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Sunday, January 13, 2019

El Chapo Trial: "There is no code of silence among narcos"

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

"My brother said if I went to trial-he would be the first to testify against me"..Alex Cifuentes

Alex Cifuentes with Chapo---Remember this foto?

A Colombian man named Christian Rodriguez was an IT guy---not any IT guy, but the tech prodigy who happen to work for the most powerful cartel in the world, the Sinaloa Cartel.

Rodriguez is the person who had built an encrypted communications network for the Sinaloa Cartel. 
Rodriguez, then 25, was invited to meet in NYC with a “Russian organized crime figure”, in 2010.

The Russian supposedly wanted to hire Rodriguez to encrypt his system.  Rodriguez did not consider this out of the ordinary, so he traveled to Manhattan for the meeting.

It was a year later when it was revealed to Rodriguez, that the meeting was part of a sting operation by the FBI.  It wasn’t long before the FBI was able to convince Rodriguez to work for them and hack the Sinaloa Cartel communications network, that he had created. He became a cooperative witness in the trial.

From that ‘hacking’ of the network, which he, himself, had built for Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel, it led to the Brooklyn Courthouse and the trial of El Chapo.

Rodriguez also told jurors that Chapo asked him to had him install spyware on the phones of  50 of his closest associates his wife, and mistresses.  And there a novella was born.

The testimony given, with respect to conversations revealed, was some of the most jaw dropping, yet given in the trial.  Much of it appearing to be so intimate, one feels almost as though there was a crossing the line of what is mannerly.  Especially with respect of Chapo and his ladies. 

Rodriguez also told jurors that Chapo asked him to had him install Flexispy software on the phones of  50 of his closest associates his wife, and mistresses.

That request by Chapo has now come back to haunt him.
Chapo's list of phone extensions and hand written phone book left at Cabo house

Emma: It's all good, "Muy Bien"

Chapo’s communication weapon, became a weapon used  against him, damaging at its strength, embarrassing at its least, as agent Steve Marston read aloud intimate text messages between Chapo and Emma---while both sat in the courtroom. Emma reportedly blew it off, acting happy and telling reporters everything was “muy bien”.

Also heard were messages from his mistresses at the time, former Mexican congresswoman, Lucero Sanchez Lopez and Agustina Cabanillas Acosta.

Agustina was in collusion with Chapo in the drug trade. She is young, only 28.

Two years ago, Reforma reported that the government had identified Agustina as a lover of Chapo in a security cabinets document prepared in 2013.  It was updated in 2014.  She began the relationship in 2000 when she was 20.

It was evident in the communications that Augustina was no push over.  She was one step ahead of the man who to his face called him “gorgeous” and professed her love.  On the other hand, while speaking to friends she referred to him as an idiot.

Agustina was arrested in 2012 in Baja California.

“Spy obsessed”

Rodriguez, who is described by court spectators as “baby faced”, “pudgy” and “soft spoken”, testified that Chapo paid him a half million dollars, to construct the ultra sophisticated communications network, using private servers, enabling the Sinaloa Cartel members could communicate without worrying of the conversations being intercepted.

Chapo’s spy-obsession drove him to ask Rodriguez to intercept all messages emitting from every Culiacan internet café.  Rodriguez revealed he planned to accomplish this via USB drive, but anti-virus prevented this and he failed.

“He wanted to have the possibility of intercepting every single internet cafe in Culiacán.”

Rodriguez said he held meetings with Colombian capo Jorge Cifuentes in 2008 in Ecuador, who hired him to install an instant messaging system for his cartel.

The system was installed for 100 users with a VPN. Cifuentes was so satisfied with the service that he recommended it to Chapo. Jorge Cifuentes' brother, Alex Cifuentes, worked with Chapo in the mountains of Culiacan and was in charge of contacting Rodriguez. 

The VPN is how Chapo was allowed to connect via Wi-Fi and communicate on the system.

IP telephone or Internet phone, VoIP is short for Voice over Internet Protocol, and it enables users to make calls over the Internet. To make a call, a telephone is connected to a network cable, rather than a phone line, or a call is made over a computer

Massive Faux Pas:  

Mica: The VOIP system in place was using a 3rd party encryption software.  The software key expired and when it did, the software shuts off by design until you pay the vendor for a new license key. 

