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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

AMLO: "It is not our strategy to arrest capos"

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat-UNAM writing in Cultura Colectiva News
Capos have not been arrested because that is not our strategy. It is no longer the intention to build operatives against capos, what we want is to reduce insecurity by attending to the causes.... 

...And that made me feel very satisfied, that is why we are going to continue attending the causes, giving social programs, listening, attending; that is the fundamental thing for us: to go to the root to guarantee peace and security, not spectacular, arrests.

In his morning conference on Wednesday, President Lopez Obrador said that if in this Government has not been arresting capos of organized crime, because "the war is over."

Meaning the strategy has changed.

AMLO stressed that "there is no war--- there is no war because we want peace."

Despite the fact that the last two presidential administrations have opted to confront the entire drug trade, everything points to the end of the Fourth Transformation.

AMLO said that it will continue to focus on addressing the causes of violence because this strategy is already taking place, resulting in at least the reduction of daily homicides.

Of course, that is not an easy task, especially in a country where, according to security reports, 54 homicides were recorded this Tuesday. Of course, that figure, although high, is lower than the average of the last months, that did not fall below 80.


  1. Yea, why war when you can now cross all the dope you want with relative ease. Makes all the sense in the world. Fuck the Americans. Let them completely destroy themselves with their lust for drugs. - Sol Prendido

    1. Please get educated and learn how to write properly. Cursing is a sign of not having a proper vernacular to communicate. Do you really think at this point narcos only deal drugs to the U.S? They are involved in every illegal aspect of society besides drugs. Kidnapping, extortion, forced labor, organ transplant sales,fuel theft, illegal timber cutting,ect. This just gives the narcos more incentive to do more of those crimes with immunity. What's up with the hate to America? Don't hate,congratulate on the fact that it's still the best place on earth. It's not perfect but most people still want to live here.

    2. Fuck America? Don’t you understand that the majority of Americans aren’t users and the majority also don’t want a wall between the two countries. It’s comments like yours that hurt relationships. Comments like yours and our idiot president trump and his retarded followers cause toxic bullshit.

    3. Fuck the Mexicans for turning their country into a failed state.

    4. Quoted for truth. I remember when alcohol was illegal. No more war on drugs. Only spend real time and resources on theft,murder,extorcion.

    5. Hardcore “build the wall” people are going to love this. They’ll use anything to justify the wall.

    6. That is some obtuse thinking... have you not noticed the retail drug trade has spiraled out of control in Mexico.

    7. Ma ni**a!!!1
      -in Lonzo from training days voice

      Now we cookin !!!!

    8. Hey Sol.....yeah the americans have an appetite for drugs, but it was the stupid and greedy mexicans that turned things into a war. Too many uneducated thugs that got jealous, greedy, over zealous and wanted it all rather than working together with each other and sharing the wealth that came from america. So really it's the messicans destroying themselves!!

    9. @ 3:10 The biggest users in the world are the AMERCIANS. @ 12:02 Daddy’s not going for the greatest blogger award here genius. @ 6:48 Yes I have thanks to the AMERCIANS and their abnormal lust for (gasps) DRUGS. @ Yes build it if it makes you feel safer. I’ve been crossing that border for several decades now. And it wasn’t always legally. @ 6:49 Gangster movie!

    10. Mexico would be agreat country if the rest of the countries stopped buying politicians and stealing the wealth

    11. The wall is just a component of border security. Nothing wrong with a wall.

    12. Exactly the USA will fall because of Mexicans pushing dope...
      What wait nah your an idiot, Americans do drugs because they can afford them.... and Americans destroy other countries... Latin America is just corrupt, it destroys itself...

    13. 6:48; Not a fraction of that in America. If you think Tijuana is representative of what Mexico looks like you should really get out of your trailer park and visit Mexico’s awesome cities and countryside.

    14. @Sol Prendido

      You always have claimed to be actively part of the U.S. armed forces so you took an oath to defend the constitution and the people of the U.S.A.You even once went as far as to wager money in order to "prove" you're part of the military but now you say "fuck the Americans"????

      You're a lying dishonorable clown.

