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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

El Chapo Trial: Emma sits stone-faced as Damaso Lopez Nunez implicates her in tunnel escape

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

Damaso Nunez Lopez continues his testimony today.  He may be the last government witness.

Altiplano Tunnel Escape of 2015

Damaso gave his version this morning of Chapo’s infamous 1.5 km tunnel escape from Altiplano.  Previous to the escape by the capo, no one had ever successfully escaped from the prison, Mexico’s first Max prison facility.

According to Damaso’s testimony, Emma played an integral role in the coordination and passing of messages in preparations of the escape.

 The top 3 Altiplano officials were all fired.  They were later arrested. The escape could not have transpired without the help of officials, as it was inmates were complaining about the noise during construction and excavation, which took months.

According to Damaso, A GPS watch was given to Chapo to wear inside the prison, which they used to pinpoints the shower area when Chapo would wear it.

2 dozen persons including 7 top officials were arrested for complicity in the escape.

Damaso says Chapo's sons were those who procured the land near the tunnel which under lay the tunnel.

The tunnel motorcycle was driven by Emma’s brother, so says Damaso. It was mounted on a make shift pulley system. They took Emma’s brother from the exit of the tunnel to a warehouse close by on an ATV. He then boarded a small plane and flew to the Sierras.

During this testimony, Emma sat without expression, fidgeting with her hair. Damaso described her as having repeated meetings with him and Chapo's sons to plot the escape.

Damaso said that after Chapo was recaptured, he was plotting a second tunnel escape with the help of Emma and his sons, which Damaso says the prison director who was bribed did not help him transfer back to Altiplano.

Note: This may not be completely true.  The director was fired and arrested.  Chapo appealed to the court for a transfer from Juarez to Altiplano and won the transfer.  That is why he asked if he was being taken to Altiplano when awaken to extradite to the U.S.

Of the two-dozen arrested for complicity in the escape, 1 or 2 remain. 

And the top officials, including the director were released.

Mexico does not look harshly of prison escapes.  The exception is if someone is harmed in the process.  And the prisoner is not held liable, as it is not unlawful to escape.  It is considered a natural instinct.

Damaso implicated Emma in another prison break plan. This was after he was captured and sent back to Altiplano.  It was at that prison he filed numerous complaints and human rights abuses.

The plan was aborted says Damaso, when Chapo was transferred to Juarez.


  1. so the US govt knew this beforehand and that's why she wasn't allowed to visit him?! remember they claimed to be afraid she's help him escape and so many people thought they were exaggerating/paranoid...makes sense now! though I do think she wouldn't have done that here in the US lol

  2. YA ZABIA ke EL PLAN B lo ezperaba
    ze chingo 🤑

    1. Lol. I don't know other people got that.

  3. Lets see chapo try that in adx florence. America's supermax. He will never make it out alive. The warden laughed when asked about el chapo he said, "good luck digging through solid mountain". As for bribes and payoffs el chapo won't get as warm a reception in America. RIP Chapo

    1. Little grasshopper, you are probably one of those that feels America is invincible ... unfortunately you cannot change the laws of physics ... if you can get in you can very well get out

    2. Definitely has the money to dig through thay rock easy. The parameters are not favorable to do it efficiently and he might not be on the first floor to begin with.

    3. With the government shutdown you may never know the us federal employees might need that money since they ain't getting no checks

    4. Alcatraz was the supermax prison of its day. Sitting on a rock. Now I fully comprehend that the technology we have today leaves no comparison. What I am saying is that if there were another escape attempt, it might not involve tunneling through rock. That aside, chapo would need staff complicit in his plans which would be impossible because the system is less corrupt. Staff know full well they would merely be changing sides of the cell door, never to be let out again.

    5. He can make staff do as he want's using the tactics of cartel..they can make a man or woman do as they please when the family is on the knees at gun point.they make pepole in prison commit suicide with no more than a phone call expressing this.

    6. US citizens are stupid as fuck. The arrogance to think that your prisons have ever held anyone close to Chapo's calibre before. Chapo has a near infinite supply of money, of manpower and of influence. He will get out if he needs to. But I think he will be running Sinaloa from inside prison. My point is: You morons have never seen what someone that wealthy can achieve in an American supermax. You will be surprised to say the least, if the truth ever comes out of his operations in there.

