oil is pushing 90.


    5. The Dutch have only one the 5gr per time and per user rule. You also need the weedpas to buy it legal in the south. But your 15% Statement is not true!

    6. It certainly does change your brain chemistry, that doesn’t mean it’s going to be in a negative way. I had a brain tumor the size of a golf ball removed when I was a kid, and several serious concussions throughout my life. All the doctors and experts I’ve talked to have said that cannabis use in my case is actually recommended. Due to it being such an exceptional neuro protectant. So I don’t think heavy cannabis use is bad at all for some people, with the exception of smoke as you mentioned. But it certainly isn’t for everyone, that’s for sure. But you are right that the high THC levels is still all up in the air right now. Humans have evolved with cannabis, but it’s only been over the last couple decade’s that humans have been consuming such high levels. Overall I think it will be fine, and I personally love that Cannabis has gotten so good. But I guess we will see.

      And yes I agree with you Chivis that marijuana is more likely to cause someone who is predispositioned, to start exhibiting sights faster then they might of had they not smoked. I also agree that Marijuana is not going to cause someone to become schitzo that didn’t have some predisposition.

      I hope you all have a nice day! 👐


    7. @9:43PM Yes it is, and it has been true for years. It is considered a hard drug over 15% THC, and is illegal for the shops to stock it.


    8. Also, CBD is the neuro-protectant, along with THC-A, but the THC-A becomes THC when burned. THC does have anti-inflammatory elements to it, but it's a known psychotic chemical (how significant it is is up in the air due to lack of true medical testing).

      The biggest problem in allowing its open use is finding out who has the predisposition for mental issues. Unless your family has a known issue in the past you might never know until it causes you to display symptoms. It's also unknown how THC reacts with other prescription and over-the-counter medications (especially dangerous given how many people end up on anti-depressants). I think it would be better to lower its Schedule rating to allow for extensive testing before people start accepting it wholesale based on anecdotal evidence and short term studies.


    9. I am a full blown Alcoholic.i thought Mota, but realized it wouldn't help.

  5. Hola chivis ...hi whats.going monclova coahuila.....oye que nos.dices de la reunion de donald trump y kin.jong ?? Es positiva verdad????

    1. Hola Monclova, Coahuila!!
      Well now we know there was no agreement. For me I was hoping there would be only one deal and that is peace between the two Koreas. But for anything else, it was too soon. That will take years. Next summit Trump will get two agreements. I predict. Everyone should be hoping the for the best, sadly there are people that want failure because they hate Trump no matter if it hurts the U.S. and others nations...

    2. Exacto.tu comentario. Tambien quiero paz y cero.guerra nuclear y si hay muchas personas que quieren que fracase trump y la paz al menos kim tambien desea.paz ....saludos.bendiciones

    3. 2:43 El "Rocket Boy Kimil" is scared, he believes his nuclear power is the only thing that keeps him in power, he does not want to suffer an ignominious death like muhammar khaddaffi or El Chayo and he won't be conned out of his position by nobody, after all Bladdermir and Xi are with him.

  6. This is awesome, I listen to Joe often and he's always been asking to have someone knowledgeable about the Mexican Drug War on the show, great choice!

    -Throw Away

  7. Finally this drug problem and Mexico some attention, in long form.... Fabulous!!!

  8. And the state of California swears "there is no reliable method to detect the blood level of the drug" Yet they approved it's uncontrolled use. Anyone who drives drunk or stoned cannot handle reality. It's sad to see them crash. It's enraging to see their selfishness hurt or take innocent lives.

    1. Apparently you haven't seen the statistics of alcohol related deaths in auto accidents. Don't see a ton of deaths from marijuana usage.

    2. Apparently you haven't seen the statistics of alcohol related deaths in auto accidents. Don't see a ton of deaths from marijuana usage.

    3. Bullshit you can’t become uncontrolled from American light beer and weed. Ever had a bottle of tequila and a bag of weed?

    4. Fuck, I hope they don’t ever get a breathalyzer test for weed lol.

  9. i believe it’s not triggered by hash or weed.
    You get crazy out of fear beeing caught and booked to jail for a long time for having even small amounts in your possession. Then your life is fucked up.That’s why you go crazy.