    15. What part of America does Mexico not belong to?? 🤦🏻‍♂️

    16. @2:51 The same oath that also says we will defend against enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. Think about that one. We kill our own if need be. Don’t ever think of us as being saints because we’re not. And if you are a user or pusher of illegal narcotics then you should know what to expect when we come around. Don’t put that shoe on if it doesn’t pertain to you. The message is just for every user of illegal drugs. - Sol Prendido

    17. Context, context... north of the border.

    18. All you blowhards missed Sol's point. It is Americas fault. It's our overwhelming lust for drugs that fuels this whole thing. America started this War on Drugs, which triggered and escalated the violence. Sol doesn't have to defend his resume. He stated his opinion as did you. He didn't make a personal dig at anyone. But, you did. And to the commentor about profanity.....You educate yourself, it's proven, that people who use profanity are generally much more intelligent than those who don't. Learn to accept that just because you don't share an opinion, you don't have to resort to personal insults. If anyone comes off as a blowhard, it's you. And at least we will put a name on our comments. Not hide behind Anonymous.

    19. @Sol Prendido

      Your are struggling to make sense and justify what you wrote. I put the shoe on because I, unlike you, once was a real soldier.

      You are a lying dishonorable clown.

    20. Really look at how Mexico is tearing itself apart. Mexican drugs won't destroy USA but they will destroy Mexico

    21. Well, “Real Soldier”, what’s that like...what’s it like to know that longer after you’ve left this blog my name will still be on your mind? Please be honest on that. I’m sure it applies to the rest of the haters as well. - Sol Prendido

    22. Sol, Just for that i am gonna sit back and watch mexico fall hard on their meth, you're gonna be eating those words in ten years when your barrios are meth prositute hellholes!

    23. @4:52 Mexico has turned to shit. Go through Tijuana and the meth users are already there. Other major city’s as well. The Mexican users are just as guilty. Don’t think it’s just the Americans. I place blame on all these users who resort to the evil being committed. Without the drugs a normal person doesn’t do these things. - Sol Prendido

  2. Here we go again, another corrupt Mexican president...

    1. Capos are one of the causes. AMLO is deeply mistaken.

    2. Proof that AMLO is taking his cut now.

  3. I hope they at least aren't ignoring the leaders of organized crime groups, but it's true that it shouldn't be the cornerstone of a good security strategy.

  4. Any guesses how much of a bribe it took to change the govt strategy???

  5. Good news for capo's then they save bribe $$

  6. Wish The Beltran Bros,Arellano Felix,Carrillo Fuentes,all the old school Narcos were around and running things mexico wouldn’t be a war zone and everybody would be at peace no killings just drug trafficking.

    1. Both old school Tijuana and Juarez Cartels had a successful complex exportation network. Sinaloa wanted a piece of the border action and wrecked everything.

    2. The Arellano’s broke every old school Narco rule out there, they targeted women and children in retaliation. We didn’t see a lot of the violence, because of technology, internet and smartphones we now do, but atrocities always happened.

    3. How many of you guys have read “The Art of War?”

      He is going after them, he just made it easier....;).

      They will relax and get care less, he just said “capos” as in general for every one.

      He is going to get them...

    4. Ok no more Narco Netflix for u @4:40

    5. Lololol, they started fool. Get your facts right. Plus Beltran is lining up with CDP with negotiations CQ. No pass Nada my friends.

    6. The Arellanos started the war by killing many of Chapo Guzmans closest compadres and their families for no reason. (They murdered Guero palmas wife and kids) Also the Arellanos and Carillo Fuentes families are also from Sinaloa so when you say "Sinaloa messed everything up" it doesnt really make sense. Read a book about the history of Mexican drug trafficking before making yourself look dumb.

    7. 1:26-and Sinaloa didn’t have exportation until they kicked the shot out of AFO for like a later comment said - breaking every agreement ever made?? Are you 2 or just ignorant to narco history? Chapo and Güero weren’t family yet they were given plazas by Padrino b/c Chapo had a brilliant mind for expanding routes and getting more exports to the hubs of origin.