  4. Could Emma be a sitting duck? They might have secret recordings of her that will later surface.

    1. I thought so too after they declared to have like 1 million or so texts. Also, what other phones did they intervene...

    2. Emma will not be prosecuted.
      She would have been instructed by lawyers if a potential danger of indictment was inevitable.
      As for Mexico, well that's a total different story. Mexico is so corrupt that anyone can get away just about anything.

  5. This story means nothing of course. If Emma had anything to do with Chapos escape she did this in foreing soil.
    All these stories about her are just distractions also trying to take away from the real culprits story - Chapo. Slow news days

    1. maybe it's a way of playing with the jury too. until now the news have always portrayed her as the one who's there for him through it all (which i guess we can say is true)... like a devoted wife who would not be so adamant to defend her man if she wasn't sure he's a great man and dad...another reason why her daughters came to court, too. i was unaware that minors could be present during a federal trial, and then the latest stunt she pulled of matching clothes supposedly by coincidence but we know that was planned. Now by the prosecutors implicating her they're probably hoping the jury sees her differently. or some shit. i might be putting too much thought into it but that's what made the most sense imo

  6. Wasn’t Damaso who helped him escape from Puente Grande? Why implicate his wife? You’re already giving the Gov’t what they want, Chapo...he’s got a lot of snitching on him.

    1. We can dispense with the snitching B.S.? The cooperating witnesses are just playing the game. Chapo knows this. When Damaso an others have taken the stand they've given Chapo a nod and motioned to him in a respectful way. He knows the game. He knows when you get caught and there is no way out you do what you can to save yourself, or in the case of Damaso... attempt to limit the sentence and charges that his son will face. The same goes for El Mayo and Vincente's testimony against Chapo. They don't consider this snitching. They are doing what they have to do and if Chapo was in a situation where being a cooperating witness would help him... he would do it too. But he knows he's done so that isn't an option. The witnesses that are cooperating after being apprehended and arrested are just doing what they think they need to do to either A) Limit their own jail time or B) Protect their family. Chapo isn't looking at Damaso as a snitch. He knows the game. Commenters on Borderland Beat on the other hand typically do not.

    2. 11:55 thats the stupidest shit i ever heard, if being a "cooperating witness" to limit your own jail time isnt snitching they wtf is??? ALL those guys are snitching, there's no excuse, don't do the crime if you can't do the fuckin time straight up. There's other drug lords who are sitting in american prisons who straight up have told the justice system FUCK YOU, and now they will rot in jail for multiple life sentences + time on top.

    3. 11:55 I would agree with you on this considering that the majority of the CW's gave information that was already known, and if it wasn't known it was of little value. In the case of the Twins, the IT guy and Damaso I see it differently. The Twins set him up and started cooperating with the feds along with the Colombian tech guy. Theyre rats and snitches. Damaso is a snitch and a snake because he's implicating people that aren't caught yet or off the radar and he tried killing his compadres kids. Other than that I think you're pretty spot on.

    4. ^right on the money. Chapo knows Damaso probably got where he was at because menores went after him. Damaso is just firing back. Menores still sorta run things. Damaso and chapo both in prison. Ninguno de los dos sale ganando

    5. I agree except I think Chapo does consider it a betrayal because he has no empathy for anyone's situation. If he could, he would surely murder those witnesses for their testimonies IMO.

    6. I tend to agree with you about the guys at the top knowing "the game". Now it is about damage control and all the actors (includes DEA, CIA, FBI, Interpol, Federales, politicians, and even the Church, etc) with skin in the game understand the "game".) It is "we" smucks that really have little or no idea what scripts are being played out in this game.

    7. 4:17 I would totally agree with you on that 1 that if Chapo could get his way those witnesses would be no more.Maybe the 2 will be sharing a cell together in the

    8. 11:55- you nailed it. That's absolutely right!

    9. 1155 is right on. The no snitching mentality is for low level gangsters. It's a hood thing. Real upper level intl traffickers don't care about it. They're about long term survival, and rhey know it'll end w jail or death, and if testifying avoids that fate, they'll do it

  7. Damn, they bout to get Emma on something, it's only a matter of time for her

  8. Seems like the only relevant witnesses the Govt had were the Flores twins. All the other ones were snitching on things that happen in MX.