If Rodríguez would have simply paid the bill...  And these software vendors email you, call you and alerts would be on the server.  He simply ignored and procrastinated.

Cholo Ivan

Cholo Ivan made an appearance in the courtroom, without stepping a foot inside.

In the batch of transcripts are those of conversations between Chapo and Cholo Ivan. 

Cholo, [Ivan Gastelum Cruz] Sinaloa lieutenant and Chapo’s right hand man, can be remembered for two notable occurrences.  Most recent; he was the man who in 2016 was captured with Chapo in Los Mochis, after attempting to escape through the sewer system.  There is a famous photo of the two of them in the back of a police vehicle, with Chapo wearing a soiled tank top and Cholo with out a shirt.

Cholo is probably even remembered for a 2012 shootout, where his girlfriend a “Miss Sinaloa” was killed with an AK47 lying next to her.

Six people were killed in the confrontation between Sinaloa operatives and the Mexican Navy.

Our report at the time:
A clash between soldiers and an armed group that began at in the communities of El Palmar Leal and El Progresso, Mocorito and spread to Caitime, Salvador Alvarado left a balance of four dead, one being Susana Gámez Flores. 
María Susana Gámez Flores, 2012 Sinaloa Woman beauty pageant winner, was killed  amid a military confrontation against the armed group. 
State Ministerial Police authorities confirmed that the 22-year-old allegedly accompanied the group of attackers who confronted the soldiers at a safe house in the town of Caitime, in the municipality of Salvador Alvarado. 
Flores Gámez was crowned Sinaloa Woman in February 2012. In 2009 she was named Model of the Year. 
according to information from the Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA), a military convoy was traveling on the streets of Caitime when they were attacked by gunmen who later took refuge in a safe house Mocorito. 
Soldiers repelled the aggression, killing one. After that first attack, the command made it out of the home and took flight. However, they were chased by the military towards El Palmar Los Leal, where Maria Susana was killed. The El Progreso, neighbor was identified as Rosario Mendez Rios, 54, who was killed when gunmen seized his vehicle to escape. There are reports his wife also died in the fray, but it is unconfirmed. Authorities said the gunmen shot him several times trying to steal his truck. The armed group is allegedly linked to Orso Iván Gastélum Cruz, El Cholo Iván o El Cholo Vago,  who serves as head of the Sinaloa cartel hitmen in the region of Évora. In the safe house, they found seven AK-47s, a grenade launcher, two grenades, a .40 mm caliber rifle and a thousand rounds, and six vehicle (one armored)
A year after the shootout, "Cholo Ivan", through banners, asked Peña Nieto for help and blamed a General on the former Miss Sinaloa´s death.

The banners read: 
"General Gurrola, you frightened and murdered Maria Susana Flores and keep killing innocent people, Mr. Defense Secretary, let this general be investigated because he has only trampled the human rights, killed, tortured innocent people, just like you killed Maria Susana Flores, and many more. Mr. President, with all due respect, open an investigation on this General who should not be on the Army, but on jail.
Yours truly, Cholo Ivan".

On May, 2013, a series of small pamphlets were thrown from Army helicopters in the cities of Guasave and Culiacan, the pamphlets ask for citizens to denounce Ivan Gastelum Medina aka "El Cholo Ivan", who they accuse of "homicide, femicide, thief, kidnapper, extortionist, hitman, rapist and retail drug seller".

"Your call is anonymous" they claimed.

A reply came two days later. A banner was hung in the city of Guamuchil.

Two days later from military helicopters an answer was dropped in fliers and a banner was hung in the city of Guamuchil.

The banner read:

"It was already known which side you were on, why do you have to fill Guasave with pictures of "Cholo Ivan"?, where are the ones from "Chapo Isidro"?...".
Cholo Transcripts: Chapo Isidro's house

Two of the transcripts presented was that of conversations between Cholo Ivan and Chapo. In the conversations Chapo orders Cholo not to beat up cops and to protect innocents.  Also, Cholo says he has no money.

When Chapo orders Cholo not to beat up cops, Cholo replies;  "Well, you taught us to be a wolf, acting like a wolf… that is how I like to do it." 

