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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

"El Fimbres" Killed in Sunday's Shootout w Tijuana Police

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: AFN TJ
                                                     "El Fimbres" leader of assassins

TIJUANA BC December 17, 2018 (AFN) : "El Fimbres", leader of the criminal cell of assassins that confronted the police this past  Sunday, died in the shooting and, according to the investigations, these subjects were engaged in the "levantones" , ie kidnappings and adjustments of accounts between narcomenudistas, in the Eastern Zone of Tijuana. "El Fimbres" killed one of the policemen.

According to the investigations, to which AFN had access, "El Fimbres" summoned the gunmen at 8 am to "pick up" the person in charge of the illicit operations in the area of ​​Terrazas del Niño.

The objective was "El Pancho" Chacarron, who is the one who brings all the chaos in the area of ​​the chacarrones (garbage dumps)", in Terrazas del Niño.

He gave them 2.23 caliber rifles known as R15. The sicarios were  paid 4,000 Pesos a week.  Some simply "hack" for the criminal group, ie, their sole duty is the act of murdering people.

The criminals knew where their target lived,  they had surveillance cameras and possessed heavy weapons to repel any aggression.

The armed men kidnapped the "employee" in a building next to the train tracks. On the way they ran into a Tijuana municipal police unit that reported them on the radio frequency, seeing several individuals with long weapons in their hands. 

In spite of the numerical inferiority, the officers followed the criminal sicarios for  several minutes , who traveled on board of three vehicles. To prevent their arrest, the criminals opened fire on the uniformed Tijuana Municipal Police.

Shooting started with vehicles rolling through the Colonia. The two policemen waiting for reinforcements bravely confronted the sicarios. Between the food stalls and clothes, the thugs fired on the two agents. One fell dead instantly, while another was severely wounded.

By then, dozens of police elements were already at the site of the confrontation and after a strong exchange of shots managed to shoot down two of the criminals, and capture three more of them.

The criminals wore bulletproof vests, had tactical equipment, communication radios and semi-automatic rifles.
        Scene of Sunday's Shootout w TJ Municipal Police: An agent and two delinquents deceased Five others injured, including police and attacker , the  person deprived of their liberty was rescued

After the confrontation in which one of his comrades lost his life, the preventive officers detained the three survivors of this criminal group.

This is Juan "N"., who has a folder of investigation open of 2018 for qualified homicide, qualified injuries and federal crime; Enrique "N"., also with an antecedent this year for the same crimes; and Uriel "N"., with a history of threats, injuries and crimes of the federal order; also crimes against health and possession of firearms in different years.

The criminals deprived the "watchman" of the garbage dump of his liberty, since according to them he knew who and where their bosses were. They took him to where they were "the conectas" when they saw the  municipal police unit coming in their direction.

NOTE: My interpretation of "conectas" is a place where they had electrical torture devices. Feel free to correct me!

This subject managed to escape unharmed thanks to the intervention of police agents.

According to the investigations, someone is above "El Fimbres".

The investigators are trying to establish who is the boss of this criminal cell that has been dedicated to commit "levantones", ie kidnappings  and executions of subjects dedicated to the retail sale of drugs that are  popular  in the Colonias. (Narco menudistas)

The Shoot out on Sunday:
TIJUANA BC DECEMBER 16, 2018 : An agent of the Municipal Police and two alleged criminals died on Sunday morning when facing shots in a market overruns of the colony Ejido Rojo Gómez, along with Terrazas del Valle, East of the city.

The balance of the confrontation until 12:00 hours, confirmed by the Municipal Public Security Secretariat (SSPM), is of one agent and two dead attackers, one wounded agent, one alleged wounded criminal and two other detainees, five civilians injured; five assault rifles and two vehicles seized; In addition, a person who had been deprived of his liberty was rescued.

The event was recorded minutes before 10:00 am in the area known as "La Nopalera", where in the middle of a street market delinquents and uniformed Municipal Police faced shots after an alleged arrest.
                "El Fimbre" Lost his Life in the Shootout w TJ Municipal Police, after killing one

One of the alleged thugs was killed on the spot, but also an agent lost his life; and, as witnesses, the people who were also injured were passing through the place at the time of the incident.

On the part of the SSPM, at noon, it lamented "the death of an agent of the Municipal Police during a confrontation with criminals".

"The events happened this morning in the colony Ejido Rojo Gómez, there is another injured agent as well as five civilians, mostly with injuries that do not put their lives at risk." In the confrontation two delinquents were killed and one injured, in addition they were two other criminals were detained, "says the report.

Police patrolled the area:

The SSPM confirmed, in the afternoon, that the confrontation occurred when the elements patrolled in the Ejido Rojo Gómez, and located vehicles "with characteristics of those that moments before had participated in an illegal deprivation of liberty".

The suspects tried to flee, and when they were cornered they descended from the vehicles and made detonations against the policemen, who repelled the attack.

"During the confrontation two criminals were killed, another injured and two arrested, unfortunately one policeman also died and another was wounded, in addition to five civilians injured.

During the intervention, five .223 caliber assault rifles were seized, and it was confirmed that a person was rescued in the confrontation.

"The Municipal Police of Tijuana remains firm in the fight against crime, its brave elements are among the best in the country, and they have the backing of the mayor of the city," says the report of the SSPM.

