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Sunday, February 24, 2019

5 "El Mayo" mantas appear in Jalisco with same message as those in Sonora and other states

BB Follower for  Borderland Beat

GUADALAJARA, Jal. (appro) .- At least five narcomantas were hung in different points of the city with a warning message to the criminal groups and signed presumably by Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, member of the Sinaloa Cartel.

The blankets printed on white canvases with black and red typography contain the same message: "The cleaning  begins in the country, we come with the support of the Federal Government, the old school returns. We welcome dialog with all cartels. If cartels do not align, they will be aligned."

Three of the blankets appeared in the vicinity of the Nueva Central Camionera, in Tonalá. In detail,
one on the pedestrian bridge of the Free Highway to Zapotlanejo, at the height of Las Torres, and the other pair in Patria and Las Torres.

 Another was hung on the wiring of an American wholesale store, which is located on the Avenida Niños Héroes, Colonia Hidalgo, in Tlaquepaque. One more was located in González Gallo and Niños Héroes in the Álamo Industrial.

Other canvases with the same message appeared in other states of the country. One of them was placed on Wednesday morning at a balustrade of an overpass in Hermosillo, Sonora.

During the trial that was followed in the United States to Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán, his defense argued that El Mayo Zambada offered millions of dollars in bribes to the presidents Enrique Peña Nieto and Felipe Calderón.

El "Mayo" Zambada appears on the list of the 10 most wanted fugitives by the DEA (Administration for the Control of Drugs in the United States), which offers a reward of 5 million dollars to the one who gives information that leads to his capture .

According to the US authorities, "El Mayo" would be in charge of the operations of the Sinaloa Cartel, which also operates in part of the Pacific coast of Mexico, in Cancún, Quintana Roo, and Monterrey, Nuevo León.

The DEA accuses Zambada of money laundering, possession of firearms, violent crimes, drug trafficking, among other crimes.


  1. CDS is little more than an over-sized pandilla at this point. It's sad, really. CJNG needs to hurry up and finish them off along with CDN and the Gulf Cartel remnants & establish a Pax Mafiosa in Mexico so violence can finally start winding down.

    1. CDS is favored by the US government so they aren't just an over-sided pandilla just look at Venezuela and how all the nations se alinaron to go after Venezuela then they will go after Nicaragua and Cuba. Mexican cartels like Sinaloa are the one of many Unofficial underworld branches of the US government.

    2. A lot of the violence has been caused by cjng. I lived in a small town in jalisco for 10 years. It was controlled by cds. Everything was calm and peacefull. Then cjng came to the town in 2014 and all hell broke lose. There were murders and businesses were extorted.

    3. I am beginning to think 6:22 is true.
      The hypocrisy pertaining the war on drugs.

    4. He’s lying jalisco pueblos always been ran by los Valencia’s aka CJNG and always been calm once Sinaloa tried to come in shit changed but it didn’t last same with zetas when la resistencia was up. Things are calm they protect the city and they don’t extort stop lying I’m from Los Altos all the pueblos in the region is good of course people die etc but they are not innocent.

    5. 5:56 you sound like a cjng girl

    6. @6:23 which town?

    7. I totally agree , I think the big dogs are nueva Generacion they'd are everywhere and more loyal the CDs
      They snitch on each other

    8. Cds ha cause violence since it started don't give me that crap

    9. "CDS is favored by the US government"
      Man o man,US gov just buried Chapo alive,bent Vincent over,but they favor CDS ? The dojas on here love a conspiracie,what are you gonna do ?

    10. I just got back from the mountains in Jalisco. Pretty sure someone big is hidden up there. Check points entering and exiting.

    11. The small town I lived in is Jalostotitlan.

    12. 7:42 Cds has been in los altos de jalisco since before milenio cartel existed. The Gonzalez family out of teocaltiche ruled over much of Los Altos region on behalf of Sinaloa since the early 90's. The late Mario Gonzalez was chapo's compadre. That region was very peaceful before cjng. Most of that area is been taken over by cjng and started killing kidnapping and extorting people.