    8. Sinaloas are history, michoacanos are teaching them how to be a bad ass capo and not just in their corridos like snitchaloas lol

  7. What a fool....i feel sorry for mexico but at some point the people will have to decide when they've had enough.

  8. Long story short Amlo has no plan whatsoever..great job Amlo! This guy really thinks that by doing nothing the narcos will stop killing and drug dealing. Its very sad that a person like Mencho will be able to freely terrorize the country because this guy has no backbone. Mexico needs to follow Colombia's path..create a federal search bloc that can hunt people like Mencho down 24-7..this Amlo is crazy he sees ghosts.

  9. I have always believed that arresting capos was the wrong thing to do. You arrest a capo and 20 more want to take his spot therefore makes the fight more violent. Thanks amlo

  10. Is this real life right now! 🤔

  11. Chibis do you think this strategy can work? The corruption will still be there and just because the goverment is not at war with the cartels does it mean the cartels will no longer be at war over routes and plazas?

    1. i don't. That possibly could have worked in the 80s not now, we are too deep in. He is on track as for examining the social structure and to provide possibilities and choice for those millions of ninis that have no life options.

      Chapo had no real options as a child. I have been in the sierras, my mothers family lived there when I was a child. Schools are nonexistent. either a traveling teacher or a small building where a teacher lives and teaches. ALWAYS being first year teachers who skip out of town after a month or two.

      it begins with education being a right, not happenstance.

      I do not see how not going after rule of law and arresting the law breakers can work. As for catch the capo, being the policy that never worked either. Sometimes we are left with a worsen situation.

      My first thought was of Mencho---imagine how thrilled he is to hear what came from the lips of AMLO?

    2. Make peace take that bribe money put it back into Mexico why not? You cant stop them but you don't have to join them either however you can take crooked money and use it for the country if AMLO wont someone else will take the bribe for themselves.

    3. Chivis: my first thought too—Mencho must be thrilled! After years of killing cops and soldiers, not to mention the countless civilians, Mencho gets away totally free. Someone on forum correctly pointed out that ending the capo strategy won’t guarantee that violence decreases because competition between groups, or old leaders dying off, will always result in widespread casualties.

  12. That was the quickest surrender in history. This will increase violence, no question. Competing 'capos' have free range to expand territories as they were just granted a form of immunity.

    1. Crimes been at a record high tf you talking about. 2018 was one of the bloodiest . .. 😐 .

    2. He should be tried as a traitor and shot en el zocalo .

  13. The guy became a billionaire on his first week in office

  14. Honestly as much as i disagree with this move let’s give it a fucking shot if it works then great if it doesn’t then it’ll get worst which is what’s been happening since 2006.

    Too much bloodshed, I’ve had relatives kidnapped then tortured killed etc. People that had nothing to do with capos, but had a lot in common with the average citizen.

    1. Well----one policy doesn't have to negate the other- he could do both.

    2. I have people in Juares, sinaloa, durango, monterrey y matamoros who work honestly and have never had any trouble with anyone, so all this saying "o they were innocent" am starting to believe is b.s. the black sheep of the family is my couisin who started doing weed in juares but was quickly straighten out when he was caught and got beat up with a 2x4 palo when he tried to sell. So cut all this crap.

    3. Maybe there is more to this strategy than he is saying?? Focusing on social programs and the economy is a good start. Making education mandatory and essential for future job growth and personal well being is just the beginning. What AMLO is probably not letting on that by publicly saying the government is not going after capo's may have them letting their guard down. Let the capo's settle and relax and then make a mistake and get caught!

  15. That job is for U.S government agencies, the court wants their money. If they were broke they would be left alone lol war on drugs is a joke, if both governments wanted to stop it they would. They would start with the users, dealers, pushers and drug makers. It BS

    1. Yup if the cartels stop sending drugs to mexico the americans in the cia, fbi , dea will be unemployed and they are a whole bunch of leeches that aint earning minimum wage. Not to say the exodus of american drug addicts into mexico to get a fix. They will be the ones jumping trumps wall.

  16. A controversial approach for anyone (country) not to engage those who kill whether by violence or by distributing poison onto their communities? Moreover, plaguing their political institutions with bribery for criminal purposes?
    So its fair to say that Mencho along with other kingpins will roam free untouched to do as they please?

