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Monday, November 5, 2018

El Chapo trial first day ends with 17 jurors dismissed

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat
Defense attorneys, Eduardo Balarezo and William Purpura  arrive at Courtroom
Here we go.

45 juror candidates went through “voir dire”, which is the preliminary examination of a witness or a juror by a judge or attorneys.  This part of the process is done under oath, and attorneys will rely on the extensive 31 page questionnaire submitted by potential jurors.  See copy of questionnaire by using this link.

Going into Monday, of the 1000 questionnaires sent out, only 100 were in the running. Of the 45 questioned today, 17 were dismissed leaving 28 still in the running.  There will be 12 jurors and 6 alternate jurors selected for the estimated 3-4 month trial. 

Questioning focused heavily on previous exposure to information about El Chapo and of what source that information derived from.  TV, film, media, blog etc.  A woman was axed for watching the Netflix El Chapo series of which she said “was kinda boring”.  

Having strong feelings about cooperative witnesses was on point.
Another focus was their opinion of marijuana legalization.

Although Judge Cogan has been hyper-vigilant about the security of the jury, armed guard transport, anonymous jury-no names, occupations or even vague personal information, a couple of those questioned from the pool expressed fear regarding safety.  One said she read jurors will be sought after by Chapo’s family.  She was dismissed. Most expressed no fear.

The first questioned from the jury pool was a Michael Jackson impersonator expressed fears that he would be easy to identify, he asked to be excused.  He got his request granted.

So far as a group the jurors are young. A couple of them even in their 20’s.

Fridays will have a dark courtroom during the trial.  If the trial begins on time beginning next Monday, the jury selection process must be completed by Thursday.


  1. Everybody knows it's a guilty verdict the Usa gov won't let him get not guilty verdict. And prob off to ADX for rest off his life.

    1. Lo Q shreck, the US will conduct the trail, if the evidence of the crimes, are present that Chapo committed, then yes he will be found guilty. All of that will determine how many years, he will get. I like our justice system.

  2. Replies
    1. Yep! On Sunday a shot a message of Best wishes/luck to one of them he replied but I would like to keep that private. These attys have worked very diligently, without much pay and no guarantee they will get any money from the government. and no favorable rulings. Just like the request to transfer the trial to Manhattan where he is incarcerated. this would have avoided the closing of the brooklyn bridge twice a day for months. it made perfect sense. but judge cogan denied even that. and now the residents of NYC are paying the price.

    2. @chiva i am yet to see that level of security for schools or at schools where innocent people are getting killed...lets b real chapo is not getting out n is not real threat no more LE just wanna show off their guns so why not use all that security n money to protect our kids at school...???

    3. Cmon Chivis u REALLY think there not being paid?? I'm pretty sure they've been nicely payed by now. If the government hasn't found a single penny of Chapos that should tell u he knows how to move money.

    4. I don't REALLY think, i know. can't say what I know, until after the trial. but I know the money has been relatively little hampering supporting defense resources and staffing. remember this was already played out in court. there is zero guarantee and the gov is prepared to fight it.

      it is easy to judge and be self righteous, but look at court documents. ALL money is being scrutinized by the gov. it must be clean. or it goes to the government. that eliminates his family and friends. Pay attention.

    5. Sounds like the judge doesnt want to commute to Manhattan, so make the people pay with traffic jams. Cogan is a loser.

    6. @757- ok lets start by putting prayer to GOD back in school...and everyone has to stand for the pledge of allegiance to the Flag... no one can take a knee...

    7. That does suck in a way for the lawyers since there is no guarantee they will get paid, sucks that even if the family does pay, the government can say nope that money was obtained illegally and take it away. But after all it will look good on them, their portfolio, their experience, they will definitely have some high profile clients in the future. Maybe some will not like they for defending a criminal but that's their job it's part of the system

    8. These "poor" lawyers are not that bad. They did study for a long time.

      Consider this work as the ground work to produce a bunch of criminals who want to say they have the same lawyer as Chapo.

      The interviews and ego that comes with this case and of course the book deals.

    9. so why would these lawyers take the case to represent el chapo if they arent getting paid?

  3. @chivis
    Any word if the wife attended?

    1. I don't think she did either, as she usually finds the cameras. It says a lot to me if she was not there.


    2. I didn't think to ask before this week, but this is just selecting the jury which is not filled with great highlights and can be very boring. maybe she decided to skip this week in favor of the opening day of trial next Monday. I am not a fan, but will give her a pass

  4. Excellent let's get the show on the road. Time to see how many years de Chapo will get in the slammer.

    1. 6:31 u must off smoked his dope n got stock in stupid i see no other reason for much hate toward him

    2. 7:08 is blind to 6:31, there is no hatred, Chapo lover, Chapo is buried, with all those years of incriminating evidence. Now we have people like you, saying he is an innocent farmer.

    3. He's no innocent farmer for sure...but he's being charged with serious crimes with the majority of evidence,(Flores twins excluded because of tapes) is hearsay, testimony from Coconspirators, convicted traffickers, murderers, and henchmen. He deserves the basic rights of due process, and a fair trial. He is being paraded and hyped like a terrorist, and such a big prize. How far has the flow of drugs, human trafficking, Violence, and money laundering slowed since his arrest?????? has multiplied. This is a dog and pony show, designed to justify the raise in budgets theyre gonna claim they need. This is a media windfall....elections, dirt gonna get public on both sides. Chapo is gonna go down and take some gringos, and traitor Mex politicians as well. IMO, he won't rat out any narcos. Only the suits who took his money, and turned on him.

