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Thursday, October 18, 2018

CJNG Guanajuato leader, "El Señor de la Silla", has reportedly died in León

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat-Material from Milenio-

Note:  I know some of you have sent this story in for few days.  I was hesitant to run with it as I was not certain it was factual. Milenio is now reporting State Officials have confirmed to them El Señor de la Silla is dead. El Señor de la Silla was an integral figure in Guanajuato for CJNG against El Marro for control of fuel lines…If true his death would have been on the 14th or 15th ...Chivis

The alleged leader of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, Francisco Cerda Guillén, El Señor de la Silla (Lord of the Chair), died a few days ago in one of his properties located in the city of León, Guanajuato.

So far, no federal authority has confirmed the death; however, state government sources told MILENIO that El Señor de la Silla has died of a heart attack.

El Señor de la Silla, was designated as leader of CJNG in Guanajuato, leading the  brutal ongoing dispute with  El Marro, alleged leader of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel; both criminal groups contending for the theft of fuel in the territory, mainly in the area of ​​the industrial corridor of Guanajuato.

According to the Attorney General's Office (PGR), the CJNG is the only cartel identified with a presence in Guanajuato.  

Guanajuato and Veracruz are the main entities where they extract the hydrocarbon.


  1. Sitting on you ass in a chair enough to be called the Lord of Such tends to lead to heart failure.

    1. Lol he must have been a lazy ass.

    2. Yeah I also reportedly died too

    3. He got that moniker for being in a wheelchair you ignoramus

  2. Se murio del puro miedo los michoacanos no controlan ni a sus viejas menos guanatos marro is the boss making this fools look weak thats the real them cowards big mouths

    1. No pues es que las mujeres de Michoacan son viejononas que se saben defender y no le tienen miedo a los putasos tienen los huevos mas puestos que los hombres de Sinaloa! Pero las viejas de sinaloa son mas facil que la chingada por eso la Ex Vieja de Chapo ahora esta con Mencho, ella sabe quien es su nuevo papa!!!

    2. Hate is bad for your health

  3. Hes going to ride that wheel chair straight to hell lol. I saw a pic of this crippled asshole holding a cockfight trophy. What a fucking looser. Good that he's dead.

    1. If that isn’t a testament to being highly respected idk what it. In a wheelchair and leading a region. The old man probably had some fine young easys from Sinaloa servicing him.

    2. U sound like a hater.. be better , do better...

    3. Every cartel in Mexico are cowards, just like the government of Mexico and USA

    4. 9:11 hate a you want, cjng still taking that plaza

    5. 5:25

      Everybody who doesn’t hate these fuckers deserve to meet their same fate.

      El Cabrón De Tamaulipas

  4. Es el del corrido de calibre? O naaa

  5. lol he got scared to death of Marro

  6. We played some cockfights against him at the palenque in Silao. We won the main against him! He played 7 lemon hackles just in case anyone was there!

    1. Chingon vato ¡ no’s vemos pal golden Rooster¡

    2. Fighting animals is for pussies. Like you. Fucking looser if you like fighting go join the mma or go box at a gym

    3. What are 7 lemon hackles? I’m curious

    4. Roosters that have yellowish tips on the ends of their hackle feathers.beautiful animals probably yellow legged

  7. El Senor de La Silla got assasinated by a Gente Nueva Special Forces operative .My team has been working with the Israeli Mossad assasination unit and we have developed a toxin that creates a heart attack on the intended target.A lot of CJNG leaders will be dying from heart attacks.

    SICARIO 006

    1. You about to give me a heart attack by laughing at your comments like always! Keep it up!

    2. To all thr idiots that believe this clown are worse then beliving in the tooth fair,come on BB...your better of putting stories of sesame street

    3. Chema,
      You gotta be in deep with CJNG. What faction are you with.

    4. He's just entertaining

    5. Im not with a faction,i know these guys,just friends, that i will never see again,not until 20-30 yrs

    6. Chema I know you are legit. But how old are you?

  8. Too bad he didn't get the chair, as in electric.

  9. Of course the stress, the pressure mounting, tired of hiding, and lastly the US, wanting incarerate all kingpin criminals, it is no wonder the man had a heart attack.

    1. Dont forget some mexican women drive us to near insanity

  10. Wouldn't be the first capo to fake his death

  11. Now a new cjng sicario took over, more bloodthirsty and power hungry with a lot to prove. That's what usually happens with cjng plasas in dispute like in michoacan. El arabe got killed by supposed viagras and a few months later cjng took most of tierra caliente in michoacan. I believe it's like in sales customer service, the sales rep who makes less sales gets fired. The boss of sicarios with few kills gets killed and replaced.. just saying.....

  12. Whoever believed he died is an idiot... he needs heat off his back what better way to fake his death? Like when that video was going around that Mencho got gunned down lol no mamen


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