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Friday, November 9, 2018

Complete Plea agreement of Vicente Zambada

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

Sentencing Guideline range:

The anticipated offense level is 43, which when combined with criminal history of I, results in an anticipated advisory level  of life imprisonment, in addition to any supervised release and fine the Court may impose.  Zambada acknowledged that he is subject to a minimum of 10 years imprisonment. [below click on image to enlarge]

To enlarge plea agreement below use hyperlink 


  1. Replies
    1. All of them their whole family fuckin rats

    2. Wow!! No honor in Sinaloa...the percentage of rats of indicted mafia members in the US is 8%..pretty sure Sinaloa cartel is in the 95%..

    3. I bet Mencho goes out in a hail of gunfire...

    4. Mencho will go down like lazca and El Barbas but I’ll rather be alive like Chapo tbh

    5. Jaja!! The logic of the so-called snitch word amounts to nothing when the rule of law prevails.

    6. 12:10 mencho won't do crap. Don't comer him to an ex-gafe spec op like Lazcano and a true capo that was Botas blancas. Mencho is just a tecato.

    7. Pues no que muy vergas los de Sinaloa.

    8. Lazca ran crying and was killed lol.

    9. Would you rather ba a rat and get out of prison or stay your entire life in a shit hole. It’s hard to answer tbh if you haven’t experienced that.

    10. I'm not stupid enough to experience that.

  2. Is that the best y'all can come up with, "Snitch"??

    1. Chinola bitch tambien

    2. All these comments are from immature bitter from a cheap ass state hating on Sinaloa that’s why you only say that anonymous

    3. I'm 117% u would also snitch if kant be dedikated to the "GAME" it'll mind fuck people's mentality....that's why u only see a small percentage doing time N being on good terms or dead

    4. 11:58 coming from you also using anonymous. Why you mad, straight facts. Chinolas will snitch on their own momma. Known this for years, finally people have realized the truth. You know Chaps snitch so many damn people while he was out just to stay in power. Now all those that were ratted on can will talk. SNITCHES=RATS=PESETAS, PC’UP

    5. @11:58 fcking snitch LMao and I don't hide.. nothing to hate on a bunch of snitches from sinacola especially when they have corridos saying about how brave and tough they are... Smh... His weak ass should learn from El mochomo who is doing his time like a real man .. now that's a real sinaluense..

    6. You guys still haven’t said what state you guys are from lol

    7. It doesnt matter what state sinaloa is still snitches lol

    8. Lol for real, all of y'all calling him snitch.... Weather you put your name, state, or your bullshit blood type, its still internet tough guys lol non of us could hold a candle to what this man was doing. Get over it. Its not like any of us can do better.

    9. lots of jealous little corona drinking haters here tonight lol "chapo snitch blah blah" does that help you sleep at night Arturo Salgado? You sound so tough bro you really out for Arturo Salgado everyone he is a real billy badass! The level of intelligence around here has gone way down and all we are left with is people like this Salgado clown.

    10. I'm not from any state, distrito federal:)

  3. Where does it say he snitched ?

    1. @11:16 Plea deal pendejo

    2. He admitted to working with other men and provided first and last names. That’s snitching but my theory is those men were okay with it if he could shorten his sentence and come back better for it.

    3. He gave up information on his own dad

    4. are u brain less he is testifying against el chapo witch = snitching

    5. "Defendant agrees he will fully an truthfully cooperate in any matter in which he is called to cooperate..."
      "This cooperation shall include providing complete and truthful information. Defendant agrees to postponement of his sentencing until after the conclusion of his cooperation..."
      He will never go back to Sinaloa. It doesn't matter if he's a Zambada. He's a rat. He chose that instead of life in prison.

    6. It doesnt but more likely than not he WILL or IS.

    7. Read it almost towards the end how he has and will continue to cooperate and give accurate and factual information

    8. 11:16----- CONSPIRING

      Start on page 2 of the indictment. He tells on his dad (Mayo Zambada), Javier Torres, El Chapo, Mickey Mouse and Daffy Duck as well. Read

    9. Little slow are we. See that big document up there? Btw the chapitos are gonna love the snitching against their father.

    10. Probably where it says "Cooperation".

    11. when he agreed him and the people named in the documents smuggled cocaine. did u even read the paper work.. SNITCH

    12. A plea deal means he snitched. Most likely with the permission of the other heads. Chapo is going to get life no mater what at this point. Might as well let everybody else go home. If he doesn’t accept chapós kids will be hit.
      Remember the mafia comes first. And second.