Chapo tells Ivan to tie the cops up instead of fighting with them to "make sure we don't execute innocent people."

"Don't be chasing cops," Chapo tells Ivan.

"They're the ones who help."

Cholo complains that the cops should respect him.

"Listen," Chapo says, "you already beat them up once. They should listen now."

Cholo also mentions Chapo  Isidro and being by his house.  At bottom of this post you can read the transcripts in full.

Mica: In another series of calls from 7/2011, Chapo is talking with a cartel operative named Gato who is reporting on his bribery of a new Federal Ministerial Police commander.

"Is he receiving the monthly payment?" Chapo asks.

"Yes," Gato responds. "He's receiving the monthly payment."

Then, astonishingly, Gato puts the commander on the phone.

Chapo tells the commander that Gato is from "the company" and asks the commander to "take care of him."

"Whatever we can do for you," Chapo says, "you can count on it."

The commander says, "You have a friend here."

Then Chapo is talking with a guy named M10 who was central in the war against Vicente Carrillo Fuentes' breakaway group, La Linea.

It's pretty clear Chapo has enlisted public officials in the war, asking M10 if he's reached out to a "governor." M10 says they're in "daily contact."

IT Guy Nervous break down

I have to say, when everyone was guessing who the CW was who had a breakdown Mica nailed it.  It was Rodriguez.

When the FBI busted Rodriguez in 2011, he said he agreed to cooperate. The government allowed him to keep the half-million he earned working for Chapo, and in addition paid him $480,000 for his expenses and technology services --- which he later neglected to pay taxes on, he admitted Thursday. In 2013, he had a nervous breakdown from the stress of being a double agent and received electroconvulsive therapy, [aka shock therapy] he said. 

Rodriguez, also worked for Colombia’s Cifuentes Villa trafficking family, allies of the Sinaloa Cartel.  Jorge Cifuentes testified in December.

“I gave them access to Chapo Guzman’s server,” Rodriguez said on the stand, “I gave them the usernames and passwords.” He installed a recorder to capture encrypted calls then downloaded to his personal computer the ones Chapo took part in and emailed the files to the FBI.

Rodriguez gave the agency access to Flexispy, through which they could access the GPS location, BlackBerry messages, text messages with Emma, the mistresses and associates, and  call logs.

The greatest blow to Chapo was in messages of the creation of two companies in Ecuador and Germany.  The plan was to export drugs to Europe, Canada, Australia, and the U.S. Chapo wrote this information in messages.

Also he wrote about the purchase of between 630 and 700 tons of cocaine in Belize with a purity higher than 90 percent.

The messages also gave us a peak into the possible collusion Emma had with her husband in the drug trade.  If not directly, then just by knowledge which of course she has always denied.

Mica's summary highlights:
1. Chapo became obsessive with spying and assigned Christian Rodriguez with a new task. Intercept every message being sent from every internet cafe in Culiacan. Rodriguez plan was to accomplish this via USB drive, but anti-virus prevented and he failed. “He wanted to have the possibility of intercepting every single internet cafe in Culiacán,” 
2. Rodriguez gave a detailed description of how he helped the FBI locate Chapo by providing real-time GPS info from his phones. He also automated a system to record all phone calls made by Chapo and his people.  
3.On the chaseHe was with Chapo during an army raid and had to walk in the mountains for 3 days with Chapo  
4. His BreakdownHe said he had a "nervous breakdown" and had to undergo "electroconvulsive therapy," which affected his short-term memory. He's still taking medication and getting therapy but says it hasn't impacted his ability to recall his work for Chapo. 
 5. The Call to Leave He went to the U.S, after he heard Alex Cifuentes tell his mother that he was almost 100% sure that Rodriguez was cooperating with the FBI. 
 The prosecution said they expect to rest their argument, giving the floor over to the defense later this month. Chapo’s team requested a witness in government custody, and that person could be in court as soon as Jan. 23. --end--
Alex Cifuentes took the stand right before court adjourned on Thursday, he will continue his testimony tomorrow. 

