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Monday, February 4, 2019

Authorities will investigate the murder of American activist John Galton in Acapulco

Translated by El Profe for Borderland Beat from Sin Embargo

More links: An American ‘crypto-anarchist’ fled the country. He was just killed in Mexico’s ‘murder capital.’ , American anarchist 'John Galton' shot dead in Acapulco


The Office of the Attorney General of the Republic and the State of Guerrero will investigate the murder of the American marijuana activist, John Galton, in Acapulco, Guerrero. 

Mexico, February 3 (EFE) - The murder of a US citizen and the discovery of a drug processing laboratory in the municipality of Acapulco, in the southern state of Guerrero, are being investigated by the Attorney General's Office (FGR) of Mexico and the State Attorney's Office, both agencies reported this Sunday. 

Through a statement, the Guerrero Coordination Group indicated that in the aforementioned "laboratory" were found and seized "various objects and equipment enabling the home processing of cannabis." 

Among the materials found were white light radiation lamps for plant growth, gas tanks, and  a pressure cooker to sterilize material and prepare cultures.

Thank you BB follower for sending the video below:

The site also found a pipe to consume marijuana, as well as various plants in pots and dried plants with the characteristics of cannabis.
According to the experts, the cultivation of plants would be used to form hybrids, that is, produce a new species of cannabis.

The southern Mexican state of Guerrero has suffered an escalation of violence in the last decade, unleashed by gangs engaged in drug trafficking.
An official report from the state government, made public in June 2018, indicated that there are 18 organized crime gangs in the state that dispute the control of production, transfer and sale of drugs in the seven regions of the state.
The entity became an emblem of insecurity in Mexico, with the disappearance in 2014 of the 43 students of Ayotzinapa in the hands of organized crime and the rebound of violence in the tourist city of Acapulco in recent years.


  1. “We kill our own if need be”. - Sol Prendido

    1. Whats to say the Americans didn’t outsource this hit to the Mexicans just to shut this guy up permanently? Something to consider when things are so murky on this case. - Sol Prendido

    2. Sol, thats what i thought. I can imagine some DEA irritated at this kid just passing some 'info' to a local 'source'. Problem solved.

    3. @11:23 This would not be the first time.

    4. Bit convoluted,DEA outsource?The dude thought he knew it all,goin into Mexico to try and tap a market with high grade,local Mexican crews aernt gonna put with this kind of shit?
      Wonder if they warned him and he didnt listen,you gotta be cracked to think you can go into Mexico and start pullin shit like this?Mexican crews would not give a fuck about some gringo tree huggers.Bet they warned his arse and he thought they wont touch me,now if this is what happened he was fuckin stupid,respect local Mexican crews etc or get fucked off,goofy shit.We all dont love one another

    5. #12:32 Bet he left his white privilege badge at home in the US. Oops!

    6. A cartel hit would look different, wouldnt it? Why not killing them all, raping the girl and make them "oxxo"? This was more likely a local crew and these "rich kids" were growing and selling weed in their barrio. So a lesson was taught.

      I found this video on YT, its said thats their last public interview.

    7. Man,sorry to tell you but i get as many pulls off police as anyone,white privilege?Media shit and the relevant people its aimed at lap it up cause they wanna believe that shit?
      White privilege,iff only.

    8. White privilege,give us a break,thats as bogus as la raza

  2. I'll tell you what, i saw this and i was kind of amazed, i didn't know people still thought this way publicly. Like the 80's never happened and the 1970's leapfrogged into the now.
    Naive babes in a distopian nightmare. Wake up kids, Bragging about being an anarchist in Mexico, fleeing the USA! I wonder what happened? Jealousy? Hell, an angry expat or local or agent could easily have called in a favour. The thing is we will never know.

  3. A Marijuana Activist and grower? Sounds like he made too much noise and drew attention to his trade. Worthy enough to warrant a visit from the envious.

  4. I’m here now. They are part of a group of anarchists conspiracy nuts and weird. Though Acapulco is dangerous for sure I bet these guys were playing with fire

    1. They're not "anarchist conspiracy nuts". That's a label the mainstream media would put on them, of course. They are against coercive government, of which we have lots north of the border, and unfortunately it generates a ripple effect south of the border. The drug trade would not be violent were it not for the War on Drugs.