    13. I lived in Jalos from 2006 to 2015. Before cjng took over the town in 2014 it was peacefully. Since then there's been 4 major shootings, 6 police officers where kidnapped, and a police commander was kidnapped. It is bullshit when people say that only bad guys kill bad guys. I personally knew good people that got murdered by cjng. If you witness illegal activity and then get murdered does that make you a bad guy? No. Inocent hard working civilians get killed by this dirtbag cartel.

    14. En Los Altos están todos los meros meros ya saben san Miguel no se toca ahí rifa el Elvis

    15. 12:15 PM Chapo was going destined for Prison no matter what he only got out because he cut a deal and turned in the Arellano brothers the Sinaloas most likly turned in the old Guard from the Guadalajara cartel by giving Kiki Camarena the info on the Ranchos that angered the old guard and tortured and slowly killed him.

      All of Mayo's sons will get out in 15 years or less. When was the last time a Sinaloa Captain was caught that didn't go into conflict with the Cartel?

    16. @12:15 vicentes getting freed you idiot. So are other people it played out in sinaloas favor. They are still favored by the governments chapo was just to get the suspicion off of it all

    17. Heard a lot of cds corridos in Jalisco and saw pictures of el senior but nothing about cjng, maybe I should have asked the crack heads rotting around.

    18. @2:41 El Mencho?

    19. @853 te acuerdas cuandi Elvis llego al hospital por que le kerian matar,era su misma gente que hiso eso.elvis llego asi bien chingon,por qur sus hermanos son los patrones,dijo la gente y esta quien sabian que era elvis,tanto trabajador que hay no sabian que era Elvis jajajjajaj

    20. 5:56 Are you really that ignorant or just lying to yourself?

    21. Cjng controls south-south east jalisco on the border with michoacan. They got booted out of Guadalajara by Nueva Plaza/CDS and golfos be in jalisco too. Mayo just dropped his mantas in Jalisco telling mencho to get in line or he’ll put him in line. How tf are these cjng nutthuggers still trying to make a case that mencho controls this or cjng control that. They’ve been exposed as nothing but a bunch of tweekers from michoacan claiming Jalisco.

    22. When are people going to understand that Cuinis control CJNG. menchos a fall guy like chapo same deal

    23. CDS isn't what it once was. Still powerful and arguably the top cartel but they lost a lot of their best people. CJNG is the up and coming cartel and the one to look out for. DEA says the same thing.

    24. 5:38 cholo and mayo been losing to mencho in jalisco tonto

    25. 5:38 cholo and mayo been losing to mencho in jalisco tonto

    26. There are no major operations of CDG in Jalisco . As of matter of fact, CJNG is in south Zacatecas ( nochistlan , Florence , Teul , Tlaltenango, momax ) . I just went in December and there is moré presence of CJNG in the north of Jalisco ( villa Guerrero, Bolaños , chimaltitan,mezquitic ) like never before they got at least 5-8 trucks patrolling each town . You should see when they all roll together 40-50 trucks with logos and pictures of Mencho well identified. I’m pretty sure a big fish moved to the north because it’s ridiculous how many estacas got in each town. They’re cool with the people no complaints I did bumped to some of them in a mariscos place ( el Kevin ) jefe en villa

    27. @ February 27, 0944.... Chema, is that you??

  2. Lol more tough guy talk and posturing from the cds. The cds had full military and federal gov support during the 6 year term of felipe calderon and the 6 year term of pena nieto and they STILL failed to gain victory hahaha.

    the cds had the advantage of money/resources, allies and fire power thanks to the mexican military, for a mother fucking decade! and they failed to take over or eliminate any of the other big cartels that they went after.

    They started believing their own dumb ass corridos and thought they could take over the entire world lol

    All this death and all this destruction going on in mexico is 100% the sinaloa cartels fault and their big daddy the mexican federal government

    1. Chapo's greed made Juarez be the world's murder capital for many years. CDS is just as ruthless & violent as the Zetas. They just have better PR.

    2. 6:33 let me guess what state your from ?

