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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Baja, Ca: Decapitations and "Entambados" and "Encobijadas"

Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Unimexicali
                           TJ Talley, Dec 25 Christmas Day: 2,477 Murders 192 in Dec alone

TECATE BC: Two decapitated bodies are found in the neighborhood road to the Manteca Canyon of the Nueva Hindú settlement, Cerro Azul section. The corpses are masculine, both were tied at the hands and feet.      Authorities reported that animals were already starting to eat corpses.

TIJUANA BC:  They kill another 6 people in the city, two of the victims are women and another one left ''entambado'', ie , in a barrel. This was "Noche Buena" or Christmas Eve, Dec 24.

On the 23rd of Dec, 7 more were killed in various Colonias in TJ.

On the Via Rapidido  West Road in the Colonia Imaq Tijuana  two bodies of men in a state of putrefaction were located inside an abandoned wooden house.

The second victim, a female, was found on Encinal Street in Colonia Ejido Francisco Villa, who was injured by a projectile from a firearm.

Another female body was located in the Independence Route of the Mariano Matamoros Norte colony inside a shopping center, which presented injuries by firearm projectile.

         At least two murders were recorded during the past December 25, both of male people. 

Elsewhere in the city,  on Avenida Del Sol in Colonia Nueva Aurora,  a lifeless body wrapped in a carpet was located on the public road.   Finally, on Avenida  Mutualismo  of the Zona Norte neighborhood on public roads, a corpse was found inside a barrel.

Tijuana Talley, Dec 25 Christmas Day: 2,477 Murders 192 in Dec alone:

In the first case a subject lost his life in the facilities of the Red Cross after an attempt to save his life as a result of several contusions in his skull, caused at an unspecified point in the city. Identified as Andrés Julián Jasso Montero, aged 32, it was determined that the cause of death was cerebral edema.

Another man, this one of unknown identity, lost his life in the street Moscow, Colonia Sección Costa Azul, for causes not yet determined. It is worth mentioning that the body was found on an alley, and was gagged with gray adhesive tape, while its upper extremities were tied to the back. 

With these homicides, the figure for the year increased to 2,477, of which 192 have been carried out during this month of December. The majority have been men and the most common motive has been the firearm.
                                                         Murder Weapon of Choice

Another person without life was located on the street of Cerro de las Cruces street, Mariano Matamoros Sur neighborhood. 

Authorities went to the indicated place, where they located the victim , sex not specified, wrapped in a brown blanket, and a black bag, ie "encobijada".   The causes of death also remained as unknown. 

Report indicates that in a vacant lot there is a person lying in a public way wrapped in a blanket, Municipal Police confirms the incident refers a person without life wrapped in a brown blanket and in a black bag sex unidentified.

More in TJ; 3 Detained After Attempted Murder at Motel:

After carrying out detonations of a firearm against a man, three subjects were arrested by the Municipal Police, who  confiscated two long firearms. 

When patrolling on Boulevard Diaz Ordaz and Avenue Jauja of the Colonia La Joya, officers heard shots coming from the De las Joyas street, and headed towards that road. 

In that place they observed a Toyota FJ Cruiser that circulated at excessive speed and without respecting traffic signs, so the driver was stopped, who ignored the instructions, generating a chase.

The vehicle in flight was intervened on the Vía Rápida Poniente at the height of the Arboleda colony, there descended the crew: who were identified as José Ángel "N", 29 years old, Guillermo Guadalupe, 20 years old, and José Miguel "N ", 23. 

During an inspection the agents located within the Toyota FJ Cruiser, two long assault rifle type firearms, both caliber .223. 

Simultaneously officers who attended the incident at the Motel La Joya, where the gunshots were originally heard, they located man who had bullet wounds in the parking lot, and moments after emergency units arrived to move the injured to a hospital.

MEXICALI, BC: Reports "Saldo Blanco" , ie No major incidents, which in my judgement is an inaccurate statement to say the least.


  1. Good to see they are following ATF gudines, no stock on the shirt barreled rifle, just a brace. Thank goodness for those laws of such important distinction keeping law abiding citizens safe in the US. Be careful Mexico, the sicarios May be illegally shouldering braces on their rifles. Some of the gun laws and drug laws are perplexing and I pray for Mexico and the US. There are so many good Mexican born people in the states, and so many I know and call friends, I hope that one day they are able to help their fellow Mexicans realize the god given rights to self preservation they deserve and take Mexico back from a lawless and absolutely diseased political system of criminals. And don’t get me wrong, the dirty US politicians are hot on their heels trying to disarm and rob even more from the populace. Time for nationalist Mexicans, and I’m not talking window sticker pride, to take their second amendment rights to spread in Mexico and take their beautiful country back from the criminals!

  2. Ctng/cjng taking out cds


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