    1. and on how drug shipments to the US works (which is what he is on trial for)

  9. My tio was gonna busy out that fucking traitor JGL a second time but he would had him killed round two so my uncle tried to take everything and made a deal with crooked DEA that ended up turning on him as well. He will get 15 years and get to keep 300 million. Has already forfeited over a billion dollars in real estate and foreign European bank accounts.

    -El E1

    1. Yeah whos your tio?

    2. Dámaso López Núñez

      -El E1

    3. El broly is his tio. And also his papi

    4. Let me take a guess. Victor Manuel Felix. If so i suppose you know his brother Aurelio Felix who become a Jehovah Witness. They are from the area of nearby Carboneras. Aurelio currently has a passion for riding mountain bikes too. Thanks...

    5. Traitor? he gave your tio what he had,he took care of him now you mad because the menores made him flee

    6. I don’t get why people right away call bs? I’ve personally met Ivan arch and serafin zamb in real life in culichi...they aren’t too hard to find and are very un assuming.....I think people that doubt things think that el mundo de narco is like the all reality people that aren’t in the game are related to these people and/or have met them....they aren’t royalty or British monarchs....son gente del rancho simplemente

    7. Then your cousin is the real shady traitor, and the Guzmans crushed Los Damaso in weeks. They're all rats...they're sitting in the same room ratting and professing love and respect...The kids fought...Guzmans won. It's over. No disrespect to anyone. That's how it went down.

    8. Yeah i think your tio was loyal to el chapo til he felt threatened by los menores. Yoir bitch ass primo shouldve went out gunning but he did the smart thing by living to live another day. Paz puto!

  10. Excellent coverage, happy you are back at it

  11. Can this hurt Emma here in U.S.?

    1. only the drug connection. she says she has been cleared i don't believe that. and she has made mistakes, the opulent bday party and lavish living images right before trial. and her interview she really screwed up the anser to where she gets her money

    2. the journalist Emily mentioned that the IG page that she supposedly didn't run had uploaded pics of Christmas celebrations and all that kind of stuff. Did u see this page Chivis? Emily also added it had been deleted when she had just returned to NY.

      Do you think the US investigated where this IG profile came from?

    3. The more that comes out about Emma's involvement and the more it comes out how much data the Feds have in the form of taped phone calls and text messages... if I were Emma i'd be thinking about going back to Mexico and staying put. From what i've seen if they wanted to build a case against her they likely have more than enough to do so.

    4. She isnt getting charged with anything,they woukda done it already or months back.they usually dont go after wives only there really into a real big roll in the organization,which i doubt

  12. Your have the best coverage out there. The summaries are much easier to follow. and I appreciate the extras for a newbie like me. I heard about you from keegan's (vice) twitter. Borderland Beat is a great blog to get solid information.

    how do you rate the coverage in the US of the trial? and in Mexico? I speak Spanish.

    1. well....lets say they do the best to their knowledge. they have to google historical facts, we don't. so it is easy for me to add into a summary. i think that makes us different. Keegan and alan work hard and i give them both a B+. some errors on fact are evident.

      mexico is not that interested in the trial. i was going to write a post about that. you won't find a million posts and strong front page coverage unless it is new info. My little poll of 86 mexican nationals say only 15 were strongly following the trial.

    2. Keegan gets an A+, he’s great

    3. 11:25 true 👍🏻 Some American news sources just keep talking about his wife which doesn’t bother me at all but i do find it funny that she seems to be more appealing than the actual trial. They made such a hugeeeee deal out of the matching jackets. Lmao parece pasarela.

    4. Chivis you forgot you also know many cultural facts.

      -Your secret admirer :P (AUUUUU!)

    5. keegan get the A but not the US press in general which i meant to say. I think keegan is relentless in his hunger to search for relating factors and material. but there are factual errors not many but when i see one it sticks out. but IMO he does it best and i have told him so. we belong to the mutual admiration society.

  13. Emma just might get herself killed when she goes back to Mexico or is she?At least the government has changed down there.