    13. Look at the “Cooperation” section, page 9, item 11. “Defendant agrees he will fully and truthfully cooperate in any matter in which he is called upon to cooperate”

    14. How else would a Multi-Ton drug supplier get a 10 year sentence?

      It's not rocket science.
      Moreover, When all others receive long sentences for even those who get caught with much less.
      Cooperation with US federal government guarantees their cut (money) from illicit earnings. However, all banks will be immune from prosecution.
      Isn't this the way it works?

      Unsavory practices and associations are what keeps governments happy and running.

      Arraignments were implemented long ago with Chapo since his extradition to the US. A guaranteed imprisonment for EL Chapo.
      No need to fully dismantle its organizational structure of the cartel.
      Reffernce: to his sons safety and security measures to continue his drug empire.

      Follow the money.


    15. Not in those words but it clearly states it here tonto

    16. Some motherfuckers will live in total denial. But at this point we all know they snitch to save their own asses. For years they’ve done it against their competitors. And now the tables have turned against them. They should play their corridos for them while locked up. So that they can continue to live in their bullshit world of make believe. God knows we all love our fantasies.
      - Sol Prendido

    17. and he signed the agreement with his fancy made for Hollywood signature

    18. Chivis that signature It wowed me with the biz z for Zambada I guess he’s going to be like Sammy the bull and make books and movies and live happy in the great USA

  4. How will this affect mayos credibility or what ever? Will his connects be scsred of him tattle tailong n not do business w hik

    1. Mayo is linked up with the government they own mexico noones gonna be scared todo buisness with them. Every narco that gets extradited rats. The information they give is public knowledge. Do yall really think people didnt know about the people he named? Miguel trevino snitched on a bunch of zetas

  5. I feel sorry for him and México
    If vicentillo no lo hubieran agarrado
    He would run the thing like his dad and the old school use to run things before all the killings..
    And maybe he would be the director boss of the chapos sons..y no anduvieron de salsitas retando a medio México and some part of the u.s gvmnt..
    Who knows
    Life is full of ways
    But at the cliff we al Change..

  6. And when you think it can't get any worse, he still needs to pay $100,- to the cashier after sentencing. (Paragraph 15). Lol.

    But can someone explain paragraph 16? He agreed to a forfeiture of 1,37 BILLION dollars, yet "the government will move to dismiss the forfeiture allegation in this case". I don't get it.

  7. Can someone explain to me how they could obtain the 1.3 billion dollars they expect him to forfeit? Will he just write a check or give them the location of a house where there are rooms filled with stacks of cash.? I'm joking of course, but how the heck does that work?

  8. El chapo snitched... wellllll this guy snitched back hahhahahahahaha

  9. Is the 10 year minimum sentence including time served? If so then he will be free in no time.

  10. Chapo betrayed vicentillo so now hes gona betray chapo

  11. Sooooo I’m guessing mayito Gordo is going to finish chapo off when he gets extradited and his time will be dropped also

    1. I don't think he'll be extradited anytime soon.

  12. I have friends here in Pennsylvania indicted on intent with 1 kilo, and took 22yrs with their mouths shut!! Zambadas, Guzmans, are all rat fucks!! FACTS...

    1. So who did Chapo snitch on where are the facts!!!!!

    2. Wow 5:51 you must not know crap about what’s been going on in Mexico for the past 20 years. Ever since he came into the game he was dropping dimes! Main reason he got so powerful so fast. Snitched on enemies and close associates to feed the government n media detainees vs drug war. Just do some reading, f@ck it just watch the Netflix series. That’s all you need silly billy, FACTS.

    3. Give it time amigo. His kids will squeal like pigs too...

    4. Chapo will turn on mayo. Mayo will turn on Ivan. Etc, etc...

    5. Just google "chapo giving information to DEA" his a snitch, get over it tonto

    6. @7:14 Another tough guy...Are your friends in the Sinaloa cartel with enemies ready to kill them and their families at every wrong turn? No they are American idiots who got popped being dumbasses so shut up man, you dont know anything about how the mafia works in Sinaloa. Entire blood lines are wiped out so just shut ur face ur comparing onions to apples kid. Im sick of all these dumb kids calling people rats when they are as clueless as a rock about whats really going on.