    3. 6:33 u must b cjng not hugger...we lived many years in a state under control of cds there was no extorsion,no kidnapping no none of that til dirty rats came in the picture like z n cjng...most of deaths now days are being caused by ur sugar daddy mencho so stop ur nonsense go take ur pills

    4. And then comes cjng and took more territory than cds could imagine in 4 years lmao

    5. You sound extremley ignorant ranting against one cartel in particular, seems like they hurt your feelings in some type of way, if you’re gonna be talking smack might aswell talk about every other cartel aswell, they’re all scumbags at the end of the day son.

    6. Am not going to say no more then look at Mexicali.. el dezmadre qué hay. Qué pinchi cochinero. Si saven qué rollo y pedo por aya ya saven como corre el agua.

      -the guy who knows nothing

    7. 2:27 PM Scumbags come in all shapes and forms you see some as scum while others see them as the only option. I am certain you live in a nation with the largest piles of scum ever seen in human history. Their are cartels that are scum and then their are entire nations that create that scum. Coming from a nation that is in constant war clouds one's judgement son your people are the largest scum I have seen on earth maybe your handlers might beat them but I am not so sure anymore.

    8. @ February 24, 0633... Chema is that you again??

  3. Now this could be MZ not those other mantas

  4. CJNG arrived with EPN, after getting getting computerized machining centers to make their own weapons, only the Mexican army has them licensed by foreign manufacturers to Mexican Military Industries, no wonder giniral Salvador Cienpedos, Mexican secretary of defense is a millionaire today, after murdering Nacho Coronel for La Mencha, their main business of meth needed to replace the opioids outlawed by the US government after they caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands US citizens thanks to "legalization" from US senators and congressmen influenced by cheap kickbacks disguised as political contributions... Sackler family and Purdue Pharma are still successfully fighting to escape prosecution.
    Mexican narcs can't escape the negative propaganda, persecution and competition while the addicts rarely escape their addiction, they are moneymakers fo' life, thanks to US legislative hypocresy...

    1. Chapo did this. Chapo noticed how powerful Ignacio was getting and Wanted all that for himself.

    2. 1:30 La Mencha inherited everything from Nacho Coronel, he has his cartel, he betrayed Nacho and had another boss to answer to.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. lol that old snick El Mayo can't do shit any more, his people are trying to save all that they have lost lately, Shame el Mayo ended up like the worst Snitch in the history of the mexican mafia

    1. I dont understand these snitch theories? Capos major downfalls are pride,ego, and fame. Mayo has none of those defects. That's the reason hes evaded capture. That's the game, if you think otherwise then stick to your telenovelas.

    2. Just onother clueless CDS Hater...10

  7. Anything on the accusations made by Chapos attorney about Peña Nieto contacting Chapo to murder AMLO?

    1. 8:20 let El Chapo trials be public,
      after all the accused public enemy #1 has offended "The People" the most... Only criminals and guilty parties with shit to hide refuse to testify voluntarily or when subpoenaed by justice, the senate or congress while denying their dirty deeds, and not at all because of shame or "to protect their famiglia"

  8. they are all savages i say eradicate them all along with mayo the cockroach

  9. Aunque no lo quieran aceptar, Los Sinaloenses son sus meros padrotes. No me importa de que pinche cartel se crean, siempre hubo un Gallo de Sinaloa que les habrio el camino. PURO SINALOA!

    1. Perez- Felix Gallardo- Amado- chapo/mayo.

    2. Abrio camino? Los sinaloas son pone dedos para que otros capos no llegen tan alto. El mencho era aliado de chapo pero no de mayo o chapitos y se deslindo de ellos cuando Cayo el chapo. NINGUN SINALOA ISO A LOS CUINIS O AL MENCHO!!! El mencho es el mero mero aunque los chinolas estan de envidiosos jajaja

    3. 8:35 Nobody made los cuinis or mencho. So because they were working with each other now sinalia made them. Cuinis and mencho had power but hooked up with chapo to make cds more powerful. After cjng split cds got weak. Fact son

    4. el mencho se caga a escuchar que El Chapo Isidro anda con todo if anyone is going to Last it’s Isidro he’s smart and has big pockets to take on anyone in the game beside his sicarios have been known to handle the fire, if you have any doubt hay esta la Mochomera, Mazatlecos y los H’s que esos si les parte en su madre a los del CDS y CJNG 😂

    5. Yes Perez. More families out there in Sinaloa with deep roots that no one hears about. I can assure y’all they also operate in Jalisco and Colima even in Michoacán

  10. Why would AMOL not aligned himself with CDS since it has proven to be a necessary evil to offset those other cartels like Mensos that like to extort, kidnap, rob and maim innocent women, children and old folks. The cleaning can't come soon enough for Mexico.

