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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Attacks against Juarez Police continue after torture video

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat-from Reforma

New attacks were recorded last night against state and municipal police in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua.

One of the assaults took place in the streets of Durango and Paseo de los Compositores, in the Missions del Real subdivision, against elements of the State Security Commission.

At another point, with approximately 20 minutes later, armed individuals attacked police on Puerto Cádiz Street, in Colonia Tierra Nueva.

The Attorney General's Office has not released the injured or dead tallies, but unofficial police reports refer to "injuries" and at least one dead agent.  

Since the torture video was published last week there has been a series of attacks, mainly against elements of the ETUC, whose barracks was even shot.


  1. Cops in Mexico are the most corrupt

    1. Ignorance must be bliss.

    2. Where have you been been, after reading BB for 1 year, you learn from articles, that the police work in cahoots, with the cartels.

  2. Just so there is no misunderstanding the enemies of the state, the criminals are leaving the law abiding a clear picture of their contempt for the law with the continued attacks. Keep up the enhanced interrogation techniques! Obviously, those pussies can dish it out but can't take it.

    1. 10:06 You shouldn't be offering advice if you aren't the one that is going to have to take the heat for that advice. Once you begin to do similar things as the people your are fighting against you become just as bad as them. For this little clip I can guarantee that at least 10 piglets will die in the coming months.

    2. It's a catch 22 situation @10:06.
      Look around parts of the US where police officers are under harsh scrutiny for their actions. Citizens along with criminals are in uproar with the impunity received to many officers due to such practices. A code of silence which is evident everywhere.
      IMO a movement of both unwanted / wanted attention for different reasons has emerged.
      In order for good municipal relations to exist there must be trustworthiness.

      Perfect example for a posterboard, The VanDyke murder trial of a Chicago police officer.
      Can only imagine whose next? Mexican Government officials who take the beatings for their incompetence / corruption?

  3. Man bb used to have their grubby little hands on these videos

  4. Isn't it that guy a criminal , wasn't he shooting at State police ?

    1. Yes, he is and was, but when the tables are turned, he cries for his mommy.

    2. You would cry too. It is a human instinct to stay alive.

    3. 4:57 bet he didnt cry when he tortured other people now is his turn his instinct of crying like a biatchhhh kicks in...

  5. The point people are missing is that this group of cops has shown its true colors. They have exposed their allegiance and have now become targets.

  6. Regardless of what this criminal may have done or didn't do. The police are dead wrong for torturing anyone. It's unbelievable that the authorities would allow their lawlessness to be videoed and then posted for all to see. Another sign that the war on drugs is a total bust.

    1. Yes your in favor of criminals killing, torturing, but foul with the police, use a method to extract Intel, you should be happy, that they did not cut him up, and put him in a cooler.

    2. 10:39 every goverment uses torture to extract info even the US well specially the US nothing new but i guess u prefer these criminals torturing innocent people for the pleasure of it ah...SHAME ON U

  7. What good is this table if there is a devil at both sides?


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