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Thursday, November 1, 2018

Mexico supreme court rules; an absolute ban on recreational marijuana is unconstitutional

Chivis Martinez from Reuters posted on forum by Tu Sancho

Mexico’s Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that an absolute ban on recreational use of marijuana was unconstitutional, effectively leaving it to lawmakers to regulate consumption of the drug.

Announcing it had found in favor of two legal challenges filed against prohibition of recreational marijuana use, Mexico’s top court crossed the threshold needed to create jurisprudence: five similar rulings on the matter.

That creates a precedent other Mexican courts will have to follow.

“This is a historic day,” Fernando Belaunzaran, an advocate of drug reform and member of the opposition leftist Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), said.
The Supreme Court made its first ruling to allow a group of people to grow marijuana for personal use in November 2015.
In a statement, the court said the ruling did not create an absolute right to use marijuana and that consumption of certain substances could still be subject to regulation.

“But the effects caused by marijuana do not justify an absolute prohibition on its consumption,” it said.

The court ordered federal health regulator COFEPRIS to authorize people seeking the right to use marijuana to do so personally, “albeit without allowing them to market it, or use other narcotics or psychotropic drugs.”

Congress would now have to act to regulate the use of marijuana in Mexico, Belaunzaran said.

Officials in the incoming government of President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador have indicated they could take steps to legalize marijuana quickly as part of a broader strategy to fight poverty and crime.

Reporting by Anthony Esposito and Dave Graham; Editing by Cynthia Osterman


  1. Cartels like M-13 and drug lords like “El Chapo” Guzman are the direct product of the failed “War on Drugs”. Just more fruit of the poisoned tree called cannabis prohibition!

    Alcohol prohibition in the US was responsible for an increase in alcohol consumption and a massive expansion of organized crime in our nation. In the wake of alcohol prohibition, murder, mayhem, lawlessness and destruction. Once the damage was done we were smart enough to repeal the idiocy of alcohol prohibition. Our government was stupid enough however to go forward and repeat the exact same mistake regarding other vices like cannabis, further strengthening the crime lords we were trying to rid ourselves of.

    The "War on Drugs" that was launched in the US is still being forced on other nations and has been a complete global disaster. Shooting ourselves in the foot wasn't bad enough, we then held a fiscal gun on other nations like Costa Rica, Colombia, Israel, Canada, Mexico, Jamaica etc. and forced them to repeat the exact same mistake. This total debacle has resulted in the creation of huge powerful global crime cartels and a crime wave of epic proportions destroying the lives of people it was supposed to protect.

    Time to end the failed war on cannabis and legalize nationwide!

  2. I guess justice is unconstitutional as well nothing wrong with the mortuaries being full of dead bodies

  3. Mexico is fucked up, but weed will always be illegal in Texas. Mo fo’s

  4. F that this won’t resolve shit in Mexico anyway. Push for better gun laws!


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