    7. @6:57. But THEY ARE rats and you’re just a kid, well a Sinaloa nut hugging kid

  13. This could cause some serious internal issues in CDS. I wonder how Mayos playing this.

    1. Everybody already knew, the only difference is that now it's in writing. Plus he signed it

    2. It wont cause any issues. They dont care if he is ratting the governments already have cases against them all he will likely serve his lowered time and go back to cds and help run things

  14. Only charged with transpiring to transport 5 kilograms? Lol
    I guess his 1.5 BILLION dollars he gave as part of the plea agreement really paid off. If Mexican narcos weren't that rich, the US would leave them in Mexico to continue their lives

    1. It does not mean he only transported 5 kilograms. it means at least that and more. All the charges against traffickers say that to reach the highest level of criminal standard it has to be at least that.

  15. Paragraph 25 said it all. But I bet that there are little to none, who wouldn't snitch in his situation. No wonder that cartel took so many losses lately... just saying....

  16. POS shouldn't be breathing.

  17. He is probably one of the numerous anonymous sources that the US has been citing as corroborating their allegations in the Chapo trial.

  18. I think it’s a smart move. When you get to the US as a drug lord it’s over for you. Why not plan it out and get your buddies kids out. Makes all the sense in the world to me.

  19. This all mayos work he told Vicente to turn to DEA onece in custody he gave him a number to stay in contact with one of his man there mayo would let zambada Know where there where huge amounts of money and drugs in mexico wich would be provided by mayao zambada so vicente could tell DEA and get reduce time and its all working out for him mayo new it was the only option for his kids to survive or they would end up dead mayo is smart man what can I say sinaloense are brave and smart saludos a borderlandbeat


    1. I just read like Trevino story. The DA said they gave him 2 life sentences for not snitching. In these words "no cooperation so no consideration" took it like a man.. these snitchaloas could never do that..only a few

    2. A few? Plenty Chinolas have gone out blazing my boy, and been given life . El cochiloco, Arturo y Alfredo Beltrán, Ramón arte, H1 y H2, Macho Prieto, the list goes on

    3. If anything Sinaloa passes Tamaulipas my friend, the majority of narcos dead in Sinaloa surpasses Tamaulipas they got a whole cemetery dedicated to these people who have gone out guns blazing Just cause you see these dudes ratting on each other don’t mean the rest have all the major cartels have came and been ran by Sinaloans with the expectation of the Tamaulipas cartel but even then the Sinaloans moved penalty of drugs through the Tamaulipas corridor if you think I’m lying ask Jesus Albino Quintero who supplied a Tamaulipas faction with the expectation that his drug get moved through there as well.

  21. Look everyone , he’s going to be the first narco kingpin to go in and out of the United States judicial system with crimes that have landed others life sentences. He’s playing his cards right .

    1. There are many more, the twins for example. Money talks and if you talk you get more reduced sentences while you fuck everyone else over. Drug game is a dirty game that I never wanted to be a part of. I had plenty of chances but there is no honor or real men that don't fold. only in movies, kids , stay in school

    2. And then end up like the rest, killed for being a snitch.

  22. Can he go back to Mexico.

  23. Mayo's fate is sealed and he has accepted that he is a life-long drug trafficker. I believe he advised his son years ago to get out of the business and go to the US with a list of things he could do for the US not to include his father and Chapo. Instead, he waited too long and was arrested in Mexico. He was extradited within a year which is outrageous when you consider Gustavo Rivera-Martinez was arrested in 2008 in Los Barrilles, is a US Citizen and still is in Mexico awaiting extradition on a very stong case.

    Almost everyone of these big-time traffickers tell all they can once they're in the hands of the US Gov't. They realize none of their partners will help them out but only hurt the family they have left behind. They make the choice of protecting the family they want to protect and make their lives more comfortable. There is absolutely no honor among these scumbags who feel safe under the veil of corruption and dysfunction in Mexico. They can come to the US, tell their story and give up some bigger fish and all those they have compromised, corrupted and killed in Mexico. They are nobody here but has beens and their mighty soldiers they left behind will not dare come to the US to help them. Its just too bad that the weak Americans who have have to suck on drugs to get their thrills support these scumbags in Mexico.