    Beginning to think his approach of education is a sham for reward by those criminals?
    Education can only be met by enforcing those moral values and responsibilities that one is trying to instill. Thus requiring with the apprehensions and convictions of those who oppose such moral issue.

    I see a conflict of interests brewing in the near future between the US and Mexico. An economic downturn for Mexico who relies on business investments and employment for its citizens from the US. Along with immigration issues. Reffernce to: the US president's stance on wall and drug traffickers from Mexico. Only reinforcing those political views among the American people.

    Violence has yet to be checked in Mexico. With killings at a record high this time a year ago in many parts of the country. Truly doubt that his presidency has made a U-Turn on violence.
    Curious to see how the US respondes?


  17. If he really wants to make a difference give the people something to look foward to like better wages education and government programs to help them out and maybe get rid of all the corrupt politicians in other word clean tha fucking house

    1. 6:55-I think he might be doing what you say is needed.Time will tell but Rome wasn't built in a day and he's got more than his hands full when he came to federal power.Maybe he is being proactive to prevent crime down the road rather than let it fester like past administrations so maybe he is taking stock of things now.Maybe things do call for a new strategy as the old ways aren't working.

    2. Mind as well tell the mexicans that it snows in L.A ese. Chale holmes u still believe silvester will never catch tweety.
      El American Me

  18. Did ur balls drop off amlo? Lol. Once elected is the same old shit. Mexico is fuucckkeedd. Lol. I hate trump but yeah we need to protect our border. Mexico is in deeper shit by the minute. Morals are low if any. In a country were murder torture rape is rampant i dont think we shld have unpretected border anymore. It aint even abot drugs which americans actually pay for. Its about keep the trash out. We have our own. I feel bad for the good ppl across the hard working and the innocent. No fix in sight. I know this wont be posted so fuck u bb too cus u post cartel cheerleaders bullshit. But not the fucking truth

    1. Balls drop off? where you been my twisted friend? amlo has said this for a decade, he only backed off during the the last campaign, not completely.

      If your precious comment wasn't posted it is because it either broke the rules, or was one of those 50 percent i could not get to because of my recent surgeries. I am doing my best but am guessing nothing would be good enough for you-frankly I don't care.

    2. Agree with 7:04 amlo is a crock, he sold out way before elections were done. CJNG will rule mexico till the u.s steps in. All of a sudden trump doesn't sound that bad. Is when u got really bad neighbors that abuse their children, well u call social services. This case good old uncle sam to put them kids in foster care.

    3. 7:04 does make a good point. Chivis has an incredible amount of comments to comb through on this site, not to mention her own articles, research and personal happenings....however, there are way too many cartel cheerleaders that comment on this site. Maybe it is easier to allow those comments, rather than reading them and distinguishing their stupidity. Either way, reading the great articles/news on this site and then reading ridiculous comments from people that want to give the criminals applause just shows the sad state that Mexico is in. JMO.

    4. Free speech. Regardless of what people say in the comments, I wouldn't want them to be censored. I read the news from this site on my phone. It has this cool feature that let's me use my thumb to scroll down past stupid comments. Simple and effective.

    5. His balls dropped off over a decade ago.

  19. The President of a North American country gives criminals carte blanche to operate violent kidnapping, extortion and narcotics organizations. Wow.

    1. Murica will move in like they doin in Venezuela

    2. 626 I looked in dictionary for "Murica", says small village in Instabul. Welcome to BB, but don't understand what your village has to do with Venezuela?

      Mexico- Observer

    3. Murica = america

  20. El Chapo should have hung on just a tad longer, but he really wanted a movie about himself

    1. You ain't lying. Fuck I bet he faints if he hears this ever

    2. Bet him and Beltran, El Lic and all the jailed narcos in America will probably faint

  21. He's on the payroll, corrupt pos.

    1. NEVER trust a mexicant politician. They will sell their mother .

  22. I believe that attacking the source of a problem does work, finding ways to improve education and labor does help out in the way of life, developing respect towards your community and the laws goes a long way, HOWEVER these results happen in the long term, yes his strategy could work but you won't see the results anytime soon, maybe in 20 years and the problem is happening now, he needs to focus on his administration not the ones coming up, he still needs to pursue criminals with full force, he needs to make sure that criminals face justice. It doesn't take a war to arrest criminals, it only takes a broken law.