  11. We’re talking about mayo bro....he never had beef with anyone except los mugrozzzoz.....he is el mero mero.....all he did was sit back and made money off of chapo warring with everyone and now he’s ready for peace again sitting on top forever.....there’s a reason why he will never be caught.....him and azul are the consolidators and peace makers

    1. Yup, especially Azul. He was a known mediator between big rival cartels. His son Azulito has the same admirable qualities as his dad.

  12. Mayo is a bigger snitch than chapo so I wouldn't be surprised if mayo has government back up. CDSnitches are government informants after all so it wouldn't surprise me one bit.
    Mencho will not go out without a fight though so it will get interesting but I think AMLO is with Mayo so mencho will get caught or kil lo ed if cds is lucky..
    on tye other hand los cuinis and mencho have expanded their cartel and not just 8n Mexico but worldwide so they have $$$

    1. Your paragraph sounded pretty ignorant...10

    2. Cjng cheerleader....10

    3. 8:23 you cant deny it's not true lol

    4. 8:23 8:24 estas ardido

    5. Drug trafficking involves Mexican government complicity with other countries' governments criminals, not just "el mayo", one of them main participants on this criminal cooperative had more than 100 conspirers "Presidential Pardoned" on the US, and their drug trafficking left ignored and off the books of Iran/Contra affair, on the US...
      Leave El Mayo alone.

  13. Ponganse a trabajar honestamente culeros si deberas tienen huevos!
    Pinche vatos vales verga destruyendo todo Mexico.
    Presuman cuando no tengan que matar a nadie y tengan lujos, no como pinche ignorantes que se ven de narcos.

  14. That is something Mayo would say. And yes AMLO likes Mayo. Unlikely that Mencho will agree to play second fiddle to Mayo. Get ready for all out war.

    1. No war. Just everyone falling in line.
      Can't fight against government!

  15. Isn't this the guy who spitt on mencho and made all michoacanos bown down when they kidnapped the chapitos ? They told me it is him hella crazy mencho probably shitting his pants

    1. No it’s the guy who begged for a truce in Baja because his people are being slaughtered

    2. No mencho got a big ramson $$$ lol

    3. Yes.
      El Mayo called mencho personally
      And told him to let the Chapitos go.
      Or he would make Guadalajara Tremble

    4. He read it on blog del narco. Michael knows nothing.

    5. 9:38 to bad mencho didnt kidnap chapitos. Sorry to burst you bubble kid.

    6. Chapitos paid a big ramson for their release $$$
      mencho already punked mayo and he wanted a truce lol

    7. U guys alllll retarded,mencho didnt kidnapp the kids in vallarta,it was damaso! Mencho woulda killed them,the reason damaso let them go cause it was his compadres kids,

    8. Chema, I agree with you for once. Mencho would have killed them and kept it moving.

    9. Listen to Chema he is speaking the truth it was Damaso gift to Mencho and Damaso dropped the ball

    10. Chema is right to a point. Mencho will not have killed them either it will be his demise. Mencho knows cds us powerful to make a move on them now. Trust me he will see when and he will just not now.sort of like the cold war.

    11. Truth is there are 3 theories.
      1. Damaso

      2. Mencho kidnapped them and mayo had his son menchito in Oaxaca prison in check if mencho killed chapitos.

      3. Mencho got a big ramson $$ and plazas for letting them go.

      Nobody truly knows for sure yet. For now take your pick.. just saying

  16. Looks like Michael Miller was right from his previous post about cds sending a warning to all cartels to get in line. Michael or should we call you Mayo?