    2. You mean they were basically assholes ?
      Anarchists?Arrogant silly fuckers who think they always know whats right for the planet

    3. I’ve met a few down here. Weirdos and not wrapped right. They learned the hard way what stetelesd government looks like Acapulco style

  5. He was in the south to show Mexicans how to make good weed and not the shitty stuff they are selling since years to the stupid gringos in the north

    1. "He was in the south to show Mexicans how to make good weed" "instead of shitty stuff they are selling to the stupid gringos in the north"
      Fuckin hilarious,there is something wrong with this post

    2. Where do you think the term 'sinsemilla' came from? They don't send the good stuff north. Sure, some is similar to lawn clippings, but some is just as strong as anything 'up north.' I was always afraid to bring back even one seed.

      These guys appear to have been clueless as to how things operate in that part of the world.

    3. Sinsemilla is like smoking dirt. Its crap.. always has been.

    4. It doesnt matter from where it came - it matters whats realy been. And mexican weed is not the best...polite spoken.

  6. Definitely got in trouble for cultivating/extracting. Even if they weren’t selling, there’s a good chance one of the CIDA cells heard about some gringos making concentrates on their territory.

  7. These guys moved to Mexico to evade possibly 25 years on drug charges,hated rules and regulations and wanted to live in a country that didn't have many (which is 1 of the reasons many expatriots move to Mexico).Well you got it,no rules or regulations to operate your pot thing and now you got lawlessness and your dead.You would have been better off doing the 25 in the pen but how were you to know?

    1. Skeptical about their claim of 25yrs

    2. No way 25 years. Maybe 10-15,less 15% for good behavior in BOP.

  8. I read online that it was considered a drug laboratory and along with all stuff to found to make shatter and moon rocks from ganja, cocaine base was apparently seized.

    1. I did not read that there was cocaine base siezed..Please copy paste where you read this info.

    2. This area of Vista Hermosa is very dangerous.This area is Ejido. This means there are not many titles to properties. It is plausable that they were trespassing in someones house.Maybe they were told to leave.
      That is one theory.

      The most plausable is that they were cultivating/ processing canibas for concentrate. The powers to be did not like this.

      Maybe they did not pay the mordida.

      Who knows? Either way this is not good for Acapulco.

    3. 11:09

    4. This is the only article that says there was Cocaine found on premises.....I do not believe it.

  9. I would like to add, this just reenforces the stigma in regards to weed in Mexico. Weed = violence.

  10. It is ok for Mexican cartels to invade California go into public lands and grow tons of weed, sell it in the U.S. tax free. Kinda like Nafta in reverse.
    But these kids could not go there to grow a little pot.

    These kids should have been given a warning. Not shot to death.

    Also the kid had an Anrchist meeting in one of the hotels on Feb.1st

    He should have not messed around with Mexican Politics.

    1. Whatever the case,he should not have been fuckin with Mexicans in Mexico,he was fuckin begging to be hurt or killed,anarchist,bang bang heres your anarchy

    2. he WAS warned 3 separate times. and this was over coke that he was buying in oaxaca and selling to the expats in acapulco. he was even undercutting the cartels prices, it's amazing he thought that would be ok..

  11. People that do drugs shouldn't be involved in making/selling drugs in Mexico. Especially gringos. Drugs make you dumb and here's the proof.

  12. Swampy fucked around in Mexico tryna grow grades etc,Mexicans hate gringos,never mind stepping on their toes,go figure the way this turned out

  13. these people are so naive and stupid, their arrogant ideas , and then to flee their crime time here to be fugitives in Guerrero of all places ? Damn

  14. Funny to see how much mexicans hate white people.. one white kid hops the border and you all complaining... bunch of lying hypocrites.. no wonder mexico is a shithill.

    1. I have a good friend of mine that likes 2 say: If it ain’t snowing I ain’t going. Trust me bro Mexicans love caucasians. Or at least the ones I know.
      - Sol Prendido

    2. No dude,not takin about the hate angle,thats true enough,he was arrogant and stupid trying to set up in Mexico of all places



  16. Stupid crypto-currency libertarians running from legal trouble and thinking they could produce marijuana extracts in one of the most violent cartel cities in Mexico. Stupid. Just stupid.

    Nobody deserves to die like this. But if you put yourself in this position... it's going to happen.

    Note to gringos: if you setup shop in Mexico the cartels will find out and they won't take kindly to it... which means a bullet in the head.

    1. That’s if you are lucky. Worse will be torture and dismemberment

  17. ******I read that he ran a passport business scam out of Mexico ans Charged like $10k-$20k to people from other counties like the Middle East and then closed his websites and passport business burning a lot of people.

    As a “Anarchist growing weed in his community” many of commenters on here have good points regarding the hit.



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