  24. If he cooperates on chapo he ain't welcomed back to sinaloa and taking his daddy's throne like they say

    1. They will still welcome him, it's a natural thing for sinaloas to be informants

    2. Chapo was a snitch too.and he walked around freely in snitchaloa.what's your point?

    3. Both of you 2:17 and 4:35 you're comments sound like your little kids hating on chapo,let me guess he took out some of your family or he snitched on you. Which one is it?????

    4. Chapo snitched on both of them when they were late 4 work that's why they hate him

  25. This snitching level of this guy...

  26. +So Mr. Zambada, the plea agreement will be ready to go, if you testify against Joaqu...
    -YES, PLEASE!!
    +...joaquin Guzm...

  27. @ chivis what's your opinion if Chapo snitch on mayo or a high ranking drug Lord would he time off or better treatment in jail.

    1. That would be a plea agreement and yes in such an agreement there is a trade off.

      That said the government has never offered a plea and Chapo didn't ask for one. In the case of Mochomo he was offered plea negotiations and he refused. I am not aware of that happening in Chapo's case. He is the big fish, he is the perfect candidate to make an example of and that is what the gov is doing. they have a mountain of evidence so it would be counterproductive for them to make a deal. Even though they have shot them selves in the foot dozens of times makin stupid deals.

      in this case what could chapo give up? Mayo? Azul? he has been out of the loop so long is knowledge has staled. He has no contact with his family. and BTW his family have turned their backs on him, Emma is his biggest supporter.

      He has been reduced a narco capo island. Whereas I don't feel sorry for him, I can, like the judge, appreciate the tough position he is in.

    2. Appreciate your opinion keep your head up

    3. Chivas his family has not turned their backs against him he’s not allowed any contact with them how can you say that?

    4. I me or not. THINK...of why i would say that. It shocked the hell out of me. But maybe it was a preconceived plan if he was arrested and going to trial. I am not sure about that. Believe what you want.

    5. In other words he pretty much dead to the family they ain't never going to see him or talk to him ever again

    6. Well they can’t see him or talk to him maybe after he gets convicted and sentenced but for now

    7. Chivis his family didn't turn there back on him how you gonna say that and then go around and say Emma is his biggest supporter,we're do you think she is getting the money to come see him ? We're do you think she is getting the money to rent a spot to live in while she is in NY ? We're do you think she is getting the money that she puts on his book so he can buy commissary ? We're do you think she is getting the money to put down at anytime he will need and is allow to get...let's see if you post this comment in no way it is disrespectful it is just facts...Emma don't work...Thank you..

    8. I will not argue. My points are fact. not conjecture. I promise readers that is the truth. Nothing more can be said at this time. I was very surprised and think the only explanation is it was pre-planed. Don't be silly, of course she has money. it isn't about her. It is abut him. and BTW he doesn't have the complete access to commissary. After the trial more can come out.

  28. Cartel de las ratas 🐀

    1. 🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭 asi o mas ratitas lmao!

  29. It's part of the game if they want to recieve a plea deal if they are lucky enough you clowns

  30. I have already stated that it was approved by CDS Mr Guzman and his Sons Ivan Archivaldo & Alfredo along with Mr Zambada to throw the heat towards Guzman it’s what’s best for business Vicente is a Big Player along with Flaco Archivaldo and co...10

  31. Vicentillo will be free and he should remain in usa o maybe go to España for he does not end like el Pelón by some payaso in his own birthday party.

    1. Carrtera..Why V gonna get murked by a clown?

    2. Cuz u get out. Be thinking you safe and a clown patatataps you in the dead! Just ask Francisco big bad Arrellano

  32. What pisses me off is that they don't need this guy so why make a damn deal that allows him to breathe free air in a relatively short amount of time. In fact they don't need anyone beyond margarito, pedo and guadalupe. They support the charges with their testimony and have direct evidence. I am not sure if she will testify because her change of plea hearing isn't until the end of the month, but she would cover the financial portion. no more is needed.

    1. Jajaja you stay hating calm down chivata your blood pressure might go up

    2. That IS a great point chivis. Vicentillo is a spoiled asshole who has been a pain in the ass with his petty complaints for a decade. and they give him a gift they didn't have to.

    3. 12:05 thank you for información and explaining. When you say Chapo family against him do you say Ivan y Alfredo are against Chapo? I do not believe they against Chapo But they see him as gone and a dead father and manager of business.