    1. Not convinced if Miller is some sort of narco nostradamus or an idiot savant talking out his pedoro

  17. If mayo is the super capo then why is there no mantas 8n michoacan or tamaulipas lol All cartels align or else? Mayo is not that powerful if anything, he is desperate lol

    1. Truuuuuu.... why not in tamps. Mich. or Vera or not even next door in chiwaz hmmm I wonder why??

    2. 12:21 most likely is a silly move from cjng so the desperate one is mencha haha

    3. 9:36pm Mayo dropped a manta in michoacan last year. Look it up before looking like an ass.

    4. 9:36 you make zero sense

    5. 12:21 that was FAKE news, nobody in michoacan would want to be with those certified snitches. There is a small cell that call themselves "gente nueva" that's with la nueva familia michoacan but NOT the same cds so maybe you got that confused. I know cds is helping viagras in colima to go against cjng with el Americano but cds are NOT in michoacan and if they were they ran back to Sinaloa like they always do when they face real sicarios like in tamaulipas. Sicarios from cds are over rated but sh!t their pants when faced with Zetas, golfos and cjng. That's a fact jack!

  18. Professionally printed at least, not the usual technique of some tweaking illiterates scrawling on a raggedy blanket with tar and sticks. Sol Prendido - what do you think, are these legit?

    1. Someone invested $$$ to have these spread out throughout Mexico. I honestly don’t think that’s Mayo though. I feel maybe CJNG or someone else is doing this to draw attention away from them. - Sol Prendido

    2. Think about it playa, It IS him. He is open to dialogue. Most likely willing to pay to keep the peace. Long money too! AMLO has gotten paid before by CDS, real talk since Mexico City days, But fuck the paper it's about reduction of violence in Mx now. If any dealings are held they run by Ismael Flaquito Zambada. The ghost. EL 5to mes is old. Running the day to day of CDS involves the logistics of conversion of circumstances and it's eventual chess strategems. For every new situation happening allocation of muscle and brains with money are needed. Running a cartel is like running a country. Need to reshape allies according to the whims of the nation/cartel and its benefits in a ever changing environment. Basically, he is the only one that AMLO can count on to make Mexico safer. I mean wasn't it Chapo that laid seige to Juarez, it wasn't quinto mes. Homie has always been on the low w the paper and the moves. Not even an audio EXIST publicly, only the Proceso interview. I'm sure he had respect for its founder JS, even correcting him about a story they ran in the past. I'm sure that if Mayo has AMLO support he would resort to other ways to make Mexico safer without the violence. I mean they got long long paper. He even owns the largest milk company in MX. Let's be real. If Mencho doesn't align there will be war, and it isn't the street kind but the covert kind. They looking to keep the money moving just reduce the violence drastically its AMLO proposal, it has only grown since Salinas. There needs to be Collusion. Haaa. Stop the violence and let's get to the money.

      Los Iluminati

    3. sol prendido. Eres un drogadito buevon Ponte a trabajar pinche tacuaje osicon. Chivis pls stop posting this clowns comments. Did u read the comment on the eme he wrote??IM NO gangster or fan boy but this idiot is very disrespectful. PLS Chivis cut this fool off he's no good!! Just ask Steve D if it's smart for someone to disrespect a gang like the eme the way Sol did. Again I wanna make myself very clear! I'm no gangster or cartel fan boy. But I was ALWAYS taught to watch what u say because u never kno who might be listening. smh f....n idiot...G.C.

  19. Any info on the attempt on el monarca de sinaloa yesterday in culiacan?

    1. What line does momarca belong to?

    2. He's an old school corrido singer, chalino era

  20. Yes thjere have been mantas and cartulinas singed as "El Mayo" previously. not often but there has

    1. Hi chivis are you sure these mantas are legit i mean mayo put them ? Cause if it is true this could potentially mean the end of war really

  21. Con ezaz pinches mantitas el jotin del mayo ze akaba de ganar la extradicion a USA
    vivo o muerto mayo kaera.

  22. With El Senor in US prison..his compadre El Padrino is taking a more hands on approach. Chapo used to do the dirty work now Mayo is forced to. Those two only trusted eachother.