Alex Cifuentes: When asked to identify Chapo, he said "It's the first time I've seen him wearing a suit." Chapo's wife, Emma Coronel, laughed at this

Per Cifuentes, there’s no code of silence among narcos once the US gets them. Recalling a convo with his brother.

“He told me that with"The Americans" , I should confess the way that I would confess to God, and that if I were to go to trial he would be the first to testify against me."


  1. Is that dolly or another prostitute in the picture?

  2. Una visita al isidro lol

  3. i hear the footsteps echoing at Florence waitng for Guzman......

    1. If he wasn’t so stupid he would have his lawyer throw in a guilty plea he’s only letting everyone make a fool of him

    2. 2:38 if he would have declared himself guilty there would have been no trial?

    3. The court would only offer a plea if they have NO case or prove that he is guilty. Prosecutors want to stick it to him so plea deal is out the question. Just saying...

  4. Chapo guzman has always been a snitch

    1. Chapo snitched on cholo ivan

    2. And we are proud of his snitching because he snitched on ustedes the enemigos

    3. 2:12 and friends,fathers, compadres and associates and politicians lol Arriva snitchaloa pleves!!!

    4. 1:12 chapo did not snitch on Cholo Ivan your hatred goes that far lol

  5. Could you put the conversations between chapo and the federal police commander.
    This is great stuff

    1. Lol sure and you want fries with that?? Lol not even a show of gratitude for being able to read this...

    2. The actual audio is out on YouTube. You just have to look for it and understand spanish.

    3. 10:35 can slurp it up.
      And thanks 8:57.
      Fortunately god blessed me with being Mexican. Spanish came with the blessing.

    4. i don't it s on YT i have pages of transcript but not very interesting.

  6. It really is every man 4 himself. - Sol Prendido

  7. Mind fuc*** this deserves a movie this trial is epic

    1. ... It's Called " MindFu " ... The Art Of F#cking Them , When They Think Their F#cking You ...

      Paz From Dago , El Gabo

  8. Ok, finally I see that Chapo respects Innocents and protects them at some level, even though he still affects so many families. Not gonna lie, I have a tiny and I mean a tiny little bit of compassion sympathy whatever you want to call it towards him. We're all products of genetics/environments. Why some some guys become sociopaths and others become dare devil's like police or military or high risk jobs. If only Chapo was born with opportunity who knows what he would have become....

    1. i psychopath its a psychopath on any environment he o she is been rise

    2. @8:33 he does not respect innocents. he butchers, murders or orders the executions of anyone who stands in his way or opposes him be it a criminal or innocent. Chapo is a unremorseful monster and mass murderer with no compassion or sympathy for anyone but himself. He has destroyed 10’s of thousands of famiies and lives he deserves execution above all else too bad he will only get consecutive mandatory life sentences when he is convicted.

    3. He definitely had a drive to be successful, I do wonder what he could've done.

    4. Sounds like many out here only given the chance.
      Does it still make it right to keep engulfing communities with poison?

    5. For sure, this is why every guy in Nuevo Laredo became a sociopath and a murder. Except it never happened and many people either choose to work honestly or to fight the good fight.

      El Cabrón De Tamaulipas

    6. A psychopath is a psychopath on any environment? First I said he was a sociopath there's a difference. There's some very high functioning sociopaths like lawyers, CEOs even namy seals FYI. You should do some research on anti social personality Disorder. At 2:02 what you're saying is not true based on what this article is saying, did you not read where he told cholo ivan to leave Innocents alone? I read many times that Chapo cared somewhat about Innocents, I never believed he gave a damn until I read this article. Chivis I need your honest opinion on this, what do you think??? Has your opinion of Chapo changed a bit????

    7. yes. I never believed it either. I think this is a score for chapo. and remember only the opinion of those 12 people matter, not reporters or the judge or anyone else.

    8. Hi chivis, yeah you're right, only the jury. Regardless he's screwed....

    9. So true
      I do have little sympathy for the guy
      Big huge organisation
      Never survive..only coca cola.
      He was doom
      Once IT SKYPE boy
      Roll,tracking chapo with geo-tagging partner in the mountains..that took balls of fire
      To frontal lobe collapse. I know why you use IT then you learn code
      ALWAYS LEARN THE TECHNIQUE during the process.