      As reason for letting many criminales go easy like Vicentillo Niebla, it is my observación since the 9/11/2001 (DEP) that USA inteligence, politicians, and business instituciones who depends on “a war” will always make one person the face of enemy, and many of the others; even when equally evil or equal criminal are disregarded once the money is budgeted.
      Por example after the attack with the planes, there were thousands prisoners that go to the USA military prison of Cuba (Guantánamo) but the bad evil symbol always in television and noticias was Osama Bin Laden and then later Sadam Hussein when your VP helped $60 billion get approved for war against the cigar aficionado; and Halliburton ultimately earned more than this initial amount by the time war is over.
      I observe that USA personalizes “wars” to get funding to companies. Because men like Lazca, Miguel Trevino, Oscar Montoya, Cholo Iván, Arturo Beltrán and many Arellano and Línea sicarios who killed too many only for fun have never earned much promoción on CNN International and other USA media I read daily like WSJ online.

      But as we know there is much to read everyday about Chapo Guzmán, even while many others are doing biggest business ever right now with la cocaina, cristal, heroina, mota, and even tachas (that is controlled by the family of the “narco who died and quickly cremated”).
      The supposed Drug war is only a way to expatriate USA tax dólares for USA companies who feed off the USA nipple and bank where the narcos do so money is not brought back into USA and taxes do not have to be paid.

      Yes my gobiernment is messed up but so is USA.
      Saludos y felicidades!

    4. @4:44Its usually like that for kids who got babied by their fathers. A bunch of wimps

    5. you are correct I didn't say they are against him, they i am sure love their father. they are simply not doing anything to help him and i will leave it at that. What i don't know if it was pre-planned that way. I agree they realize they will never see their father again.

    6. Maybe its the 1.awholelottabillion dollars that they need him for.

  33. Chivis, that is a damn good point, one which I hadn’t even thought of. They caught Chapo, why do they need this guys what, maybe 2 hour testimony? Obviously there is more behind the scenes BS we don’t know about. This to me is a perfect example of how crooked the US is as Mexico in levels of government.

    1. Tell that to caro-quintero. He didn't know what a pager was when he got out...

  34. Almost 10 years behind bars

  35. Zambada Niebla will one day be played in a movie by Wagner Moura, while Mencho will be played by Clifton Collins Jr., Z40 will be played by George Lopez, and Damian Alcazar darn well better be hired to play SOMEBODY! El Chango will possibly be played by John Goodman.

    1. Lol z40 by Gearge Lopez thats a good one

    2. LOL! this nigga said "George Lopez" ��

    3. 2:32 Mexicans look like idiots calling each other "niggas"

  36. All of these people jump on here and down him for "snitching"when 99%of you would do the same if you were facing 20years let alone about hating him fpr pushing poison or killing untold numbers of people or any other crime hes done.dont act like snitching is the worse.....and im sure he will go back to sinaloa if he wants to

  37. I bet he doesn't know about instagram lol

  38. 👆🏾🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀

  39. These days, everyone snitches against their rivals to get territory or revenge. Remember the rivals probably killed family or close friends.

  40. My grandkid has a book called "Everyone Poops." I have a book called "Everyone talks."

  41. ....5k1 true snitch🐁🐀

  42. @Chivis, is there any recent pictures of Vicente? On a side note, you can almost see 'vicentillo' written out in his signature.

    1. None that I know of. They would have to come from family as federal system doesn't allow mugs etc to be made public

  43. snitching is a Sinaloa thing 🐀

  44. That's the reason colombians don't want to deal with cds, they rather work with you know who.. too much snitching in cds

    1. jesus dude stop spamming that crap you have said over 100 cds snitched comments get a life bro

    2. cjng nut huggers are strong here lmao worshiping a meth cartel ran by a tweaker. haha pathetic

  45. I try to see it from a human perspective. As a father, It would kill me to see one of my children rotting in jail for the rest of his life. I think mayo would agree to his sons plea agreement. Vincent can give information about chapo and the cartel but he's been in prison for ten years. The game has changed, the players have changed. Mayo is well insulated. Probably not even in country anymore. Could be walking around freely with a different face,who knows. My point is that he might give information, but it's nothing that's going to effect present function of the cartel. The drugs keep flowing. Not much news about the search for mayo. Business as usual. Only the ways,means, methods and players have changed.


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