  10. Two comments:

    1) In general, drugs are bad for you. What is worse than legal drugs? The War On Drugs.

    2) When's the last time someone drank poisoned purchased at their local liquor store. Almost never. If drugs are legalized, at least there will be far less poisoning of users.

    1. 9:33 the War on Drugs provides billions of dollars to people wearing uniforms like police and border patrol and their handlers, and even more billions to private prisons for profit and even boot camps for youths ensnared at junior high schools all over the US,
      They also collaborate with a few select mafiosos doing the drug trafficking, they always know where they left the doors ope.

  11. Anecdotal evidence trotted out as implying a significance among the population. The real travesty might be ignorance. Drugs are simply a tool to change ones awareness. (Is schizo simply more than one center of awareness?) Some bad, some lesser, some who knows. The issue with Mexico has more to do with corruption, greed, and power, in my anecdotal observation.

  12. Marijuana alone is safe, there is no arguing to that, when it is used casually and on its natural form. I believe it is the most understood plant, not just by those against it but also by many extremely pro-legalization because both sides refuse to aknowledge eachothers claims. Those against it refuse to aknowledge its medicinal values, refuse to aknowledge that no one has overdosed, while the heavy stoners will argue that it is a miracle plant and will tell you that it is not an addictive plant, yet those same ones that say you cant get addicted are the same ones who get anxiety when they dont smoke, yes it can treat anxiety but anxiety gets worse the day you dont smoke, they get grumpy, get headaches and always assume its normal and need a few puffs. even if marijuana hasnt killed anyone, people have died from it but because of their irresponsability, many assume because it is legal means they can smoke while at work while on the street or driving and even if some can smoke and function there are some that cant and thats the dangerous part, give a lightweight guy a few rips of indica from a bong ad have him drive in the freeway, he can get killed. another way that it is misunderstood is how people claim they smoke for its medical benefits yet they smoke heavy thc zero cbd while thc does not have a medical value, it is the cbd, THC only makes you feel good so lets cut the BS and be honest, we smoke to feel good not because of our made up diagnosis from WebMD. A Big concern is how many people think they are smoking a natural plant while not knowing the chemicals and fertilizers added by the growers,it is still too early to see results but soon people will get sick from all that shit, if legalized at a federal level, companies like marlboro ad other start up companies will mass produce joints and add a bunch of shit, preservatives, that may lead to cancer and then the negative view on marijuana, it will no longer be the good plant it is now. JUST LIKE CIGARRETES! , you think its the tobacco alone that kills you? or the chemicals added to it???? some say marijuana is safe because its a plant it grows from the ground, well tobacco aswell. thats why knowledge is important, negligence and arrogance is what kills.

    before i get shit talked to, i am pro legalization and do smoke here and there just like i enjoy a drink here and there

    1. The dangers with drugs is not so much the use, but the profit that motivates the promotion and the propagation of the vices and addictions, and it will continue as long as there is a dollar to be made and kept by government employees and private enterprises for fighting it while engaging in the money sharing.

  13. From a pot smoker who recently quit i can attest to the negatives of weed def def def addictive look at any regular pot smoker if they dont have their weed then all that matters is getting their weed been there extreme paranoia def occurs little known fact weed is an estrogenic compound and will affect test levels in men and cause estrogen production in men def makes you lazy and goofy and ive been coughing up black shit ever since i quit plus my mind is getting back to normal weird thoughts permeate the smokers mind this pot is a sneaky savage

  14. Finish my job in Mexico. Had no problem s, but still feel Naked without my gun. I am back in the US.Gun Control is real. Problem in Mexico, all the bad guys have them. I am not going back.

  15. Private Security Corporations are collecting big time for work in Mexico that never gets done or gets anywhere but gets more murdering of Innocent or maybe not so innocent broke asses...
    Any explanation, excuse, reason behind it?
    Milking the American taxpayers off billions of dollars for contracts on Mexico seems to be the only game left in town for some peepol, Mexico would never pay a foreign mercenary contractor one thousand dollars a day, but that is what you are selling the American People... SHAME!

  16. If they were identical twins and one was a user and the other not it would be a better test.


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