    10. Nope nope
      All these witness
      A tool
      To expose NO Loyalty
      In the game.

      To show society
      Roll model of nothing ness.

      Lower manhattan
      Not Miami or Chicago
      Once you get indicted
      From lower
      Slamdunk you goin

      Colorado supamax
      Of mental breakdown
      If not chapo
      Someone else
      Take up
      The flag to continue processing the wants
      Of many.women & tech
      Eventually his walk to bighaus.

    11. At 9:50 I am not saying he will walk--what i mean in the remaining 11 counts ---and bTW they drop the murder charges--- that many could be "not guilty" thereby giving him a chance of walking one day. opposed to going back to culiacan in a pine box. jurors USUALLY take the job most seriously and may view mediatingg factors that the public doesn't. sjuch as the ong winded stories of drug trafficking only to sy at the end "well it never happened" or concern about killing innocents. or that he was a figure head. on the juries I have sat that is my experience. I was also a foreman. and a good foreman is key.

    12. CEO psychopaths... yeah bill gates Jeffery dahmer john gotti sir isake Newton Abe Lincoln Ronald Reagan the Beatles.... what’s your point??? If you break the LAW you have crossed over to the dark side ... stop raztionizing why they shouldn’t go to hell... the laws of the land, sux but those are the rules... eleventh commandment thou shalt not be a drug dealer....

  9. Chivis you are already rocking and rolling after surgery!You didn't miss a beat!No rest for the weary!

  10. Man this just shows chapo didn’t have control over drugs or money. You can really tell on this conversation. Not killing inocentes i got to give him that. old school mentality


    1. Some of U.S. mainstream reporters were saying how devastating this was. I disagree, much goes to prov his defense. the innocents, not hurting cops etc

      we have t think as a juror. all they heard is he is a monsters, the killings, drug trafficking and so forth, but it was too many people saying the same so at this point it goes in one ear and out the other. but saying protect innocents is different...

    2. His drugs have killed and destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives.

    3. well....taking drugs has killed hundred of thousands. Alcohol many times more. So is it the producer of alcohol at fault? or is it the choice of the person consuming alcohol?

      It is far more complicated than your sentence states

    4. Yup! What she said +1


    5. Is alcohol prohibited by law?

    6. Which town was cholo running?? And when did it become ok to start pushing chrystal??? Honest question- crystal seems to have thrown a wrench in the whole dope trade imo

    7. R Kelly mochis and caitime were cholos stronghold. Surrounding area is guasave, bamoa, sinaloa leyva. All chapo isidro /Beltran strongholds. Hence why he was always fighting him. Yeah it seems like these guys push everything now. Can't blame it on that gabachos anymore , now even the campesinos in the ranchos r tweaking.

    8. Yes, the producers of alcohol are at fault too, like chapo, they have destroyed millions of innocent lives.

  11. 8:33 You have to consider . most corporate leaders don't murder the competition . without is sociopathic behavior he would be nothing

    1. Lmao that's what you think pal, only difference is big corporations do it in a way that simpletons like you will never even realize. Right under your nose

    2. you are naive. everyone who is a someone on this planet has blood on thier hands. you want to play in the big leagues you have to play by the big league rules and spilling blood is required for success

  12. Chapo didn't pay their quincenas.

  13. Cholo and chapo Isidro were constantly going at it and it showed by the last places Chapo got caught Mochis and Mazatlan those were BLO areas that showed Cholo was earning his keep

    1. Los corridos de la vagancia were pretty much solid, they bragged about taking down a chopper with a 50 cal. mounted on a dually. And ambushing BLO in guasave, Sinaloa de leyva, mocorito,guamuchil,badiraguato. Panchito arredondo sings their corridos as well Los alegres del barranco.

    2. Pero nunca jamas entraron a choix ni al fuerte puideron

    3. 11:17 y quien controla alli?