  23. These mantas are fake -- designed to bring law enforcement attention toward El Mayo, now that Chapo is gone.

    1. thats what i was thinking, brining heat on him.

  24. If it is him authorizing these mantas I really wonder where and what Caro Quintero is doing? If El Azul is really dead? And Cual vieja escuela?

  25. Crazy what will happen. El mencho wants to be on top but he respects el mayo

    1. Not even chapitos respect mayo, if he respected him he wouldn't be killing his people and taking his plaza tontin

  26. Everyone snitches, it’s part of the game. If MZ is not reporting against his rivals, he’s reporting against his haters within his trusted circle... everyone’s out to get him, there is no loyalty from the JRs anymore; old school ways will bring old school results... everyone makes money.

  27. CDS has AMLO support to the point that Mayo can publicly declare it, and even the US govt support it. It is in everyones interest to have ONE cartel in power, and CDS is still the best organized, and have had the longest running relationship with back to back presidents since the time of the Guadalajara Cartel.

  28. Cds is super powerful and will take over the world lol

  29. It’s hammer time

  30. I doubt the old farts from cds will take over Mexico, they will have to face "the new Generation capos" literally and figuratively lol

    1. New generation capos lol them skinny jean wearing clowns will kill each other over the last g string at the mall.

  31. Why are these only in Jalisco?

  32. Why did Mayo snitch on El M1?

    1. M1 was always coked out of his mind and started to be sloppy which is a liability to the business. In the the mafia getting wack is pretty much how u get fired.

    2. Because he was bringing to much heat. He had kill a lot of guachos for fun, so Mayo told him either you turn yourself in or guachos are going to kill you. Same thing that happen with Javier Torres, when they have the power they think they can just go and do whatever they want behind el viejos back.

    3. He became a heavy meth addicted. Mayo had enough of his nonsense when M1 was send to Tamaulipas to fight alongside CDG Reynosa but he couldn’t do nothing when it came down to fight off contras besides drinking & doing drugs so Toro send him back to Sinaloa at the same time the main military guy for Mexico ask mayo for a big fish to bring down the heat for Chapo at that time so M1 was the obvious main giveaway. He was a very High ranking guy inside CDS but when you become unusable you get easily replaced. -El 2 Banderas-

    4. If you are an army general and sergeants, lieutenants, counter intelligence personal etc., begin to disobey and get out or control. You have to take action. El M1 was trash. My Father in law knew him very well.

    5. Supposedly M1 killed Lamberto Verdugo and a couple more of Mayos compadres...started operating on his own. M1 might have found out that Mayo knew or had given the order to kill Tacho. Mayo called M1 and told him to turn himself in or he would handle him. M1 decided to fight it out...

    6. He didn't snitch, he was accused of not sending more gunmen to help m1 in his shootout against the marines. M1 was a gunman by trade,that was his Job. Mayo is the boss he dont need to do nada. Fighting was m1 job not M grandes.

    7. Gracias a todos por la historia!

  33. Puro Jalisco y a la verga! Step into Los Altos

  34. maybe hes dead already

  35. I live on the Arizona border and I am a big fan of the Blogs just a quick question for all of you Who controls the border towns along the border of Arizona because I hear it’s pretty safe right now

    1. Nobody. All cartels po ass t through there. Zetas, golfos. Cjng cds beltranez

  36. Common people, these mantas are obviously fake. It would be a dumb ass move to tell everyone the gov is behind you, especially when it’s not true. The government in its entirety does not back any single cartel, local and municipal departments and certain federal sectors are bribed but they go to great lengths to keep that a secret it’s the last thing they want exposed. Seems like there’s no more common sense out there. Someone obviously throwing dirt on mayos name

  37. Jaliscas as always trying get the governments help by diverting attention to the competition, did it with marro, and did it in TJ with the remnants of the afos bunch of cowards

    1. That’s pretty smart if you ask me. Let the government do the dirty work while you reap the rewards. Don’t forget, CDS did the same thing and they became number one.

    2. These mantas are bullshit. If legit then Mayo would have dropped them in hot plazas?

      Mencho y Mayo both play chess. Mencho is still learning the moves though. Chapo played checkers and got punked.


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