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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Potential juror, Medellin Colombia native, sought El Chapo's autograph, "I am a fan"

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

Trial opens on Next Tuesday, the jury selection process is closed to the public, that includes the family of El Chapo and his wife Emma.

El Chapo ditched his “Studio 54” look for court today.  The tie-less open shirt look of Monday gone,  in favor of a black suit, light blue dress shirt and tie. 

So far almost 60 prospective jurors have been questioned, of which, 27 have been dismissed.  Adding to the 2 of yesterday voicing security concerns, 3 additional candidates expressed concerns today.

One such person was seen sobbing in the hall.  She is a young woman who lives at home with her mother.  She stated that when she told her mother that she may serve on the El Chapo jury, her mother insisted that if she served they would have to “move and get a new house”. 

Judge Cogan said that she was worried the pressure on her mother may affect her health. 

She was dismissed. 
Another woman, a twenty something, admitted to being “freaked out.”

She explained that she had seen a movie about someone trying to kill a juror.  This prompted her to google “his name and jurors”.  Subsequently, she saw an article that said Chapo promised “not to do that.”  But admitted,  “even that statement made me nervous.”

She was dismissed.

Character of the day yesterday was the Michael Jackson impersonator.  Today brought Colombian guy.

A man from Colombia…..Medellin to be exact. 

He has lived in NYC for 20 years and was questioned on Monday.  On Monday he shared that he liked crime dramas and novellas.

It is difficult to think of Medellin and not think of Cocaine King Pablo Escobar and the violence his drug reign brought forth.

But Colombian guy said that would not have an effect on him during the trial or his judgment.

That was yesterday, he was brought before the judge for additional questioning today.  Because he asked a security guard if he could help him get an autograph from El Chapo.

When asked by the judge if he asked the guard for help with an autograph Colombian guy admitted he had done so, saying, “That’s right, yes” and even added, “I’m a bit of a fan”.

He was dismissed, but not before one of el Chapo’s defense attorney’s, Jeffrey Litchtman, argued for the Colombian to remain in the pool.

Telling judge Cogan, “I have an autograph of Charles Manson and two leaders of Hamas and obviously I’m not a big fan of them.”

“He may just be interested in the autograph of infamous people, like me,” Litchtman added.

Judge Cogan was unmoved.  Colombian guy gone.

To stay on schedule, attorneys have 2 additional days to form the jury, Friday court will be closed.

This is said to be the most expensive trial in history, and will open next Tuesday.


  1. If being a juror wasn’t on some rat shizz, I wouldn’t have a worry in the world letting that p.c. Snitch know he’s guilty of all charges. Americans are getting softer as the years go on.

    1. This guy wants to be a juror but he’s afraid of being label a rat so make up your mind you want to be a law abiding citizen or a fake thug wanna be tough bad guy?? And you call El Chapo a pc lol you really are confused.

    2. soon as he sentenced he will be running the American prison system then we will see who's the pc

  2. If you are a fan of a druglord you are a piece of dirt

    1. Really?You have no right to call people like that.Mary Mafiosa 4ever

  3. Animo Patron ! You will soon walk free.We are waiting for you here in Culiacan Sinaloa.

    SICARIO 006

    1. The boss says to hold your breath till he comes back.

    2. Your Patron is fucked! That snitch is done.

    3. Asacario 006 impersonator. Give it a break.

  4. Hang this scum already man many lives ruined cause of him look at how fd up mexico is now a d look at all the tweakers in your city or town all because of drugs that leople like him inported here or there

  5. Well if that guy woulda kept his mouth shut, chapo might have had a break. Lmao. That guys going to go missing for being so stupid.

  6. I like the columbian guy.
    Call me a stupid pendejo but let el senor return to the mountains to fight the crooked jaliscas

  7. I wanna be a juror

  8. el chapo will never escape the americans

  9. Must be a hard process, very easy to get dismissed, who hasn't heard of el chapo? And those who have, usually already have their conclusion of either guilty or not guilty in their heads and know what they would decide regarding the verdict, making them not suited to be part of the jury.

  10. Most expensive trial in history! Hopefully they confiscated enough of chapo's drug proceeds to compensate for the huge U.S. taxpayer burden. If they want to go to extraordinary lengths to guarantee his life imprisonment, do it on chapo's dime.

    1. No shit! That's the reason chapo got busted, the us wants his money. Mayo gave the us one billion for a nice deal for vicentillo. If he was a mass murderer with money, you think the US would waste their time? Dumb A$$

  11. El Chapo is but one man amongst millions of players in the illegal drug business. Whether he is incarcerated, terminated, or takes his own life out of despair, nothing will change on the streets.
    His trail is about demonstrating the long reach of the arm of the law. Law enforcement enforce, prosecutors prosecute. Too many man hours have been invested to allow Chapo leniency, forgiveness or compassion. He'll get life in prison.

  12. They're going to have a hard time finding a jury without any preconception about El Chapo. It's going to take a lot of money and time to put him away and in the meanwhile 10 new drug lords have reared their heads and Mexico will be in flames for a few years before a new hierarchy (read: government supported cartel) has established itself. It's a completely unsustainable way of dealing with the underlying problems. You either need a totalitarian system based on violence, fear and snitching to suppress it or go the humane route and strive for legalization of drugs, better eduction of young people, gun control and investment in jobs in Mexico.

  13. i am retired law enforcement, almost 30 years. when i worked for the state of cali i got picked for 3 juries, 2 civil 1 criminal. easy to get on jury if you want, dont elaborate your answers in voir dier, yes/no thats it. i wanted to get picked as state paid me for full days works even if only in jury duty 4 or 5 hours. now retired i dont want to be on jury duty, summoned 2 times, first to be dismissed.

  14. I am reminded of the scary number of Charles Manson followers. Hitler wannabe's and Hannibal Lectur, advocates. It all changes if you or someone you know becomes a victim. Legalization? Let's try and cure the incidents 5-year olds who go to school stoned on crack. Or commit murder over pot where it is legal in California. It was promised murder and violence would cease. Instead marijuana violence has increased. I was lied to...

  15. Chapo, a product of the american politician.


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