  14. Sinaloas are the biggest rats in America mafia criminal history. They would snitch out their momma!

    We all got a choice in this life to be good or bad, make easy money or work hard. I had plenty of chances to work for some Sinaloa people here in Arizona making easy money. I chose not to and I made a good choice because they are all in prison or deported

    1. Oh shut up no you didn’t.
      Latinos sure love to lie,
      I should know im related to them

    2. To 8:47 calm down everybody knows somebody that knows somebody that knows somebody. You don’t have to be Latino but if you are you have more of a chance of knowing somebody lol. This life is all about choices and is not just about the physical world but the spiritual.

    3. If you’re related then that includes you!
      El pistolero de mi mente.

    4. Arizona is like a warehouse for drugs and that's why it's easy to get caught up here.. same with most border states, I'm sure there's a few out here that can relate. I don't need to lie

    5. He could be black ya know

    6. It was that prevalent in your area..

      Import to kanada
      He had connection in
      BC gangs

  15. Thank you Chivis & Mica!

  16. Are they ever gonna pass any info on corrupt american agents??

  17. Was DEA getting paid too? Somehow they never mention the US agencies that were in it too and that were taking advantage of chapo and getting their cut of the deals?

    1. the court limited that line of cross examination. I wish they had not

    2. @Chivis, is that even legal on the government's behalf?

    3. Now why would covert operations be disclosed?
      DENIABILITY has always been the US moto.

    4. It’s frustrating, they don’t go after the shady DEA or the corrupt Mexican politicians but yes fuck chapo because he did that all on his own. Give me a fucking break

    5. the court as in the judge made the ruling not the gov

    6. "This moment here is called waking up" when you realize your government is a sham. How convenient that the "judge" ruled no pointing the finger at US officials, y'all should ask for a reimbursement for the cost of these court proceedings.

  18. This is looking like the auto defensas from michoacan who snitch, betrayed and killed each other for power and money now look at my beautiful state its a messed now El chapo is going in for life to much evidence against him

    1. Lol you know nothing about michoacan tonto, obviously!

      Stick to listening to Sinaloa fantasy music(corridos) and dont talk about what you know nothing about

    2. So much evidence
      Almost impossible
      Biggest catch
      To get off
      Hell no

      His wife will be pick up
      After trial
      She better be careful
      She under surveillance 24/7

      No way
      Drugs organization
      Get ahead without
      Kill charge
      None have ever tried communal
      Coordinate with holistic property

      Wholesome garden of love and distribution
      Always kill to the top.

  19. There are no friends but god and sometimes family and when you stop putting your hopes on humans and putting them on god then you won't be hurt when you get back stabbed by a supposed "friend " because you already know what to expect about them
    Pistolero Sinaloense

  20. Great thanks Rodriguez, glad you testified, more overwhelming evidence of Chapos involvement, with the distribution of tons of drugs to the US. And the bribing of Mexico government officials. And for those protesting to free him keep dreaming.

  21. La gente de el empanada.
    Negro and the palmas.

    1. Puros ratas Los empanadas en califas

    2. I wonder was going on with prieto y la gente del chapo I’m sure he’s talking about el hijo del empanada y su gente

  22. This is an obvious and beaten to death news for everyone who knows about these kind of less-than-human beings. How can you expect people who have no qualms about producing drugs who bring nothing than death and misery to our youth to fill their pockets, who have no qualms about preying upon women and children, many times just for the shit and giggles, to have a true silence code?

    I’m kind of annoyed that they get treated like men since they should be hanged upside down and letting to rot in the public plaza, only to get dumped into an anonymous mass grave right afterwards, but oh well... At least they know their limits. Men can have a code. Vermins can’t. It’s good that vermins know their place and don’t try and mimick a man’s behavior.

    El Cabrón De Tamaulipas

    1. Hablas mucho CABRON.
      No sabes nada.

    2. I don’t know whether to cry or laugh after reading your comment. Must be the paradox of choice

      El Cabrón De Tamaulipas

    3. Haha el keyboard warrior de Tamaulipas

    4. @2:18 PM

      Risus abundat in ore stultorum....

      El Cabrón De Tamaulipas

  23. Hola!
    Sorry, I have been "no bueno" for a couple days. I am Clawing my way back and will be moderating some of the 600 comments. I no way can get to even read all of them. Know that they appear most recent first.

