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Saturday, December 1, 2018

"Commander Thiesen", Chief Hitman for "El Tigres" Arrested

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: El Diario

                                                Mennonite 'chief sicario' arrested: Jacob T.E.

Chihuahua, Chih.- The Attorney General of the State (FGE) arrested the Mennonite Jacob T. E, aka "Commander Thiesen", who according to the investigations appears as chief of hitmen of the criminal group "El Tigre" that operated in the Mennonite fields. 

The arrest was made by police of the State Agency of Investigation (AEI) in they complied with an order of apprehension. Jacob T. E, 35 years old, had recently been arrested in possession of a .223-caliber assault rifle.

The FGE reported that Jacob T. appears as allegedly responsible for the crimes of qualified homicide and illegal deprivation of liberty, events that occurred on June 16, 2018 on the dirt road of the Mennonite camp number 6 and a half, where a couple was walking and they were intercepted by armed individuals.

In the investigation folder it was stated that the men blamed the couple for stealing, for which they were deprived of their liberty and took them to a home on a farm where Jacob T E was, who threatened them with a firearm and subsequently he shot at close range in order to intimidate them, then ordered them to be taken to another farm where they were beaten.

Derived from these facts, Julio César VH died of head trauma and his companion was severely injured, identity unknown at this time.


  1. Not to worry, a suitcase full of money, given to the police, will set him free. It is no wonder, they don't kill criminals on the spot.

    1. Exactly, He will spend less than a week in the local jail then just disappear

  2. You gotta admit that’s a badass name comandante Thiesen

    1. Yupp he's a mennonita

    2. Dude was clearly a Walter White fan lol


  3. Fuck being arrested. He should have been executed on sight. Now we have to deal with the arrest, detention and release scenario of the Mexican justice doctrine of Impunity & Immunity.

    1. Frfr these lames will be set free by that dumb amlo.

  4. Why they saying his a mennonite? If hes a killer hes not a christian.

  5. Always wondered if there were any trafficking connections for the Mennonite/Mormon community in Chihuahua. So weird that there are just these little communities of almost all white people in the middle of Chihuahua.

    1. Those are questions you don’t answer.

    2. It wouldn't surprise me if they have some connection to smuggling. They may call themselves devout Christians but the reason they live there is because they have a problem obeying mans laws


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