They ask to donate blood for agent:

The 22nd City Council, through the SSPM, asked the citizens for their support with blood donors in support of another agent of the Tijuana Municipal Police, wounded by a bullet in an attack that occurred this morning in the La Presa delegation.

Those interested, it is reported, can donate blood of any kind, and go to the Red Cross hospital in the Los Santos neighborhood, in La Mesa.

"To help the municipal police officer who was injured during the unfortunate events of today, we appreciate your help." Tijuana Public Security Secretariat "Let's support our police officers!" Is indicated in the message.

On the part of the Mayor's Office of Tijuana, the death of another municipal agent was also lamented "during a confrontation with criminals" that occurred this morning in the La Morita neighborhood.


  1. All that for 4000 peso's a week. That is very sad

    1. No what is sad is people fighting in government military and at the end get left for dead or not supported or left homeless everyone are killers in this world even if you think you are doing it for the right reasons WHICH IN THIS WORLD NOTHING IS RIGHT OR GOOD its just all pure evil and greed this is truly the Devils world and his works

    2. Thats a great wage in Mexico my cousin made $700 pesos working at wrangler the American clothing company and that fair pay. Sad yes but its not only $400 pesos its $400 motherf ing PESOS!!

    3. Well thats good pay in tj at least. Thats close to minimum wage here in the u.s.

  2. When will it occur to shoot these individuals when a confrontation happens?
    Stop the lienenci by municipal officials and government by displaying what's ethically important. Rather, eliminate those so no further criminal activity will emerge.
    Enough with the bullshit. Desperate times call for desperate measures to obtain order.

  3. The Tijuana Police actually fought off a kidnapping ring and won the shootout. I ask those criminals they captured alive, will they serve a sentence or set free, to kill and commit crime?

    1. The police are the main crooks

    2. That's rare, usually it's the federal cops or military that shoot it out. Most of the time the municipal cops turn around. Especially in tj

    3. If the police are crooks, then why they fought it out, with a criminal kidnapping cell? Are they 2 face....behave good for the new president, then later become crooks? No one can be trusted Mexico.

      El Perin de Tamp.

    4. Those kidnappers were probably not paying the muncipales their cut of the earnings so they went after them.

  4. I fear this but it is fact...
    The days are coming when authorities are going to shoot and ask questions later. Wholesale raids on known hideouts out narcos and sicarios and mass slaughter of everyone inside. What happened to that helicopter in Jalisco and the reaction of the Ejercito on that ranch is a perfect ejemplo. The policia will raid, then take all the money there. Some of the money will be used to recruit new assassins. They will target the criminals that have money. And there will be mistakes. People in cars pulled over driving cars and shot dead. The anger and impatience is rising. Only the fact that a majority of dead are criminals keeps la presa from breaking. It will take a single massacre of tourists or undeniable mass killing of los innocentes to set this off.

    1. Where are Los PEPES when you need them?

    2. Never going to happen. I’m sorry to tell you the truth.

    3. That already happens....the cops are the worst of the crooks here....welcome to Mexico bro

  5. Another one bites the dust

  6. Conectas are the ppl you connect drugs or guns with

    1. 11:21am you right. pretty much means your ppl or the ppl you do work with

    2. This is correct. In TJ it means the "Connect" or the "plug" the person who has the connections to get things and get things done.

  7. Se están acabando los akiles

    1. They where chompas people different cell of cds

  8. I am going to moderate a bit...but not all, sorry :(

  9. TU FREN>>> got it! wow...the old ghosts, huh? where is smurf? anywy i sent to yaqui to see if she can post...thanks!

    1. Yaqui is a she or is that just a typo. Saludos de El Gringo de Mazatlan.

    2. Smurfs is from the early days.

    3. Here's Doc responding to the slanders. He's calling for the Federal Government to take the investigation over from the corrupt state government. He now trusts the feds (AMLO) more.


    The individual at :44 seconds seems to be police based on his short sleeves and firearm. Compared to the dead at 4:20 which appears to be just on the other side of 3 vehicles where the individual at :44 seconds was -- based on the look of the cards. bullets are being fired from start up to :48 seconds.

  11. Killers paid pennies for a human life. Fucking scumbags thank God he is dead and hopefully many more will follow this shitbags cue and get themselves executed.

  12. No prisoners just torture for info and a slow slow death

  13. They where sicarios del chompas

  14. Is he caf or sinaloa

    1. He was caf back in the day,with Raydel (muletas)his primo,they are a big familia and are deep in the maña.

  15. I can make more money been polite at McDonald's, abrasos no balazos

  16. Why did they took the lacras alive? Should of kill them specially after they had already killed a fellow officer.

  17. A connecta is a slang for connect usually somebody that's sells drugs,weapons but usually drugs

  18. Connectas are connects or sources bosses

  19. Good work police pile those CJNG bodies up

    1. Inthink they are cds. Chompas is a cds member

  20. a day before this incident,ctng had wacked a top tiendero from chompas cell,so chompas cell came back the very next day looking for retaliation and we all know how it ended...

    1. Cds getting wacked again. Cds been dropping like flies lately and the smart ones switch sided to ctng/cjng since day one cjng steped foot in Tijuana

  21. Y dicen que los del cds no secuestran 😂😂😂

    1. Donde dice que son de Sinaloa y la otra secuestra y Levante es diferente si te secuestan es pa $$$y si te levantan es pa💀

  22. no wonder all the mexicans are fleeing to america, you get paid 200$ a day for flipping burgers.. thats what these morons make in a month!


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