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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

A narcomessage to A.G. candidate in Obregón Sonora signed by CJNG

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat -TY BB followers via email-from 'Asi es Periodosmo Real'

This morning a 'narcomanta' was hung on the fence of preparatory school Cobach 1 of Obregón city,
Sonora.  The Message was addressed to one of the Attorney General candidates of Sonora and singed by CJNG. 

The 'narco message' was written on canvas and hung in the perimeter fence of the school that is located on Jalisco Street, in Colonia Libre Municipality, a street heavily traveled by the patrols of the Municipal Public Security Secretariat.

The 'narcomanta' was reported to the Police by the educational staff and removed today when the students arrived at the school

Claudia Indira Contreras Córdova is currently the Deputy Prosecutor for Feminicide and  Gender Crimes in Sonora, since she has been serving from September 2017 to the present, crimes have had an uptick of 4% under her management. She is running for Sonora State Attorney General.

Translated by Sol Prendido for Borderland Beat and reads:
Claudia Indinera Contreras you have no shame. You want to be a prosecutor. But in Obregón you have resolved nothing. You continue with a Cartel. We have you in our sights.  

Sincerely, CJNG


  1. Sonora is 100% CDS. My comrades in arms from GENTE NUEVA del M100 control the state . R8 is a ruthless cartel soldier ready to destroy anyone who attempts to invade our territories.
    Gente Nueva recon units have already located all the CJNG operatives in Sonora in a few hours there will be a "limpia" my people from La Barredora are invited to the festivities.
    RIP R5

    SICARIO 006

    1. Sicario 006 for President!!

    2. La barredora se conviertieron pirujas para los dela linea

    3. Lmfao 006 stop it what did cds expect sending r18 to Colima to fight cjng they haven’t done anything to kick cjng from there not only that but r18 is locked up and his wife was killed in Sinaloa by cjng plus cjng that same year they took cds territory in tj

  2. I calls bs cjng has some of the finest mantas money can buy. They were trained on photoshop, adobe illustrator and the works. This manta looks like a slap in the face. If is real the sicario cell that did This is sleeping with the fishes.

  3. Calmate tacuache..

  4. Sicario 006 you are one hot mess but funny!😄

  5. Aquino en Sonora nadamas dejamos entrar a los de Sinaloa.. arriva agua prieta pleves!!

    1. Los de Sonora se creen shinolas y mas los del charco

    2. Y a los de Chihuahua tambien Compa .. pa que de hacen

    3. Si todos saven que sonorenses son los lambe huevos favoritos de los sinaloas segundo siendo los duranguenses

    4. 8:48 y en seguida los michoacanos

    5. 9: 32 chistoso, sinaloas NUNCA controlaron michoacan y no lo controlaran como los does otros esrados. Michoacanos y Sinaloa estavan travajando juntos pero NUNCA mandaron a los michoacanos. Nice joke though...

    6. 8:48 You are so right.

    7. Los michoacanos tienen mas en comun con los chilangos pero bien andan de calientes escuchando musica norteña, corridos y banda. Arriba nayarit piojos.

    8. 3:56 le diste al clavo y puro jalisco

    9. Todos le tiran a michoacan ya que es el estado mas chingon. Don't hate

    10. 3:56 no salvia que tenias que ser del norte para escuchar esa musica. Entonses no puedo escuchar mis cumbias por que no soy de colombia? Que pendejos jaja.

    11. No es sierto los de chihuahua si train su priopo estilo y forms de ser

    12. 10:40 mas bien ustedes los michoacanos le tiran a todos, dense a respetar pa que los respeten vali.

    13. Michiocacas o chilangos paracaidistas es lo mismo

  6. 006 stopped being funny a looooong time ago

    1. Big facts

      It was fun while it lasted

    2. After witnessing dead bodies, dead children, he no longer can laugh. He is now a brazen Sacario looking for justice.

  7. Cds vs Cjng? İs it possible? There will be a great battle

    1. Thing might take a weird turn we still got to see what happens between Mayo and chapitos I’m almost sure if they start fighting one of the groups are going to join the lines of cjng

    2. " if they start fighting one of the groups are going to join the lines of cjng "

    3. Answer is in the book Art of War

    4. Are you living under a rock? Cds is already at war with cjng

  8. Cds calentando la plaza for cjng. 5hey would be fools to go against government

  9. What is this??? How come all the articles aren't covering chapos trial???? Lmao yes that's sarcasm for all you poo butts

  10. He's a clown but funny. Keep it up sicario 006

  11. Beltrones will put a stop to this


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