  23. Chivis can u tells us where does the US grabs it's opioids from? Because to me Thats the number 1 problem US has on drugs

    1. I can say our government has it all wrong. there are two issues here, "legal" prescription opioids, percocet, oxy etc that are legally mfg in the U.S. and dispensed by a license pharmacy. and street opioids.

      Gov came down hard after pill mills and corrupt doctors were writing RXs to anyone who would pay their fee. Those are pretty much gone and replaced by a system that has legit people with documented illnesses who live with chronic pain--living without pain medication or with little medication.

      I have a friend with MS who just fell down a complete flight of stairs, broke his back, leg and hip. He has been in a wheelchair for 4 years from the MS. So he went on Monday to walmart to get a 30 day supply of 5mg percocet [low strength] 90 tablets. The pharmacy mgr came out demanded to get his medical history and what ailments he had to use "so many pills" we are talking only 3 a day.

      In front of everyone waiting for RX he gave his medical info. to a damn pharmacist! they even called his doctor.

      and ended up only being approved by the 'pharmacy god' to rec half the RX. and made him buy a canister of narcan for 50 dollars. exp date in 5 mos. he was very upset. narcan for 3 5mg pills a day. that was in southern california

      this is why people have turned to the streets to obtain relief, and one of the reasons for the spike in ODs

      illegally opioids

      these are primarily fentanyl
      The illegal product come from organized crime orgs. fent is cheap and the precursor comes from china.

      Sinaloa Cartel were the first to use fent to make knock offs of percocet and other drugs-they look like the real thing, and people are unaware that they are consuming fent. Like the singer Prince. he thought he was taking percocet he was taking fent. this causes record number of ODs

      Sinaloa began mixing fent in heroin. the ODs attributed to heroin are usually because dent is mixed with heroin. MUCH cheaper but much deadlier.

      it is a case of play Russian roulette when consuming these street drugs

    2. PS. opium and opiates are vastly different. although they work on the same receptors of the brain.

      and the natural opium is plant based whereas the opiates are lab based or synthetic. opium poppy is used in making heroin.

      Since the two effect the brain similarity, they can be used interchangeably by addicts. or used as a cheap filler [fent] for cartels or anyone making black market street drugs.

  24. If he is getting paid off who is doing the payments Sinaloa or Jalisco??

    1. Why not all cartels it benefits all of them ... and also he said they won't be the priority, not that their going to stop looking for them alltogether ... and another thing epn caught most of the big time capos but the blood shed got even worse,so who's to say this method won't decrease the blood bath we've been seeing since Calderon started the main war for chapo

    2. Would say all cartels.
      This is a joke. Rather a disgrace to all to curtail drug trafficking and drug abuse.

      From what AMLO said, I gather there is no need for DEA agents in Mexico anymore. Thus no need from the Americans to provide "ANY" financial support to a country that supports drug kingpins and their activities.
      Moreover, thus leaning my opinion towards shutting down the border completely and financially severing ties with Mexico.

      Let's see how his policies work when jobs and revenue stop. This impact will definitely cause more chaos and violence for people in Mexico when there is no money to feed themselves.

      Fucking idiot!

    3. Your a fucking idiot usa isn't the only country they do business with they have really close ties with Russia and China and many other stable countries... and plus the us depends on mexico for alot of other resources plus they won't only lose Mexico's business but most of Latin America.... alot of the problems in most latin american countries is due in part by the usa involvement and destabilizing alot of those countries to get their resources for free or at a really low cost ... education your self before calling sombody else an idiot ...

    4. Let's see then if those countries can maintain their economic stability. Chinese workers are mostly underpaid? Cheap labor with cheap manufacturing will result in little profits. Russia is not far off. Their citizens are struggling while the elite are constantly prospering like those of Mexico's. Quite sure shareholders won't be happy.
      As for other Latin American countries?
      Strong vested interests will remain with the US.
      Wouldn't put money on that if I were u.