  5. He will be there the rest of his life... Sinaloa nuthuggers will say chaos will be free

  6. Even if he beats it. San diego. Chicago.and other cities want him. He aint gonna be free. Hes done

    1. Haha thats not how the US justice system works. If he is found not guilty he will be immediately sent back to prison in Mexico. Chivis where did all these noobs come from today?

    2. Try again... this is exactly how the justice system works. If found not guilty on FEDERAL charges, that doesn't bar the individual states - cities from charging him. Trafficking into the US as a whole is a Federal charge. Trafficking into San Diego or Miami are separate and not lesser included crimes.

  7. When someone robs a bank there is a slight chance an error will get them off. When they rob 500 banks things go south for the accused. But as one EUA judge told me forty years ago "I don't care if it's Count Dracula; they get a fair trial"

  8. B.B. sucks now chivis only lets bs comments through and never the good ones really disappointed wish anyone can comment without approval

    1. How smart are you? "never the good ones" you mean yours? because you would have no idea which i do not allow through.

      based on how "good" this comment is, i can see why yours was 86'd

    2. Chivis, you're right how would this guy know what are good comments unless he has access to all comments? BUT that being said there should be freedom of speech, why don't you allow ALL comments to be published? Unless they have personal information I don't see why you have to approve certain comments. But it's your blog your rules so it is what it is....

    3. from the boss...and prominently displayed on this page since BB began:

      We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. View policy on comments for more information.

    4. stop the crying about comments. you crybabies need to take a look at your comments, mine get published

  9. The lawyers love chapo one of them said that him and chapo have a lot in common and that he actually likes him a lot and is jealous of his jet black hair lol

    1. that was litchman who btw doesn't speak spanish

  10. Can the lawyers make a gofundme page and have CDS put money in it “of course” under different accounts? Since “they can’t” take money from Chapo personally

    1. i spoke to someone close to the trial months ago wondering the same thing. i suppose however the feds would scrutinize all donors to determine if it was dirty money.

  11. A Michael Jackson impersonator? Lol. Yea I think he’ll be easily identified

  12. I have a question, let's suppose that somehow the jury all support El Chapo, is there a chance that he could be let go?

    1. Yes, that would be an acquittal. and he could not be tried again. But that would not happen in this case.

      slim/Outside chance if one or more jurors vote not guilty that would be a 'hung' jury. and he could and would be tried again or offered a deal. The only reason would be money. this is said to be the most expensive trial in U.S. history

    2. Sorry for my ignorance but, If he is acquitted would he be transferred to another state like California, Chicago to face Charges there. Or are ALL the charges against Chapo pending in this trial?

    3. Let's say he was for some crazy reason acquitted released and deported, would he be picked up at the border by Mexican authorities like Guero palma? What are the chances that he would be placed under arrest and actually serve time in prison? how would Amlos administration approach it? He is still accused of crimes in Mexico and I don't think being acquitted is recognized by México and considered acquitted there as well, but AMLO is proposing amnesty and Mexico gives out amparos like candy, not to mention pretend there's no evidence and release dangerous guys

    4. 11:35 actually your question is a good one. I know that several of the states agreed the trial being in NYC, but I am not sure about chicago. But with the flores twins testifying to the chicago operation there is a matter of double jeopardy. I am sure however if he is acquitted they will find a way.

    5. 1213 lol. Let him go, omg you're so funny. Jurors are thier to listen to the evidence, and decide. I can't stop laughing.

  13. How come the gringos hate Chapo so much but won’t say shit about to shit government that has fucked so many things up for the world?

    1. You mean the Mexican government??? and all dagos don’t love El Chapo...

    2. Same reason as some love him and won't say shit about his cartel fucking shit up all over mexico

    3. 1249 I am a White man Gringo), it's not about hating the prisoner, it's the crimes he has committed, speak for yourself, sorry to hear that Chapo is locked up.

  14. Only ignorant and fanboys would be cheering for this scum to be let off!!! Those of us who have been affected thru the deaths and violence of these scum know iys time for him to pay!!! Ciudad juarez was once a beautiful city till this piece of shit decided he wanted a war!!!

    1. We get it your from Juarez you hate on Sinaloa

    2. And we can tell ur a chapo fanboy, probably believed the fake corridos. I dnt hate sinaloa the golden triangle has always been one .

  15. Chapo decided to snitch on his daddy Arturo beltran and look at the aftermath mexico is in chaos he's facing life in prison, Arturo is death and his suppose to be protectors are going to let him rott in prison. Pobrecito y la emma?

    1. Finally someone says something true. Chapo was always hungry and looking for people to fuck over this is what happens to someone that serves more food than they can eat in one sit. This short ass big head fag got everything he had by taking other people's connects if anybody heard why he killed polo Ochoa they will understand what kind of piece of shit he was.

    2. Arturo Beltran was a hot head coke head that betrayed the federation by making business with the Zetas

  16. @ Chivis
    Who is the courtroom artist/illustrator for this case?
    Hope you can show some of the artwork done in the courtroom.

    1. I will try and find out. I believe the faces are ordered "blurred" or blank. I think the art work you see is old, prior to jury selection. there are no spectators and only a handful of reporters allowed in. if i remember correctly 5.


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