    Whatever I can do will be done--then the others will be scrapped and we begin again....thanks you

  24. Cartel de Sinaloa: believed they had all bases covered but the Mexican government fooled them real-good

    Flores twins pic in chicago

    1. wow, they are babies in this pic

    2. Picture has been removed

    3. Yeah that must have been late 90s ,maybe early 2000. I sent that to you guys just because nobody can find any other pics besides their mugshot

    4. Soooooo did anybody save or screen shot the pic, so the rest of us can see it??

    5. No it hasn't been removed, check it again

    6. yes i have the screen shot. there is no way to post on comments. it is just a foto of them when they were just babies maybe late teens

    7. go to creditrepairgod instagram page, its on there. not sure why you cant see it

  26. The CIA will make an example out of el chapo he will never escape AMERICANS

  27. LOL Chapo's attorney sure is a piece of work

  28. Producing & moving drugs isn't so bad after all compared to killing innocents like el grupo Los Zetas.

  29. All humans
    Have final approach
    To consciousness
    Chapo knew eventually the day will come
    No way he assume this
    Go on
    He accept that
    Live fast now

    Occupational hazard
    Leads to internal lockdown
    To seek forgiveness
    In bunker of loneliness
    Many many years
    Choice put upon him
    He choose full reward
    Back part of contract
    1000 years of solitude
    Way of the sumarai
    Accept judgement.
    He was born
    A beautiful person
    By beautiful mom
    Path a choice made
    May he ask for forgivness
    Destruction of mexico
    Corrupting whats already
    Complacency he see
    Growing up
    The only way out
    To nowhere
    His here
    Who I AM
    I DO
    What i see.

    1. You sound a bit correct, but if you are just sitting there drunk writeing this then you are having pipe dreams, you probably listen to music and sit on your tablet googling crime in Mexico wishing you can some how fit in or belong or be accepted, I know for sure at one time you went to Ross dress 4 less and tried to pick out some narco get up clothes trying to copy what some one might wear, then you planned your grey hound bus ticket to Tijuana and when you got there you got a motel and went in a dive bar maybe the lucky lady in the zona norte , then you put 10 pesos in the rockola and played some hard core corridos and tried to play out in your head that you were some how connected with cartel, and u probably try to show off your swapmeet style just hoping people will thing you are a big time somebody connected with something , but I hate to burst your weirdo bubble but your not, and never will be, you might be able to smuggle people for a boss in one of there stolen cars with dmv papers ligit but that's about it and you will be laughed at

    2. BlkDudeinVANC - Hey man can you please write in full sentences? I like to read what others have to contribute but it's hard to keep a long with what you're saying. Please don't take this as me being rude, I'm just providing a little feedback.


    3. This is one of the most mamon comments ive ever read in my almost 9 years of visiting this fine site here. Gracias wey, you made day.
      -el Tecnico de Tijuana

  30. 3::01 please type regularly from left to right thanks

    1. Blugdacvac is from Russia, he no comprehend what you saying.

  31. Theres no hope for Chapo, a breakout by helicopter like the charles cronson movie

  32. Nomas los corridos sobre michoacanos son 100% verdad aunque los escrban y los canten sinaloenses.

  33. chapo lived one hell of a life fuck the haters

    1. Yeah I highly doubt he'd take it all back. He lived better then kings lived 1000 years ago.

  34. Boy they didnt learn a thing from the old school italians like carlo gambino and others! Them guys would have done 20+yrs before they ratted on each least most of them would have!

    1. Yea but ALL SINALOAS snitched from cds lol and they proud of it haha

  35. Chapito Isidro rifa

  36. Damn, this proves that Isidro truly is a concern for JGL & co..

    1. You have to understand Isidro is a force to be reckoned with if Chapo couldn’t take him down. Mencho and his boys will have a much harder time

  37. Chapos azz is grassed.

  38. So if the americans had this guy turn on chapo in 2011 it was a real piss poor job to not get him sooner. whats the price on this it guys head you think?

  39. No silence? What about Mochomo he didnt talk. Arturo Beltran would rather die and Hector Beltran might have killed himself. I think I know who the true mafiosos in Mexico are.

  40. It was Chapo Isidro people and Mayo Zambada people that killed all those people on that ranch everyone in Mexico knows they are allied to fight CJNG


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