  25. catching the capos and the war against the cartels was not a mexican decision but a USA one. usa played ex presidents calderon and nieto with that stupid plan that backfired. maybe that was thier whole intention to distabalise a country just like how they distabalised many countries in the middle east and now what they are trying to do with Venezuela. its to late now. this might end up backfiring but i hope AMLO plan works i miss those good ol days when i would go with my parents to mexico be in the city for a few days then head of to the rancho in the sierra. i wish my kids could experience that but with the way mexico is now no way in hell ill go to mexico especially with my kids. its sad you cant do that no more not even in all inclusive resorts its safe.

    1. I can see the frustration of a failed policy. Moreover, with the financial burden of taxpayers to continue throwing money at a war that has had no positive effect.
      However, moral issues persists. The responsibility of leaders to combat those issues with a rigorous approach. By condemning those and apprehending them.
      Drug consumption and addiction has plagued many communities and countries worldwide. Creating a health issue for many and the violence that is attributed to such. Moreover, the financial burden to taxpayers for incarceration and treatment.

      Allowing these individuals to continue without reprimand is not a morally fit leader. Rather, a cynical person who thinks with education alone will solve this issue.


  26. My theory is that the crime will be reduced.depending how the big cartels take it. Either they go with the flow or start taking complete advantage of the situation and end up fucking up things worse. Only time will tell but hey let's keep our fingers crossed. I wish nothing but the best for me Mexican neighbors! And of course for us on this side as we too are affected by what happens on out bordering country!

  27. Trying to build a concern for not just America but other countries. A threat just like those terrorists!
    Mexico best step carefully before military action is taken! Let's see who wins! Not Mexico's good citizens I can assure you.
    I see sanctions being brought up by many nations soon. The impact of such will devastate Mexico and its citizens. Along with a strong military presence along the border.

    He just added more fuel to a fire that many are conflicting with.


  28. Obrador is a peace of shit,the only reason people voted for him is because previous presidents were bigger peace's of shit. I'm glad I don't live down there,Mexico is worse than Colombia in the 80's,and its future doesn't look to bright.

  29. ALMO is just offering words if wisdom but no action.

  30. How dumb is everyone on here?
    Every since the war on drugs, things have gotten WORSE, he clearly said it the war on drugs doesnt, and will not work!
    It's war that leaves all the dead bodies, you think hes going to let them operate with impunity because he has been bribed? Come on people it takes a special type of stupid to really think this is just him giving up.
    It's when capos get careless that they get caught without a shot fired.
    And as for Corruption? If capos aren't being persecuted then paying off people starts to become less necessary, of course this will not rid Mexico of corruption but it's a start.

    1. And what makes you believe that stopping the war against drugs would stop those killings from turf wars?
      Dealers, pushers and independent sellers will constantly be threatened.
      Unless AMLO will be assigning areas of distribution to cartels? Rather, a license to operate without reprisals?

      Greed is what drives these individuals to commit violence.

      Truly doubt that assumption to be true.

    2. Sir you are far to naive and ignorant to even dignify your nonsense with a response. Just thought I should point out that you're seriously lacking cerebral efficiency. In other words you're as dumb as dirt.

  31. From trying to doing = big difference. Let’s see a year from now, what has AMLO really done. All politicians promise, very few deliver.

  32. It’s funny how people make their own conclusion. AMLO is only changing the strategy. People’s mentality is way off if you think he will not arrest people.

    1. The only change is it'll be national guard instead of sedena or.semar not much difference mcfly. At least semar killed any scumbag they encountered with a rifle. Imagine how corrupted the national guard will be?

  33. Mexico is so fucked because everyone is on the take. You cannot trust law enforcement on the local, state, federal level, much less the military.

    Too bad, it’s such a beautiful country scenically. I would love to visit but you can’t trust anyone.

    The US should have kept the strategic ports when we conquered Mexico City over a century ago.

    1. Hope this doesn't end into a Manuel Noriega situation in Panama With American military intervention.

    2. Try fixing problems on the us before talking about sticking your nose in something that's bigger than your little bird brain can comprehend

    3. “much less the military. “

      Easy there, tiger.

      El Cabrón De Tamaulipas


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