    1. I highly doubt that will happen to her, thank God (I wouldn't wish death on anyone). Also, the MX govt won't give a crap about the "help" Damaso claims. We all know that. She's fine lol

  14. Emma, emma, emmma, what shall you do? Half the men get all soft eyed when your name is mentioned, but the women know better. Are you planning to stay here in the US for good? Shopping in NY, while the poor and homeless here get treated like dogs? Emma?

    1. She looks like a dude.

    2. Oh with the money laundered billions of dollars in assets world wide she and her "selected" minions will have it made. If she is wise in managing and "guarding" this wealth there will be whole family dynasties underpinned by that criminal genius "Shorty" Guzman. I bet politicians, bankers, lawyers worldwide are just drooling at the possibilities to get close to Emma and offer their consolations and services.

      Historically, sometimes dirty money is like shit is like fertilizer for growing good crops. Hopefully, maybe the world will get some good back for all the misery narco money causes the world.

    3. She’s going to prison, only a matter of time.

    4. 4:15...I agree...this has all been prearranged...she will not face charges. I'm sure that was part of the extradition. The Guzman's are set. Chapo always knew this was coming...did Shorty ever not have a plan? He's smarter than most think. Very calculated.

  15. With her testimony made Public Record --- she has no liability with the PGR when she returns to Mexico?

  16. Must have been a terrible feeling when he realized he is never going to see a free day for the rest of his life.

  17. Dang! Talk about standing by her man. - Sol Prendido

  18. I can't reply on the forum...I was thinking that if they bring up the feud between Damaso and Chapo's kid, wouldn't that incriminate Chapo's kids? I wouldn't advise my lawyers to put out there that the witness and my kids were fighting over the control of the cartel, or that fraction of the cartel. His son is on the DEA most wanted fugitives... they'd use that later on, right?

    Correct me wherever I am wrong since the majority of you have been following the narcos for a longer time. its just a thought lol

    1. Bro dea know all of this info before the general public. Were playing catch up. Things that are happening in the narco world the public will find out much later. The only ones that know the current score is the narcos involved and the american agencies tracking them

    2. Hallelujah 100% sad but true

  19. Not unlawful to escape prison in Mexico, dam i'm surprised mexico still has any prisoners left then.

    1. some don't have money lmaoooo might get caught by the guards and get the beating of their lives

  20. They should arrest her right away and give el chapos daughters to child services before she sneaks away and goes into hiding

    1. Lol yes, but it won't happen

    2. They must be diging deep to find some funds. Theyll wait it out. She probably has a recording device up her butt and dosent realise it.


  22. @ chivis do you think they are going to make a movie about the trial it can be a comedy but seriously I would go watch it.

    1. jaja they should ---chupeta and chapos velvet jacket what's not to love? reality at its most entertaining.

      BTW anyone see The Mule?

    2. Yeah the Mule wasn't a bad movie.He sure did a lot of road trips for the Cartel and I think they added some embellishments for entertainment like him being followed on numerous trips.Was that part true and the part where he disappeared for awhile with the load?

    3. 10:45 Scouts and Decoys

  23. Damaso and his kid mini lic are dead man walking and they know it. Like there family that got thrown out planes in el dorado. What do they get in return for being snitches.?

    1. New life in the us. Reduced sentence.

  24. If the US gov wants to put la buchona on trial she is fuck under federal law. With her assistant she help her husband run a DTO (drug trafficking organization). She answer text, phone calls and probably made physical connections on his behalf for the purpose of the organization. I seen people get 15 for less.

  25. How come people that wash cars for narcos or clean there house here in the U.S. get conspiracy but Emma is roaming around like it's ok to be a drug lords wife.

    1. I don't get why Emma gets so much crap on here. She probably had very little choice in the marriage and probably has very little choice in everything going on now. What do you think would have happened if she refused to marry El Chapo or refused to support him during his current trial?

      She is a victim of circumstances more than anything.

    2. Little choice in the marriage? As attractive as she is, she had many suitors before her “Quincenera” yet chose to be with, and marry a Drug Lord. Hot Chicks like money. It’s rare to see a “pobre” with a hot chick. She is not a victim and is perhaps an accomplice. Stay tuned for potential charges of conspiracy, lying, accessory, money laundering and more.



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