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Monday, November 26, 2018

BLO: La Barredora leaves narcomessage in Acapulco "we are already here"

Sol Prendido for Borderland Beat- from fr4nci5c0 l4nd3t4-twitter

Armed Civilians set afire a Taxi in the entrance to Real Hacienda ...Leaving a  Narcocartulina Signed x "La Barredora" from "Los Beltran Leyva" Announcing More Deaths and Blood ...
“We are already in Acapulco’s port. Once again we come to do away with every scum that kidnaps. Come out to the confrontation. We are not about your bullshit. This is the first warning. We will provide the names and aliases in the following days. The intelligence gathered will be put to use. We already have many located. We will not respect your families, if we have to kill one bitch. Arm yourselves with all the weaponry you have. Because we want you to come out and play. We will be in your neighborhoods bitches. And we expect to clean up.”
La Baredora 
You faggots already know who’s in charge. Pure Beltran Leyva


  1. Hadnt they been there long ago...????as far as i know yes unless they exterminated...last year CIDA decapitaded some barredora members n killed few more in prison in acapulco

  2. Replies
    1. Blo needs to get this back. I thought they ran that place.

  3. There was just another shooting at bocana beach, another tourist restaurant on the beach broad day light. Several hit, but they actually caught the perpetrator supposedly. In other news there, the head of a produce delivery man was found along with his body parts. His crime was he was late paying his piso. Friends of mine said he was a very nice man.

  4. Thinking Local gang trying to intimidate another local gang, Acapulco is a mess right now not worth it.

  5. La Barredora bunch of coke out innefficient dudes with WW2 guns.Nothing like the Gente Nueva Special Forces.Highly trained and well organized operatives who always complete the mission weather it be eliminating a target or cleaning a city of los contras. Trained to the highest military levels for any mission . FSB Alpha Group operatives and Spetznaz Russians have provided training in dealing with these Mickey Mouse cartels .We are the Mexican version of the American Delta Force or the British SAS .All BLO are in la lista Negra .
    Bye Bye Hector Beltran me saludas al diablo

    SICARIO 006

    1. Dude stfu. Gente nueva just killed an innocent american their all tweakers aswell. How many more have they killed but hide it? They havent taken over Juarez after 14 years. And still havent beat beltranes in sonora. Dont even think of going to acapulco. Y el diablo tanbien tiene una grandota pael chapo.

    2. Gente nueva nos la pela aqui en chihuas

    3. Who said hector beltran was dead ..Did you see his body?

    4. You forgot to add that they were trained by MI-3 operaratives inconjunction with Seal Team 6 for 1 year in the Amazon rain forest. Practicing on 100 foot man eating anacondas just like Ice Cube. 😂

    5. Puro mierda. Your false valor is funny. Glad you have enough free time to fabricate such tales. Your are a true gentleman and scholar 006.

      Keep claiming your false valor.

    6. 3:18 arrimese para la guachara para acerlo garras, aver si cierto

    7. 5:32 En la guachara y donde sea

  6. Cuales bl? En guerrero ya nomas hay puro mugroso

  7. This doesnt sounds like the real 006.

    1. For real, now a bunch of copy cats are coming out

    2. A bunch of them coming out of the woods claiming to be otherwise.

      Be yourself and not act childish.

  8. We’ve got a copy cat on our hands!

  9. La barredora is no newcomer to aucapulco.they've been there since the BLO schism

  10. No respetamos familia, tenemos nombres? Bola the asesinos de inocentes y panochones. Barredora que nombre pendejo tienen jajajaja

  11. La barredora belonged to cds plus blo has being in guerrero for years.. someone trying to stir up the pot

  12. H dies and all of a sudden there's a re-emergance of Blo in Acapulco. Chapo Isidro taking full control of the reigns? White boots ran that place like a swiss army watch back in his narco prime.


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